Solomo Sp. z o.o. ئاپەکان

IAB Camp 2015 1.38
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Aplikacja mobilna IAB PolskaTo narzędzie, które ułatwi Państwu aktywny udział w IABInteractive Camp oraz networking z innymi uczestnikami. Umożliwiaono śledzenie wydarzeń programowych, komentowanie dyskusji izadawanie pytań podczas prezentacji oraz paneli, a takżeotrzymywanie aktualności dotyczących wydarzenia.Dodając poszczególne wydarzenia do ulubionych mogą Państwoefektywnie zaplanować swój czas, tworząc indywidualną agendękonferencji.W aplikacji możliwe jest przeglądanie listy uczestników IABInteractive Camp oraz bezpośrednie kontaktowanie się z nimi.W sekcji “Informacje” będą mogli zapoznać się Państwo zprofilami sponsorów i partnerów IAB Interactive Camp, którzyumożliwili nam organizację konfernecji.Funkcje aplikacji- przeglądanie listy uczestników, wyszukiwanie według nazwisk,firm i stanowisk- nawiązywanie kontaktów i organizowanie spotkań z innymiuczestnikami- przeglądanie programu konferencji, dodawanie wydarzeńprogramowych do kalendarzy na smartfonach i tabletach- przeglądanie listy prelegentów- zadawanie pytań prelegentom – najbardziej popularne pytania będąprzedmiotem dyskusji w trakcie poszczególnych wydarzeń- wyrażanie opinii w dyskusjach- dostęp do planu obiektu, w którym odbywa się konferencja- dostęp do informacji o kolejnych wydarzeniach organizowanychprzez IABWe'll send IAB PolandIt is a tool that will facilitate your active participation inthe IAB Interactive Camp and networking with other participants. Itallows you to, among others, tracking program events, commenting ondiscussions and ask questions during the presentations and panels,as well as receive news on events.Adding individual events to favorites you can plan your timeeffectively, creating a personalized agenda of the conference.In the application, you can view a list of participants IABInteractive Camp and direct contact with them.In the section "Information" will be able to refer you to thesponsors and partners profiles IAB Interactive Camp who made uskonfernecji organization.App Features- Browse the list of participants, search by name, company andpositions- Establishing contacts and meetings with other participants- View the conference program, add events to the calendar softwarefor smartphones and tablets- Browse the list of speakers- Asking questions to the speakers - the most popular questionswill be discussed during the individual events- Expressing opinions in discussions- Access to the building plan, which hosts a conference- Access to information about subsequent events organized by theIAB
PEC Swiss 1.0.2
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The official mobile application for the SwissPrivate Equity Conference aims at improving networkingopportunities within the event. It also allows you to be alwaysup-to-date with everything that is going on. This easy-to-use appmakes it easier to socialize the conference in real time, enhancinginteractions between you, other attendees and organizers. The apphelps to navigate the conference with the options of settingpersonal agendas, instant messaging, feedback and constant updates.- Keep track of agenda updates and create your own schedule withall information about speakers and subjects- Add lectures to your native Calendar on your smartphone- Browse through the attendees' list and find people relevant toyou- Arrange meetings within seconds- Search for people by names, companies and positions- Ask questions at any time during the lectures with the Ask theSpeaker feature – top questions upvoted by the audiences will bediscussed during discussion time- Rate the conference with a detailed feedback feature
PROCON2015 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Aplikacja mobilna PROCON to pigułka wiedzy natemat największej ogólnopolskiej konferencji zakupowej w Polsce.Znajdują się w niej sylwetki prelegentów, pełen program konferencjiwraz z opisami poszczególnych prelekcji. Ponadto dzięki aplikacjibędzie można pozostać w kontakcie z uczestnikami wydarzenia orazotrzymywać na bieżąco aktualności dotyczące konferencji jak irównież umówić się na krótki networking podczas wydarzenia.We'll send PROCON thispill knowledge of purchasing largest national conference in Poland.It includes profiles of speakers, the full conference programtogether with descriptions of individual lectures. Moreover, thanksto the application you will be able to stay in touch with theparticipants of the event and receive up to date news about theconference as well as arrange a short networking during theevent.
