O2 Slovakia, s.r.o. ئاپەکان

BehSiTy B345 1.0
O2 Slovakia, s.r.o.
Bežíš od Tatier až k Dunaju? Tak si stiahniaplikáciu BehSiTy B345.Od Tatier k Dunaju je 345km dlhý štafetový beh 6 až 12-člennýchtímov, ktoré vyštartujú z Jasnej v Nízkych Tatrách v sobotu 15.augusta 2015 dopoludnia. Bežia non-stop dňom aj nocou a v nedeľupoobede dobehnú do cieľa pretekov na nábreží Dunaja vBratislave.V aplikácii BehSiTy B345 si jednoducho a rýchlo pozrieš svojepriebežné výsledky i výsledky celého tímu a porovnáš ich sostatnými bežcami.Powered by O2You're running from theTatras to the Danube? So you download applications BehSiTy B345.From the Tatra Mountains to the Danube is 345 km long relay race6 to 12-membered teams that started from Jasna in the Low Tatras onSaturday, August 15, 2015 morning. Run non-stop day and night andSunday afternoon catch up to the finish of the race on the Danubeembankment in Bratislava.The application BehSiTy B345 can quickly and easily view yourcurrent results and results of the entire team and compare themwith other runners.Powered by O2
BehSiTy 1.1
O2 Slovakia, s.r.o.
S aplikáciou BehSiTy získate prehľadoaktuálnych bežeckých podujatiach, na ktoré sa môžetepriamoregistrovať.Sledujete svoj čas, tempo a máte tak okamžitý prístup kusvojimbežeckým štatistikám.Stiahnite si mobilnú aplikáciu BehSity a neujde vám už anijedenmaratón.Powered by O2The application BehSiTytoreview the current cross-country events where you canregisterdirectly.You watch your time, pace and you have instant access totheircross-country statistics.Download the mobile app BehSity without skipping a marathonorlonger.Powered by O2
My Signal 1.3
O2 Slovakia, s.r.o.
My Signal alows you to keep track of yourdatausage, give your feedback on call quality by rating selectedcallsand test your connection bandwidth.To help us better understand the user experience our networkoffersto our customers, this app also collects and reportsnetworkdiagnostics data from your device which is then used toidentifyand analyze potential weak spots in the network andpinpointspecific problems affecting the quality of thenetwork.
O2 aplikácia 6.29
O2 Slovakia, s.r.o.
Everything you need to equip is at your fingertips.
O2 TV SK 2.20.0
O2 Slovakia, s.r.o.
Enjoy modern digital television with your O2 TV app
O2 TV SK 8.24.0 (42598)
O2 Slovakia, s.r.o.
With O2 TV, you watch TV on up to 4 devices at the same time,wherever you are.
Radosť 1.18.2
O2 Slovakia, s.r.o.
Your digital operator. Call, write and give with Joy. Completelyfree for 7 days.