Malay's Script ئاپەکان

ABC Siri Hamza Kenderaan 1.0
Malay's Script
ABC Siri HamzaBelajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonics lagudengan aplikasiPrasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untuk anakperempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajar membaca interaktif ABC ,alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls &boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing, phonicssong with educational app. VehicleABC Siri HamzaABC interactive learning to read, tracing the alphabet, phonicssong with applicationPreschool and kindergarten children learning games for girls andboys ∙ ABC Learning interactive reading, tracing the alphabet,phonics song with educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet, phonicssong with educational app. Vehicle
ABC Bahasa Melayu Siri Hamza 1.0
Malay's Script
Prasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anakpermainan untuk anak perempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajarmembaca interaktif ABC , alfabet tracing , phonics lagu denganaplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls &boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing, phonicssong with educational appPreschool andkindergarten children learning games for girls and boys ∙ ABCInteractive Learning to read, tracing the alphabet, phonics songwith educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing alphabet, phonicssong with educational app
Trip & Tips Explore Yogyakarta 1.0
Malay's Script
Plan Holiday to Yogyakarta? Get the latestupdates & travel tips. All in one portal.Travel advice for countries and events . Latest travel adviceupdates . CHOICE travel insurance buying guide - helping you choosethe right travel insurance. Get the latest information aboutannouncements, delays and procedures from . We're listening to yourfeedback and posting news, tips and updates on Twitter.
ABC Siri Hamza Nombor Bilangan 1.0
Malay's Script
ABC Siri Hamza Nombor BilanganBelajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonics lagudengan aplikasiPrasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untuk anakperempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajar membaca interaktif ABC ,alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls &boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing, phonicssong with educational app. NumberABC Serial Number HamzaNumberABC Interactive to learn to read, tracing the alphabet, phonicssong with applicationPreschool and kindergarten children learning games for girls andboys ∙ Learn to read the interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet,phonics song with educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet, phonicssong with educational app. Number
Darul Uloom Quran Digital 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , ( Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggap olehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku ini berbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulis langsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebih dari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruh duniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikan dalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baik apakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku ini sepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dari agamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percaya bahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy Arab adalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .The Quran literally meaning "the recitation"; also romanized Qurʾanor Koran) is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslimsbelieve to be a revelation from God (Arabic: الله‎, Allah). Itsscriptural status among a world-spanning religious community, andits major place within world literature generally, have led to agreat deal of secondary literature on the Quran. Quranic chaptersare called suras and verses, ayahs.Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by God toMuhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually over aperiod of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE,when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of hisdeath.Muslims regard the Quran as the most important miracle ofMuhammad, a proof of his prophethood,and the culmination of aseries of divine messages that started with the messages revealedto Adam and ended with Muhammad.
Quran Kanak Kanak Thaniyaa 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , ( Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggap olehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku ini berbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulis langsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebih dari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruh duniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikan dalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baik apakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku ini sepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dari agamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percaya bahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy Arab adalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .Digital Quran for KidsQur'an, sometimes spelledKoran, (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. The Qur'an isconsidered by Muslims to be "God's Word (of God)". This book isdifferent from other religious texts in that it is believed to bewritten directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad.Has been written and read only in Arabic for more than 1,400 years.But, because many Muslims around the world do not understandArabic, the meaning of the Qur'an are also given in otherlanguages, so that readers can understand better what Arabic wordsin the Qur'an means. These books such as dictionaries Qur'an - theydo not read as part of the Islamic religion, to replace the ArabicQur'an. Muslims believe that the Koran is not the correcttranslation; Arabic is the only copy of the Qur'an were true.Digital Quran for Kids