EFNI 2015 1.40
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Aplikacja mobilna Europejskiego Forum NowychIdei, która umożliwia śledzenie wydarzeń programowych Forum,udział w głosowaniach, komentowanie dyskusji podczas sesji czypaneli, otrzymywanie aktualności dotyczących Forum. Dziękiaplikacji EFNI Uczestnicy mogą efektywniej zaplanować swój czas naForum, stworzyć indywidualną agendę, a także kontaktować się zinnymi uczestnikami EFNI.Funkcjonalności aplikacji:• przeglądanie listy uczestników EFNI, wyszukiwanie uczestnikówwedług nazwisk, firm i stanowisk• nawiązywanie kontaktów i organizowanie spotkań z innymizalogowanymi uczestnikami• przeglądanie programu Forum, dodawanie wydarzeń programowychdo kalendarzy na smartfonach i tabletach• przeglądanie listy panelistów i gości EFNI• wyrażanie opinii podczas interaktywnych sondażyprzeprowadzanych podczas EFNI• komentowanie oraz zadawanie pytań panelistom – najbardziejpopularne pytania będą przedmiotem dyskusji w trakcieposzczególnych wydarzeń• wyrażanie opinii na temat Forum (ankieta)The mobile application ofthe European Forum for New Ideas, which allows, among others, Forumtracking program events, participation in voting, commenting ondiscussions during the session or panel, to receive news on theForum. With this application EFNI Participants can more effectivelyplan your time at the Forum, create a personalized agenda, as wellas contact with other participants EFNI.Application functionality:• view the list of participants EFNI, search participants byname, company and positions• establishing contacts and arranging meetings with otherparticipants logged• browse through the forum, add events to the calendar softwareon smartphones and tablets• view the list of panelists and guests EFNI• expressing opinions during interactive surveys conductedduring EFNI• commenting and asking questions panelists - the most popularquestions will be discussed during the individual events• expressing opinions on Forum (poll)
DANCannes 1.48
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
DANCannes is the official app for Dentsu AegisNetwork colleagues and guests attending the Cannes LionsInternational Festival of Creativity 2015. The app provides userswith all the important information needed to navigate the world’slargest advertising and media festival. DANCannes provides:o Easy access to event schedules, seminar programmes, meetingand hotel locationso A directory of all other attendeeso Real time updates on the latest news and awardDANCannes is the officialapp for Dentsu Network Aegis colleagues and guests attending theCannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2015. The appProvides users with all the important information needed tonavigate the world's largest advertising and media festival.DANCannes Provides:about Easy access to event schedules, seminardownload_programmes, meeting and hotel locationsabout A directory of all other attendeesabout Real time updates on the latest news and award
IoTWorld2015 1.39
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Official app of Internet of Things World 2015!Stay up to date with the latest event news, view the conferenceprogram, see what speakers will be presenting at the show, arrangemeetings and chat with other attendees, see who is exhibiting andsponsoring the show plus much more.This app allows you to:- View the latest conference program- View the Center Stage and Ecosystem Summit programs- Connect with and message other event attendees, speakers,sponsors & exhibitors- Check out the social media feeds and join in discussions- View the exhibition floorplanOfficial app of theInternet of Things World 2015! Stay up to date with the latestevent news, view the conference program, see what speakers will bepresenting at the show, arrange meetings and chat with otherattendees, see who is exhibiting and sponsoring the show plus muchmore. This app allows you are: - View the latest conference program- View the Center Stage and Ecosystem Summit programs- Connect with and message other event attendees, speakers,sponsors & exhibitors- Check out the social media feeds and join in discussions- View the exhibition floorplan
VII Konferencja 1.39
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
