Services International Ltd. ئاپەکان

Delhi Tourism 1.1
Services International Ltd.
Delhi is a palimpsest, bearing thecomplexities, the contradictions, the beauty and the dynamism of acity where the past coexists with the present. many dynasties ruledfrom here and the city is rich in the architecture of itsmonuments. Diverse cultural elements absorbed into the daily lifeof the city have enriched its character. exploring the city can bea fascinating and rewarding experience....India a land of snake charmers and magicians and the capital ofthis land of mysteries is Delhi. Delhi is just not a city but it isa book-- a book which narrates the history of India. The city wasbuilt and destroyed seven times and has been witness to the variousevents which has brought India through the history books. Seventimes this city went through the pain of being built andrebuilt.Republic Day Parade Today as the capital of India Delhi is theseat of administration and the monuments which tell the saga of abygone era stand there. These icons are testimony to the grandeurof past and also an attraction for the tourists. With an area of1483 sq. Kms, Delhi is all set to acquire full statehood. The charmof Delhi has attracted Emperors, Conquerors and poor in equally. Itis correctly said that Delhi is a land of 'Dilwalas' or for peoplewith heart. This phrase acquires a true colour when one goes aroundthe lanes of Delhi. Delhi-- a window to the kaleidoscope that isIndia.
India Viajes 1.1
Services International Ltd.
Services International Ltd es un tour operadorde viajes de entrada en la India con más de 30 años de experienciaen la industria del turismo. Estamos contentos de ser uno de losmejores proveedores de servicios de viaje en la India, Nepal Tíbet,Sri Lanka y Bután. Hemos proporcionado servicios relacionados conviajes a multitud de turistas que vienen a la India de todo elmundo.