Quran Kanak Kanak Khaamisa 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , ( Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggap olehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku ini berbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulis langsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebih dari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruh duniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikan dalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baik apakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku ini sepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dari agamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percaya bahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy Arab adalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .Digital Quran for KidsQur'an, sometimes spelledKoran, (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. The Qur'an isconsidered by Muslims to be "God's Word (of God)". This book isdifferent from other religious texts in that it is believed to bewritten directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad.Has been written and read only in Arabic for more than 1,400 years.But, because many Muslims around the world do not understandArabic, the meaning of the Qur'an are also given in otherlanguages, so that readers can understand better what Arabic wordsin the Qur'an means. These books such as dictionaries Qur'an - theydo not read as part of the Islamic religion, to replace the ArabicQur'an. Muslims believe that the Koran is not the correcttranslation; Arabic is the only copy of the Qur'an were true.Digital Quran for Kids
Kad Imbas Bahagian Badan Hamza 1.0
Malay's Script
Belajar tentang bagian wajah mana anak-anaksering mulai di prasekolah . Begitu mereka telah belajar tentangmata , telinga dan mulut , mereka akan mulai belajar tentang lengandan kaki . Di tingkat sekolah dasar , anak-anak mulai belajartentang anatomi interior . Belajar tentang bagaimana jantung danperut bekerja dan bagaimana setiap bagian dari fungsi tubuh adalahbagian penting dari hal ini .Anak-anak akan mulai belajar berbagai ilmu pengetahuan kosa katayang berhubungan dengan anatomi belajar . Kosa kata ini mungkinasing bagi mereka dan mereka mungkin perlu berlatih ejaan kata-katadan praktek makna . Anak-anak suka belajar tentang diri merekasendiri dan mereka akan menikmati hal ini .Learning about parts of the face is where children often beginin preschool. Once they have learned about the eyes, ears andmouth, they will begin learning about the arms and legs. At thegrade school level, children begin to learn about the interioranatomy. Learning about how the heart and stomach work and how eachpart of the body functions is a key part of this subject.Children will begin to learn different types of sciencevocabulary that relates to learning anatomy. These vocabulary wordsmay be foreign to them and they may need to practice spelling thewords and practice the meanings. Children love to learn aboutthemselves and they will enjoy this subject.Learning about the partsof the face where children often begin in preschool. Once they havelearned about the eyes, ears and mouths, they will begin to learnabout the arms and legs. At the primary school level, childrenbegin to learn about the anatomy of the interior. Learn about howthe heart and the stomach works and how each part of the body'sfunctions is an important part of this.Children will learn a variety of science-related vocabularylearning anatomy. This vocabulary may be foreign to them and theymay need to practice spelling words and practice meaning. Childrenlove to learn about themselves and they will enjoy it.Learning about the parts of the face is where children Oftenbegin in preschool. Once they have learned about the eyes, ears andmouth, they will begin learning about the arms and legs. At thegrade school level, children begin to learn about the interioranatomy. Learning about how the heart and stomach work and how eachpart of the body functions is a key part of this subject.Children will begin to learn different types of sciencevocabulary that relates to learning anatomy. Reviews Thesevocabulary words may be foreign to them and they may need topractice spelling the words and practice the meanings. Childrenlove to learn about Themselves and they will enjoy thissubject.
Quran Digital Saniyaa -Offline 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , ( Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggap olehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku ini berbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulis langsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebih dari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruh duniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikan dalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baik apakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku ini sepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dari agamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percaya bahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy Arab adalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .Qur'an, sometimes spelledKoran, (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. The Qur'an isconsidered by Muslims to be "God's Word (of God)". This book isdifferent from other religious texts in that it is believed to bewritten directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad.Has been written and read only in Arabic for more than 1,400 years.But, because many Muslims around the world do not understandArabic, the meaning of the Qur'an are also given in otherlanguages, so that readers can understand better what Arabic wordsin the Qur'an means. These books such as dictionaries Qur'an - theydo not read as part of the Islamic religion, to replace the ArabicQur'an. Muslims believe that the Koran is not the correcttranslation; Arabic is the only copy of the Qur'an were true.
Quran Digital Rabia' -Offline 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , ( Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggap olehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku ini berbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulis langsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebih dari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruh duniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikan dalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baik apakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku ini sepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dari agamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percaya bahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy Arab adalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .Qur'an, sometimes spelledKoran, (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. The Qur'an isconsidered by Muslims to be "God's Word (of God)". This book isdifferent from other religious texts in that it is believed to bewritten directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad.Has been written and read only in Arabic for more than 1,400 years.But, because many Muslims around the world do not understandArabic, the meaning of the Qur'an are also given in otherlanguages, so that readers can understand better what Arabic wordsin the Qur'an means. These books such as dictionaries Qur'an - theydo not read as part of the Islamic religion, to replace the ArabicQur'an. Muslims believe that the Koran is not the correcttranslation; Arabic is the only copy of the Qur'an were true.
