Ourdigi ئاپەکان

我愛花蓮x花蓮愛我 1.0.0
花蓮,一個讓人遠離塵囂、放鬆心情的好地方。隻身在台北工作,常常有朋友問到花蓮該怎麼玩呢?可不可以幫忙規劃一下行程呢~?其實,來到花蓮你只需要放慢腳步,好好體驗屬於這塊土地的生活。既然來到一個搭火車需要二、三個小時的好地方,除了推薦一些熱門景點外,也利用這本電子書告訴朋友們道地的花蓮好去處吧!本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作版權所有OurDigi Tech.Hualien, apeople away from the hubbub of a good place to relax. Working alonein Taipei, Hualien often have friends ask how to play with? Couldit help planning your trip it ~? Actually, you only need to slowdown in Hualien, a good life experience part of this land. Now camea train needs two, three hours is a good place, in addition to someof popular attractions, but also use this eBook tell my friendsauthentic Hualien good place right!Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developed OurAppEditorCopyright OurDigi Tech.
贾茹涵 微笑专辑 1.0.0
中国青年歌唱艺术家贾茹涵,全新个人专辑《Smile微笑》专辑,这张专辑由海内外多国音乐制作人在巴黎和上海共同打造,专辑曲风涵盖流行、古典、爵士、New Age等多种音乐风格。而她更在专辑中尽显语言的天赋,用英语、意大利语、法语、古英语以及中国傣语来演唱专辑中的歌曲,同时她还在专辑中与海外的艺术家共同演绎,使专辑的内涵更加多样化。Chinese young artistssinging Guru Han, the new solo album "Smile Smile" album,This album by the multi-country and abroad together to create amusic producer in Paris and Shanghai, genre album covers pop,classical, jazz, New Age and other music styles.Her talent is more fully shown in the language album in English,Italian, French, Old English and Chinese Dai to sing the songs inthe album,She is also common interpretation album with overseas artists tomake the album more diverse connotations.
羊毛氈DIY-小豬豬的異想世界 1.0.0
限時免費下載!!羊毛氈是個好玩的手工藝品,利用羊毛可以做出很多有趣又可愛的小作品唷!!現在就讓您利用本App的互動功能,詳細分析演示步驟,跟著蔓蒂一起動手來做小豬豬吧!本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作版權所有OurDigi Tech.Limited freedownload!!Felt is a fun arts and crafts, wool can make use of a lot ofinteresting and lovely small works yo!! Now let you take advantageof the interactive features of the App, a detailed analysisdemonstrates the steps to follow to do with the hands spreadpedicle Little Pig Bar !Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developed OurAppEditorCopyright OurDigi Tech.
王米卡的新兵日記 1.0.0
畫風可愛的王米卡以他特有的幽默的口吻以及可愛的畫風,告訴你那些他在軍中當菜鳥的日子,篇篇爆笑,準是你下班時的開心解悶APP啦!本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作Mika king style cute withhis unique sense of humor and lovely style tone, telling you thatwhen he was a rookie in the army the day Sylvia Comedy,registration is fun when you work boredom APP friends!Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developed OurAppEditor
Nash&Carol pre wedding photos 1.0.0
綠攝影像工作室 (GreenPhoto)綠攝影像結合現在最新最夯的APP多媒體技術,讓新人在分享自己喜悅的婚紗照,可以透過手持裝置(ipad、Android)下載。把相本變成APP讓新人不必再攜帶厚重的相本就可分享照片。而在相片裡,我們也加進了更多可以互動的美編特效,讓每一對新人的親朋好友在欣賞照片的同時,也增添了更多趣味。綠攝影像結合了露營&旅行的元素,讓拍攝婚紗照變成是一個新生活開始的甜美回憶和甜蜜紀念~本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作Like Green PhotographyStudio (GreenPhoto)Green Photography like now with the latest multimedia technologyfor hot APP,For the couple to share their joy at the wedding, via handhelddevices (ipad, Android) to download. The phase of the APP for thecouple to become heavy with having to carry the can sharephotos.In the photo, we can also add more interactive art editor effectsto make each couple's friends and family enjoy the photos, but alsoadds more fun.Green Photography Camping & Travel like a combination ofelements,Let take wedding photos turn out to be the beginning of a new lifesweet sweet memories and commemoration ~Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developed OurAppEditor