VII Konferencja dla Budownictwa, 14-15.kwietnia 2015, hotel Ossa Congress&SPADzisiaj to jedno z największych i najważniejszych spotkań branżybudowlanej w Polsce. Od 2009 r. wspólnie tworzymy szerokie forumdyskusji o kluczowych wyzwaniach. Konsekwentnie monitorujemyotoczenie biznesowe oraz agendę legislacyjną. To także doskonałaprzestrzeń dla kreowania idei. Razem formujemy rekomendacje ikonstruujemy propozycje rozwiązań dla sektora w strategicznychobszarach.W gronie gospodarzy najważniejsze organizacje branżowe:Polskiego Związku Pracodawców Budownictwa, Polskiego ZwiązkuInżynierów i Techników Budownictwa, SARP, Związku Banków Polskich,ITB, Ogólnopolskiej Izby Gospodarczej Drogownictwa oraz InstytutuBadawczego Dróg i Mostów. Patronat nad wydarzeniem objęła KomisjaInfrastruktury Sejmu RP a Partnerem VII Konferencji są PKP PolskieLinie Kolejowe SA.Ważne jest, aby wykorzystać forum VII Konferencji do rozmów zczołowymi ekonomistami, publicystami, socjologami iprzedstawicielami administracji publicznej do wspólnego dialogu iposzukiwań rozwiązań służących rozwojowi tego sektora.VII Conference forBuilding, 14-15. April 2015, the Hotel Ossa Congress &SPAToday it is one of the largest and most important meetings of theconstruction industry in Poland. Since 2009. Together we create abroad forum for discussion of key challenges. We consistentlymonitor the business environment and the legislative agenda. It isalso a great space for creating ideas. Together we form therecommendations and construct the proposed solutions for the sectorin strategic areas.Among the hosts major industry organizations: Polish Associationof Construction Employers, Polish Association of Civil Engineersand Technicians, SARP, Polish Bank Association, ITB, the NationalRoads Chamber of Commerce and the Research Institute of Roads andBridges. Patron of the event took the Sejm Infrastructure Committeeand Partner Conference VII are PKP Polish Railway Lines.It is important to use the forum to discuss the VII Conference ofleading economists, publicists, sociologists and representatives ofthe public administration to a joint dialogue and researchsolutions for the development of this sector.
Mediarun Festival 1.0
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Mediarun Festival combines the third editionof the CMO Congress, the second edition Leaders in Poland and thethird edition of the prestigious competition Marketing Director ofthe Year in Poland.Marketing. Business. Innovations. Experience that inspires.International experts.Trends. Knowledge. Networking.Festival is becoming a main marketing and business event inCentral Europe.Mediarun Festival integrates the leaders.Mediarun Festival combines the third edition of the CMO Congress,the second edition Leaders in Poland and the third edition of theprestigious competition Marketing Director of the Year inPoland.Marketing. Business. Innovations. Experience that inspires.International experts.Trends. Knowledge. Networking.Festival is becoming a main marketing and business event inCentral Europe.Mediarun Festival integrates the leaders.
PE Forum 2013 1.3
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The Central & Eastern EuropeanPrivateEquity Forum 2013 official mobile applicationThe application allows you to:- Contact with other Attendees and arrange meetingswiththem,- Search for other Attendees by name, company and position,- Ask questions at any time during the lectures with the AsktheSpeaker feature- top questions upvoted by the audiences willbediscussed during discussion time,- Keep track of agenda updates, create your own Favorites andaddlectures to your smartphone’s native Calendar,- Evaluate the Forum with a detailed feedback feature.The official mobile application for the CEE Private EquityForum2013 targets at enhancing networking at the conference.Bringingcloser all parties of the Forum, the app is the tool tonavigatethe event, get all essential event and agenda information,chatwith other Attendees and ask questions to speakers viasmartdevices.The application also serves as the channel through whichtheorganizers will update all registered Attendees on any changesinthe agenda or speaker line-up.
Forum2000 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The Forum 2000 app will allow you to getthemost out of the 19th Forum 2000 Conference titled EducationandDemocracy. Follow the program, learn all about the speakersanddon´t miss out on the partner events. Synchronize the app withyourcalendar or use it to send questions to the delegates. TheForum2000 app will help you get the full scope of information onthisyear´s conference.The Forum 2000 appwillallow you to get the most out of the 19th Forum 2000Conferencetitled Education and Democracy. Follow the program learnall aboutthe speakers and don't miss out on the partner events.Synchronizethe app with your calendar or use it to send questionsto thedelegates. The Forum 2000 app will help you get the fullscope ofinformation on this year's conference.
