NeonFletch ئاپەکان

تعلم اللغة الانجليزية بطلاقة 3.4.0
لم تعد اللغة التركية و اللغة الفرنسية او اللغةالاسبانية و حتي اللغة الالمانية لغة العصر فمثلا الفرنسية لم تعدتستعمل في العديد من الدول اما بالنسبة للاسبانية فجل سكان اسبانيايفضلون الانجليزية عوضا عنها ،اما بالنسبة للالمانية فهي لغة جد معقدةو قليلة الانتشار ، فاليوم اصبح العالم قرية صغيرة تتواصل بسهولة فيمابينها بفضل هذه اللغة الموحدة وهي الانجليزية ... لكونها جد بسيطة .تعلم قواعد اللغة الانجليزية بسهولة الان ، مع هذا التطبيق الذييهدف الى تعليم اللغة الانجليزية لكل العرب .تعلم اللغة الانجليزية الامريكية العامية و اللغة الانجليزيةالبريطانية بمساعدة هذا التطبيق ، و الذي صمم لتعيلم اللغة الانجليزيةبسرعة فائقة و هو جد رائع لكونه يوفر خاصية تعلم اللغة الانجليزيةبدون انترنت .تمتاز قواعد اللغة الانجليزية بالقوة والبساطة و السرعة في فهمهاكما تعتبر اللغة الانجليزية اليوم واحدة من اهم اللغات المستعملة فيالعالم, بل تعتبر الاهم حاليا لانها تدرس في اغلب الكليات والجامعاتعبر العالم, لهذا اصبح الزاميا واجباريا ان تتعلمها وتتقنها حيث اناللغة الانجليزية قد تكون القرار الحاسم للحصول على وظيفة احلامك اوجوازك لمتابعة دراستك في الخارج.في تطبيقنا نحن نقدم لك افضل طريقة لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بشكلصحيح وبوقت قصير و الذي سوف يساعدك على بناء اساس قوي وصحيح في اللغةالانجليزية والتي اصبحت ضرورة ملحة في وقتنا الحاضر .هذا البرنامج هو عبارة عن كورس كامل ومتكامل لتعليم الانجليزيةللمبتدئين من الصفر ومجانا حيث انك سوف تجد فيه معلومات اكثر منالمدرسة و معهد اللغة لانه مشروح بطريقة مبسطة ومعد من قبل مختصين فيهذا المجال حيث في برنامجنا نستخدم أحدث وأنجح الإستراتيجياتالمستخدمة في المعاهد الكبرى لتعليم اللغات.المميزات التي يوفرها تطبيق تعلم اللغة الانجليزية بطلاقة :+ تعليم اللغة الانجليزية لكل العرب .+ تعليم الانجليزية لجميع المستويات .+ تعليم اللغة الانجليزية للاطفال .+ تعليم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين .+ تعليم اللغة الانجليزية للكبار .+ تعليم اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثانية باكالوريا .+ تعليم اللغة الانجليزية للمقبلين على الدراسة في الخارج منالصفر.و هناك العديد من المميزات الاخرى التي يوفرها التطبيق مثل :- دروس اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين و المتقدمين .- دروس اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثانية باكالوريا .- دروس احتراف اللغة الانجليزية .- قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة .- قواعد اللغة الانجليزية البريطانية.- قواعد اللغة الانجليزية الامريكية .- قواعد اللغة الانجليزية الازمنة .- قواعد اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين .- قواعد اللغة الانجليزية بالعربي .- قواعد الانجليزي الاساسية .- تعلم محادثة اللغة الانجليزية .- تعلم محادثة اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين .- تعلم محادثة اللغة الانجليزية بطلاقة .- تعلم محادثة اللغة الانجليزية بسهولة .المميزات الاخرى التي يوفرها تطبيق تعلم اللغة الانجليزية بطلاقة:- التمكن من قواعد اللغة الانجليزية بسهولة .- تعلم اللغة الانجليزية باتقان .- اكتساب اشهر الجمل الانجليزية .- تعلم كيف تتحدث الانجليزية بطلاقة .- اسرار عن تعلم اللغة الانجليزية .- ستتقن اللغة الانجليزية في وقت قياسي .- اكتساب اقوى كلمات الانجليزية استعمالا .- الحصول على شرح دقيق لقواعد اللغة الانجليزية .- التطبيق فعلاً شمولي ومتجدد في محتواه .- سهولة الوصول الى المعلومة باسرع وقت .- جميع الجمل والعبارات الانجليزية مترجمة للغة العربية.- التطبيق لا يحتاج الى انترنت لكي يعمل.- يحتوي تطبيق تعلم اللغة الانجليزية بطلاقة على عدد هائل من المفرداتوالعبارات وحتى المحادثات .- التطبيق متجدد و مجاني للابد .ملاحظة:لقد تم تصنيف تطبيق تعلم اللغة الانجليزية بطلاقة من بين افضلالتطبيقات نجاحا في تعلم اللغة الانجليزية 2016 .استمتع الآن بكل هذه المميزات في تطبيق تعلم اللغة الانجليزيةبطلاقة بدون انترنت مجانا مباشرة من هاتفك بسرعة وفصاحة. دون الحاجةالى دفع المال من اجل دروس خصوصية او معلم او انترنت مجانا و اتمنى منالله عز وجل ان ينال التطبيق اعجابكم وان يساعدكم و ان تعمنا الفائدةاياي واياكم ،ولا تنسوا تقيم التطبيق 5 نجوم و مشاركته مع الاصدقاء على الفيسبوك و تويتر ووضع تعليقاتكم و رأيكم واقتراحاتكم فهي تهمنا وتعني لناالكثير وشكرا . و نقدم جزيل الشكر لكل من دعمنا وساعدنا للنهوضبالتطبيق نحو الافضل.No longer the Turkishlanguage and French or Spanish and even German language of the agefor example, the French are no longer used in many countries, butfor the Spanish radishes Spanish population prefer English