全球法界UCTV2網路電視台 1.0.0
全球法界UCTV2網路電視台,是一個讓你從網路免費24小時隨時隨地,收看佛教動態及高畫質師父線上弘法講經,並且可了解寺廟動態及最新訊息,內容多樣又豐富。本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作Global Dharma UCTV2network television, is one that makes you free from the Internet 24hours anywhere, dynamic and high-definition TV with Buddhist MasterOnline Lectures and can understand the dynamics and the latest newstemples, diverse and rich content.Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developed OurAppEditor
人間菩薩的生命故事 1.0.0
人文乃普世價值,為了提升學生之人文素養,學校從既有的課程,或以全新的角度重新規劃課程,其中「服務學習」是藉由「做中學」、「做中覺」、「學中覺」具體實踐關懷社會的人、事、物之人文精神。唯有真實的故事,才有感動人的力量,唯有感動人的教材,才有教化人心的可能。本電子書提供真實感人的故事,期望喚醒學子的感恩回饋的,進而發揮生命良能。Humanities are universalvalues, in order to enhance students' cultural literacy, the schoolcurriculum from existing or new perspective to re-planningprograms, where "service learning" is accomplished by "learning bydoing", "done in sleep", "Learning in the sense "concrete practicecaring people, and things of the human spirit. Only true story,have the power to move people, move people only materials, onlyeducate people as possible. This book provides the story realisticto expect students to wake up Thanksgiving feedback, and thus playa life-intuitive ability.
喵喵日記 1.0.1
限時免費下載!!!你有養貓貓嗎?Our四寶的貓原來這麼可愛!!本書是描寫貓貓在辦公室與人們互動的有趣小事件,你會發現原來貓咪也是跟人一樣有許多喜怒哀樂的表情唷!!本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作版權所有OurDigi Tech.Limited free download! !!Keep cats do you have? Our four treasures of the cat that so cute!!This book is a description of cats interact with people in theoffice fun little event, you will find that the cat is like peoplehave a lot of emotions and expressions yo! !Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developed OurAppEditorCopyright OurDigi Tech.
2013年國際金融行事曆 1.0.1
提供2013年國際金融消息公佈時間 ( 期貨交易必備 )此行事曆以臺灣時間為主,主要針對從事國外股票或國際期貨的交易朋友設計的,商品的最後交易日均為期貨商品在國內交易建議的最後交易日,重要數據查詢請上各大財金網站,此曆主要功能為提醒交易朋友注意哪個時段有比較大的波動。若有任何建議或想索取行事曆更詳細相關內容的話。 請來信: wibat1107@gmail.com本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作IFC provides 2013announcement time (Futures necessary) this calendar time in Taiwan,mainly engaged in foreign stocks for futures trading friend orinternational design, commodity futures were last trading day inthe domestic commodity trading advice the last trading day,important data on the major financial and monetary Enquirieswebsite, the main feature of this calendar is to remind theattention of a friend what time of the transaction have relativelylarge fluctuations. If you have any suggestions or would like toobtain more detailed calendar related content words. Please email:wibat1107@gmail.comUse this App Orr Digital Limited production developed OurAppEditor
OurApp數位電子書 1.0.0
OurApp是多媒體互動電子書製作團隊,現由PC平台跨足iPad、Android平台,我們追求更便利,更快速,更豐富的多媒體互動電子書製作流程,如您對這方面有興趣或需求,歡迎與我們連絡。本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作版權所有OurDigi Tech.OurApp multimediainteractive e-book production team is currently composed of the PCplatform branched iPad, Android platform,We pursue a more convenient, faster and richer multimediainteractive e-book production processes,If you are really interested in or needs, please contact us.Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developed OurAppEditorCopyright OurDigi Tech.
