Sator ئاپەکان

Q-System (tunnelling) 3.0
Empirical design of ground support for tunnels and undergroundexcavations.
Q-slope Lite 1.1
Q-slope is an empirical method forassessingthe stability of rock slopes (slope stability).The Q-slope method provides a simple yet effectiveempiricalmeans of assessing the stability of excavated rock slopesin thefield. Intended for use in reinforcement-free road or railcuttingsor individual benches in open cast mines, Q-slopeallowsgeotechnical engineers to make potential adjustments toslopeangles as rock mass conditions become apparent duringconstruction.Through case studies in South-East Asia, Australia,Central Americaand Europe, a simple correlation between Q-slope andlong-termstable slopes was established. Q-slope is designed suchthat itsuggests stable, maintenance-free bench-face slope angles offorinstance 40-45º, 60-65º and 80-85º with respective Q-slopevaluesof approximately 0.1, 1.0 and 10. Q-slope was developedbysupplementing the Q-system which has been extensively usedforcharacterizing rock exposures, drill-core, and tunnelsunderconstruction for the last 40 years. The Q’ parameters (RQD,Jn, Ja& Jr) remain unchanged in Q-slope. A new method of Jr/Jaratiosfor both sides of potential wedges, using relativeorientationweightings is presented. The term Jw, which is nowtermed Jwice,takes into account long-term exposure to variousclimatic andenvironmental conditions (e.g. intense erosiverainfall,ice-wedging effects). Slope relevant SRF categories forslopesurface conditions, stress-strength ratios andmajordiscontinuities such as faults, weakness zones or joint swarmshavealso been incorporated.For user manual and further informationvisitwww.geckogeotech.comThe Lite Version does not include:-Take photograph of slope-Email full report-Plot of calculationTo get the Full Version go to:
Q-slope 7.0
Q-slope is an empirical method for assessing the stability of rockslopes.