Disrupt Space 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The official app for the Disrupt Space summitOn 7-8th of April, decision makers will meetaspiringentrepreneurs and startups to collaboratively solvetoday'sindustry and sustainability problems using space. Workonchallenges proposed by international organizations, showcaseyourexisting space startup or learn about the disruptive potentialofthe emerging commercial space sector. Ready to #disruptspace?This app contains:* The Disrupt Space Program and Guide* Attending speakers and moderators* All attendees, their affiliation and chat function* Voting for best startup (Decision makers)* Event feedback
LTE WS App 1.44
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
LTE World Summit app. Find your way aroundtheconference and exhibition and contact other attends while attheshow with the LTE World Summit app.LTE World Summit app.Findyour way around the conference and exhibition and contactotherattends while at the show with the LTE World Summitapp.
Vereon-IFE 1.27
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Die offizielle App für dasInnovationsforumEnergie. Alle wesentlichen Informationen rund umden Anlass stehenhier zur Verfügung. Ein absolutes Muss für alleTeilnehmer,Referenten und Partner.Funktionen und Inhalt:- Alle Informationen zu Agenda, ReferentenundVeranstaltungsort- Präsentationsunterlagen und Echtzeit Updates währendderVeranstaltung.- Kommunizieren Sie direkt über die App mit anderenTeilnehmern.The official app fortheInnovation Forum Energy. All the essential information abouttheevent is available here. An absolute must for allparticipants,speakers and partners.Features and content:- All information on agenda, speakers and venue- Presentation materials and real-time updates duringtheevent.- Communicate directly through the app with other participants.
ElixirConfEU 1.42
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The ElixirConf.EU is the largest gatheringofElixir developers in Europe, taking place on 10-12 May inBerlin.The official ElixirConfEU App allows you to communicatewithattendees, speakers and sponsors, view the full agenda, ratetalksand more.
Polonia USA 1.2
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Aplikacja Polonia USA powstała w celupoprawykomunikacji Polaków znajdujących się w USA. Aplikacjaumożliwia:- zakładanie wątków na forum - zadawanie pytań,rozpoczynaniedyskusji, komentowanie wydarzeń- rozmowy prywatne zalogowanych użytkowników- wyszukiwanie ludzi z tego samego miasta, o tychsamychzainteresowaniach- przeglądanie profili użytkowników- możliwość przeglądania ciekawych miejsc w USA związanych zPolonią(jeżeli znacie ciekawe miejsca i chcecie się nimi podzielićpiszciew apliacji na Forum - temat "Ciekawe miejsca na mapie")
Polonia Szwajcaria 1.0
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Aplikacja Polonia w Szwajcarii powstała wcelupoprawy komunikacji Polaków znajdujących się wSzwajcarii.Aplikacja umożliwia:- zakładanie wątków na forum - zadawanie pytań,rozpoczynaniedyskusji, komentowanie wydarzeń- rozmowy prywatne zalogowanych użytkowników- wyszukiwanie ludzi z tego samego miasta, o tychsamychzainteresowaniach- przeglądanie profili użytkowników- możliwość przeglądania ciekawych miejsc na mapie związanychzPolonią (jeżeli znacie ciekawe miejsca i chcecie się nimipodzielićpiszcie w apliacji na Forum - temat "Ciekawe miejsca namapie")Application PoloniainSwitzerland was established to improve communication Poleslocatedin Switzerland. This application allows you to:- The establishment of threads on the forum - askquestions,start discussions, comment on events- Private conversations registered users- Find people with the same city with the same interests- View user profiles- The ability to browse interesting places on the mapassociatedwith the Polish community (if you know the interestingplaces andwant to share them write in apliacji the Forum - the"points ofinterest on the map")
SESAM2014 1.33
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
SESAM2014 is the official mobile app ofthe20th Anniversary Meeting of Society in Europe forSimulationApplied to Medicine's ( Join the thebiggestscientific European Simulation Event of the year!!! It willtakeplace in Poznań, Poland from June 12th through 14th 2014. Theappis the main source of all event information and serves astheprimary communication channel. The app allows you to:- get the conference agenda with full information- participate in live, on-screen discussions and voting pollsduringsessions- connect with other attendees instantly- get the SESAM Meeting social media feeds- receive real time conference announcements