insteadof her, but for the German they are very complex and few spread thelanguage, today became the world a small village communicate easilywith each other thanks to the standardized language which isEnglish ... for being very simple.Learning English grammar easily now, with this application,which aims to teach English to all Arabs.Learn English vernacular US and British English with the help ofthis application, which is designed to Teilm English very quicklyand is very wonderful because it provides the property to learnEnglish without the Internet.Characterized English grammar force, simplicity and speed in itsunderstanding as English is today one of the most used languages​​in the world, but is considered more important now because it istaught in most colleges and universities across the world, this hasbecome mandatory and compulsory to learn and you speak as theEnglish language may be a decision crucial to get the job of yourdreams or your passport to continue your studies abroad.In our application we offer you the best way to learn Englishproperly and short time, which will help you build a solidfoundation and properly in the English language, which has becomean urgent necessity in the present day.This program is a complete and integrated to teach English forbeginners from scratch courseware for free, where you will find itmore than a school, Information and Language Institute because hedescribed a simplified and contagious way by specialists in thisarea, where in our program we use the latest and most successfulstrategies used in major colleges to teach languages .Features provided by the application of learning Englishfluently which:+ English language education for all Arabs.+ English to all levels of education.+ Teaching English to children.+ Teaching English for beginners.+ Teaching English to adults.+ English language education for the second year of thebaccalaureate.+ Teaching English to the verge of study abroad from scratch.There are many other features provided by the application, suchthat:- English language lessons for beginners and advanced.- English language classes for the second year of thebaccalaureate.- Professional English language lessons.- Full English language rules.- British English grammar.- American English rules.- English grammar times.- English grammar for beginners.- English grammar in Arabic.- The basic rules of English.- Learn English conversation.- Learn English conversation starters.- Learn fluent English conversation.- Learn English conversation easily.Other features provided by the application of learning Englishfluently which:- Mastery of English grammar easily.- Learn English perfectly.- The acquisition of months English sentences.- Learn how to speak English fluently.- Secrets for learning English.- Will master the English language in record time.- The acquisition of the strongest words of English to use.- Get a thorough explanation of the rules of the Englishlanguage.- The application actually holistic and renewed in itscontent.- Easy access to the information as soon as.- All the sentences and phrases English translation of the Arabiclanguage.- The application does not need the Internet to work.- The application of the English language fluently learn a hugenumber of vocabulary and phrases, and even conversationscontain.- A renewed application and free forever.Note:I've been rating the application of learning English fluently amongthe best applications success in learning English in 2016.Enjoy now with all these features in the application of learningEnglish fluently without Internet for free directly from your phonequickly and eloquence. Without having to pay money for privatelessons or a teacher, or the Internet for free, and I hope to GodAlmighty to obtain the application you like it and that will helpyou and Tamna that interest me, and you are,Do not forget to evaluate the application 5 stars and share withfriends on Facebook and Twitter and put your comments and youropinion and suggestions are important to us and means a lot to usand thank you. And we offer sincere thanks to all of our supportand help us to promote the application for the better.
