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Гороскоп 2017 Лучшее 1.0
Лучший гороскоп для вас и вашей семьи.Здесь собраны гороскопы на все случаи жизни для мужчин иженщин:БлизнецаДевыКозерогаЛьваОвнаРакаРыбыСкорпионаСтрельцаТельцаВесовВодолеяА так же : Бизнес и карьера, Здоровье, Семейный гороскопBest horoscope for youandyour family.Here you can find horoscopes for all occasions for menandwomen:GeminiVirginCapricornLevAriescancerFishScorpioSagittariusTaurusLibraAquariusAnd also: Business & Career, Health, Family Horoscope
Guess the car (free) 2.2.5e
Do you like cars? You know all the carbrands?Try to guess!Everything is freeGuess the car photo. Do you think it easy? Prove it!The game has a lot of top-end cars of the planet.What is the success of the game, ask the installer, everysecondof the game.1. Wonderful interface, high-quality picture.2. The best of the best game content.3. Frequent updates, new levels, more than coolness.CONTENTThe game is the most popular cars: BMW, Ford, Pontiac,Jaguars,Mercedes and other ...The name of the car you need to enter in the speciallydesignatedarea, while on each name of the game "Guess That Car"you are givena limited number of letters that you can use forwriting thevehicle.
Guess the car (free) 2.2.5e
Do you like cars? You know all the carbrands?Try to guess!Everything is freeGuess the car photo. Do you think it easy? Prove it!The game has a lot of top-end cars of the planet.What is the success of the game, ask the installer, everysecondof the game.1. Wonderful interface, high-quality picture.2. The best of the best game content.3. Frequent updates, new levels, more than coolness.CONTENTThe game is the most popular cars: BMW, Ford, Pontiac,Jaguars,Mercedes and other ...The name of the car you need to enter in the speciallydesignatedarea, while on each name of the game "Guess That Car"you are givena limited number of letters that you can use forwriting thevehicle.
Угадай знаменитость 2.1.5e
Очень достойная игра чтобыскоротатьвремя.Качественная, увлекательная и очень интересная игра-викторина.Вам необходимо угадать персону изображенную на картинке.Каждыйуровень - одна звезда. Это могут быть звезды шоу бизнеса,кино, ТВпрограмм, комики, певцы, танцоры и спортсмены! Всех этихлюдейобъединяет лишь одно - ОНИ АБСОЛЮТНО, БЕЗОГОВОРОЧНО ЗНАМЕНИТЫ!Правильным ответом может быть имя, фамилия или псевдоним.Есливдруг вы застряли и знаменитость вылетела из вашей головы -небеда, вы можете воспользоваться широким выбором подсказок-спросить своих друзей, подставить нужную букву или вообщеубратьвсе лишние буквы. Правила очень просты и интуитивны.Мы вам гарантируем, будь вы в метро, в гостях или дома -нашаигра не заставит вас скучать.СКАЧАЙТЕ ИГРУ ПРЯМО СЕЙЧАС и убедитесь сами - достойноекачество,современный дизайн, приятные звуки, профессиональнопрорисованныекартинки - все это гарантирует вам хорошеевремяпровождение!Появились вопросы? Смело пишите нам на майл.Да, и обязательно поставьте свою оценку!Very decent game topassthe time.High-quality, exciting and very interesting game - quiz.You need to guess the person shown in the image. Each level -astar. It may be the stars of show business, movies, TVprograms,comedians, singers, dancers and athletes! All these peopleareunited by only one thing - they are absolutely,EXPRESSLYCelebrities!The correct answer can be a full name or nickname. Ifyousuddenly get stuck and celebrity flew out of your head - itdoesnot matter, you can use a wide range of tips - ask yourfriends,substitute the appropriate letter or even remove all theextracharacters. The rules are very simple and intuitive.We guarantee you, whether you are in the subway, at a party orathome - our game does not make you bored.Download game right now and see for yourself - a goodquality,modern design, pleasant sounds, professionally-drawnpictures - allthis guarantees you a good pastime!You have questions? Feel free to contact us on the mail.Oh, and be sure to put your score!
Угадай страну по флагу 4 2.3.5e
Знаете ли Вы, как выглядит флаг Мексики?Помните ли порядок цветов на флаге Ирландии или Италии?Это приложение освежит Вашу память на тему национальных флаговипознакомит с флагами таких экзотических стран как Кения,Никарагуаили Зимбабве.Чем же это приложение лучше многих других приложений офлагах?Потому что здесь Вы найдете множество различных флаговнезависимыхстран мира!Приложение чрезвычайно удобно в использовании.Оно всегда даст Вам подсказку, ответили Вы правильно илинет,поэтому Вы никогда не застрянете на вопросе, ответ на которыйВампока неизвестен.Do you know what itlookslike the Mexican flag?Do remember the order of colors on the flag of IrelandorItaly?This app will refresh your memory on the theme of national flagsandflags to introduce such exotic countries as Kenya, NicaraguaandZimbabwe.What is this app better than many other applications oftheflags?Because here you will find many different flag ofindependentcountries in the world!The application is extremely easy to use.It will always give you a hint, you have answered correctly ornot,so you never get stuck on a question, the answer to whichisunknown to you.
Denke, das Auto 2.1.5e
Mögen Sie Autos? Sie kennen die alleAutomarken? Versuchen Sie zu erraten!Raten Sie das Auto Foto. Halten Sie es einfach? BeweisenSiees!Das Spiel hat eine Menge von Top-End-Autos des Planeten.Alle kostenlosWas ist der Erfolg des Spiels ist es, fragen SiedasInstallationsprogramm , jede Sekunde des Spiels.1. Wunderbare Schnittstelle, qualitativ hochwertiges Bild.2. Die besten der besten Spielinhalte .3. Regelmäßige Updates, neue Levels, mehr als Kühle.INHALTDas Spiel ist es, die beliebtesten Autos: BMW, Ford,Pontiac,Jaguar, Mercedes und andere ...Der Name des Auto, das Sie in den speziell dafürvorgesehenenBereich eingeben müssen, während auf jeder Name desSpiels ", diemit Auto Raten" Sie sind eine begrenzte Anzahl vonBuchstabenangegeben, die Sie zum Schreiben des Fahrzeugsverwendenkönnen.Do you like cars? Youknowall car brands? Try to guess!Guess the car photo. Keep it simple? Prove it!The game has a lot of top-end cars of the planet.All freeWhat is the success of the game is, ask the installer,everysecond of the game.1. Wonderful interface, high-quality image.2. The best of the best game content.3. Regular updates, new levels, more than cool.CONTENTThe game is the most popular cars: BMW, Ford, Pontiac,Jaguar,Mercedes and other ...The name of the car that you need to enter in thespeciallydesignated area, while on each name of the game ", the carrate"indicated you are a limited number of letters that you can usetowrite the vehicle.
A Letter To President Putin 1.0
You want to ask you an interesting questiontoPutin? Got something to ask?Or maybe you just want to ask how are you, or to say hello,toexpress my gratitude?Then the app "A Letter To President Putin" It will help youwiththat!Just write the subject of your letter and the message, clicksendand it will go to the presidential administration!So there are some interesting facts in the application ofMr.President Putin. Minimum advertising, what would youfeelcomfortable to use the application.
Quiz flags countries 3.4.0k
Quiz flags of countriesTest your geography knowledge guess all country's flags !The game has 100+ countries and going from easy to hard inthisoneDo You know how the Mexican flag looks like? Do you remembertheorder of colors on the flag of Ireland or Italy ? This appwillrefresh Your memory of national flags and you'll learnbeautifulflags of such exotic countries as Mexico or Brazil.What is this app better than many other apps about flags?Because here You will find 100+ independent countries in theworld!The app is extremely easy to use. It will always give You ahint,You answered correctly or not, so You never get stuck on aquestionthe answer to which is yet unknown to You.The app is localized in 19 languages (Arabic , Czech , Danish,German , Greek , English , Spain , French , Hungarian ,Indonesian, Italian , Kazakh , Norwegian , Polish , Romanian ,Russian ,Serbian , Turkish , Uzbek ) , including English so You canlearnthe names of countries in any of these languages.Guess the national flags and the flag of your country!
Guess the country by flag 2 2.4.5e
Do you know what it looks like theJamaicanflag?Do remember the order of colors on the flag of the Czech RepublicorItaly?This app will refresh your memory on the theme of national flagsandflags to introduce such exotic countries as Panama, Syria,theUnited States, Iceland and Thailand.What is this app better than many other applications oftheflags?Because here you will find many different flag ofindependentcountries in the world!The application is extremely easy to use.It will always give you a hint, you have answered correctly ornot,so you never get stuck on a question, the answer to whichisunknown to you.
Guess the country by flag 2.3.5e
Do you know how looks flag of Portugal ?Do you remember the order of colors on the flag Russia ,Egypt?This app will refresh your memory on the theme of national flagsandflags to introduce such exotic countries such as Canada,MexicoChiliili.What is this app better than many other applications of theflags?Because here you will find many different flag ofindependentcountries in the world!The application is extremely easy to use.It will always give you a hint, you have answered correctly ornot,so you never get stuck on a question, the answer to whichisunknown to you.
Guess the country by flag 2.4.5e
Do you know how looks flag of Portugal ?Do you remember the order of colors on the flag Russia ,Egypt?This app will refresh your memory on the theme of national flagsandflags to introduce such exotic countries such as Canada,Mexico,Chili.What is this app better than many other applications of theflags?Because here you will find many different flag ofindependentcountries in the world!The application is extremely easy to use.It will always give you a hint, you have answered correctly ornot,so you never get stuck on a question, the answer to whichisunknown to you.
Guess the country by flag 3 2.2.5e
Do you know how looks flag of Bulgaria?Do you remember the order of colors on the flag of AlgeriaandHungary?This app will refresh your memory on the theme of national flagsandflags will introduce exotic countries such as Armenia, KoreaandTurkey.What is this app better than many other applications oftheflags?Because here you will find many different flag ofindependentcountries in the world!The application is extremely easy to use.It will always give you a hint, you have answered correctly ornot,so you never get stuck on a question, the answer to whichisunknown to you.