Interaction South America 2013 1.29
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The Interaction South America 2013 mainsubjectis: “New models, new industries, new interactions”.The fifth edition of the Interaction South America (ISA),theLatin America Interaction Design Conference, approaches toRecifeon November, from 13 to 16, to bring discussions about thenewpossibilities of the interaction design in the creativeindustryand the social impacts of these newest framings.Event is brought to you by Interaction Design Association (IxDA–Recife) in a partnership with and academic realization bytheFederal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). In this presentedition,the fifth, the event will be hold at Guararapes Theater andalso inthe upcoming Interaction Design Center, placed in the RecifeOldTown counting with structures of several institutions.ISA will consist of different ways of showing works, in anoralway of communication, which will be adequately detailedfollowingin this project. There are also other simultaneous eventsarranged(panels, round tables, workshops, market cases, smalllectures,exhibitions, competitions with prizes included) related todiversefields of Interaction Design, selected from the submissionofproposals sent to the Scientific Committee.This event’s kick off has as spot consolidate the importanceofthe research in Interaction Design in the country, developingandmaking easy the cooperation among the professionals, docentsandresearchers, fomenting students’ interested for the field,thencontributing for their professional education andintellectualformation.
Starpin 1.6
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Look around! There are so manyfascinatingplaces and events, but it's simply impossible to knowthemall.In Starpin, users recommend these exciting and unique spots inyourcity or any other place on earth, helping you discover them.Youcan also show others your favorite places wherever you’re at.It’ssimple – just take a picture or make a short movie and shareitwith other Starpin users. Let them discover your own city!Pictures and videos are shown in Starpin immediately after theyaretaken, so when something happens or you discover a placeworthrecommending, everyone sees it right away. It’s a feed ofexcitingplaces and events happening right now and right in thelocationwhere you are.• Browse photos and videos from your city or any location usingthereal-time feed and map• See photo and video galleries of interesting places or events-each photo and video has a location• Discover interesting places and events• Find out how to get to the places you like• Share with other people your favorite places and events• Watch photos and videos posted by your friends and otherStarpinusers• Add places to your favorites to remember them• Comment on photos and videos
Kortowiada 2013 1.3
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Aplikacja mobilna Kortowiada pozwala na:- dodawanie przypomnień, dodawanie do ulubionych koncertów- przegląd artystów- czatowanie między użytkownikami aplikacji- przeglądanie na żywo zdjęć z aplikacji Starpin zterenuKortowiady- dostęp do najnowszych newsów- informacje o lokalizacjach, danych konatkowych i sponsorachKortowiada – obiegowa nazwa darmowych juwenaliówolsztyńskich,pochodząca od nazwy olsztyńskiej dzielnicy studenckiej–Kortowa.Impreza odbywa się co roku, na początku maja, trwa 4–5 dni.Wlicznych koncertach i imprezach biorą udział zarówno studenci jakimieszkańcy miasta (według danych policji na Kortowiadzie w 2005i2006 bawiło się ok. 100 000 osób). W 2006 i 2008 Kortowiadęuznanoza najbardziej bezpieczne juwenalia w Polsce. Co rokustudenci pozakoncertami organizują kabareton, Wenus Show –wyborynajpiękniejszej studentki, konkurs na wystrój akademików,bójwydziałów, rywalizacje sportowe oraz turnieje komputerowe.Podczas Kortowiady wszystkie imprezy odbywają się na Kortowie,conadaje juwenaliom unikalny charakter. NieodłącznymelementemKortowiady i znakiem przynależności studentów do danegowydziałujest koszulka wydziałowa. Autorskie koszulki sąprojektowane iwybrane przez studentów każdego z wydziałów w drodzekonkursu.Koszulki są również swoistym biletem wstępu na tzw.