Quran Kanak Kanak Rabia' 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , ( Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggap olehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku ini berbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulis langsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebih dari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruh duniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikan dalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baik apakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku ini sepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dari agamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percaya bahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy Arab adalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .Digital Quran for KidsQur'an, sometimes spelledKoran, (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. The Qur'an isconsidered by Muslims to be "God's Word (of God)". This book isdifferent from other religious texts in that it is believed to bewritten directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad.Has been written and read only in Arabic for more than 1,400 years.But, because many Muslims around the world do not understandArabic, the meaning of the Qur'an are also given in otherlanguages, so that readers can understand better what Arabic wordsin the Qur'an means. These books such as dictionaries Qur'an - theydo not read as part of the Islamic religion, to replace the ArabicQur'an. Muslims believe that the Koran is not the correcttranslation; Arabic is the only copy of the Qur'an were true.Digital Quran for Kids
Quran Digital Salaas -Offline 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , ( Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggap olehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku ini berbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulis langsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebih dari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruh duniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikan dalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baik apakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku ini sepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dari agamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percaya bahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy Arab adalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .Qur'an, sometimes spelledKoran, (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. The Qur'an isconsidered by Muslims to be "God's Word (of God)". This book isdifferent from other religious texts in that it is believed to bewritten directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad.Has been written and read only in Arabic for more than 1,400 years.But, because many Muslims around the world do not understandArabic, the meaning of the Qur'an are also given in otherlanguages, so that readers can understand better what Arabic wordsin the Qur'an means. These books such as dictionaries Qur'an - theydo not read as part of the Islamic religion, to replace the ArabicQur'an. Muslims believe that the Koran is not the correcttranslation; Arabic is the only copy of the Qur'an were true.
Darul Hikmah Al-Quran Digital 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , ( Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggap olehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku ini berbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulis langsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebih dari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruh duniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikan dalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baik apakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku ini sepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dari agamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percaya bahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy Arab adalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .The Quran literally meaning "the recitation"; also romanized Qurʾanor Koran) is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslimsbelieve to be a revelation from God (Arabic: الله‎, Allah). Itsscriptural status among a world-spanning religious community, andits major place within world literature generally, have led to agreat deal of secondary literature on the Quran. Quranic chaptersare called suras and verses, ayahs.Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by God toMuhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually over aperiod of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE,when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of hisdeath.Muslims regard the Quran as the most important miracle ofMuhammad, a proof of his prophethood,and the culmination of aseries of divine messages that started with the messages revealedto Adam and ended with Muhammad.
ABC Buah Buahan Siri Hamza 1.0
Malay's Script
Prasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anakpermainan untuk anak perempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajarmembaca interaktif ABC , alfabet tracing , phonics lagu denganaplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls &boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing, phonicssong with educational appPreschool andkindergarten children learning games for girls and boys ∙ ABCLearning interactive reading, tracing the alphabet, phonics songwith educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet, phonicssong with educational app
ABC Siri Hamza Makanan 1.0
Malay's Script
ABC Siri HamzaBelajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonics lagudengan aplikasiPrasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untuk anakperempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajar membaca interaktif ABC ,alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls &boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing, phonicssong with educational appABC Siri HamzaABC interactive learning to read, tracing the alphabet, phonicssong with applicationPreschool and kindergarten children learning games for girls andboys ∙ ABC Learning interactive reading, tracing the alphabet,phonics song with educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet, phonicssong with educational app
ABC Siri Hamza Kata Kerja 1.0
Malay's Script
ABC Siri HamzaBelajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonics lagudengan aplikasiPrasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untuk anakperempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajar membaca interaktif ABC ,alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls &boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing, phonicssong with educational app. VerbABC Siri HamzaABC interactive learning to read, tracing the alphabet, phonicssong with applicationPreschool and kindergarten children learning games for girls andboys ∙ ABC Learning interactive reading, tracing the alphabet,phonics song with educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet, phonicssong with educational app. Verb
Quran Kanak Kanak Salaas 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , (Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggapolehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku iniberbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulislangsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebihdari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruhduniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikandalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baikapakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku inisepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dariagamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percayabahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy ArabadalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .Digital Quran for KidsQur'an, sometimesspelledKoran, (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. TheQur'an isconsidered by Muslims to be "God's Word (of God)". Thisbook isdifferent from other religious texts in that it is believedto bewritten directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad.Has been written and read only in Arabic for more than 1,400years.But, because many Muslims around the world do notunderstandArabic, the meaning of the Qur'an are also given inotherlanguages, so that readers can understand better what Arabicwordsin the Qur'an means. These books such as dictionaries Qur'an -theydo not read as part of the Islamic religion, to replace theArabicQur'an. Muslims believe that the Koran is not thecorrecttranslation; Arabic is the only copy of the Qur'an weretrue.Digital Quran for Kids
Quran Digital Waheeda -Offline 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , (Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggapolehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku iniberbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulislangsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebihdari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruhduniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikandalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baikapakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku inisepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dariagamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percayabahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy ArabadalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .Qur'an, sometimesspelledKoran, (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. TheQur'an isconsidered by Muslims to be "God's Word (of God)". Thisbook isdifferent from other religious texts in that it is believedto bewritten directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad.Has been written and read only in Arabic for more than 1,400years.But, because many Muslims around the world do notunderstandArabic, the meaning of the Qur'an are also given inotherlanguages, so that readers can understand better what Arabicwordsin the Qur'an means. These books such as dictionaries Qur'an -theydo not read as part of the Islamic religion, to replace theArabicQur'an. Muslims believe that the Koran is not thecorrecttranslation; Arabic is the only copy of the Qur'an weretrue.
