Ocean Reef Studios ئاپەکان

Questions Game 2.3
Ocean Reef Studios
Questions Game is a sharing game played in a circle or in pairs,rotating partners. Endless uses: - Get to know people - Always havean interesting question to ask - Icebreakers - Small groups - Sharedeeper with your friends, family or boy/girl friend - Just have abig laugh
Speed Greek 1.6.3
Ocean Reef Studios
Quickest way to get started on Biblical Greek. Better thanflashcards since you can learn at the same time as testing yourselfand the app doesn't let you cheat! Speed Greek makes flash cardsmore powerful by giving you two choices. Unlike flash cards, youdon't have to go and study a list of words and then come back andtest yourself, the two choices mean you learn right from the start.With on screen score and best times its fun and easy, letting yourbrain do what it does best, learn to match visual patterns!Features: - Add your own words - Upper and lowercase alphabet - 3Word sets, each with easy/medium/hard levels - Top 100 most commonwords in the New Testament - Continuous mode for learning largenumbers of words - Society of Biblical Literature transliteration -Simple fullscreen design gets rid of all distractions and helps youfocus on learning Add your own words: - Revise for tests - Matchword lists with textbooks - Expand the built in vocabulary list -Keep a list of words you find hard - Share with friends/classmates