Seresu ئاپەکان

がんばれ!ルルロロ漢字仲間はずれ探し 1.0
仲間はずれの漢字を見つけて素早くタップ!出題は小学生が各学年で学習する漢字からセレクトしています。ゲーム終了後には、出題された漢字の意味、成り立ち、書き順なども学習可能。一見子供向けアプリですが、タイムアタック機能が あるので、大人の方でもじゅうぶん楽しめます。Quick tap Find the oddone out of Chinese characters! Questions is a selection from Kanjielementary school students to learn in each grade. The end of thegame, meaning of Chinese characters that are questions, Standingmade, such as stroke order also can be learned. It is a children'sapp at first glance, because there is a time attack function, youcan enjoy enough even the adults.
脱出六角形迷路 1.3
ありそうであまりない六角形迷路。あなたは、突然、巨大六角形迷路の中心に落ちてしまいました。そこから脱出してください。1つのレベルをクリアすると次のレベルに挑戦できます。迷路の最大サイズは、秘密です。 どこまでクリアできるか挑戦して下さい。
The training of [Ku-Ku] 1.1.6
[KuKu] is a sport of the Brain.[KuKu] is a table of multiplication of one digitFinally, in the rush to stand 60 seconds of a dream 81 questions!(66.714, October 20)I will polish the speed and accuracy with this app I learn one'smultiplication table.Understand the problem not good!Brain teaser, math, computing, world ranking
Hexagon Same Game 1.2.06
Little has changed Same Game. Block also field also is a hexagon.Many times it can be rotated. Always the same for the initial statein each stage, there is no luck. If you clear the stage, you canchallenge to the next stage. Original language is Japanese.
ボール転がしレース 1.1.3
携帯を傾けて操作する新しいタイプのレースゲームです。携帯を傾けた方向にボールが加速するだけの単純なルール。コースを一つクリアすると次のコースが解放されます。コースは随時追加していく予定ですのでお楽しみに!It is a racing game of anew type of operation by tilting the phone.Simple rules ball is only accelerate in the direction of tiltingthe phone.The next course will be released when you clear one course.Have fun course because it is going to continue to add at anytime!
100個のボール(Same Game) 1.5.7
「100個のボール」は新しいタイプの Same Game (さめがめ)です。縦横に2個以上繋がった同じ色のボールを消す事が出来ます。消した後に、上下左右好きな方向に何回で詰める事ができるのが特徴です。全てのボールを消したら次のステージに進めます。ステージが上がるほど、ボールの色がバラバラになって、クリアが難しくなります。日本語及び英語に対応しています
図形間違い探し∞ 1.1
世界一難しい間違い探し! 20個のパーツからなる図形の種類はなんと1兆種類以上!16個の図形の中から一つだけ他の15個と違うものを探して下さい。 図形の違いはどれも形がはっきり違うものばかりです。
Tap King 1.0.1
It is a simple game in the world of atap.There are three types of course 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 60seconds.After the game, you can tweet.You can register on the world rankings.It has nothing to do with the game, has adopted a transparentactivity.My background shows through from the region (tap) window.
Locate mistake Image 1.3
It is a game to look for something different and the only other onefrom the graphic lined lot. There is a thing that is rotatingshapes. For this reason, it may be difficult markedly in comparisonwith looking kanji ostracized.
立体4目並べ(重力なし) 2.1
Alternately to continue to put the ball, wins is better toside-by-side four in a straight line ahead.
Hexagon Reversi 1.2.4
Board and squares is also a regular hexagon of Reversi.
Make 13 by adding 1.3.4
Rules are simple! Panel total Trace the is sure to become 13. Panelwill be supplemented new panel disappear.$*br; It is not possibleto trace the same panel more than once.
