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Gulliver's Travels Book 1.2
Gulliver's Travels was written by JonathanSwift and was first published in 1726. It has become one of themost popular books ever, enjoyed by millions of people of all ages.Gulliver's Travels includes the many adventures of Lemuel Gulliverand this app has 2 parts. Part 1 tells the story of Gulliver'svoyage to Lilliput and part 2 documents his voyage to Brobdingnag.Part 1 - Voyage to LilliputChapter 1Lemuel Gulliver introduces himself, talks about his background andreasons to travel. After becoming ship-wrecked Gulliver swims tothe shore of a country called Lilliput where he is taken prisonerby the local inhabitants.Chapter 2Lilliput's Emperor and local nobility visit their new captive.Details about the emperor are revealed and Gulliver is taught thelocal language. After gaining their trust, Gulliver's pockets aresearched. His pistol and sword are taken.Chapter 3After diverting his 'hosts' Gulliver is given certain freedoms.Chapter 4Chapter 4 describes the Lilliput's metropolis, 'Mildendo' and theemperor's palace. Lemuel Gulliver speaks with his host and agreesto help the people of Lilliput in the event of war.Chapter 5Gulliver prevents an invasion of Lilliput. He is rewarded with ahigh title of honor. Blefuscu's ambassor's initiate a peaceprocess.Chapter 6Gulliver learns more about the people of Lilliput including theirlaws, customs and education.Chapter 7He escapes to Blefuscu after finding out that there is a plot toaccuse Gulliver of high treason.Chapter 8Gulliver finds a way to leave Blefuscu. Despite some problems, hereturns home.Part 2 - A Voyage to BrobdingnagChapter 1Chapter 1 of Part 2 descibes a large storm. A long boat is used toretrieve water and Gulliver discovers another country where he isonce again captured by a local inhabitant and brought to a farmhouse.Chapter 2This chapter begins with a description of the farmer's daughter. Heis brought to a local market town, then to the metropolis. Thisjourney is described in detail.Chapter 3Gulliver is presented to the local Queen. She buys him from thefarmer and introduces him to the King. He becomes friendly with theQueen and is given a place to stay.Chapter 4A description of Brobdingnag is given with a proposal to correctmodern maps. A description of the chief temple is also given.Chapter 5Chapter 5 describes some more of Gulliver's adventures. A criminalis executed. Gulliver displays his navigation skills.Chapter 6He displays more of his talents to the King and Queen including hismusical talents. The King asks him about Europe.Chapter 7The King rejects a proposal from his visitor. The reader finds outmore about the King's lack of political talents and the country'simperfections.Chapter 8Gulliver travels home.
Free Animal Sounds 1.0
Most kids and adults know what certain animalslook like, but many don't know what they sound like.The Free Animal Sounds app is an easy-to-use app that includes awide range of sounds some of the worlds most popular animals make.Simply click each animal image to hear what they sound like.This free animal sounds app includes sounds for the followinganimal categories:1. Farm animals including the sound of a cow, sheep, goat, pig,hen and rooster.2. Popular pets including the sounds made by a dog, cat,budgerigar, pony, donkey and pet lamb.3. Safari animals including a hippo, rhino, hyena, elephant,zebra and buffalo.4. Mountain and forest animals sounds including gorilla, wolf,bear, elk, moose and chimpanzee.5. Birds including peafowl, owl, goldfinch, duck, robin andcrow.6.Insects including a fly, bumblebee, cricket, wasp, grasshopperand mosquito.7. Big cats including the sound of a tiger, lion, cougar,jaguar, leopard and cheetah.8. Sea and Ocean animals and birds including a whale, dolphin,seagull, penguin, polar bear and sea lion.Have fun!
Pet Birds Game 1.0
The pet birds game is the ideal game for petbird owners and those who love these adorable birds. This bird gamefeatures a range of popular pet bird breeds including budgerigars,parrots, finches and canaries.Pet bird game play descriptionThe pet birds game is a timed matching card game consisting of 3rounds. The game includes a variety of popular pet bird game cardsthat have to be matched inside a certain time. In the first roundcards have to be matched in 100 seconds or less. As you progressfrom round to round the time available decreases by 10 seconds perround.This bird game is more than just an ordinary matching game. Youalso have to identify matching bird cards that are linkedtogether.Players are given help if they need it during each round. Arefresh button lets players refresh the location of game cards upto 3 times in a round so that a player can link cards more easily.Also, there is a find button that finds up to 3 matches for playersduring a round.The pet birds game is an enjoyable game for all those who lovetheir featured friends. Enjoy!
