Matt Quan ئاپەکان

Companion 2.0
Matt Quan
Did you ever lose your phone at home andyouwanted to call it, but it was on silent?Has your phone ever rang accidentally during animportantmeeting?Did you forget to silence your phone at school and have it go offinthe middle of class?By being location aware, Companion will be able to preventthesefrom ever happening again!With user-inputted addresses, Companion will AUTOMATICALLYtriggeruser specified settings, such as turning on/off Wi-Fi andsettingyour phone to ring or silent, based on where you are. Nolongerwill you have to manually silence your phone at school orwork;have your phone do it for you!With sensitive data like addresses, Companion makes sure itis100% safe and secure. All addresses are stored locally ONLY,usingthe SharedPreferences API provided by Google. ONLY Companionisable to access this information. It is NEVER sent outside ofyourphone.App Permissions Explanation:Access Coarse and Fine Location: This is used so Companioncandetect whether or not you are at home/work/schoolInternet: This is used when you search for an address. The typedinaddressed is searched through Google, as if you were to searchyouraddress through Google Maps, and the coordinates to youraddressare then sent DIRECTLY to Companion and Companion only.Again, itis ensured that your data is transferred safely andsecurely. It isalso used by the Maps API to download map tiles fromGoogle Mapsservers.Access Network State: This allows the Maps API to checktheconnection status in order to determine whether data canbedownloaded.Bluetooth/Bluetooth Admin: Allows Companion toenable/disableBluetooth.Write Settings: Used to allow Companion to change Wi-Fi,Bluetooth,and Ringer settings.Modify Audio Settings: Allows Companion to change ringer,media,alarm volumes.Write External Storage: This is used because the Maps API, whichisused to set your address, requires this permission. The MapsAPIuses this to cache map tile data in your device's externalstoragedata. This is the only data that will be stored in yourdevice'sexternal storage. Companion will NEVER write ANY sensitivedata,such as addresses, to any external storage. It will onlystoreinformation on your phone internally, as mentionedpreviously,above.Run on startup: Allows Companion to restart after adevicereboot