壓鑄專業用語 1.0.0
本軟體為新台通商所開發之壓鑄專業用語翻譯對照Lite版本。內有繁中、簡中、英語及日語的常用壓鑄詞彙對照表,在未來我們將推出更詳盡的進階版本以及壓鑄相關軟體上架。新台通商是以銷售壓鑄機、製品、自動化周邊設備、提供在地技術服務為主之通路商,範圍包含台灣、中國、日本以及東南亞地區;詳情請瀏覽新台通商官方網站或來電洽詢,我們將會有專人為您服務。The application is the lite version that Sintai-Corp developed.It contains most usable die-casting terminology translations inChinese, English and Japanese. In the future, we are going torelease the advanced version and other apps have more details aboutterm knowledge, and die-casting. Sintai-Corp is the distributorfocus on die-casting machines, products, automatic equipment,professional technology and local supporting service. The area weprovide services including Taiwan, China, Japan and Southeast Asia.If you want to know about more detail, please contact us with ourofficial website or call us, we will at your service.本ソフトウエアは、新台通商により、ダイカスト専門用語、英、中、日三カ国翻訳Lite版として開発されました。今後、さらにより詳細で充実した改訂版、とダイカスト関連の技術ソフトを継続的に発表していく予定です。Sintai新台通商はダイカスト設備の営業販売、及び専門技術サービスを提供する専門業者です。詳しい内容はSintai新台通商公式サイトに問い合わせて下さい、私達はサイトの訪問をお待ちして居ります。Developed the softwarefor the new station Tsusho casting jargon translation control Liteversion. Within Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Englishand Japanese table of commonly used die casting vocabulary, in thefuture, we will launch a more detailed advanced version as well asdie-casting software shelves. Tsusho of the new station in the saleof die-casting machines, products, automation peripherals,providing technical services in the main distributors, the rangeincludes Taiwan, China, Japan and Southeast Asia; details, pleasevisit the the New Taiwan Tsusho official website or call contact,we will there will be someone to serve you.The application is the lite version that Sintai-Corp developed.It contains most usable die-casting terminology translations inChinese, English and Japanese. In the future, we are going torelease the advanced version and other apps have more details aboutterm knowledge, and die-casting. Sintai-Corp is the distributorfocus on die-casting machines, products, automatic equipment,professional technology and local supporting service. The area weprovide services including Taiwan, China, Japan and Southeast Asia.If you want to know about more detail, please contact us with ourofficial website or call us, we will at your service.Of this Exxon フ ムウ エ ア は, New Taiwan Tsusho に Yori, theDyneema of イ カ ス the ト 専 door terminology, Britain, China, Japan 3カ country と し て turned 訳 Lite version open 発 さ れ ma し た. Future, sara ni Yori detailed で charge Mika し た revised version the と ダ イ kasu Suites off even の technical Exxon the Autograph Suites the を 継 続に 発 of Table し て い ku predetermined です on. The new Desk of SintaiTsusho は ダ イ ka su Suites equipment の 営 industry traders factoriesand び 専 door technology サ ー ビ su wo su the ru 専 door industry ですon. Detailed し い content to は Sintai new station Tsusho formula theSytec い て い the Hop wa se sa private reached Suites の は Sytecaccess を お be ち し て ます on ranks ri Suites に asked.
