Sneyder ئاپەکان

Tic Tac Toe 6.1
No need to waste paper! Now you can play Tic Tac Toe on yoursmartphone for free
Constitución de Argentina 3.1
Simplifies access to the Constitution of Argentina Update
Constitución de Venezuela 4.2
Free download the current Constitution of the Bolivarian Republicof Venezuela
Constitución de Bolivia 3.0
The Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia Vigente
Ley de Trabajo Venezuela LOTTT 3.1
Labor Law of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Vigente LOTTT
US Constitution 11.0
Download Free United States Constitution with the Bill of Rights
Constitución Mexicana - CPEUM 5.0
Ten acceso a la Constitución Política de los Estados UnidosMexicanos actualizada con la Última reforma publicada DOF27-01-2016. Principales características: ★Diseño fácil de usar eintuitivo. ★NO necesita conexión a internet por lo cual se puedeutilizar completamente offline. ★Motor de busqueda potente que tepermite buscar por frases e ir a artículos especificos.★Agregar/Eliminar artículos a mis Favoritos★Agregar/Editar/Eliminar notas a los artículos. ★Historial de loultimo que has leído. ★Cambiar el tamaño de la fuente y el tema dela aplicación. ★Copiar y compartir texto Que esperas para descargarla Constitucion Mexicana de 1917 y tener acceso a todos susartículos actualizados...
Constitución Española 4.4
easy access to the Spanish Constitution of 1978
Código Penal de Argentina 1.1
Easily access the Criminal Code of Argentina Vigente
Código Penal Federal de México 2.1
Mexico Federal Penal Code Vigente
Código Penal de Venezuela 3.0
Criminal Code of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Ley de Tránsito Venezuela 2.1
Ten acceso a la Ley de Tránsito Terrestre de la RepúblicaBolivariana de Venezuela vigente mediante está magnífica aplicaciónque cuenta con las siguientes características: ★Diseño fácil deusar e intuitivo. ★NO necesita conexión a internet por lo cual sepuede utilizar completamente offline. ★Motor de búsqueda potenteque te permite buscar por frases e ir a artículos específicos.★Agregar/Eliminar artículos a mis Favoritos★Agregar/Editar/Eliminar notas a los artículos. ★Historial de loultimo que has leído. ★Cambiar el tamaño de la fuente y el tema dela aplicación. ★Copiar y compartir texto con otras aplicaciones.Nota: si eres conductor venezolano esta sin dudas es la mejor Appque puedes descargar debido a que si aplicas bien esta ley podríasevitar posibles multas.
Constituição Federal Brasileir 2.0
Simplifies access to the Constitution of the Federative Republic ofBrazil
The Federalist Papers 2.0.1
Download Free The Federalist Papers of the United States of America
USA News 2.0
Download free this popular and new application of news thatincludes the publications of the main newspapers of the UnitedStates of America with the hottest news of the moment alwaysavailable from your smartphone and stop wasting paper in newspapersto save some trees :)
Texas Constitution 1.0
Download Free the whole Texas Constitution from your Smartphone
Productivity Timer : Stop Procrastinating 1.3
Procrastination is a challenge we have all faced at one pointoranother. For as long as humans have been around, we havebeenstruggling with delaying, avoiding, and procrastinating onissuesthat matter to us. The good news is that in order to bemoreproductive we can use some very effective timemanagementtechniques, one of then is the Pomodoro Technique, thismethod wasinvented in the early 90s by developer, entrepeneur, andauthorFrancesco Cirillo. Cirillo named the system "Pomodoro" afterthetomato-shaped timer he used to track his work as auniversitystudent. The methodology is simple: When faced with anylarge taskor series of tasks, break the work down into short, timedintervals(called "Pomodoros" or "Work sessions") that are spacedout byshort breaks. This trains your brain to focus for shortperiods andhelps you stay on top of deadlines orconstantly-refilling inboxes.With time it can even help improveyour attention span andconcentration. The Pomodoro Technique isprobably one of thesimplest productivity methods to implement. Allyou'll need is atimer and that's what this app is for, it includesboth a PomodoroTimer and ToDo list so you can associate specifictasks with yourwork sessions, it also includes options to visualizestatistics,calendar and customize the Pomodoro Timer as you want,so what areyou waiting for? download this free app and get yourwork done!
CryptoTracker 1.1.0
The CryptoTracker App allows you to access to the bitcoin andmostcryptocurrencies live rates, mark your favorite coins, manageyourportfolio, watch the most recent news about the crypto market,setprice alerts and stay up to date with the total market capitalandvolume.
Legal Dictionary 1.0
Have the main legal terms available offline in every situation fromyour device
Constitución de Colombia 4.0
easy access to the Political Constitution of Colombia Vigente
Constitución de Colombia 4.0
easy access to the Political Constitution of Colombia Vigente
Entrepreneur Quotes 1.0
Entrepreneur Quotes app allows you to have access to thebestmotivational quotes for entrepreneurs in order to get motivatedandstart your own business