School of Game Design @ Academy of Art University ئاپەکان

Egg Defender 1.0.0
EGG DEFENDER: an evolution based towerdefensegame!You play as the brood mother of a rapidly expanding nest ofravenouscreatures. Lay and hatch eggs to defend your nest. It isyour dutyto both protect your eggs and feed your young! Eradicatetheindigenous slime population by devouring their biomass. Use ittoevolve your children into larger, deadlier weaponsofdestruction.Unlike other tower defense games, EGG DEFENDER involves thecreativeand more complex side of manipulating the invadingmonsters path bycarefully crafting a maze of eggs andcreatures.-Set deadly labyrinths by building the path that enemiesmusttake.-Tap to strike from below as the Brood Mother.\( ̄(エ) ̄ \) \( ̄(エ) ̄)/ (/  ̄(エ) ̄)///FEATURES\\28 Towers!5 Enemies!Boss waves!SLIME!Mazing!In game user interaction!A hopelessly endless number of waves!Multiple maps!FUTURE UPDATES!\( ̄(エ) ̄ \) \( ̄(エ) ̄)/ (/  ̄(エ) ̄)/This game was carried from scratch to playableproof-of-conceptby students in less than 15 weeks as part of arigorouscollaboration between the Academy of Art University’s GameDesignand Illustration departments.Games are designed and optimized for the Nexus 7 Tablets butareplayable on other devices as well.For educational and demonstrative purposes only.--------------------------------------------------------------------Design, development, and art by AAU students.Leadership, direction, and some tools provided by AAUfaculty.--------------------------------------------------------------------Property of the Academy of Art University.All Rights Reserved.
Bullyproof 1.0
American schools alone harbor millionsofbullies along with millions of their victims! Are kids beingtaughtthe right tactics to handle themselves? Bullyproof is a cuteandfun way to teach kids the best way to react to bullies throughtheuse of cute animals!You arrive at Mythos Academy and bullies waste no timeinintroducing themselves! Learn, along with your pony friends, howtohandle the bullies that arise throughout the game. Shouldyouignore them? What if they are hogging a swing you want to playon?Is it really ok to react with violence? You and your friendswillgo through these situations and much more, teaching theplayersvaluable life lessons on how to handle aggressivepeople.The school bell is ringing!- Collect and hangout with other pony friends!- Common bully tactics dissected and countered.- Fun and cute art for the whole family!- Immersive sound effects and music!- Learn strategies that will not only help against a bully butalsohelp the player diffuse stressful situations.Kids are suffering all around the globe from bullies. Letsbetterprepare them with a fun and exciting new game! Lets make ourkidsBULLYPROOF!---------------------This game is a prototype created over a 15 week periodbystudents in the class “Therapy Games for Children” in the SchoolofGame Design @ The Academy of Art University in SanFrancisco,California. It is intended as either direct therapy or asa toolfor therapist to use. It is being released to gather feedbackfromtherapists and the public, and as a prototype there aremissingfeatures and bugs but the spirit of the game should bethere. Weneed your feedback to make it better!This Game Is Intended for Tablets Only.Please send feedback BullyProofAAU@gmail.comandthanks for checking it out!DisclaimerThis game is COPPA compliant as there is no personalinformationgathered by this game beyond what the Unity game enginemay gatherby default. We exclude all liability for damages arisingout of orin connection with your use of this game. This includes,withoutlimitation, direct loss, loss of business or profits, damagecausedto your computer, computer software, systems and programs andthedata thereon or any other direct or indirect, consequentialandincidental damages. 1.0
This game is a prototype created over a 15weekperiod by students in the class “Therapy Games for Children”in theSchool of Game Design @ The Academy of Art University inSanFrancisco, California. It is intended as either direct therapyoras a tool for therapist to use. It is being released togatherfeedback from therapists and the public, and as a prototypethereare missing features and bugs but the spirit of the gameshould bethere. We need your feedback to make it better!Please send feedback to … and thanks for checkingitout!DisclaimerThis game is COPPA compliant as there is no personalinformationgathered by this game beyond what the Unity game enginemay gatherby default. We exclude all liability for damages arisingout of orin connection with your use of this game. This includes,withoutlimitation, direct loss, loss of business or profits, damagecausedto your computer, computer software, systems and programs andthedata thereon or any other direct or indirect, consequentialandincidental damages.
Dog Save the Queen 1.2.0
The Queen of England has been kidnappedbyaliens! Help this loyal corgi, Sir Woofs-a-lot III, save HerRoyalMajesty. Run, jump and bark your way through the boroughs ofLondonand the wilds of the English countryside in thisside-scrollingadventure. Battle alien brain slugs to restore orderwithin thekingdom and "Dog Save the Queen".-Enchanting graphics-Smooth touch controls-Animated backgrounds-Super bark powers-Evil Alien Brain Slugs-Lovable CorgiThis game was carried from scratch to playableproof-of-conceptby students in less than 15 weeks as part of arigorouscollaboration between the Academy of Art University’s GameDesignand Illustration departments.Games are designed and optimized for the Nexus 7 Tablets butareplayable on other devices as well.For educational and demonstrative purposes only.---------------------------------------------------------------------Design, development, and art by AAU students.Leadership, direction, and some tools provided by AAUfaculty.---------------------------------------------------------------------Property of the Academy of Art University.All Rights Reserved.
