Savl Limited ئاپەکان

Savl Wallet Bitcoin & Solana 2.11.0
Savl Limited
Savl is a universal ecosystem for digital asset exchange,cryptocurrency storage and OTC trading. Platform capabilities ● P2PMarket - direct and instant exchange between users without amiddleman. Digital and fiat currencies are available for exchange.● OTC trading - Over-the-counter trades with the most transparentconditions. OTC deals all over the world. ● News aggregator -up-to-date information from trusted sources. Fresh data forbuilding a trading strategy and forecasting. ● Service for paymentsin bitcoins. Payment for goods and services directly from theapplication. When registering on the platform, you get access totwo wallets. Market wallet - for carrying out any instanttransactions within the application. ● Keeping record of P2Ptrades. ● No fees for transfers within the platform. ● Deposit viaSavl Market, Private wallet or by transfer from another user.Private wallet - for interacting with external blockchains outsideof the Savl ecosystem and for operations within the application. ●Transfers by address, QR code. ● Storage, transfers, sale andpurchase of crypto. ● Top-up from external wallets. ● Purchasegoods and pay for services with cryptocurrency. ● Send BTC andother digital assets. Savl features ● Account personalizationt withthe ability to restore access. All the Savl wallets operations anddata are protected by a unique key. ● Instant cryptocurrencytransfers to friends and acquaintances. Hundreds of popularcurrency pairs. Cryptocurrency is released from escrow after thetrade is confirmed by both parties. ● Confidentiality ofcommunication. Savl messenger uses double end-to-end encryption. ●There is no fee for transfers within the ecosystem. Exception:transfers within the public blockchains Ethereum, Bitcoin. ● Directpurchase of cryptocurrency using Visa, MasterCard, and Apple Pay. ●Referral program for all Savl users. A reward for every successfultrade.