„imprezyzamknięte” (do 2007 były to Bój Wydziałów i Miss Venus orazw 2006Turniej Rycerskich Siłaczy).Juwenalia posiadają także swój oficjalny hymn –utwór„Kortowiada”, nagrany przez zespół Enej do słów BartłomiejaKroma.W 2008 przywrócono, po kilku latach nieobecności, ParadęWydziałówulicami miasta. W 2009 na UWM odbyły się jubileuszowe,50.juwenalia.Mobile Kortowiadayoucan:- Add reminders, add to favorites concert- An overview of the artists- Chat between users, applications- View live images from your application Starpin oflandKortowiady- Access to the latest news- Information about the locations of data konatkowych and sponsorsKortowiada - commonly referred to as free juveniliaOlsztyn,Olsztyn derived from the name of the student area -courts.The event is held every year at the beginning of May, ittakes4-5 days. In numerous concerts and events involving bothstudentsand residents of the city (according to the policeKortowiadzie in2005 and 2006 were playing about 100 000 people). In2006 and 2008Kortowiada was considered the most secure juwenalia inPoland.Every year, students outside concerts organized suchcabaret, VenusShow - the most beautiful student elections, acompetition for thedesign of academics, faculty fear, sportscompetitions andtournaments computer.During Kortowiady all events are held at Kortowo,givingjuwenaliom unique character. Inherent Kortowiady and astudentbelonging to the department's faculty is. Copyright shirtsaredesigned and selected by the students of each department inacompetition. T-shirts are also a kind of so-calledadmissionticket. "Private events" (up to 2007 were the Departmentsof Fearand Miss Venus and the 2006 tournament Knightlystrongman).Juvenal also have its official anthem - the song"Kortowiada",recorded by the band Enej the words of BartholomewKroma. In 2008,restored, after several years of absence, theDepartments Paradethrough the streets. In 2009 for UWM heldjubilee, 50thjuwenalia.
Juwenalia Śląskie 1.2
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Juwenalia Śląskie 2013 grają wTwoimtelefonie!Najświeższe wiadomości z największego i najlepszegostudenckiegoświęta!Dowiedz się pierwszy co, gdzie i kiedy!Pobierz aplikację – niech to będzie Twoje święto!Juvenal Silesia in2013playing on your phone!The latest news from the largest student holidays!Find out first what, where and when!Download the application - be it your holiday!
Ursynalia 1.2
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
30th jubilee edition of the biggestmusicstudent festival in whole world and one of the biggestmusicfestivals in Poland.
DM2014 1.33
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
DATA MARKETING 2014 is a Conference&Exhibition which aims to provide educational content andastrategic road map for marketing professionals, who desire tomakesense of their data.With this app, you will have access to:-Our Agenda, Speakers, and Information on our Sessions-The Latest News & Updates-A Networking Tool-Downloadable Presentations...and More!
Lean Konf 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Oficjalna Aplikacja Otwartej Konferencji LeanwPoznaniu – zawiera wszystkie informacje o konferencji,program,sylwetki prelegentów, materiały, mapki sytuacyjne i wspieraLeanNetworkingThe officialapplicationfor Open Lean Conference in Poznan - contains all theinformationabout the conference program, profiles of speakers,materials, mapsand situational supports Lean Networking
CableCgress 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Cable Europe’s Cable Congress 2015,theflagship gathering of the European cable industry, taking placeinBrussels on 11-13 March.The event offers three days ofstrategicpresentations, panel sessions and interactive debate.CableCongress brings together the most sought-afterspeakers,strategists, innovators, policy makers and game-changersin thecable and new media industries.Designed to inspireMeet top leaders, actionable intelligenceCelebrate excellence at the Cable Europe AwardsC-Level keynotes and discussion panelsBe amongst the biggest namesBest networking opportunity of the yearMajor brands, major buzzSource business opportunities in the content zoneIn 2014, the congress attracted over 850 participants fromover33 countries of which more than 75% were Director orC-levelexecutives. The high quality of attendees reflected a broadcrosssection of the industry, with 18% of delegates representingcableoperators and service providers, 36% equipment and set topboxvendors, 12% content providers. Visit here for the fullattendeebreakdown.The event offers three days of strategicpresentations,panel sessions and interactive debate. Cable Congressbringstogether the most sought-after speakers, strategists,innovators,policy makers and game-changers in the cable and newmediaindustries.
Smart Summit 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The Smart Summit Frankfurt will featurethreeleading summits focusing on Smart Home, Smart Cities andIndustrialInternet. Taking place on 6 & 7 April 2016 at KapEuropa theSmart Summit is the most in-depth event covering the IoTecosystemand focusing on the Smart Society.Download the official networking app to be able to maximiseyournetworking opportunities at this event. The below informationisavailable within the app:- Conference agendas- Speakers- Sponsors & exhibitors- Attendees- Primate messaging- Event info
RS2016 1.42
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Oficjalna aplikacja Kongresu Retail Summit2016- umożliwia na bieżąco śledzenie programu wydarzenia,wszystkichjego zmian i aktualizacji. Korzystając z aplikacjiuczestnik marównież możliwość: brania udziału w ankietach,komentowania dyskusjipodczas sesji i paneli oraz otrzymywanianajnowszych wiadomościdotyczących forum.Aplikacji pozwala na:• Dostęp do listy uczestników: nazwisko, stanowisko,nazwęfirmy• Możliwość kontaktu z innymi uczestnikami poprzezwysyłaniewiadomości chat a także umawianie spotkań• Sprawdzanie programu Forum• Dostęp do listy panelistów i gości• Wyrażenie swojej opinie podczas interaktywnych sesjiisondaży• Komentowanie i zadawanie pytań bezpośrednio do panelistów• Wyrażenie swojej opinii na temat Forum w specjalnej ankiecieThe officialapplicationCongress of Retail Summit 2016 - allows you to keeptrack programof the event, all the changes and updates. Using anapplicationparticipant also has the ability to: participate inpolls,commenting on the discussions during the session and panelsandreceive the latest news on the forum.Application allows you to:• Access to the list of participants: name, title,companyname• The possibility of contact with other participants by sendingchatmessages and appointments• Checking Program Forum• Access to the list of panelists and guests• The expression of their opinions during interactive sessionsandsurveys• Commenting and asking questions directly to the panellists• The expression of his opinion on the topic in a specialsurvey
Smart Summit London 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The official networking app of SmartSummitLondon. This two day event will take place on 21st – 22ndSeptemberat Olympia and will feature three leading summits focusingon SmartHome, Smart Cities and Industrial Internet.Download the official networking app to be able to maximiseyournetworking opportunities at the event. The below informationisavailable within the app:- Conference Agendas- Speakers- Sponsors & exhibitors- Attendees- Messaging facilities- All event info
EUC2016 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The official EUC2016 app allows you to getaninsight into the Erlang User Conference, the largest gatheringofErlang and Elixir developers in the world, taking place on7-9September in Stockholm. In the app you can communicatewithattendees, speakers and sponsors, view the full agenda, ratetalks,view slides and more.
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The official Erlang Factory App – ESL Conf–allows you to communicate with attendees, speakers andsponsors,view the full agenda, rate talks and more.
IoT TE 1.44
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The official IoT Tech Expo NetworkingToolallows you to communicate with attendees, speakers andexhibitors,arrange meetings and view the full agendas.The following information is available within the app:- 5 Conference Agendas- Speakers- Attendees- Exhibitors- Private Messaging- Social Feed- Event Info
Wi-Fi NOW 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The official event app for Wi-Fi NOW inD.C.April 19th to 21st, 2016. Keep track of the programme, meetwithattendees before, during and after the event and join thelivepolls and discussions during the conference. You will alsohaveaccess to all presentations as well as white papers from someofour sponsors and exhibitors.Bullet points:- Network with attendees (via private messaging)- Set up meetings with attendees- Keep track of the programme- Download presentations and white papers- Participate in live polls and discussions duringtheconference
Konferencja Orlen 2016 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Oficjalna aplikacja konferencji Orlen -ObrazWartości. Pozwala użytkownikom na aktywne uczestnictwowprezentacjach i zapewnia dostęp do najważniejszych informacjinatemat wydarzeniaThe official app oftheconference Orlen - image values. It allows users toactivelyparticipate in presentations and provides access to keyinformationabout the event
BBM Events 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Aplikacja dla uczestników wydarzeń BlueBusiness Media. Użytkownicy uzyskują dostęp do aktualnej agendy,prelegentów, funkcji networkingowych oraz aktualnych promocjiBBM.The application for theparticipants of the events of Blue Business Media. Users get accessto the current agenda, speakers, networking functions and currentpromotions BBM.
