
Tikkun Korim, Megillah 1.6
Tikkun Korim for the Megillas Esther. Practice for Purim Megillahreading.
Tikkun Korim תיקון קוראים 3.3
Perfect for going over any portion of the Torah reading. Choose aParsha including double Parshiot and start practicing right away.Makes practicing much easier on the go. The traditional TikkunKorim places the 'Chumash' text on the right and the 'Torah' texton the left. This project was made with mobile one handed use onsmall screened devices in mind, that's why we came up with a simpleway to get the most out of the small screen, by simply tapping toremove the Trop and Nikkud. תיקון קוראים לחמשה חומשי תורהINSTRUCTIONS: - Select a Chumash then a Parsha then an Aliya. - Tapthe text to switch from with Nikkud and Trop/Taamim/Simanim towithout. And vice versa. - Tap the back button on the top of thescreen to go to the previous menu. - Tap the grid (four squares) tostart from the beginning. - Quickly switch from one Aliya to thenext by tapping the arrows on the top left. Comments about TikunKorim, Torah:
Siddur Torah Ohr, Chabad
Siddur Torah Ohr, Chabad, only displays the text that you needtoDaven now.