AAU Collab class developed a brawler styleslashing game, the story revolves around a petrified girl namedIris.The player must save her by slashing the enemies and splatteringcolor back to her world.This game is an early access that was carried from scratch toplayable proof-of-concept by students in less than 15 weeks as partof a rigorous collaboration between the Academy of Art University’sGame Design and Illustration departments.For educational and demonstrative purposes only.--------------------------------------------------------------------Design, development, and art by AAU students.Leadership, direction, and some tools provided by AAUfaculty.--------------------------------------------------------------------Property of the Academy of Art University.All Rights Reserved.
Classroom Simulator 1.0
Having a learning disability or autismcansometimes leave the one diagnosed with evasion of confrontationandgenerally unable to function in daily activities such as goingtoschool. Things someone would take for granted can sometimes bethemost difficult action for others.What this will help;● Enforce routine through repetition● Simulate the common actions taken when one first entersaclassroom● Feedback and rewards for choosing the correct action tomatchactivity● Interactive 3D environment● Fun and immersive sound effects and musicAbout ABAAs we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success.The National Research Council’s 2001 report (p. 184)summarizesthe skills necessary for implementing an effective ABAprogramas:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and researchconcerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrumdisorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis,naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders.The wide range of IQ scores and verbal skills associatedwithautistic spectrum disorders, from profound mental retardationandsevere language impairments to superior intelligence make theneedfor training of personnel even greater.”---------------------------------------This game is a prototype created over a 15 week periodbystudents in the class “Therapy Games for Children” in the SchoolofGame Design @ The Academy of Art University in SanFrancisco,California. It is intended as either direct therapy or asa toolfor therapist to use. It is being released to gather feedbackfromtherapists and the public, and as a prototype there aremissingfeatures and bugs but the spirit of the game should bethere. Weneed your feedback to make it better!Please send feedback to aauclassroomsimulator@gmail.comandthanks for checking it out!This game is intended for TABLETS ONLY.DisclaimerThis game is COPPA compliant as there is no personalinformationgathered by this game beyond what the Unity game enginemay gatherby default. We exclude all liability for damages arisingout of orin connection with your use of this game. This includes,withoutlimitation, direct loss, loss of business or profits, damagecausedto your computer, computer software, systems and programs andthedata thereon or any other direct or indirect, consequentialandincidental damages.
Zoo-F-O 1.2
Please send bug reports to: ready for a fantastic gaming experience! In this greatnewcasual mobile game, you take the role of an aliendesperatelytrying to save his intergalactic zoo. You must visitEarth toabduct as many animals as possible, and after kidnappingvariouscritters, you splice their DNA with other animals to createexoticcreatures for your zoo!Animals are obtained and turned into bizarre creatures throughaseries of exhilarating mini-games!Can you create the Bearaccoona? The Racoowl?Unlock more levels and new combinations! Save your zoobyamassing a collection of intriguing new species.This game was carried from scratch to playable proof-of-conceptbystudents in less than 15 weeks as part of a rigorouscollaborationbetween the Academy of Art University’s Game DesignandIllustration departments.Games are designed and optimized for the Nexus 7 Tablets butareplayable on other devices as well.For educational and demonstrative purposes only.---------------------------------------------------------------------Design, development, and art by AAU students.Leadership, direction, and some tools provided by AAUfaculty.---------------------------------------------------------------------Property of the Academy of Art University.All Rights Reserved.
Twilight Tower LiveVR 1.0
Welcome to the free Early Access versionofTwilight Tower!To play this game you MUST download and print out thepapermarker image, download the paper marker imagehere: Tower bursts up into your real world! Look throughyourphone to see the game playing on your table.In Twilight Tower you protect Lyf, a cute and sleepycreaturedozily struggling up a dangerous tower. Cut away vines,breakdangerous rubble, and solve puzzles to clear the way to safetyupthe tower!SETTING UPTo play this game you MUST download and print out the papermarkerimage.Download the paper marker image here: game is intended to be played with the paper markerimageplaced flat on a table in front of the player.SIMPLE FUNBreak and Slash away all the danger for Lyf as he makes hissleepyrise! 7 tricky levels await you, break your way through!COLORFUL AND BRIGHTEnjoy the cotton candy visuals and melodic sounds, as well astheadorable sleeping creature, Lyf, making his tumultuousclimb.TWILIGHT TOWER ENTERS YOUR WORLD!With LiveVR, Twilight Tower can spring to life on your livingroomtable! Using your cellphones camera, you can move around thetowerand view it from different angles either to solve problems, orjustto get a better view.Please visit formoreinformation, news, and and updates!
AAU Game Design: SpringShow12 Beta
The School of Game Design at the Academy ofArtUniversity Presents:Spring Show 2012-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check out promotional art for the School of Game Design'sannualSpring Show!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Games, interface, art, and music by AAU students.Interface engineered by AAU staff.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For educational demonstration purposes only.Games are not actually included in this app.Please contact the School of Game Design to learn more aboutourprogram.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Property of the Academy of Art University.All Rights Reserved.
Strong Nunu 1.0
Let's help Nunu to challenge himself in weightlifting game!
Sumo Pole Vaulting
Help Yama compete in Pole Vaulting to bring awareness to thegreatsport of SUMO