綠攝影像 1.0.2
夢想號會帶著你們的小夢想追逐日出 呼吸新鮮氧氣聆聽月鳴乘著陣陣晚風帶著你們找尋無法想像的絕美祕境 為的是一趟像蜜月般充滿回憶的婚紗旅行拍攝Dreamliner will bringyour dreams to chase a small breath of fresh oxygen to listensunrise May Wong breeze blowing ride with you to find the stunningUncharted can not imagine a trip like a honeymoon is like a tripfull of memories of the wedding shooting
TimeAndDate 1.0.0
小熊的捷克蜜月之旅 1.0.0
文筆不好,所以不是圖文分享;相片不優,所以不是攝影集,只是單純的蜜月回憶分享。捷克布拉格一直是許多新人蜜月的首選,不管有沒有去過,就讓小熊帶領大家體驗一次捷克波希米亞的浪漫與美好。帖契(Telc)、巴德傑維契(Budejovice)、庫倫洛夫(Krumlov)、瑪麗安斯凱(Marianske)、卡洛維瓦利(KarlovyVary)、布拉格(Prague),這些是蜜月團幾乎都會去的景點,就讓小熊用影像帶領擁有共同甜蜜回憶的佳偶們,再次回到那浪漫繽紛的時光,祝福大家恩愛到永遠!本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作Writing is bad, so itisnot graphic sharing; Picture is not excellent, so it is notphotocollections, simply honeymoon memories to share. Prague hasbeenthe first choice of many honeymoon couples, whether or notbeen,let Cubs lead us to experience a Czech Bohemian romanticandbeautiful. Posts deed (Telc), 巴德杰维契 (Budejovice), CullenLove(Krumlov), Marianske (Marianske), Calloway Wali (KarlovyVary),Prague (Prague), these groups are almost honeymoon will go totheattractions, let Cubs led with images have a common sweetmemoriesdarling who once again back to that romantic colorfulmoments,bless everyone loving forever!Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developedOurAppEditor
Donfer Pet Photography 1.0.0
因為養狗而開始接觸攝影的攝影新手Donfer,致力創作出不同元素的寵物攝影作品,到現在攝影資歷三年,作品曾獲俄羅斯、英國等線上媒體報導,也在美國國際寵物攝影比賽獲獎。他將告訴你如何使用閃光燈拍出寵物真誠、可愛的一面,也告訴你在戶外拍狗所要注意的細節,更大方的介紹他使用的NIKON相機與各種鏡頭怎麼拍狗、什麼時機拍狗最洽當,相信喜歡攝影的朋友們看完會覺得拍寵物很有趣,馬上帶著寵物拍照去!本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作Because dogs andbegancontacting photographing novice Donfer, strive to createdifferentelements of pet photography, photography qualificationsthree yearsnow, have won awards in Russia, Britain and other onlinemedia, butalso the United States International Pet Photo Contestwinners. Hewill tell you how to use the flash to shoot pet honest,cute side,but also tells you shoot outdoors dog to pay attention todetail,more generous about his use of the NIKON camera lens how toshootwith a variety of dogs, what time the most consistent shotdogWhen, I believe that friends are watching like photographyshootpet will feel very interesting and immediately photographedwith apet go!Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developedOurAppEditor
OurApp Reader 1.0.9
學測補給站 1.0.2
古露露的幸福蔬食物語 1.0.0
這裡有你意想不到的蔬食料理!如果你還在認為吃素像吃草一樣就太落伍啦~~古露露的蔬食部落格將顛覆你對素食的既定印象!全民一週一天素的時代來臨,怎能不跟上世界潮流的腳步前進呢?除了分享蔬食的用餐經驗外,還收錄了「新手也容易上手」的簡單美味料理♥Here you unexpectedvegandishes! If you are still considered a vegetarian like grazingtooout of touch! ~ ~ Fruit and vegetables Blogs ancient Lulutosubvert the the established impression vegetarian! Universal dayofthe week in prime era, could not keep up with the world trendoffootsteps it? In addition to the sharing of plant-based dietdiningexperience, but also included novice "easy to use" simpleanddelicious cuisine ♥
Million Dollar Challenge 1.0.6
Things that you learned from school,commonsense, odd trivia, etc. All of these are in the "MillionDollarChallenge".The only way to be the best puzzle king is to know everythingabouteverything!Brainstorm and broaden your horizon by following our games.Game Features:● Easy to get into the swing, friendly user interface,enjoylearning by playing fun games.● Lots of subjects that including: Common sense, music,math,physics and chemistry, current affairs,multilingualism,probability, reasoning power, it's challengingandinteresting.● Replayability. With over 100,000 total quizzes, it's rare togetthe same challenge twice. A large quiz-base to challengeyourbrain.
