Smilemeback Team ئاپەکان

SmileMeBack 1.0.1
Smilemeback Team
SmileMeBack is a unique application that helpspeople with autism develop language and communication skills fasterand easier.The app offers 2 user profiles. The content creator (e.g.:parent) and the content consumer (e.g.: autistic child)Our research found that, when learning language, autists respondbetter when real pictures are used instead of hand drawn symbolsand when the voice of the person they are closer to (e.g.: parents)is used to describe the pictures.We are not offering already-made content. Instead, we let theuser build the type of content their child is mostly used to byusing the camera of the tablet/phone and the incorporatedmicrophone. This can be either objects that are very familiar tothe child (e.g.: objects around the house, neighborhood, etc.),pictures of different facial expressions of the parent, relativesor friends (e.g.: smiling, acting sad, etc.).The possibilities are endless. For example, the parent caneasily create a category of actions/pictures describing the morningroutine, basic mathematics operations, what to do in case ofemergency situations, vocabulary and alphabet, describing objects,activities, feelings, etc.We highly appreciate your feedback.Our app is free of charge and is ad-free (no advertising).For tutorials and more info please visit