
RealAg Markets
Fast, free and focused on futures! Download RealAgriculture'sFutures Market app to get the latest commodity prices and marketscoverage from our award-winning editorial team. Track over 50different commodities and see the latest trading patterns any time.Do a deep dive into future contracts and review trading from thelast week or the last year.
Real Agriculture 3.0.3
RealAgriculture is focused on the issuesthatare impacting Canadian agriculture. Our app allows you topickinterests that are important to your operation and onlyseearticles related to your interests. Turn on notificationsandyou'll only receive notifications for your areas of interest.Savearticles to read later or for offline reading. Plus, saveyoursettings with your email address and connect your selectionsandsaved articles on other devices. Plus, we'veincludedtext-to-speech (app reads the article to you), localweather,agriculture news, and trending articles.RealAgriculture has a brand new app, rebuilt from scratch.We’vegrown a lot since the launch of our first app three years ago.Whatworked then doesn’t work as well now.Our new app puts you in control. You will only get thestoriesand notifications relevant to you and your operation. Duringsetup,you’ll be able to select from a list of our most populararticlecategories, topics and even specialists.You’ll only receive notifications from your selections, soifyou’re a canola/wheat farmer from Saskatchewan you can skipourlivestock coverage or vice versa. You can changewhichnotifications you receive and if your operation diversifies,yourpersonally-catered content can too.Save Articles for LaterA new feature of the app is the ability to save articlesforlater. No time to read now? Don’t worry. Just tap the “star”iconbeneath a story to save it for later.This also allows for offline reading while you’re on a planeorin a gully without cell reception.News, Weather, Trending and Text-to-SpeechNo time to read? Don’t like reading on a small screen? Noproblem.Let your phone read you the story. Using your phone’snativeaccessibility functionality, simply tap to have your phoneread youthe story.We’ve also included local weather in the app, which giveswindspeed and humidity for your region. If you tap into theweathersection for more information, you’ll also get the upcomingforecastand weather radar.Similar to our website design, we’ve separated our newscoveragefrom our regular coverage. This means you won’treceivenotifications for news, though these posts will always beavailableon the main page.Plus, just like on the website, we’ve added real-timetrendingarticles.Setting Up the AppThe first time you load the app, we’re going to ask for4things:1. Email address: This is only to save your settings so thatyoucan retrieve them later or on another device (like a tablet).Wewon’t email you. You can skip this.2. Location Permission: This is for accurate weather and to giveyourelevant articles (you can skip this as well).3. Select story categories: Select from topics like Corn,Canola,Wheat, Machinery, Cattle, Soybeans, etc. These choices willaffectwhich stories are displayed in your main feed.4. Notifications Permission: You’ll only receive notificationsforthe categories you selected above (you can alsoskip/denythis).That’s it. You can always change your settings later underthe“Settings” icon on the bottom right.