Loopd Inc. ئاپەکان

Loopd 2.5.1
Loopd Inc.
Boost your relationship success at any EVENT.*** “The first event marketing app to collect ambientdata.” - PSFK *** As seen on Fortune, Yahoo, Reuters, andTechCrunch. *** SPECIAL SXSW EDITION *** This app will give you thepower to know who to talk to within 100 feet, amplify your socialcapital, and build a foundation for each connection youmake.Features:* Discover new and old contacts within 100 feet* Turn your privacy on and off* Search for new and old contacts within 100 feet* Send requests to new contacts* View the time and location for where you met* View, sort, delete, and search your contacts* Send, sort, delete, and search your messages* Create, edit, delete, and search your notes* Share your personal interests* Share your current status* Directly send emails and make calls* Connect to your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts* Connect with the LoopdBadge with BLE* New menu system controlled by the Loopd buttonSpecial SXSW Features:* Loopd powered scavenger hunt* Partners include 10000ft, Misfit, and many others* View each partners description and VIP tips* Check-in at all the booth’s with the LoopdBadge* Redeem your VIP experience giveaway"Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life."
Xerocon Denver 2015 1.0.9
Loopd Inc.
XEROCON DENVER 2015 Official App by LoopdInc.June 2 – 4, 2015, Denver Center for the Performing ArtsXerocon is the world's most beautiful and innovative accountingconference for leaders in cloud accounting.Why Attend?A show like Xerocon needs a special location with a personalityto match – and that’swhy we’re hosting Xerocon 2015 in Downtown Denver. Soak in equalparts scenic landscape and sunny June weather with a diverse artscene and vibrant night life. But we’re missing one essentialingredient: You. Join us and live the true one-of-a-kind immersiveexperience that is Xerocon. See you soon.
Aderant 1.0.7
Loopd Inc.
Aderant Momentum Atlanta 2016
Hub16 1.0.4
Loopd Inc.
Anaplan Hub is the premier eventwhereAnaplanners meet, learn, and share. From more than 75educationalsessions delivered by actual users, to in-depth hands-ontrainingand interactive peer-to-peer networking, the Hubconferencedelivers true substance.This event brings together the Anaplan community ofusers,partners, product experts and technology developers.As an attendee, I will learn firsthand about the majornewproduct innovations Anaplan is unveiling and be able toinvestigatetheir impacts on our business. 1,500 planning expertswill beattending, many speaking and sharing best practices andnewinnovations. I will also have the opportunity to attendhands-onadvanced training, and attend in depth education sessions,with 40+experts in planning scheduled to speak.Anaplan is the enterprise planning cloud. Anaplan bringstogetheran unrivaled planning and modeling engine, collaborationin thecloud, and a simple interface for business users. Anaplancustomerscan choose from over 100 pre-built planning apps from theAnaplanApp Hub, or easily build their own apps. Anaplan is aprivately heldcompany, headquartered in San Francisco, CA, withglobal offices onfour continents. To learn more, visitanaplan.com. Follow us ontwitter: @anaplan
MongoDB World 1.0.11
Loopd Inc.
Showcasing Tomorrow's Giant Ideas, TodayAt MongoDB World 2016 in New York City, you'llexperiencefirst-hand how the world's fastest-growing database ispoweringtoday's innovations and can help you gain a competitiveadvantage.Learn how large enterprises have delivered newapplications tomarket at the speed of a lean startup, and howstartups scale andexecute on their giant ideas like anenterprise.Interested in a deeper dive? MongoDB World providesyourengineering teams with insight into database internals,wherethey'll learn best practices from the team that buildsthedatabase. Hear stories from real customers who will sharethedetails behind their successful projects. Find out about howfuturereleases can help ignite your giant ideas. Network withdataenthusiasts and the global MongoDB community.Join us for two days of GIANT thinking.
#fi360INSIGHTS 1.0.5
Loopd Inc.
INSIGHTS 2016 is the industry'spremierfiduciary-based educational event. Every year over 600 oftheindustry's leading financial service professionals attendINSIGHTSto build upon their professional knowledge by participatingin aseries of insightful breakout sessions, innovative workshops,andengaging in thought-provoking discussions. INSIGHTS alsoprovidesattendees with various opportunities to kick back, relax,andnetwork with other like-minded professionals.
TCA 2016 1.0.3
Loopd Inc.
