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vClass : Live teaching platform 0.0.45
vClass is an interactive live teaching platform that emulates theclassroom experience for both teachers and learners. It iscompletely free and comes with unlimited video calling and withoutany ads. Teachers and students can use the following exhaustivelist of features to continue their education from the comfort oftheir homes 1. Video Courses embedded with features likewhiteboard, automated attendance, playing YouTube videos and videooptimization for slower connections. 2. Teachers can use vClass fordissemination of learning by sending out assignments, and othercontent like hand-written notes, PDFs, educational videos andsharing important web links 3. Class Lock feature to make sureteachers can control who gets in to a course, ensuring security andprivacy for the class 4. A full-fledged academic forum for exchangeof ideas within the school participants 5. An examination systemthat allows teachers to set up both objective and descriptivequestions in the question bank and efficiently set up an exam fromthe question bank within a matter of minutes. We have provided atutorial section with video tutorials on how to navigate throughall the various features of vClass! We encourage you to have a lookat the tutorials for a seamless experience on vClass. Gettingstarted with vClass For teachers 1. Simply sign on to vClass andstart broadcasting to your students through the video classfeature. 2. Share your course code through any other messaging app.Only students with the unique code can log in to your class. 3.Make use of automated attendance, drawing board, give outassignments and notes, or conduct examinations on vClass. Forstudents 1. Login with a single sign-on to access your courses andcourse materials at the same place. 2. Enter the course code sharedby your teacher to add a new course. 3. Learn online, interact andask questions and debate with your classmates on relevant topics.4. Educate and be educated from the safety of your homes. vClasspromises to be a safe community for all educators and learners!Permissions Notice: · vClass requests the use of Camera to enableusers to take and upload authentic pictures of their hand-writtennotes and assignments. This allows vClass to maintain authenticityand reduce plagiarism. Users are expected to adhere to the Terms ofUse while using the feature. · vClass requests the use of Storageto enable users to attach and save pictures of their hand-writtennotes and assignments. Users are expected to adhere to the Terms ofUse while using the feature. Privacy Policy: Terms of Service: