PhaseBurn ئاپەکان

Digital Rain - Live Wallpaper 2.1
A live wallpaper featuring the one and onlymissing spoon.Version 2.1 includes a number of new features and changes. Youasked for options, so you got them!* Multiple colors, sizes, symbol sets.* Retro 8-bit mode cuz we're old-skool .* No scrolling when changing desktops.Please note that while this live wallpaper is (to my knowledge)functional on every known device (as of August, 2013), due to mybeing a derp and misplacing the source code as well as the key usedto sign the package, there will be no more updates.
Ingress Home Button Theme 0.1b
This is a theme for CyanogenMod 10.x, usingthe T-Mobile theme engine. If you are not running CyanogenMod 10.x(or a similar ROM utilizing the T-Mobile theme engine), it will notwork for you.Basically, this theme alters the softmenu buttons to be blue,with the home icon being replaced with the Ingress logo. If yourdevice has physical buttons and doesn't use the softmenu on-screenbuttons (I'm looking at you, Samsung users), this is utterlypointless as you'll never see the theme.It makes no other changes, and themes no other parts. I willprobably release additional themes that do more, as time permitsand creativity inspires.On a side note, if anybody wishes to make me a logo (Thatdoesn't use the Niantic Ingress logo itself), I'd be eternallythankful. While the inclusion of the Ingress logo itself in thetheme is perfectly fine (according to Niantic), I'm hesitant to usethe logo as the application logo in the Play Store, as they'veasked a number of other Ingress application developers to changeit. I'd rather not get on their bad side.
CyanogenMod Home Button Theme 0.2b
This is a theme for CyanogenMod 10.x, usingthe T-Mobile theme engine. If you are not running CyanogenMod 10.x(or a similar ROM utilizing the T-Mobile theme engine), it will notwork for you.Basically, this theme alters the softmenu buttons to be blue,with the home icon being replaced with Cid's head (CM's mascot). Ifyour device has physical buttons and doesn't use the softmenuon-screen buttons (I'm looking at you, Samsung users), this isutterly pointless as you'll never see the theme.It makes no other changes, and themes no other parts. I willprobably release additional themes that do more, as time permitsand creativity inspires.
CyanogenMod Home Theme (White) 0.2b
This is the white version of theCyanogenModHome ButtonTheme( features standard white buttons, and a white Cid head, withnoborder.
Carbon Theme 0.1c
This theme is a custom design for CarbonROM. Currently, it onlythemes the navbar, but other additions are in the works.