Western Cowboy :West Adventure 1.0
So what's is Western Cowboy : West Adventure ?- Western Cowboy is a free android game developed byNeonfletch.-You will never believe how fun this game is, it's an epic newadventure and strategy game ,that could add more features toandroid Cowboys games list .- yes sure, it look like simple game , but it's awesome ,without using old style (guns ,fighting ,shooting,GangShowdown,west theme or western asset ) .In first time ,when I played Six-Guns : Gang Showdown andFighter Cowboy , also the others west Cowboy Games, I said bossthis is big games , with multi player and lot of (coins,dangerousplace ,shooters,shotgun,showdown... ) ,So what are you waiting for? let's build one ,and here we are .Now the game goal :' In Western Cowboy Game ,you need to past all challenge to win."Note :The Western Cowboy player is so strange ,He's using guns , it'sshooter cowboy ... loll I'm just kidding.HOW TO PLAY :1_ To prevent dead the Young Cowboy , you needs to touch everyheart in order to survive.2_ Help the cute cowboy by running and jumping across thelevel.FEATURES OF THIS VERSION :•easy to control• 105 different Levels• Phone and Tablet support• Music and sound effects• Play for all ages• Game is free, no purchase required.Languages supported:• EnglishSo what are you waiting for ?*Go and download the Western Cowboy:West Adventure now for FREE!*Please share game with friends and let review or leave comment , ifyou have any issue to this game, we will happy to resolve yourissue.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like us on Facebook : team at : Neonfletch@gmail.comWestern Cowboy West Adventure Demo website :
Fast Traffic Racer 3D 2016 2.0
Show off your stunt skills in fast trafficracer and be the best highway rider ever. Fast Traffic Racer 3D2016 the motorcycle driving simulator on it is a realistic bikegame that allows you to choose between different types ofmotorcycles and supermoto. Fast Traffic Racer 3D 2016 comes withmore a fishion motorbike driving simulator.Fast Traffic Racer 3D 2016 gives you different realisticscenarios, ride your supermoto from different super bikes racingand show off your stunt extreme that will allows you to boost yoursuperbike speed but watch out from the traffic rush.Your stunt extreme skills comes in Fast Traffic Racer 3D 2016,it allows you to become the best highway rider and the fast TrafficRacer ever!Ride your favorite fast motorcycle and experience the stuntextreme skills to become the best motorcycle driver and trafficracer ever! The game comes with great racing rivals. what youwaiting for slap your helmet and ride your supermoto and be thebest highway rider in one of the best traffic racing games.** FEATURES **- stunning 3D Graphics- Free ride mode available- Beautiful Full HD Graphics- Challenge your friends by sharing your score!- Different kind of motorcycles- Position of view camera (helmet view)- Wonderful effects of stunt extreme!- and MORE...Slap the helmet and show off your motorcycle stunt extremeskills and become the best motorcycle driver ever!Please Feel Free and Let Us Know If you had any issues or anysuggests for this game or any future games of us! Thank you SO MUCHfor supporting us it's means a lot for us:) :D! @NeonFletch.
Full Body Workouts At Home 1.0
Want to improve your health & fitness ? want the ultimateskimble’s workout trainer that you can do at home or in gym?Then try Fitness Gym & Workouts Trainer !This daily workouts are a collection of simple 30 day exercisechallenges, where you do a set number of exercises each day withrest days thrown in!Our home workout increases intensity slowly and day 30 will testanyone. The app is suitable for both men and women of any ages andany fitness levels.You can start of at the beginner level and work your way up toadvanced!Get in the best shape of your life with thousands of free workoutsand premium training challenges programs that help you achieve yourfitness goals. This workout trainer is a TOP app on Android , freeto download!Are you looking for gym exercise to practise at home to buildyour muscles?Then this is the right app for all Daily bodyBuilding andfitness with cool pro weight loss calendar!This lot workouts is lifting weights program for you (sport´s fans) who love training challenges .Our Gym Coach plans offers you a big amount of info calendar thatwill help you to reach your total fitness.Application has many exercises and workouts to exercise at club orat home.Get the most amazing results and work with anywhere and challengesyourself , squat, jump , push up do what you love!So whats special in this app ?1 - The major muscle groups in Daily workouts App is:- Biceps trainer .- Triceps training.- Abs (Abdominal) training.- Shoulders training.- Legs training.- arm workout- Bodybuilding trainer.- fitness club style- more....2 - Application has the following sections :Workouts exercises Guide :More than 100 different exercises to do at the gym withexplanation of the exercise, info about involved muscles, imagesand an explanation video .Gym & Home Workouts :Different exercise that will help you to schedule your weekly work,as hard as you want or you can. You can train at the gym or athome.Guided workout journal :Different guided that will allow you to practice fitness at homewith this app´s help + steps .How to :Try to beat yourself and reach some of the goals that Totalworkouts and Fitness proposes you, try to reach your best trainingwith these workouts images guide .Workout stopwatch :the app has stopwatch to helps you to motorize your improvementswith this section , here you will be able to control your B MI(body mass index), Fat %, and your strength , bodybuilding .Daily Workout Builder :Create your own workout by add it to your daily programFEATURES:* major of the best workout training for yourbodybuilding.* List bodybuilding most often used exercises for every majormuscle group.* Instruction text with images for each exercises to maximize yourmuscle build.* every exercise comes with additional images of musclestraining.* How do all the sports movement and exercise correctly attachedillustrated.* The ability to set up a special program stakes exercise,to buildmuscle body and Fitness.exercises routines focus in :* Workouts, with per-set workout plans.* Exercise, with major of the exercises miscalculation relevant andimportant for your muscle build.* Exercises miscalculation that you can add it by yourself to buildmuscle.+++ More ...!!App made to be friendly to user , and we try to make it betterevery time , so if you have any issue with contact us :||.We share with you our own apk for free , please support us topublish more free games and apps just by rate the app and share itwith your friends in Facebook or Twitter ... that's help us andmake our evolution become true .Enjoy :D
Recettes De Gâteaux 2016 3.0.1
Avec " Recettes De Gâteaux 2016 " découvrezmeilleur Recettes de gâteaux et Recettes de Dessert Rapide et santé,et plein d'autres recettes de gâteaux facile à preparer ." Recettes De Gâteaux 2016 " : Est une application 100% gratuiteet en français , gourmande pour vous aider à réaliser vos prochainsGâteaux , elle contient une colletion des plus belles recettes degâteaux délicieux..Avec Recettes De Gâteaux 2016 , trouvez les recettes de Gâteaux quivous correspondent le mieux.Voici quelques recettes que Vous pouvez y trouver :- Gateau de crepes aux pommes caramélisées.- Ramequins fondants au chocolat.- Gateau au chocolat sans sucre.- Beignes au four.- Gateau yaourt-pommes express.- Brownies aux noix.- Cake aux myrtilles glacage citron- Recettes Gâteaux rapide .- Desserts .- Recettes Gâteaux au chocolat .- Dessert au caramel .- Recette dessert originale .- Recettes Gâteaux et cake .- Recettes Gâteaux 2016 .- Crepes .- Patisserie .- Dessert glacé .- Dessert patrice .- Gâteau moelleux pommes/poires- Gâteau roulé à la fraise- Gâteau aux pommes-poires- Gâteau fondant au chocolat sans beurre- Gâteau au yaourt- Bavarois poire sur fondant au chocolat et craquant auxspeculoos- Fondant coco-bananes- Gâteau au chocolat- Gâteau poire-chocolat- Gâteau à l'ananas- Moelleux pommes cannelle- Gâteau au Chocolat moelleux- Gâteau au Chocolat en Poudre- Gâteau au Chocolat sans Beurre- Gâteau au Chocolat sans œuf- Gâteau 3 chocolats croustillant- Gâteau au Chocolat Blanc- Gâteau Chocolat Noix de Coco+ Et plein d'autres recettes gâteaux facile à preparercaractéristiques principales :- List de recettes de gâteaux .- Les techniques culinaires en étapes.- Mode cuisine, étape par étape pour toutes les recettes.- Simple d'utilisation.- Interface conviviale.- Ne requiert aucune connexion à internet.- Régulièrement mise à jour avec de nouvelles recettes.- Recettes De Gâteaux 2016 optimisée pour votre tablette Android!-Et plus ...( tout ça pour aide autre utilisateur à avoir des bonnes resultat...)Et voila Merci pour vos nombreux commentaires , partagezmaintenant à vos amis vos recettes favorites .Et merci de votre fidélité! n'hésitez pas à nous contacter àl'adresse " " pourtoutes remarques ou suggestions .Grâce à notre application " Recettes De Gâteaux 2016 " vous devenezmeilleur chef .Recettes De Gâteaux 2016 : Recettes de cuisine (Gâteau et Cakes)100% GratuitBon appétit !Installez Cette application Maintenant pour réussir vos Gâteaux!n'oublir pas partage l'app avec vous amis <3With "Cakes Recipes From2016" discover the best recipes of cakes and Dessert Recipes Quickand health, and many other cake recipes easy to prepare."Recipes From 2016 Cakes": Is a 100% free application and Frenchgourmet to help you achieve your next Cakes, it contains acolletion of the best recipes of delicious cakes..With Recipes From 2016 Cakes, Cakes find recipes that fit youbest.Here are some recipes that you can find:- Cake caramelized apple crepes.- Chocolate fondant Ramekins.- Chocolate cake without sugar.- Doughnuts oven.- Yoghurt cake apple-express.- Brownies with nuts.- Cake with blueberry lemon icing- Quick Recipes Cakes.- Desserts.- Recipes Chocolate Cakes.- Dessert with caramel.- Original Recipe dessert.- Cakes and Cake Recipes.- Recipes Cakes 2016.- Crepes.- Pastry .- Frozen dessert.- Dessert patrician.- Soft Cake apples / pears- Rolled cake with strawberry- Pear Apple Cake- Chocolate Fudge Cake without butter- Yogurt cake- Bavarian pear on chocolate fondant and crunchy spiced with- Fondant coco-banana- Chocolate cake- Pear-chocolate cake- Cake with Pineapple- Fluffy Cinnamon Apples- Chocolate cake fluffy- Chocolate Cake Powder- No Butter Chocolate Cake- Chocolate Cake without egg- 3 crispy chocolate cake- White Chocolate Cake- Chocolate Coconut Cake+ And many other recipes easy to prepare cakesmain Features :- List of cake recipes.- The culinary techniques into steps.- Cooking mode step by step for all recipes.- Easy to use.- User-friendly interface.- Requires no internet connection.- Regularly updated with new recipes.- Cakes Recipes From 2016 optimized for your Android tablet!-And more ...(All for using another user to have good results ...)And here Thank you for your many comments, your friends nowshare your favorite recipes.And thank you for your loyalty! do not hesitate to contact us at""for any comments or suggestions.With our application "Cakes Recipes From 2016" you get betterleader.Cakes Recipes 2016 Recipes (Cakes and Cake) 100% FreeEnjoy your meal !This application Install Now for successful Cakes!oublir not share the app with your friends <3
Ninja Shadow Clumsy free 2015 2.0