ABC Siri Hamza Yang Pertama 1.0
Malay's Script
ABC Siri Hamza Yang PertamaBelajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonicslagudengan aplikasiPrasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untukanakperempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajar membaca interaktif ABC,alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls&boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing,phonicssong with educational app. My first ABCABC Series Hamza FirstABC Interactive to learn to read, tracing the alphabet,phonicssong with applicationPreschool and kindergarten children learning games for girlsandboys ∙ Learn to read the interactive ABC, tracing thealphabet,phonics song with educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet, phonicssongwith educational app. My first ABC
ABC Siri Hamza Sayur Sayuran 1.0
Malay's Script
ABC Siri Hamza Sayur SayuranBelajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonicslagudengan aplikasiPrasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untukanakperempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajar membaca interaktif ABC,alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls&boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing,phonicssong with educational app. VegetablesABC Siri HamzaVegetableVegetablesABC interactive learning to read, tracing the alphabet,phonicssong with applicationPreschool and kindergarten children learning games for girlsandboys ∙ ABC Learning interactive reading, tracing thealphabet,phonics song with educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet, phonicssongwith educational app. Vegetables
Darul Islah Al-Quran Digital 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , (Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggapolehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku iniberbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulislangsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebihdari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruhduniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikandalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baikapakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku inisepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dariagamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percayabahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy ArabadalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .The Quran literally meaning "the recitation"; also romanizedQurʾanor Koran) is the central religious text of Islam, whichMuslimsbelieve to be a revelation from God (Arabic: الله‎, Allah).Itsscriptural status among a world-spanning religious community,andits major place within world literature generally, have led toagreat deal of secondary literature on the Quran. Quranicchaptersare called suras and verses, ayahs.Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by GodtoMuhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually overaperiod of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609CE,when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year ofhisdeath.Muslims regard the Quran as the most important miracleofMuhammad, a proof of his prophethood,and the culmination ofaseries of divine messages that started with the messagesrevealedto Adam and ended with Muhammad.
ABC Siri Hamza English 1.0
Malay's Script
ABC Siri HamzaBelajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonicslagudengan aplikasiPrasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untukanakperempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajar membaca interaktif ABC,alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls&boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing,phonicssong with educational appABC Series HamzaABC Interactive to learn to read, tracing the alphabet,phonicssong with applicationPreschool and kindergarten children learning games for girlsandboys ∙ Learn to read the interactive ABC, tracing thealphabet,phonics song with educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet, phonicssongwith educational app
ABC Siri Hamza Pekerjaan 1.0
Malay's Script
ABC Siri Hamza PekerjaanBelajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonicslagudengan aplikasiPrasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untukanakperempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajar membaca interaktif ABC,alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls&boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing,phonicssong with educational app. JobsABC Siri Hamza WorkABC interactive learning to read, tracing the alphabet,phonicssong with applicationPreschool and kindergarten children learning games for girlsandboys ∙ ABC Learning interactive reading, tracing thealphabet,phonics song with educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet, phonicssongwith educational app. Jobs
ABC Siri Hamza Sukan Permainan 1.0
Malay's Script
ABC Siri Hamza Sukan PermainanBelajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonicslagudengan aplikasiPrasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untukanakperempuan & anak laki-laki ∙ Belajar membaca interaktif ABC,alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi pendidikanPreschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for girls&boys ∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, alphabet tracing,phonicssong with educational app. SportsHamza Siri ABCSportsGamesABC interactive learning to read, tracing the alphabet,phonicssong with applicationPreschool and kindergarten children learning games for girlsandboys ∙ ABC Learning interactive reading, tracing thealphabet,phonics song with educational applicationsPreschool and Kindergarten kids learning games for girls andboys∙ Learn to read interactive ABC, tracing the alphabet, phonicssongwith educational app. Sports
Indon's Teka-Teki Buah Buahan 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles . Suitable for children . Guess GetScoresfor Indonesian .Brought to you by the Indon 's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles. Suitable for children. Guess Get ScoresforIndonesian.Brought to you by the Indon 's World
Indon's World Teka-Teki Planit 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles . Suitable for children . Guess Get ScoresforIndonesian . Brought to you by the Indon 's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles. Suitable for children. Guess Get ScoresforIndonesian. Brought to you by the Indon 's World
Indon's Teka-Teki Bangunan 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's World
Indon's World Teka-Teki Zoo 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles . Suitable for children . Guess Get ScoresforIndonesian .Brought to you by the Indon 's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles. Suitable for children. Guess Get ScoresforIndonesian.Brought to you by the Indon 's World
Indon's World Teka-Teki Bunga 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles . Suitable for children . Guess Get ScoresforIndonesian .Brought to you by the Indon 's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles. Suitable for children. Guess Get ScoresforIndonesian.Brought to you by the Indon 's World
Indon's World Teka-Teki Mesjid 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's World
Indon's World Teka-Teki Bentuk 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles . Suitable for children .Brought to you by the Indon 's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles. Suitable for children.Brought to you by the Indon 's World
Trip & Tips Explore Bandung 1.0
Malay's Script
Trip & Tips Explore BandungPlan Holiday to Bandung? Get the latest updates &traveltips. All in one portal.Travel advice for countries and events . Latest traveladviceupdates . CHOICE travel insurance buying guide - helping youchoosethe right travel insurance. Get the latest informationaboutannouncements, delays and procedures from . We're listening toyourfeedback and posting news, tips and updates on Twitter.
Indon's Teka-Teki Permainan 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's World
Trip & Tips Explore Banda Aceh 1.0
Malay's Script
Trip & Tips Explore Banda AcehPlan Holiday to Banda Aceh? Get the latest updates &traveltips. All in one portal.Travel advice for countries and events . Latest traveladviceupdates . CHOICE travel insurance buying guide - helping youchoosethe right travel insurance. Get the latest informationaboutannouncements, delays and procedures from . We're listening toyourfeedback and posting news, tips and updates on Twitter.
Trip & Tips Explore Indonesia 1.0
Malay's Script
Trip & Tips Explore IndonesiaPlan Holiday to Indonesia? Get the latest updates &traveltips. All in one portal.Travel advice for countries and events . Latest traveladviceupdates . CHOICE travel insurance buying guide - helping youchoosethe right travel insurance. Get the latest informationaboutannouncements, delays and procedures from . We're listening toyourfeedback and posting news, tips and updates on Twitter.
Trip & Tips Explore Jakarta 1.0
Malay's Script
Trip & Tips Explore JakartaPlan Holiday to Jakarta? Get the latest updates &traveltips. All in one portal.Travel advice for countries and events . Latest traveladviceupdates . CHOICE travel insurance buying guide - helping youchoosethe right travel insurance. Get the latest informationaboutannouncements, delays and procedures from . We're listening toyourfeedback and posting news, tips and updates on Twitter.
Indon World Teka Teki Peta 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's World
Indon 's Teka-Teki Kendaraan 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's World
Indon's World Teka-Teki Sukan 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's World
Trip & Tips Explore Danau Toba 1.0
Malay's Script
Plan Holiday to Danau Toba? Get thelatestupdates & travel tips. All in one portalTravel advice for countries and events . Latest traveladviceupdates . CHOICE travel insurance buying guide - helping youchoosethe right travel insurance. Get the latest informationaboutannouncements, delays and procedures from . We're listening toyourfeedback and posting news, tips and updates on Twitter.
Indon's World Teka-Teki Hewan 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's World
Trip & Tips Explore Seminyak 1.0
Malay's Script
Plan Holiday to Seminyak? Get thelatestupdates & travel tips. All in one portal.Travel advice for countries and events . Latest traveladviceupdates . CHOICE travel insurance buying guide - helping youchoosethe right travel insurance. Get the latest informationaboutannouncements, delays and procedures from . We're listening toyourfeedback and posting news, tips and updates on Twitter.
Indon World Teka-Teki Bendera 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's World
Indon's World Teka-Teki Musim 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles . Suitable for children .Brought to you by the Indon 's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles. Suitable for children.Brought to you by the Indon 's World
Indon 's Teka-Teki Ikan 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's World
Darul Qasim Quran Digital 1.0
Malay's Script
Al-Qur'an , kadang-kadang dieja Quran , (Arab: القرآن ) adalah kitab suci agama Islam . Al-Qur'an dianggapolehumat Islam menjadi " Firman Allah ( Tuhan ) " . Buku iniberbedadari teks-teks agama lain dalam hal itu diyakini ditulislangsungoleh Tuhan , melalui Nabi Muhammad .Telah ditulis dan dibaca hanya dalam bahasa Arab selama lebihdari1.400 tahun . Tapi , karena banyak umat Islam di seluruhduniatidak mengerti bahasa Arab , makna Al-Qur'an juga diberikandalambahasa lain , sehingga pembaca dapat memahami lebih baikapakata-kata Arab dalam Al-Qur'an berarti . Buku-buku inisepertikamus Al-Qur'an - mereka tidak membaca sebagai bagian dariagamaIslam , untuk menggantikan Arab Alquran . Muslim percayabahwaterjemahan ini tidak Alquran benar; hanya copy ArabadalahAl-Qur'an yang benar .The Quran literally meaning "the recitation"; also romanizedQurʾanor Koran) is the central religious text of Islam, whichMuslimsbelieve to be a revelation from God (Arabic: الله‎, Allah).Itsscriptural status among a world-spanning religious community,andits major place within world literature generally, have led toagreat deal of secondary literature on the Quran. Quranicchaptersare called suras and verses, ayahs.Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by GodtoMuhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually overaperiod of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609CE,when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year ofhisdeath.Muslims regard the Quran as the most important miracleofMuhammad, a proof of his prophethood,and the culmination ofaseries of divine messages that started with the messagesrevealedto Adam and ended with Muhammad.
Indon's World Teka Makanan 1.0
Malay's Script
Teka-teki interaktif. Cocok untukanak-anak.Tebak Dapatkan Skor untuk bahasa Indonesia. Teka-tekiberkisar darisayuran, ikan, hewan, masjid, pekerjaan, kendaraan,buah-buahan,bendera, peta, mainan, bangunan, olahraga dan banyakhal lain.Dibawa kepada anda oleh Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles . Suitable for children . Guess Get ScoresforIndonesian .Brought to you by the Indon 's WorldInteractivepuzzles.Suitable for children. Guess Get Scores for Indonesian.Puzzlesranging from vegetables, fish, animals, mosques,employment,vehicles, fruits, flags, maps, toys, building, sportsand manyother things.Brought to you by the Indon's WorldInteractive puzzles. Suitable for children. Guess Get ScoresforIndonesian.Brought to you by the Indon 's World
Trip & Tips Explore Borneo 1.0
Malay's Script
Trip & Tips Explore BatamPlan Holiday to Batam? Get the latest updates & traveltips.All in one portal.Travel advice for countries and events . Latest traveladviceupdates . CHOICE travel insurance buying guide - helping youchoosethe right travel insurance. Get the latest informationaboutannouncements, delays and procedures from . We're listening toyourfeedback and posting news, tips and updates on Twitter.
Trip & Tips Explore Batam 1.0
Malay's Script
Trip & Tips Explore BatamPlan Holiday to Batam? Get the latest updates & traveltips.All in one portal.Travel advice for countries and events . Latest traveladviceupdates . CHOICE travel insurance buying guide - helping youchoosethe right travel insurance. Get the latest informationaboutannouncements, delays and procedures from . We're listening toyourfeedback and posting news, tips and updates on Twitter.
Kamus Indonesia Jawa Offline 1.0
Malay's Script
Offline Indonesia Jawa DictionaryTranslatorsebaliknya. Anda dapat menerjemahkan secara online disini. Kamusini disediakan secara gratis . Menggunakan salah satudari 22 kamusdwibahasa kami , menerjemahkan kata-kata Anda daribahasa Jawa kebahasa IndonesiaIndonesia Offline Translator Java Dictionary vice versa . Youcantranslate it online here . This dictionary is provided freeofcharge . Using one of our 22 bilingual dictionaries ,translateyour words from Java to IndonesianIndonesia JavaDictionaryOffline Translator otherwise. You can translate it onlinehere.These dictionaries are provided for free. Using one of our22bilingual dictionaries, translate your words from JavanesetoIndonesianIndonesia Java Dictionary Offline Translator vice versa. Youcantranslate it online here. This dictionary is provided freeofcharge. Using one of our 22 bilingual dictionaries, translateyourwords from Java to Indonesian