ハノイの塔 1.0.4
古典的なパズルゲーム「ハノイの塔」です。 左端の円盤を全て右端の棒に移動させれば完成です。 ルールは以下の2つ。1.各棒の一番上の円盤のみ移動させる事ができる。 2.下の円盤より大きな円盤を置くことはできない。 棒の数は3,4,5の3種類。円盤の数は4~24です。 棒3本のとき、20の円盤を移動させるには100万ステップ以上かかりますが、棒5本なら、1000ステップもかかりません。
高速ライフゲーム 2.3
ライフゲームとは、通常のゲームではなく簡単なルールにより生命の誕生と死滅をシミュレーションする数学的問題の一つです。本アプリはこれをシミュレーションします。本アプリの特徴 ・実質的に無限大のフィールドに対応しています(整数の範囲、±約20億)・生きたセルの数にも制限はありません(セルが増えれば動作速度は遅くなります) ・実行速度を変更できます。(1~20コマ/秒)・表示範囲を変更できます。(8x8~端末幅) ・Conway's HPのサンプルを利用できます
Mandelbrot set 1.2.1
Application can make use to create the Mandelbrot set, evenwallpaper, and movies! This app will display imaging to calculatethe fractal Mandelbrot set is the most typical. Detaileddescription of the Mandelbrot set, please refer to wikipedia, etc.. • The display has been expanded with a focus on the position ofthe image is touched and to touch the screen. The enlargement ratiocan be changed in the Setting-1. To do other, please press the menubutton. · Stop / Recalc If during the calculation, then stop thecalculation, if it is not during the calculation is performed torecalculate the current parameters. · Setting-1 Display theSetting-1 Dialog · Setting-2 Display the Setting-2 Dialog · SaveImage To save the current image to SDCard · Auto Zoom Automaticallycreates an image to enlarge (or shrink) in a certain ratio of thecurrent image. · Remove Ad And then hide the ads. · Max CalcCalculation of the maximum number of times until the convergencecriterion. If you did not diverge even if the number of times thiscalculation, it is considered as convergence. The setting range is1 to 9999 · Curren Scale Represents the display magnification.Magnification of the initial screen is 1. The setting range is 1.0~ 1e13 · X: ↓ Represents the real part of the formula MndelBrot. Onthe terminal will be in a downward direction. The setting range is-2.0 to 2.0. · Y: → Represents the imaginary part of the formula ofMndelBrot. On the terminal will be in the right direction. Thesetting range is -2.0 to 2.0. · Image zize Specifies the size ofthe image you want to create. To create the image of the samenumber of pixels of the screen and the terminal at the Full.Respectively, the number of pixels of one side will be 1/2, 1/4Half, in Quota. If you click the Set Configuration screen -1,recalculation of the image is performed. <-2> Settings ·Display Interval Specifies whether to display an image How oftenduring the creation of the image. The setting range is from 0 to100. Do not show the progress and set to 0. · Touch Screen FactorSets the magnification when you touch the screen. The setting rangeis from 1.0 to 10.0 · Auto Zoom Factor When the Auto Zoom, and thenset the rate of (de-) magnification of each image once. The settingrange is from 0.1 to 10.0 except for the 1.0. · Auto Save in AutoZoom When this flag on, it was all the images stored on the SDCardis automatically created in the Auto Zoom. Save the image as wellas to save the calculation parameters. • Create an image to enlarge(or shrink) at a ratio to secure the center position, that you setin the Setting-2. If you turn on the Auto save in auto zoom,automatically saves all the images you have created. • Displaysimages continuously created above • The display and non-ad • Thecompletely stop this program. • Remove all the images that youcreated in this application -Color scheme is using the color 20colors. Region of convergence is black. Divergence in the regionhas become the generally higher number of bright colors to thecalculation of divergence. It takes more time to the extent of themaximum number of calculations is large. In addition, the longer itwill take the image size is large enough.
一人ぼっちを探せ 1.2.1
スピログラフ シミュレータ V1.01
It is an application that draws images drawn with spirographs.
まっ白にしろ V1.1.1
Tap to make all the black parts white.
菌の培養-世界で一番くだらない育成ゲーム 1.4
ときどき、画面をスワイプ(掃除)して下さい。 アプリ停止中は進みません! OK even without knowingtheJapanese.
アプリでマンデルブロ集合 V2.0
It is an application for drawing the Mandelbrot set.
スクロールパズル 1.06
パネルにタッチ後、左右、上下にドラッグすると、横一列又は横一列をスクロールします。この時、画面の外に出たパネルは、反対側から出てきます。V1.02 世界記録とクリア人数を表示しました。世界記録を目指して頑張ろう!
間違い探し V1.7.1
Find objects that have only one different shape.
Escape 3D Maze 1.2.9
You are, suddenly, you fell into the water in the center ofthemaze. Please escape from there. To the next level and you cantryto clear one level. Please to challenge the maximum size ofthemaze is where you can up to 1281! Nantes.
8Puzzle~99Puzzle V2.2.4
Classic sliding puzzle. 9 puzzle, it is an enhanced version of the15 puzzle.