Three Men in a Boat Book 1.0
The Three Men in a Boat (To say nothing ofthedog) was written by Jerome K. Jerome. It was first publishedin1889. This popular book tells the humorous tale of a boatingtriptaken by the author and his two friends - Carl Hentchel andGeorgeWingrave.The boat trip takes place between Kingston and Oxford, ontheThames river in England. It was originally meant to be atravelguide. However, the funny elements of the story attracted awideraudience who were also interested in the more humorous side ofthisbook.Summary:Three Men in a Boat (Not to mention the dog) consists ofnineteenchapters. The first chapter introduces the main charactersof thebook - Jerome, George, Harris, and a fox terrier calledMontmorency.The three main characters are smoking in Jeromes room,discussingtheir various ailments. Their conclusion is that theyare workingtoo hard and need to take a holiday to recover.They contemplate taking a holiday at sea or in the country.Bothof these options are rejected. After their discussion, thethreemen finally agree to take a boat trip fromKingston-upon-Thames toOxford, on the River Thames. As well astraveling on the river,they also decide to camp along the way,despite some stories fromJerome about previous problems withcamping equipment.The next Saturday, the three men begin their holiday ontheriver. First, George has to work in the morning of the trip.Theother two men take the train to Kingston. However, JeromeandHarris are unable to find the train they must take atWaterlooStation. They decide to pay a train driver to bring themtoKingston on his train. When they arrive at Kingston, they gettheirboat and begin their boat trip. George joins them lateratWeybridge.The following chapters give details about their journey andtheentertaining events that take place along the way. Placesandlandmarks they pass are described by Jerome. These includeMarlow,Hampton Court Palace, Monkey Island, Hampton Church andMagna CartaIsland. The historical significance of these places isalsomentioned, during the journey, as well as some funnystoriestoo.Since it was first published in 1889, Jerome K. Jerome'sThreeMen in a Boat (To say nothing of the dog) has been read bymillionsof people around the globe. As well as this, various filmsaboutthe book have also been produced over the last century. Thisfreeapp includes the 19 original chapters and still stands the testoftime. Happy reading!
Dinosaurs Game 1.0
The Dinosaurs Game is the idealprehistoricmatch game for everyone who has an interest in thesegiant monstersof the past. The Dinosaurs Game includes many of theiconic, mostwell know dinosaurs such as the fearsome T-Rex,Liopleurodon,Styracosaurus, Pterodactyl, Triceratops and otherdinosaurs.Dinosaurs Game play descriptionThe Dinosaurs Game is a matching card game that consists ofthreerounds which are timed. In the first of this games' rounds,theplayer has 120 seconds to complete the round. The timeallocationfor each round is reduced by 10 seconds for eachround.As well as being a matching game, players have to identify alinkbetween matching card that appear on the screen.To help players there is also a refresh and findbuttonavailable. The refresh button can be used up to 3 timesduring around and refreshes the location of game cards for a round.Thefind button automatically finds matches. This find button canbeused up to 3 times in a round too.Experience the land of giants with the Dinosaur game. Enjoy!
Free Hot Air Balloon Game 1.0
The free hot air balloon game is theidealmatching card game for young and old who love hot airballoons. Hotair balloons have caught the imagination of manygenerations ofpeople and still do to this day. This hot air balloongame includescards with various hot air balloon images on them thathave to bematched within a certain time frame.How to play the Free Hot Air Balloons GameThe Hot Air Balloon Game is a timed matching card game. Itismade up of three rounds and includes various Hot Air Balloonthemedgame cards. In the first round you have one hundred secondstomatch the hot air balloon cards that show up on the screen. Asyouprogress from one round to another, the amount of timeavailabledecreases by 10 seconds.The free Hot Air Balloon game involves more than just matchinganumber of game cards. A player also has to identify a linkbetweenpairs of game cards that have the same image on them.Each round becomes more difficult to solve because thetimeavailable reduces. However, this hot air balloon game has2features that help players when they play.A 'refresh' button gives you the option to refresh the game.Thisrefresh button changes the arrangement of the game cards ifyou arefinding it difficult to match the existing cards. Eachround can berefreshed up to 3 times. The 'find' button is anotherfeature thathelps players during the game. It finds any availablematches andcan be used up to 3 times during a round.The free Hot Air Balloon game is an fun game for those wholoveto take to the skies or just enjoy watching these unusual formsoftransport. Enjoy!
Free St. Patrick's Day Game 1.0
The St. Patrick's Day 2015 Game is theidealmatch game to help you celebrate one of the biggest events oftheyear as the Irish celebrate one of the world's most famoussaints,Saint Patrick.Also referred to as St Patti's day, this is the day whenmillionsof people around the world attend parades, drown theshamrock andenjoy all of the cultural events that take place onMarch 17th. TheSt. Patrick's Day 2015 Game includes many of theiconic symbols ofIreland that are seen every where on St Patrick'sday including theshamrock, green beer, leprechaun, harp, pot ofgold under therainbow and Irish ribbon.The St Patrick's Day 2015 Game is a timed matching gamethatconsists of three rounds. This game includes a range ofIrishthemed St Patrick's day game cards. In the initial round,playershave one hundred seconds to match the cards that appear. Thetimeavailable to complete each round reduces by ten second asyoucomplete each round.This game is much more than just a simple matching game.Playersmust also find out what cards are linked together as well asbeingthe same image. If you're struggling in a particular round,thegame gives you three opportunities to refresh the game.Thischanges the location of the cards, allowing you to link thecardsmore easily. Additionally, there is also a find buttonthatautomatically finds matches during a game. This find button canbeused up to three times.The St. Patrick's Day 2015 Game is a fun and addictive gameforevery one who loves to celebrate the most important holiday oftheyear in Ireland and all around the world!
