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FitBoxer - Kickboxing by Maurizio Granieri 1.5.0
FitBoxer: Fitness, martial arts and self-defense united in one appDefine your body, improve your stamina and fitness, reduce stressand take your self confidence to another level – where and wheneveryou want. Become a FitBoxer! What is FitBoxer? FitBoxer is a12-week-workout-program that combines fitness with kickboxing. Thisincredible workout-routine was developed by Maurizio “The Headshot”Granieri, tenfold world champion in kickboxing und two times USOPEN-worldchampion. FitBoxer is a mobile training program for everytype of body, every age and gender. You don’t have to be a martialarts professional to use FitBoxer. The app presents youfull-body-workouts based on kicks and punches – no need for asparring partner or special equipment. Every workout finishes withan intensive stretching session. Statistics help you to watch yourprogress and will keep you motivated. Why you should become aFitBoxer? • Kickboxing is the perfect fit if you are looking tolose some weight. You will burn a load of calories and fight yourfat deposits rapidly. • Your muscles will start to grow because ofthe improved blood circulation you will experience. • Martial artsmake you more confident and can help you defend yourself ifnecessary. • FitBoxer helps you reduce stress. Use your built-uptension to intensify your training! • Kickboxing makes you morerelaxed and helps you reduce aggression. The training is idealagainst muscle tension and promotes your mobility. • The demandingcombinations will help you to keep your focus, improve yourcoordination, your concentration and your reaction time. Theseeffects will be visible in your everyday life. • Most important:Kickboxing is a lot of fun! FitBoxer is the perfect workout-routineto get the best out of you. What’s in it for me? Theworkout-program offers you effective workouts with martialarts-elements. You get interactive workouts with a lot of videosand detailed descriptions. You will become part of a community: Getin contact with other FitBoxers and share your progress. The12-week-program is split into three parts. From week one to four(Basic) you will be introduced into the world of martial arts: Yourfirst punch will let you feel your body in a new way. You’llalready start to burn of a lot of feel improvements with everylesson. From week five to eight (Strong) your skills will getbetter and better. You’ll start combinig your first punches,increase your endurance and senses. You will feel and see yourbody’s transformation. In the last four weeks (Ultimate), you willhave to give it all you got. From week nine to twelve you’ll haveto prove your learning from the past weeks. Start learningacrobatic combinations and pull the last reserves out of your body.Download FitBoxer now and become stronger, more athletic and moreenergetic! Support: Website: