Rosalila Studio ئاپەکان

Taxhidra Memory Game 1.0.2
Rosalila Studio
Make the best out of your memmory inTaxhidra's first gaming adventure ever!Find the pair cards, win and share results with your friends withingame Swarm social gaming componentAlso be on the look out for frequent updates including new cards,graphics and gameplay modes
Patchouli LiveWallPaper 1.0
Rosalila Studio
Moe touhou Patchouli livewallpaper that willalways walk by your side!
Radio Luz 1.0.1
Rosalila Studio
Radio Luz es la emisora católica de San PedroSula, con una programación en vivo y pregrabados; con sus misas dela parroquia San Vicente de Paúl.Nosotros somos una radio evangelizadora, ecuménica,participativa y misionera. Dirigimos nuestra programación a todopúblico, ya sea urbano o rural, con el propósito de satisfacer lasnecesidades espirituales, humanas y culturales a la luz de la fé ydoctrina católica, desde la formación, educación y elentretenimiento.Radio Luz is the Catholicradio station in San Pedro Sula, with a live and prerecordedprogramming, with its masses of the parish St. Vincent de Paul.We are a radio evangelization, ecumenism, participatory andmissionary. We direct our programming to the public, whether urbanor rural, in order to meet the spiritual, human and cultural rightsin the light of faith and Catholic doctrine, from training,education and entertainment.
Chuy Xmas LWPP 1.0.20100908.1
Rosalila Studio
Santa Chuy came to town! Happy Xmas!
Pelotitas 2.0
Rosalila Studio
Destruye las pelotitas moradas y evita lasrojas. Pasa horas jugando sin detenerte por +100 niveles!Proyecto de clase programación 2 por Nestor MunguíaDestroy the purple ballsand avoid the red ones. Spend hours playing non stop for +100levels!Programming class project 2 Nestor Munguia
Guacamaya 2.0
Rosalila Studio
Help guacamaya (Ara Macao, Honduras's nationalbird) to navigate trough Flappy Bird styled levels while competingto collect more stars along your friends. Will you defeat the dailychallenge? Do you have what it takes to be the Tropical Forest'sking this week? Will you be good enought o hold on to your scorefor a month? Are you ready to be a world ranker? Discover this andmore playing Flappy Guacamaya today!
Moving Finger
Rosalila Studio
Debes tomar el personaje con el dedo yarrastrarlo a los lados para evitar que sea destruido por losfantasmitas que vienen cayendo del cielo, nota: las nubes tienen unsorpresa!.You must take thecharacter with your finger and drag it to the side to avoid beingdestroyed by the ghosts that come falling from the sky, note: theclouds have a surprise !.
Tendinitis Champions 1.0
Rosalila Studio
There’s a bunch of apps out there dedicated tocure tendinitis, this one is not. We have thought of a fun andcompetitive way in how to auto induce tendinitis pains across allyour forearm. Play the game as it should be, be the winner andexperience the burn. Have a nice time developing your technique to tap as fast as youcan, challenging your friends and getting to be the TendinitisChampion. Let’s get started!Features:Two player game, same screen.Practice modeGet sickVibration feedback after a successful tapUnsafe fun for you and your friendsOnce you’re sick, you can get help form the other apps dedicatedto treat the cool condition. There has never been a better time tobe this sick. If you still can move your fingers, pls drop us a 5star rating!
Whack-A-Chuy 1.1.1
Rosalila Studio
Whack-A-Chuy is a simple but fun game whereyougot to stop the Chuys from stealing your consoles. This isapreliminary release and we want you to be part of the fun. Wewilladd features to the game based on the user feedback. So, Chuynoswipping!Like us on facebook:
MigraKick 2.0
Rosalila Studio
Play as "La migra" the Arizona's sheriff oras"Chuy" the illegal immigrant in the ultimate battle betweentheamerican justice and the american dream.Features:*Thrilling player versus player foot dive gamplay on onephone*Simple and deep game mechanics, use a single button to jumpandfoot dive*Classy music*Quirky graphics*Outstanding sound effectsStay tuned on our facebook for the new game modes, playersandstage game was made on the 48 hours Americas DatafestHackathon.For more information visit:
Patada Decisiva 2013 4.0
Rosalila Studio
¿Estás listo para llevar tu partido políticoala victoria y decidir el destino de una nación?Haz saltos y patadas en este divertido juego de fiesta paradosjugadores, siendo el primero en obtener cinco cédulas aquelqueganará.Cada jugador controla a uno de los contendientes ¿Será Xiomilalíder en votos o JOH quien arrolle con las urnas? ¡Hoy tetocadecidir a tí!
Virtual Design 1.1
Rosalila Studio
Design projects of interior design usingamobile phone, or also you can publish new content in our awebsite:
Stereo Mass 1.0
Rosalila Studio
Stereo Mass, en su incesante laborfacilitandola palabra, te invita a que descargues su nuevaaplicación de RadioStreaming para dispositivos Android 2.3 endelante, dondeencontrarás la misma programación a la que estásacostumbrado enweb y radio pero con la facilidad de acceso al toquede un icono entu móvil. La nueva app también ofrece función de horay fechaademás de visualizador gráfico y controles de volumentouch,esperamos que disfrutes de nuestra programación cristianausando latecnología de punta en móviles. Stereo Mass siempre máscerca deDios y más cerca de tí.Stereo Mass, inhisceaseless work facilitating word invites you to download yournewapplication for Android devices Streaming Radio 2.3 in front,whereyou'll find the same programming you're used to the web andradiobut with the ease of access to touch of an icon on your phone.Thenew app also features time and date function plus graphicdisplayand touch volume controls, we hope you enjoy ourChristianprogramming using the latest technology in mobile. MassStereoalways closer to God and closer to you.
SEMITA Startup Weekend 0.5
Rosalila Studio
Realidad AumentadaDescargen la imagen del Startup que esta aqui, imprimanla oabrablaen una computadoras, habran la aplicacion y apunten hacialaImagen.
Chuy Live Wallpaper 1.0.20100908.1
Rosalila Studio
Chuy hasta el infinito.
Patchouli's Heavy Duty Adv. 3.0
Rosalila Studio
After Reimu and Marisa passed by, they leftthelibrary as a complete mess.Help Patchouli put the books back in the bookshelves.Touch where you want to go and push the books on the way.Good luck!*Features*- Touhou doujin game with sokoban and box world similar style- Moe and chibi Patchouli sprites- 14 differents levels- "Locked girl" jazz version theme- Unblock the ending image when the library is tidy- Useful pause menu