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Row your Boat - Nursery Rhymes 1.0
a famouse nursery rhymes, that your children will love it!
ABC Song for Children 2.0
Beautiful ABC song
The Wheels on the Bus Nursery 7.0
Wheels On The Bus - Nursery Rhymes.Love for children!
Borrando Recuerdos-Meditacion 1.0
Esta meditacion esta dirigida por ViviCerveraThis meditation isdirected by Vivi Cervera
HoOponopono 1.0
¿Qué es Ho'oponopono?El Ho’oponopono es un arte hawaiano muy antiguo de resolución deproblemas.Ho'oponopono significa “enmendar”, “corregir un error”.Según esta filosofía, todo lo que aparece en nuestra vida es unpensamiento, una memoria, un programa funcionando (un error) y sepresenta para darnos una oportunidad de soltar, de limpiar, deborrar.El Ho'oponopono es la tecla de borrar en el teclado de nuestracomputadora.El Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len, mi maestro de Ho'oponopono, dice quelos hawaianos originales, primeros habitantes de Hawái, solíanpracticarlo. Morrnah Simeona (la maestra de Ihaleakalá) actualizóestas enseñanzas para los tiempos modernos.
5 Little Monkey Jumpin-nursery 1.0
Your Children will love the beautiful song andwill be happy the animation.
Mindfulness Meditacion -pro 1.0
Vivir el presente sin juzgar!Basado en las enseñanzas del doctor Jon Kabat-Zinn de launiversidad de Massachusetts en los anos 1979, creador y precursorde la Conciencia Plena.Gracias a estas enseñanzas eliminamos eficazmente el estrés.
Shapes Song - Nursery Rhymes 1.0
Your Children will love the beautiful song andwill be happy the animation.
Old MacDonald Had A Farm 1.0
Old MacDonald Had A Farm - Nursery rhyme
If U are happy -NURSERY 1.0
If you're happy and you know it, stomp yourfeet. If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. If you'rehappy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you'rehappy and you know it, stomp your feet.
Bingo - Nursery Rhymes 1.0
Your Children will love the beautiful song andwill be happy the animation.
Rain Go Away - nursery 1.0
Your Children will love the beautiful song andwill be happy the animation.
Old MacDonald Had A Farm iaiao 1.0
"Old MacDonald Had a Farm" is a children'ssong and nursery rhyme about a farmer named MacDonald (or McDonald,Macdonald) and the various animals he keeps on his farm. Each verseof the song changes the name of the animal and its respectivenoise.
Morgan Freeman Helium Chat 1.0
Jimmy talks to Morgan about his Science show,Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, while they suck thehelium out of balloons.with Jimmy Fallon
Hello I am German 1.0
This blogger left him stuck in their seats,wait every Friday their occurrences.It's the best!Excellent German.
Tai-Chi Workout pro 1.0
Start your mornings with these exercises thatwill fill with life and peace of mind, say no to stress.
Cinderella - Fairy Tale 1.0
This story tells us that Cinderella ishermother died. While the father remarried a woman who hadtwodaughters with very beautiful faces, but a hard and cruelheart;then began a bad time for the poor orphan.The stepmother and stepsisters took off his clothes and orderedtodeal with household cleaning so became virtually a maid wholivedfull of dust and ash so they called her Cinderella.a story that began today
The Ugly Duckling -fairy tale 1.0
This is the story of a mother duck who hasseveral ducklings, of which one is not white when it is born. It isdark and very ugly, while his little brothers are beautiful.They all pick on him. They hit him and treat him badly and heescapes because he is tired of being picked on. Over time, the uglyduckling grows into a big, white, beautiful swan.
ABC Song - Nursery Rhymes 1.0
Your Children will love the beatiful song andwill be happy the animation.
Five Little Frogs NURSERY 1.0
Your Children will love the beatiful song andwill be happy the animation.
Numbers Train - Nursery Rhymes 1.0
Your Children will love the beatiful songandwill be happy the animation.
Puss in Boots -Fairy Tale 1.0
It tells the story of a young man whosefatherleaves him a special cat.They call it Puss in Boots as it puts on some big boots. He isavery intelligent cat and worksout a plan to give his young master possessions and the Kingwantshim to marry one of theprincesses.
Princess and the Pea - fairy 1.0
This is a fairy tale (HANS CHRISTIANANDERSEN)that tells the story of a prince who wanted to marry arealprincess. I started looking princesses, but all seemed theywerenot real princesses.A very wet day, he knocked on her door claiming to be a girlareal princess. To check if it was true, the queen laid a peaunderthe mattress of his bed, and the next day the girl said shehadslept very badly and realized that she was a real princess.
Mitt Romney - Gangnam Style 1.0
This is a parody of the famouse GangnamStyleby Mitt Romney
Controle Su Estres-Stress Pro 1.0
Deje de sobrevivir y sea una persona llenadevida, la sociedad y su familia espera por usted.El Estrés le quita sabor, gozo, alegría y paz, convierta esteaudioen un arma contra el estrés.Mi consejo déjese ayudar, no se apegue a cosas negativa y lavidapoco a poco le ira ayudando.La familia es lo mejor que usted puede llegar a tener.Vive intensamente.
If you are happy - nursery 1.0
Your Children will love the beautiful songandwill be happy the animation.