Welcome to Ninja Shadow Clumsy free2015...Ninja Shadow Clumsy is a latest Ninja game in Google Play Store ,and we are sure you love Ninja games , so that's what you need.Now take control of your Shadow Clumsy Ninja fighter, grab allthe coins , run, jump..! Just do anything to keep the Shadow Clumsyrunning alive.Enjoy your free version ,play the crazy Shadow Clumsy Ninja, andjump like real Ninja .our ninja player look like Samoray , chines ninja ,but it's notkiller ,you have just to get all tools and the way and save it ,cause the Clumsy Shadow Ninja need it in big ware of Ninjump age.How to Play:-Tap on screen to jump.-Grab all the coins.-Get more coins-Don't let Ninja player fell downGAME FEATURES :●Pro and full control.●Challenges.●Jump, then double jump!.● Easy to play.● Nice sounds.●Excellent HD graphics.● Nice Ninja hero.● Perfect background.●Long map.●Hard levels.>> Install Ninja Shadow Clumsy free 2015 today. It'sFREE!This game is suitable for all kind of genres from kids, girlsand boys of all ages.Feedback and rate are greatly appreciated and will help improvethe game.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ninja Shadow Clumsy free 2015 developed by Neonfletch team .Like us on Facebook : team at : Neonfletch@gmail.comVisit game Demo Page :
kong Monkey : Banana Hunt 1.0
(we all played big android games , the idea ofthis game come when I was playing same Monkey games , like BananaKong , Benji Bananas, Bloons Monkey City and here I got this one:D)A thrilling excursion through the sky and more levels .Embodies Kong Monkey!Banana HuntPick your Pogo stick on the kong monkey game " Banana Hunt", andjump higher on the sky to catch the Bananas and experience theamazing feeling of jumping a monkey, using a Pogo stick and Huntthe Bananas!In The kong monkey Game '' Banana Hunt '' , you have to jumphigher using a Pogo stick and trampoline! ,And Hunt the bananas besure to get every bananas ! Be Aware of Bomb ,and try to use theRockets To Increase your kon monkey jumping speed and reaching thesky as fast as you can ,And Share Your Best Score On Banana HuntWith Your Friends Of Facebook!BANANA HUNT FEATURES :Actually this version of super monkey : banana hunt androidgame, come with lot of games features like :• High Quality And Beautiful Design For The Game• Two Types Of Rockets• Bombs• Trampoline• Bananas Coins• Balloons• Compatible with the HD screen••• Monster Monkey Player (kong jumper as we call it ,it's niceMonkey jumper)• And more ...So as you see now the game look good ,it's just mini versionFeel free to post your ideas and your opinion about the gameBanana Hunt Or any game of ours, we will try to implement and applythem as soon as possible.Thank you very much for all your support and interest in ourgames it motivates us and making us more stronger to work hard! Wewould love to hear your suggestions!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like us on Facebook : team at :
Jungle Adventures - kids games 1.0
Ready for some challenges ?Take control of one of amazing Beetle Adventures puzzle games ,it's an easy + more fun ; simulate of Japanese beetle and SuperBeetle Run games but with more features.There are many variety items and deluxe design waiting for you ,drive your Beetle player around the puzzle terrain , Smasheverything in way , let Beetle Smasher catch every coins , neverlet it be slow push the speed feature to complete any level in need.We Know There are many cool beetle apps and games in Google playstore and all competition ... but our own version has perfect 2danimal simulator design that will help us to keep you playing ,more ... Support android cell phone and tab , it's also suitablefor all ages (children, kids, kindergarten, teen, adolescent andadult)...You have lot of Missions to do it's a challenge , challengeaccepted ? it's easy :Start play-mode + save power (get more coins ) + Push the gasbutton to add animal speed power (if you want beetle to survive) +finally play hard like boss as you can (complete the lastmissions).How to play ?The beetle wants to eat the eatable items and avoid the baditems by rolling over and over forward. The forward direction iscontrolled by leaning the device to right or left. The forwardspeed is on the decrease gradually. Then it is possible to increasethe speed by releasing the gas of beetle.FEATURES- HD Stunning Graphics- Different Levels and challenges- Missions and Adventures.- Awesome music and sound effects- Available on Phone and Tablet- Full suspension and shocks- Play for all ages- Easy to control- Completely free to play- +++ More ...!!The game made to be friendly to user , and we try to make itbetter every time ,so if you have any issue with game pleasecontact us :||.We share with you our own games for free , please support us topublish more free games and apps just by rate the app and share itwith your friends in Facebook or twitter .... that's help us andmake our evolution become true.If something does´t work or if you want to let us know yoursuggestions, please write us an e-mail.enjoys!Like us on Facebook :