TCA 20162016 3/22 ~ 25The value of the IoT is derived from the wide range ofitsapplications. Its potential is furthermore developed whentheseapplications are utilized to improve our communities, and tothebenefit of the society as a whole.To that end, the Taipei Computer Association, togetherwithTaiwanese ICT leaders IBM Taiwan, Tatung Company, ChunghwaTelecom,Asus Cloud, Advantech, the Information TechnologyResearchInstitute (ITRI), and the Institute for InformationIndustry (III)have established the Taiwan Smart City SolutionAlliance (TSSA) inearly 2014. We, the TCA, aim to bring togetherdomestic andinternational groups and individuals who share thevision ondriving the development of the IoT and smart cities.The Alliance further developed this website underliningtheconcept and idea that "smart cities are crucial to being thefieldfor applying the IoT," and that "the IoT is a vital foundationtothe realization of intelligent communities." It showcasesIoTrelated products and services, and helps to relay variousmessagesfrom our alliance members and associated companies. At thesametime, the website compiles smart city related experiencesandinformation, as well as providing access to the internationalevent"Smart City Summit & Expo" in Taipei in order tofacilitate theexchange of information on the IoT and the growth ofsmartcities.TCA 20162016 3/22 to 25The value of the IoT is derived from the wide range ofitsapplications. Its potential is furthermore developed whentheseapplications are utilized to improve our communities, and tothebenefit of the society as a whole.To that end, the Taipei Computer Association, togetherwithTaiwanese ICT leaders IBM Taiwan, Tatung Company, ChunghwaTelecom,Asus Cloud, Advantech, the Information TechnologyResearchInstitute (ITRI), and the Institute for InformationIndustry (III)have established the Taiwan Smart City SolutionAlliance (TSSA) inearly 2014. We, the TCA, aim to bring togetherdomestic andinternational groups and individuals who share thevision ondriving the development of the IoT and smart cities.The Alliance further developed this website underliningtheconcept and idea that "smart cities are crucial to being thefieldfor applying the IoT," and that "the IoT is a vital foundationtothe realization of intelligent communities." It showcasesIoTrelated products and services, and helps to relay variousmessagesfrom our alliance members and associated companies. At thesametime, the website compiles smart city related experiencesandinformation, as well as providing access to the internationalevent"Smart City Summit & Expo" in Taipei in order tofacilitate theexchange of information on the IoT and the growth ofsmartcities.
MForum16 1.0.6
Loopd Inc.
With the move to software-centric networksnowunderway, Forum 2016 stands apart as the premier opportunitytoexplore the new models on which you can build your networksANDyour business.Join us to discover new models for networkarchitectures,security and analytics; for commercial relationshipsand partnerecosystems; and for the rapid software development anddeploymentthat characterizes the companies set to thrive in thisnewenvironment.
RM Summit 1.0.5
Loopd Inc.
The Summit is geared towards small andmiddlemarket companies that are interested in enhancing riskmanagementand business operations.Small and middle market companies are essential to economicsuccess.With proper risk management and business opportunityeducation,these companies will only continue to grow.
One Castrol 1.0.3
Loopd Inc.
Welcome to the most essential tool foreveryconference attendee to stay connected to all your colleagues,shareinformation, chat, and receive real-time essential updatesallabout the conference right at your fingertips.Share with everyone what you would like to be called,yourfavourite sport, your favourite team, things you arepassionateabout, fun facts that nobody knows about you, andmore...Features:1. My ProfileCreate your own profile, upload your photograph, fill inyourpersonal details, write about yourself, your interests, whatdoesONE TEAM mean to you, and more…2. WelcomeThis feature welcomes you to the app by giving youinformationabout the day's agenda.3. Event InformationThis feature gives you information about the event, along withfloorlayouts to guide you through the conference, emergency exits,andthe emergency numbers that you need to keep handy.4. My BuddiesThis feature allows you to interact with every attendeeyouconnect to during the conference. Are you up for the challengetoconnect with all attendees and become the mostpopularattendee?5. Live ChatGot a question? Or do you just want to give your feedbackaboutthe conference or a session? This feature allows you toconnect inreal-time with your buddies and, more importantly, withthespeakers at the conference by sending them questions, feedbackandcomments.6. Live PollThe conference requires immediate feedback on importantissuesand topics, and this feature allows you to unite as One Teamandvoice your opinion.7. My Conference NotesForget paper, pens and pencils in today’s digital age, andusethis feature to note down all the important pointers you needtotake during a conference and email them to yourself.8. Challenge YourselfAdd some spice to your life by completing the challenges thatareaimed to bring out the best in you. Use this feature to beupdatedon the number of challenges you have achieved and what yournexttarget is. Have you got what it takes to be on top oftheleader-board?9. AlertsA feature that will keep you updated throughout the conferencebysending you push notifications about what is coming up next.10. Visitor InformationNew to the city the event is taking place in? Don’t worrybecausethis feature will help you to settle down by giving youbasicinformation on the event city along with things to do, placestosee, and more to make you feel right at home.
