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7 Lights For You 1.0.2
The 7 Lights For You app is a powerfultoolthat reveals the influences that affect every aspect oflife.Understanding these influences creates a platform forattractingsuccess, love, prosperity, health and happiness.These blessings of Heaven are the birthright of eachindividualand the 7 lights provide important guidance for achievingthem.The seven indicators revealed by the 7 Lights For You,aregoverned by the seven creative planets which are: Sun, Moon,Mars,Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.This powerful tool allows you to consult the influences ofeachday using your birth date or check the factors that affectyourfriends, family members, or clients, using their birthday.Every day has particular qualities that can be maximized on.The 7 Lights For You app can be used to analyze eachdayproviding insight that allows for planning of important eventssuchas business openings, buying real estate, changing jobs,starting arelationship, meetings and moving into a new home.This program provides a simple quick reference fordeterminingthe qualities of each day. Green lights represent gooddays forbeginning new projects, signing contracts, startingnewrelationships and making big purchases. Yellow lights meanthatcaution should be used in all endeavors. The red light meansthatis it not the best day to begin big projects and thatextrameasures should be taken to ensure the success of thatdays’activities. The days that are marked as Egyptian daysisrecommended to do it Triple mantra 31 minutes and don´t startanyimportant activities on this days.Download now the 7 Lights For You and you will be able to seetheuniversal period, week period and moon phase. You will be abletoget unlimites access to all the indicators that influence you,yourclients and loved ones. You only need to pay the subscriptionfee touse the app for 30 days. Please note that you must activatetheicloud service for using the app in all your devices."May the Sun of Truth, Wisdom and Light rise in your heartandilluminate your life with grace and joy. May the luminousbeginsfrom heaven surround, bless and protect you always, May theeverdwell in the divine light so be it"Dr Joseph Michael Levry
Marriage Date 1.0.2
Marriage Date determines the best day tomarryor consummate your relationship. The day a relationshipisconsummated and the day of marriage are important factorsindetermining the success of a union. The energy of those daysbecomethe symbolic birthday of the relationship. This energyincombination with the cosmic energy of each person blends tocreatea platform for the quality of communication, the strengthofloyalty, the level of peace and joy, and the capacity tosupporteach individual in achieving their highest goals. Theseimportantdates, which are often set separately, are determinedthrough anancient and little known formula that is derived fromUniversalKabbalah. It comes from a long forgotten wisdom thatexplains thescience of seeding. Every day is a potential seed whensomethingnew has been planted then. The characteristics of thatseed willdetermine the character of the resulting tree. Having theknowledgeof when to act allows us to apply a greater level ofconsciousnessin setting the conditions of a new relationship.Caring for a unionrequires work, devotion and nurturing. Challengeswill inevitablyarise for love is one of the most importantplatforms for personaldevelopment and internal growth. We will facethe consequences ofour actions, so it is imperative that we plantseeds in the besttimes to give ourselves the best chance ofsuccess. Working withthe unseen forces behind the rhythms ofnature, will assist us tobe at the right place at the right time,thus planting the bestseed to receive the best outcome.In this app you can enter birthday dates and the year you wishtoget marry and if you accept the charge for thisconsultation,Marriage Date app will show you the best dates tobegin a marriageor a personal relationship, you can also send theconsultation byemail.You can download free this app and for everyconsultationaccepted you will have a charge.