Mountqi Zhang ئاپەکان

Check the sensor sampling rate 1.4
Mountqi Zhang
The hardware sensors on the mobile device varygreatly. I find out that the sampling rate of hardware sensordiffers across platforms. Further more, the combination ofmuti-sensor may change the sampling rate. This is very strange.Your application using sensors may run well on some platform butfail on the others.This Sensor Rate Checker may help you to find out whether thehardware are working properly or what's wrong. This is not intendedfor general users but for developers. Please try it. If you findany bugs or crashes, please email me. Thanks!
Quick Screenshot Free 1.5
Mountqi Zhang
Note : Root is required !!!!!Using proximity sensor to capture phone screen quicklyandeasily, especially when you're playing games.Tutorial:'ve tried many screenshot Apps, which either works clumsilyorcrashes rudely. After a lot of effort, I made the QuickScreenshot.It's truly as the name suggests. Please try and tell meyourhappiness.Features:-----------------------------------------------------1. Two trigger methods to capture screen-- Proximity Sensor : block then unblock the sensor on your phonetotrigger.-- Accelerometer : just shake your phone to trigger.I believe these two sensors are very popular withAndroiddevices. At least the accelerometer should be available.2. Two notification methods for the trigger. Sound orvibrationis used to notify trigger is initiated.3. The image resolution and quality, as well as PNG orJPEGformat is configurable.4. Simple gallery for reviewing the screenshots. For editingandsharing, please use other Apps. The images are kept atfolder"/sdcard/Quick Screenshot/"5. There is also a page to do bug report and feature request.Ifyou would like, click "Rank me" to go to Google Play forrankingand comments.Notes:---------------------------------------------------This is the free version, mainly to verify that QuickScreenshotworks with your phone or tablet, no Ads. You can use itfor anylong time. There is a limitation that each time you startthis App,only five full screenshots could be done, and afterwards,thescreenshot size are within 1/3 of the full screen size. Thepaidversion costs $0.99.
Quick Screenshot 2.0
Mountqi Zhang
Note : Root is required !!!!!Using proximity sensor to capture phone screen quicklyandeasily, especially when you're playing games.Tutorial:'ve tried many screenshot Apps, which either works clumsilyorcrashes rudely. After a lot of effort, I made the QuickScreenshot.It's truly as the name suggests. Please try and tell meyourhappiness.Please install Quick Screenshot Free to verify that thisAppworks with you devices. It’s very much appreciated that you tellmethat this app works with your hardware.Features:-------------------------------------------------1. Three trigger methods to capture screen-- Proximity Sensor : block then unblock the sensor on your phonetotrigger.-- Light Sensor : some phone and most tablets may have aLightsensor instead of Proximity Sensor.-- Accelerometer : just shake your phone to trigger.I believe these three sensors are very popular withAndroiddevices. At least the accelerometer should be available.2. Two notification methods for the trigger. Sound orvibrationis used to notify trigger is initiated.3. The image resolution and quality, as well as PNG orJPEGformat is configurable.4. Simple gallery for reviewing the screenshots. For editingandsharing, please use other Apps. The images are generally keptinfolder "/sdcard/Quick Screenshot/"5. There is also a page to do bug report and feature request.Ifyou would like, click "Rank me" to go to Google Play forrankingand comments.