Box Dev 2015 1.0.4
Loopd Inc.
The official Box Dev 2015 App powered byLoopd(http://loopd.com).Join the Box Platform team and over 1,500 developersandentrepreneurs for our second annual developer conference onApril22, 2015 at Fort Mason in San Francisco.The day will feature exciting platform productlaunches,deep-dive technical sessions, thought-leadership sessionsfocusedon building for the enterprise, and technical sessionsfeaturingeverything you need to know to build, design and scaleyourenterprise app.Agenda:9:00 AM: Registration + Breakfast10:00 AM: Opening Fireside Chat with Eric Schmidt10:45AM: Box Keynote11:30 AM: Lunch served by Off the Grid12:30 PM: Fireside Chat with Marc Benioff1:30 PM: Breakout sessions5:30 PM: Closing Fireside Chat6:00 PM: Happy Hour + After PartyFor more information and to view the entire schedule, pleasevisit:http://www.boxdev2015.com/"Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life.""Background location modes are used for the scavenger huntgameevent!"
Loopd Enterprise 2.5.1
Loopd Inc.
Boost your relationship success at any EVENT.*** “The first event marketing app to collect ambientdata.” - PSFK *** As seen on Fortune, Yahoo, Reuters, andTechCrunch. *** SPECIAL SXSW EDITION *** This app will give you thepower to know who to talk to within 100 feet, amplify your socialcapital, and build a foundation for each connection youmake.Features:* Discover new and old contacts within 100 feet* Turn your privacy on and off* Search for new and old contacts within 100 feet* Send requests to new contacts* View the time and location for where you met* View, sort, delete, and search your contacts* Send, sort, delete, and search your messages* Create, edit, delete, and search your notes* Share your personal interests* Share your current status* Directly send emails and make calls* Connect to your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts* Connect with the LoopdBadge with BLE* New menu system controlled by the Loopd buttonSpecial SXSW Features:* Loopd powered scavenger hunt* Partners include 10000ft, Misfit, and many others* View each partners description and VIP tips* Check-in at all the booth’s with the LoopdBadge* Redeem your VIP experience giveaway"Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life."
2017 Smart City APTG 2.5.0
Loopd Inc.
年度主題:以物聯網建設智慧城市「智慧城市是物聯網的重要應用場域」、「物聯網是實現智慧城市的重要基礎」,脫離了智慧城市的應用,物聯網仍只會是一個難以擴散的技術名詞。為此,2017智慧城市論壇與展覽仍延續以「物聯網建設智慧城市」作為年度活動的主題,藉此突顯出物聯網在城市建設中的重要性。總體而言,第四屆的活動呈現出以下的特色:(2/21~2/24在南港展覽館舉行,論壇及參觀展覽之報名系統將於農曆年節過後開放報名)l 特色一、台灣最大規模的物聯網產業活動所有廠商在展覽及論壇中充分表現出物聯網在智慧城市的各個應用面向,例如,智慧建築、智慧醫療、智慧零售、智慧能源、智慧安防、智慧交通等,甚至睡眠科技。此外,我們舉辦的「智慧城市創新應用獎」總計有85件報名,每年收件數不斷成長,其中有80%的案件與物聯網應用有關。另外,多所台灣知名大學創業育成中心推薦了13家成立在四年內的新創物聯網企業參加展覽,部分縣市政府及國外城市館也展現新創企業,讓本次的展覽充滿了濃濃的物聯網創新創業氛圍。l 特色二、眾多的跨業交流與跨業合作案在本次的活動中有財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(醫策會)、台灣智慧建築協會、科技部睡眠科技產學聯盟、中華智慧運輸協會等主辦論壇或參與展覽,另外圓境生態綠能公司(陳光雄建築師)主導北士科智慧生態社區案的情境展示。此外,首次舉辦的「永續城市論壇」邀請到經濟部李世光部長專題演講台灣永續發展之策略,此外也邀請聯合國地方政府永續發展組織ICLEI共襄盛舉,也讓本展開始邁入新能源、永續、循環經濟等領域,而跨業合作正是發展物聯網產業的必要方法。l 特色三、首次舉辦「全球電信商智慧城市大會」過去國內外許多產業分析師都指出,「未來電信商有可能變成只提供基礎服務的笨水管」。可是在物聯網時代,有非常大量的感測器需要靠掛,而擁有眾多基礎設施的電信商反而具有競爭優勢,結合了各行各業的物聯網服務,電信商有機會轉變為智慧城市服務提供商,這項趨勢正快速發展中。為擴大本展會的國際能見度,今年首度舉辦本論壇,有國內外將近20家電信商高層參與或組團參加,大家一同在台灣分享各自的智慧城市或物聯網發展經驗。今年展會檔期因太靠近MWC,以至於邀約成果不如預期,不過每年我們都將盛大舉辦。l 特色四、亞洲最大的智慧城市交流平台今年有30個以上的海外城市首長或代表來參加或者組團來訪,除了分享智慧城市發展經驗之外,還會舉辦媒合會、技術發表會、論壇等商業活動,他們除了對準台灣的市場機會外,更希望與台灣的廠商合作一同進入大陸或東南亞市場,越來越多的國際城市及企業參與到本活動,讓2017年智慧城市論壇與展覽躋身為亞洲最大的智慧城市交流平台。