NemesisDanieleSerio ئاپەکان

Internet Connection 1.2
It 'a widget that you can put on the HOME screen and allowsone-click to activate the Internet (connection data) or disable it.The icon will change depending on the state. This will make iteasier to manage the wireless connection to access your phone'sSettings menu
Saldo Wind App Free 1.0
Applicazione che permette di visualizzareilproprio credito telefonico WIND senza dover digitare ilcodicesulla tastiera del telefono e senza SMS, direttamente sulloschermodel vostro telefono. Esiste la versione Widget da me creatae sichiama "Credito Wind".Application thatallowsyou to view your phone credit WIND without having to type thecodeon the telephone keypad and without SMS, directly on the screenofyour phone. There is a version Widget created by me and iscalled"Credit Wind".
DanieleSerioOfficial 1.0
Notizie Informatiche, Guide e Tutorial.Realizzazione di app Android, iPhone, iPad e Windows 8 - WindowsPhone.Realizzazione di Applicativi e Siti Internet di ogni genere.Computer News, Guides andTutorials. Implementation of the Android app, iPhone, iPad andWindows 8 - Windows Phone.Realization of Applications and Websites of all kinds.
Tic Tac Toe Tris Free 1.4
Now you can play Tic Tac Toe, the classic TRISschool desk, on your Android device for free.Tic Tac Toe Free supports one player and two-player game, so youcan play against another human or against your Androiddevice.The AI ​​for one player mode includes automatic difficulty levels,so you can play against a computer player that matches your skilllevel. An algorithm generates moves suited to make the game moreexciting and more realistic.Tic Tac Toe - Free Tris offers a number of interesting features,including:- Great graphics and exciting sound effects- The names of the players configurable- Choice of symbols- Choice of game modes, single and doubleTic Tac Toe - Tris Free is supported by unobtrusive banneradvertising.Tic Tac Toe - Free Tris is a great way to pass the time, if you'restanding in line or spending time with the children.Download Tic Tac Toe Free now and let the fun begin!
Crotone Sul Web Notizie 1.0
App Ufficiale del rotocalco diinformazioneon-line "Crotone Sul Web". Da oggi puoi seguire eleggere tutte lenews di anche dal tuosmartphone.Tramite il semplice menù a scomparsa, potrai accedere a tuttelenews organizzate per categoria, tra cui: Sport, Politica,Economia,Attualità e molto altro.Official App of the gravure of information on-line "Croton OnTheWeb". Now you can follow and read all the newswww.crotonesulweb.iteven from your smartphone.Through the simple drop down menus, you can access allnewsorganized by category, including: Sports, Politics, Economy,News& much more.Official App ofgravureon-line information "Croton on the Web." Now you can followandread all the news even fromyoursmartphone.Through the simple drop down menus, you can access to allnewsorganized by category, including: Sports, Politics, Economics,Newsand much more.Official App of the gravure of information on-line "Croton OnTheWeb". Now you can follow and read all the newswww.crotonesulweb.iteven from your smartphone.Through the simple drop down menus, you can access allnewsorganized by category, including: Sports, Politics, Economy,News& much more.
Fungaroli Matti 6.0
la passione per i funghi, l'amore per lanaturail sito ufficiale dei fungaroli mattiwww.fungarolimatti.itfungaroli matti, fungarolimatti, funghi porcini, passeggiateneiboschi, boschi, bosco, natura, cinghiale, funghi, porcini,ricettecon funghi, ricette, primi piatti, secondi, micologiathe passion formushrooms,love for nature's official website fungarolicrazywww.fungarolimatti.itfungaroli crazy, fungarolimatti, porcini mushrooms, forestwalks,woods, forest, nature, wild boar, mushrooms, porcinimushroomsrecipes, recipes, first courses, second, mycology
CacciaSicura 1.7
L’applicativo permette di verificare intemporeale la propria posizione rispetto alle areeinterdetteall’attività venatoria. Ulteriori sviluppi prevedrannolapossibilità di comunicare la propria posizione e discambiareinformazioni tra gli utenti registrati. E' un serviziononufficiale poichè le coperture possono subire delle variazionioaggiornamenti non previsti. Inoltre potrebbero nascere deiudivietinon conosciuti nel momento della publicazione dellapresente.Intregra la tecnologia OCG - WMS per l'interscambio dei dati conilsistema centrale.La presente applicazione è stata sviluppata nell’ambito diunaconvenzione tra la "Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale -ServizioCaccia e Pesca" e Sapienza Università di Roma.The application allowsyouto check in real time its position with respect to theareasoff-limits to hunting. Further developments will expect theabilityto communicate their position and to exchange informationbetweenmembers. It 'an unofficial service as covers may change orupdatesnot provided. Also they could arise deiu prohibitions notknown atthe time of publication of this.Intregra technology OCG - WMS for exchanging data with thecentralsystem.This application was developed under an agreement betweenthe"Metropolitan City of Rome Capital Services - Hunting andFishing"and Sapienza University of Rome.
Torch Free 3.0
The application allows you to use yourAndroidphone as a torch, even for models that do not have Flash. Infact,the application clears the most of the screen, removinganyreference to toolbars and menus, leaving more spacetodisplay.
SoS Ragazze Mondo Femminile 2.0
S.O.S Ragazze - Punto di incontro eConsigliper le Ragazze Il portale italiano per lo scambio di ideeeconsigli per il mondo femminile. Ragazze avete dubbi ovoleteparlare dei vostri problemi? Questo è il sito giusto!SOS Girls - Meetingpointand Tips for Girls The Italian portal for the exchange ofideas andtips for women. Girls you have any questions or want totalk aboutyour problems? This is the right site!