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Patchwork 0.1
Sewing patchwork (patchwork) - one ofthetraditional forms of folk art. Patchwork - is gainingamazingpopularity of crafts based on the overall compositionofmulti-colored scraps of fabric. They are joined by hand sewingormachine, forming images, patterns or colourful motifs thatadornvarious household items.This is a difficult process that requires diligence andtaste.But to succeed You can with our app! Learn how to make yourowntablecloths, bedspreads, napkins, decorations andcarpetsunique.
Амигуруми 0.1
Каждая рукодельница, впервые увидев амигуруми(небольшие вязаные игрушки), влюбляется в них сразу и навсегда. Имоментально хочет приняться за работу, чтобы навязать массузайчиков, котиков, мишек, куколок крючком.Наше приложение поможет Вам! Вы сможете сделать множествоготовых игрушек амигуруми. Амигуруми схемы по вязанию животных икукол амигуруми вы без проблем найдете в нашей программе.Вы освоите такие рукоделия как:- вязание игрушек и животных- вязание амигуруми- амигурми схемы- кольцо амигурумии многое другое.Each needlewoman firstsaw amigurumi (small knitted toys), falls in love with them onceand for all. And immediately wants to get to work, to impose a lotof rabbits, lions, bears, dolls hook.Our app will help you! You can do a lot of ready-made toysamigurumi. Scheme Amigurumi knitting amigurumi animals and dollsyou will find in our program without any problems.You will learn crafts such as:- Knitting toys and animals- Knitting amigurumi- Amigurmi scheme- Amigurumi ringand much more.
Квиллинг 0.1
Квиллинг - поделки из бумаги для начинающих -это модное направление рукоделия, в котором изготавливаются плоскиеили объемные композиции из скрученных в спиральки длинных и узкихполосок бумаги.Что же делать, если нет материала, для обучения данномуискусству? Наше приложение поможет Вам научиться делать поделки изквиллинга и бумаги.Вы без проблем разберетесь с несложными схемами квилинга инаучитесь делать чудесные поделки из бумаги, которые понравятся ивзрослым, и детям.Quilling - Paper craftsfor beginners - this is fashion trend crafts, which are made flator three-dimensional composition of twisted spirals in long, narrowstrips of paper.What to do if there is no material for teaching this art? Ourapp will help you learn how to make crafts from quilling andpaper.You easily dismantled with simple circuits kvilinga and learn tomake wonderful crafts out of paper that will please both adults andchildren.
Beaded embroidery 0.1
There is no better gift than hand made.Becausethe beading recently so relevant. More and more people arelookingfor something special, something unique. Our app opens uplimitlesspossibilities for the realization of various creativedesires.We are offering the scheme for embroidery on a variety oftopics.Using schemes of beadwork You will be able to makepictures, treesand flowers from beads. Especially to deal withthat even a novicecraftsman.Also using the schema wickerwork You will easily be abletocreate unique beaded jewelry like bracelets and a varietyofharnesses.Beaded embroidery is an interesting work and is decorated withabeautiful result at the end. Join if you love beaded craftsandwant to learn this craft.
How to make bracelets 0.1
The braiding of the rubber bands is a newkindof handmade art. It appeared recently, but quicklygainedpopularity among children and adults. Of small colorfulrubberbands, which can easily be purchased at a stationery store,easilyand quickly make a beautiful and bright decoration:-bracelets made of rubber bands;-pendants;-necklace;-belts;-rings, etc.Also the rubber bracelet can be an original gift foranyoccasion.There are many patterns for weaving bracelets out ofrubberbands. They are all considered in our application. Also Youcaneasily learn different techniques of weaving of loom bands,namelythe netting on the toes, weaving on the loom or small loom,weavingon a fork. In these techniques, like weave simple patternswithwhich to handle even a child, and more time-consuming.
The weaving of loom bands 0.1
In recent times, bracelets made with yourownhands, have become very popular. Bead weaving, laces, beads,rubberbands – these are the materials from which you can makebeautifulaccessories. How to make bracelets out of rubber bandswithoutloom? The answer to this question You will find in our app!No needlework was so popular among boys and girls, young and oldasthe weaving of loom bands bracelets and figurines. Here Youwillfind step-by-step master classes with photos, as well asspecialtutorials that will help you learn the basics of weavingbraceletsand toys.
Crafts from rubber bands 0.1
Crafts of loom bands – the new invasionamongchildren. Oddly enough, the stitching not only fashionable,butalso very useful. They train the brain and develop motorskills.With the help of our app You will learn the ways of weavingof loombands, can make interesting figurines and bracelets.The application covers the techniques of weaving on thefingers,on the machine or the small machine, and the braiding onthe plug.Also You will find diagrams of weaving bracelets "Frenchbraid", onthe machine, and without it.
Питьевая диета 0.1
Питьевая диета представляет собойсистемуочистки и снижения веса. Эта программа рассчитана на месяципозволяет сбросить большой вес.Питьевая диета полностью исключает процесс жевания и, если вынанее решитесь - следует понимать, что в течении 30 дней вы небудетеничего есть. Однако, это не означает голодовку. Все обычныеприемыпищи просто заменяются жидкими.Суть питьевой диеты в том, что желудочно-кишечный трактотдыхает,не получая твердую пищу, а это означает похудение иликвидациючувства тяжести, чувства переполнения и другиенеприятныепроблемы.Наше приложение поможет Вам перейти на питьевую диетубезпроблем, так как здесь Вы найдете все необходимое -подробноеописание, меню и план питания на месяц.Drinking diet isatreatment system and reduce weight. This program is designed foramonth and allows you to lose a lot of weight.Drinking diet completely eliminates the mastication process,andif you decide on it - it is understood that you will noteatanything for 30 days. However, this does not mean hunger.Allregular meals are simply replaced by liquid.The point of drinking a diet that gastro-intestinal tract arest,getting not solid food, which means losing weight andeliminating afeeling of heaviness, feelings overflow and othernastyproblems.Our app will help you to go on a diet without drinkingproblems,because here you will find everything you need - adetaileddescription of the menu and meal plan for a month.
Шеллак 0.1
Хороший маникюр - это важнаясоставляющаяимиджа каждой женщины. Порой он отражает внутренний мирдевушки иее восприятие действительности. Уже несколько лет маникюршеллакнаходится в топе самых популярных нейл-процедур, иначинаетпотихоньку сдвигать с пьедестала любимое всемидевушкаминаращивание.В нашем приложении Вы найдете удивительные дизайны ногтей,ссамыми модными узорами, идеи для маникюра сиспользованиемшеллак.Хотите быть самой красивой? Присоединяйся к Нам!A good manicure - thisisan important part of every woman's image. Sometimes he reflectstheinner world of a girl and her perception of reality. Forseveralyears, shellac manicure is in the top of the most popularnailtreatments, and begins to slowly move the pedestal all thegirlsfavorite extensions.In our application, you will find amazing nail designs, withthemost fashionable designs, ideas for manicure with shellac.You want to be the most beautiful? Join us!