Dragon Floppy free 1.0
A Dragon Floppy is free game like the originalbird game!We all loved the original flappy game and its famous bird, but thedeveloper deleted his famous ,and we are Tired of playing all thesedifferent flappy creatures and birds and animals...but with this version u will love this one as well...Yeah we know,it's not the original flappy game with the well known bird but noworries, you will also love it and we are already working on a lotof features to make it even better.[How to play]Move your wings and fly away in the world Dragon Floppy ,and avoidobstacles to win .Features- Beautiful Graphics and scenarios- Simple Controls~!!!- One Touch Control.- Lots of fun.- +++ More ...!!So Let's play Dragon Floppy free and enjoy it.What are you waiting for?Download Dragon Floppy now FREE!So Let's play Dragon Floppy free and enjoy it.What are you waiting for?The game made to be friendly to user , and we try to make itbetter every time , so if you have any issue , contact us :||.We share with you our own games for free , please support us topublish more free applications just by rate the app and share itwith friends in Facebook or twitter .... that's help us and makeour evolution become true.If something doesn´t work or if you want to let us know yoursuggestions , write us an e-mail.enjoys!
Shadow fight Ninja Runner 2D 1.0
We are sure you love Shadow fight games ,today we back with nice fighting game using 2d cartoon , we call itShadow fight Ninja Runner 2D.Is nice fighting game developed by Neonfletch team .You can take control of the Ninja fighter and Runner , and go graball the coins , fell the fighting game , jump like ninjump Ninja,and glide like pro Runner Ninja in darkness !Ninjump Ninja is the samoray and old chines Ninja , you have justto get all coins on street fight and save it , cause shadow fightneed it in big ware of Ninjump platform game ,just do anything tokeep the ninja fighter running and alive.Enjoy your free Shadow fight Ninja Runner 2D version and playthe crazy ninjump Ninja ,Not ! don't let and shadow behind you !it's time jump like real Runner Ninja .How to Play:*Swipe your finger to let your Runner Ninja jump.*let Runner Ninja grab all the coins.GAME FEATURES Shadow fight Ninja Runner 2D.● Amazing power-up boosts!.● Land on constantly changing array of platforms.● Intuitive tap controls.● Endless ninja fun.● Jump, then double jump!.● easy to play.● nice sounds.● Excellent HD graphics.● Nice Ninja fighter.● perfect background.Shadow fight Ninja Runner 2D ! is fighting game for kids andadult, girls and boys of all ages.yeah download street fight game today to achieve your goal, whileits still 100% free!Please If you have any problem in installation, please report tous . We will try to fix it as soon as possible.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like us on Facebook : team at :
Planes Games : War Airplane 1.0
▷ Why you have to play Planes Games :WarAirplane exactly ?!First ,are you tired of driving boring plane , or playold(Aircraft,Airplane,classic plane...) games? .Now you are in the right place , because of this War Airplanegame,you will become ''hero of the clouds''.▷ Features OF War plane Game :① Planes Games : War Airplane is big warplane game includeoldstyle of airplane and classic plane , that played wars atpastage.②The game come with nice War Plane Flight Simulator , it letyoufeel that your in war .③Beautiful environments .④Smooth and simple aircraft control system.⑤Easy to learn hard to master.⑥Exciting Sound effect .⑦Nice optimized,running on old devices and only need no morethan50MB space.▷ Note :And dont forgot to play airplane flying game hardcore way,because there's no place for nubes▷ How To PLAY :Tap up and down button to push the pilot to changeairplaneposition, and avoid bad items, like bombs and fire ; youhave totouche Gaz and money ,it will help you to complete yourplaneemission in war .▷ LANGUAGES SUPPORTED :• EnglishNow it's your time go and download the Planes Games :WarAirplane for FREE :DPlease share Warplane game with friends and let review orleavecomment , if you have any issue to this game, we will happytoresolve your issue.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like us on Facebook : team at :