吉姆哥遊日本-OurApp互動日記手札 1.0.0
擁有自己的互動App不再是夢想!!讓可愛的吉姆哥教你/妳用最簡單的方式,在最短的時間內製作出專屬你/妳的生動電子書。快下載『吉姆哥遊日本』,來看看OurAppEditor能做些什麼有趣的互動吧!!本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作版權所有OurDigi Tech.Has its owninteractiveApp is no longer a dream! !Let lovely Ji Muge teach you / you with the most simple way, intheshortest time possible to produce exclusive you / your vividbooks.Fast Download "Ji Muge tour in Japan," to see what can bedoneOurApp Editor interesting interaction it! !Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developedOurAppEditorCopyright OurDigi Tech.
夜市走透透-樂華篇 1.0.0
限時免費下載!!!夜市是台灣最道地、獨特的夜生活特色。小編這次要帶大家到樂華夜市,以在地人的角度介紹樂華夜市美食,帶你品嚐來到永和樂華不能錯過的美食~本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作版權所有OurDigi Tech.Limited free download!!!Night Market is Taiwan's most authentic, unique nightlifefeatures.This small series we bring you to Leroy night market tolocalpeople's perspective on Leroy night market cuisine, YongheLeroycame with you can not miss tasting food ~Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developedOurAppEditorCopyright OurDigi Tech.
精彩視界自由掌握EX-10/100小品攝影集 1.0.3
EX-10/100可以說是Casio系列中很久不見的高階機種系列,除了一貫大量豐富的功能外,EX-10的超大光圈鏡頭,EX-100的高倍率鏡頭,自拍翻轉螢幕,雙軸智能包圍式拍攝,高速連拍,讓我們一起來看看他們強大的功能吧。EX-10/100 can be saidthatCasio series of high-end models long gone series, in additiontousual rich array of features, EX-10 large aperturelens,high-magnification lens EX-100, the self-timerflip-screen,dual-axis intelligent surrounded style shooting,high-speedcontinuous shooting, let us take a look at their powerfulit.
Kiddy Land ABC 1
Kiddy LandABC是由多年致力於數學位習研發設計的奧爾數位有限公司的新力作,與學術產業翰林出版社合作,一款專為幼兒設計的數位學習遊戲-Kiddyland ABC,此款遊戲在可愛的怪獸引領下啟發孩子們的想像與思考,孩子在逗趣的遊戲中自然學習第二語言與生活的融合。
鏡像之後(Lite)。LR Tutorial 1.0.0
本app使用Lightroom調整影像數值,Lightroom強大的特效功能及簡易性,讓人輕鬆達成各樣想像中的畫面,若是使用raw格式拍照,更能還原當時拍攝的光線及環境色澤。透過軟體工具的調整讓你不用好的設備也能調校出令人眼目一新的相片風格!希望本書能使你在翻閱後對攝影有不同想法,也能擁有屬於自己的設計生活風格!本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作版權所有OurDigi Tech.Use this app to adjusttheimage value Lightroom, Lightroom powerful effects capabilitiesandease of use, easy to reach all kinds of people to imaginethepicture, if using raw format photographs, taken more timetorestore the color of light and environment. Adjustedthroughsoftware tools so you do not have good equipment can adjustthevery eyes of a new photo style! Hope this book will enable youtoread the post of photography have different ideas, but also tohavetheir own design life style!Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developedOurAppEditorCopyright OurDigi Tech.
錢錢搜查課 1.0.0
啥麼??丁丁的魚乾不見了。好吧!就交給我這個福爾摩錢來幫他找吧!這是一款有趣的貓咪文字冒險遊戲,等著你來玩。而你的選擇會影響到遊戲中貓咪的結局唷!本App使用奧爾數位有限公司開發之OurApp Editor製作版權所有OurDigi Tech.What what? ? Tintindriedfish was gone. Alright! Formosa on to my money to help himfind it!This is a funny cat text adventure game, waiting for youtoplay.And your choice will affect the outcome of the game cat yo!Use this App Orr Digital Limited production developedOurAppEditorCopyright OurDigi Tech.