QLess, Inc. ئاپەکان

QLess Kiosk 1.0.2
QLess, Inc.
The good news: You've got customers — alot. So much so that they're lining up in droves for your servicesand wares.The bad news: Your customers are growing anxious, bored —frustrated even — waiting to be served. You want to serve andsatisfy the growing masses, and you want to do it efficiently. Buthow?The great news: We've got you covered. IntroducingQLess Kiosk — an elegant solution designed purely to delightand empower your customers so that time wasted queuing (waiting) inline is better spent in a "virtual queue" until their turnarrives.How it works: the QLess Kiosk app enables yourcustomers to add themselves to the virtual queue via an Androidtablet with or without staff assistance.Once in the virtual queue, your customers are then free to usetheir time as they wish while remaining engaged and informed withstatus updates as their turn approaches. When they reach the frontof the line, customers receive an SMS text message or phone callsummoning them back to you just in time for service.The result? Staff productivity and response qualityimproves while customer satisfaction soars.With QLess, your business gains an enormous edge overcompetition by giving your customers a more satisfying experience.The QLess Kiosk app offers flexibility to any business wherecustomers wait in long, taxing lines. If your business fits thisprofile, it should definitely be a QLess business.In fact, customers can locate any and all local QLessbusinesses. So if competition is a factor and you don’t want yourcustomers to stray, become a QLess business today!QLess Manager integrates with businesses and organizations suchas:• Restaurants• Retail stores• Colleges• DMVs• State, city, and federal government offices• Urgent care, doctors' offices, and hospitals• Pharmacies• Call centers• Bowling alleys• Shooting ranges• Theme parks• Banks• Hotels and Casinos• Auto dealers• Tax services• Salons• Family entertainment centers• Airports• And much, much more!Contact QLess today for a FREE DEMO: http://info.qless.com/request-a-demo-qless
QLess Manager 1.0.4
QLess, Inc.
The good news: You've got customers — alot. So much so that they're lining up in droves for your servicesand wares.The bad news: Your customers are growing anxious, bored —frustrated even — waiting to be served. You want to serve andsatisfy the growing masses, and you want to do it efficiently. Buthow?The great news: We've got you covered. IntroducingQLess Manager — an elegant solution designed purely todelight and empower your customers so that time wasted queuing(waiting) in line is better spent in a "virtual queue" until theirturn arrives.How it works: the QLess Manager app enables yourstaff to add your customers to the virtual queue while monitoringand managing the queue all via an Android tablet.Once in the virtual queue, your customers are then free to usetheir time as they wish while remaining engaged and informed withstatus updates as their turn approaches. When they reach the frontof the line, customers receive an SMS text message or phone callsummoning them back to you just in time for service.The result? Staff productivity and response qualityimproves while customer satisfaction soars.With QLess, your business gains an enormous edge overcompetition by giving your customers a more satisfying experience.The QLess Manager app offers flexibility to any businesswhere customers wait in long, taxing lines. If your business fitsthis profile, it should definitely be a QLess business.In fact, customers can locate any and all local QLessbusinesses. So if competition is a factor and you don’t want yourcustomers to stray, become a QLess business today!QLess Manager integrates with businesses and organizations suchas:• Restaurants• Retail stores• Colleges• DMVs• State, city, and federal government offices• Urgent care, doctors' offices, and hospitals• Pharmacies• Call centers• Bowling alleys• Shooting ranges• Theme parks• Banks• Hotels and Casinos• Auto dealers• Tax services• Salons• Family entertainment centers• Airports• And much, much more!Contact QLess today for a FREE DEMO: http://info.qless.com/request-a-demo-qless
QLess - Queuing Software
QLess, Inc.
Avoid waiting in line: join QLess virtual lines and get told asyour turn nears