Annual theme: Thingstobuilding smart city"Things smart city is an important application field," "Thingsareimportant basis for smart city", from the application ofsmartcity, things would still be a difficult technical termsofproliferation. For this reason, wisdom Urban Forum andExhibition2017 still continued to "the construction of things smartcity" asthe annual theme of the event, thereby highlighting theimportanceof networking in urban construction. Overall, the fourtheventshowed the following characteristics: (2 / 21-4 / 24 in theNangangExhibition Hall, the registration system and the forum willvisitthe exhibition of the Lunar New Year after theopenenrollment) l a characteristic of Taiwan's largest industrial activityofThingsAll vendors in the exhibition and forum fully demonstratedthewisdom of things in the city for various applications, suchasbuilding wisdom, wisdom, health, wisdom retail, wisdomenergy,wisdom, security, intelligent transportation, and evensleepscience and technology. In addition, we organized the 'SmartCityInnovation Application Award "A total of 85 registration,annuallyWrite continue to grow, which 80% of the cases and thingsrelatedto the application. In addition, more than well-knownTaiwanUniversity Incubation Center recommended 13 establishedwithin fouryears of the new record of Things enterprises toparticipate in theexhibition, part of the county and citygovernments and foreigncity hall also show new ventures, so thisexhibition is full thingsthick atmosphere of innovation andentrepreneurship. l Characteristics Second, many of the cross-industryandcross-industry cooperation in the exchange of textFoundation hospitals have medical qualityevaluation-cum-policyAdvancement (Medical ADSCOM), Taiwan wisdomBuilding Society, theMinistry of Science and Technologyuniversity-industry alliancesleep, Chinese wisdom TransportAssociation sponsored the forum, orparticipate in this exhibitionevent, the additional round Habitatecological green company (ChenGuangxiong architect) leading NorthImperial wisdom ecologicalcommunity case scenarios show. Inaddition, the inaugural"Sustainable City Forum" to invite theDepartment of Economic PolicyMinister Roy S. Lee, Taiwan'ssustainable development lectures, inaddition to also invite theUnited Nations Sustainable DevelopmentICLEI Defangzhengfu join thefestivities, but also to thisexhibition began to enter the newenergy , sustainable development,recycling economy and otherfields, and methods necessarycross-industry cooperation is thedevelopment of the networkingindustry. l three characteristics, the first held "globaltelecommunicationsprovider wisdom Cities Conference"Over the past many domestic and foreign industry analystshavepointed out, "In the future there are likely to becomecarriersprovide only basic services dumb pipe." But in the era ofthings,there are a very large number of sensors required byhanging, andhas a large infrastructure of telecommunicationsproviders but havea competitive advantage, combined with thenetworking serviceindustries, telecommunications providers have theopportunity totransition to smart city services Manufacturers, thistrend israpidly developing. To expand the international visibilityof thisevent, held this year for the first time in this forum,there arenearly 20 domestic and foreign carriers or groups toparticipate inhigh-level participation, all of them in Taiwan toshare theirwisdom, experience the city or the development ofthings. This yearthe exhibition schedule due to too close to theMWC, the outcome ofthat invitation as expected, but every year wewill hold agrand. l Features Four, Asia's largest smart city platformThis year, more than 30 overseas cities heads or representativestoattend or group visit, in addition to the development of wisdomtoshare experiences outside of the city, will be heldmatchmaking,art publications, forums and other commercialactivities, inaddition to their market opportunities aimed atTaiwan , but alsohope to work together or to enter the mainlandmarket in SoutheastAsia and Taiwan manufacturers, more and moreinternational citiesand enterprises to participate in this event,so that by 2017wisdom among the urban Forum and exhibition isAsia's largest smartcity platform.