Free Easter Bunny Game 2015 1.0
The free Easter bunny game is theidealmatching card game to help you celebrate Easter 2015 which isoneof the biggest holidays of the year. The Easter Bunnyishistorically associated with the Easter holiday and oftendepictedas bringing Easter Eggs to children at this time of year.ThisEaster Bunnies Game includes cards with various Easter Bunnyimageson them that make up this enjoyable game.How to play the Free Easter Bunny GameThe Easter Bunny Game is a timed matching card game. Itconsistsof three rounds and has a range of Easter Bunny themed gamecards.The first round gives a player one hundred seconds to matchthecards that appear on the screen. The time available to playerstocomplete further rounds reduces by ten seconds as you progresstoeach further round.The free Easter Bunny game involves more than simplymatchinggame cards because you also have to identify a link betweengamescards that have the same Easter bunny image on them.As you progress through this game, it gets more difficulttocomplete each round because you have less time to do so. Thegoodnews is there are 2 features that help you along the way. Thefirstis the 'refresh' button that refreshes the game and changesthelocation of the game cards if you have difficulty matching cardsina particular round. This refresh button can be used up to 3timesin a round. The second feature that helps players is the'find'button. This button finds matches for you and can be used upto 3times in a round.The free Easter Bunny game is an addictive and enjoyable gameandwill definitely get you in the mood for celebrating Easter2015!
Free Horse Sounds App 1.2
The free horse sounds app includes a rangeofpopular and instantly recognizable noises our equine friendsmake.If you are fond of horses, you will enjoy this app whichincludesa range of horse images that make various horse soundswhen theseimages are pressed. The free horse sound effects appincludes thefollowing sounds:- Whinny- Snorting- Grunting- Walking- Trotting- NeighingThis app is perfect for anyone who loves horses and themanynoises they make. We hope you enjoy the free horse soundsapp!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë 1.1
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte wasfirstpublished in 1847 in England and was then published in theUnitedStates in 1848.This novel is set in Northern England during George III's reign.Thebook details the various experiences throughout the life ofthetitle character, Jane Eyre. This includes growing up to becomeanadult and her feelings for Mr. Edward Rochester.Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre novel has 38 chapters whichincludefive main stages in the life of Jane. These stages areasfollows:1. The childhood of Jane Eyre at Gateshead Hall. During thistimeshe suffers various forms of abuse from her cousins andaunt.2. Jane's positive and negative experiences at LowoodSchool.3. Jane Eyre;s experiences as governess of Thornfield Hall.Thisis where Jane falls in love with Mr. Edward Rochester.4. Life with the the Rivers family.5. Marriage to Mr. Rochester.
Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens 1.1
Oliver Twist is the second novel byCharlesDickens and was first published in 1837. Since it wasfirstpublished, Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist (The ParishBoy'sProgress) has become one of the most popular novels withcountlessmusicals and films also based around this iconic novel.Oliver Twist tells the tale of the books main character who isanorphan and his bad experiences in a workhouse and undertakers.Heeventually escapes and makes his way to London whereheinadvertently joins a gang of young pickpockets lead by theArtfulDodger and mentor Fagin.This book includes 53 chapters and gives the reader aninsightinto the treatment and living conditions of orphans duringDickens'time, as well as the unglamorous life of crime many had tolead atthat time.
Free Pirate Game 1.0
The free pirate game is the ideal matchingcard game for those who love these legendary bandits of the highseas. This pirate game includes cards with various pirate images onthem including an anchor, ships wheel, pirate hat, parrot, pirateship and other pirate themed images.How to play the Free pirate GameThis pirate card game is a timed matching card game and is made upof 3 rounds. It includes a range of popular pirate themed gamecards. In the first round of this game you are allocated onehundred seconds to match the cards that appear on screen. This timeis reduced by ten seconds as you start each new round.The free pirate game is more than just a matching card game. Youalso have to find the link between games cards that have the samepirate themed image.This game gets more difficult as you go from round to roundbecause the time available reduces in each round. Two features helpplayers during the game. The first of these features is the'refresh' button. It refreshes the game cards and changes theirlocation if you have difficulty matching cards in a round. Therefresh button can be used up to 3 times during a round. The 'find'button is the second feature that helps players during the game.This find button identifies matches for players and can be used upto 3 times during a round.The free pirate game is ideal for those who are captivated bythese sea farers. Enjoy!