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Users of THE HR CONGRESS Application will beable to access; the full conference agenda, an attendee list,speaker information and biographies, presentations materials,private messaging, information about sponsors as well as latestevent news, announcements and relevant information. The app willalso feature a city guide and logistical information relevant forthose attending the event. THE HR CONGRESS Application can be usedfor the appropriate events in Amsterdam, Orlando and Budapest. Thefull list of Application functions includes:The Full Congress AgendaSpeaker Information and BiographiesEvent InformationFull Attendee ListPrivate Messaging between AttendeesAbility to Arrange 1-on-1 Meetings (only for attendees)Information about Congress SponsorsCongress News and UpdatesOn-site AnnouncementsPresentation MaterialsVoting and Poll OptionsCongress FloorplanCity GuideFor latest events and more information on joining the eventsplease visit
NxtGen 2016 1.45
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Official app for participants ofManipalGlobal's fourth international round table
IoT Tech Expo NA 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The IoT Tech Expo App & NetworkingToolallows you to plan your 2 days at the IoT Tech Expo NorthAmericawith ease. Taking place on October 20-21st, the App detailstheagendas for all 8 conferences, provides an exhibition map,liststhe 200+ speakers in addition to extra features for goldpassholder holders including direct messages and a meetingset-upfunction.Download the App to make the most of your 2 days at the IoTTechExpo in Santa Clara, CA.
WebRTC Paris 1.37
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The Largest Global WebRTC ConferenceandExhibition in Europe bringing together service providers,systemsintegrators, enterprises, vendors and industry thoughtleaders for3 days of training, case-studies, demos andpanels.
Tokyo 2015 1.38
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
App for Dentsu Aegis Network and itsguestsattending the Tokyo 2015 Leading Through Innovationconference.Provides details on the agenda, locations, delegates andotheruseful information.
NLTM & IN APP 1.44
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
NLTM & IN APP – Your guide throughtheNordic Public Transport & InformNorden Conference inHelsinkion June 15-17. With this application you keep on the trackthroughall sessions, vote, comment and give feedback, search fornewcontacts and enjoy the conference!
InformNorden 1.45
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
App for participants in theInformNordenconference in Reykjavik, Iceland 2015. See the programandexhibitors and other information on the conference, chat withotherparticipants and take part in voting and asking thepanelquestions. See information about the speakers and downloadtheirpresentations and follow our announcements for updates ontheconference, transportation and other interesting news onthefly.
Forum 2000 app 1.42
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The Forum 2000 app will allow you to getthemost out of the 20th Forum 2000 Conference titled The CouragetoTake Responsibility. Follow the program, learn all aboutthespeakers and don´t miss out on the Festival ofDemocracy.Synchronize the app with your calendar or use it to sendquestionsto the delegates. The Forum 2000 app will help you get thefullscope of information on this year´s conference.
Millennials 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Oficjalna aplikacja Forum MarketingtoMillennials - umożliwia na bieżąco śledzenie programuwydarzenia,wszystkich jego zmian i aktualizacji. Korzystając zaplikacjiuczestnik ma również możliwość: brania udziału wankietach,komentowania dyskusji podczas sesji i paneli orazotrzymywanianajnowszych wiadomości dotyczących forum.Aplikacji pozwala na:• Dostęp do listy uczestników: nazwisko, stanowisko,nazwęfirmy• Możliwość kontaktu z innymi uczestnikami poprzezwysyłaniewiadomości chat a także umawianie spotkań• Sprawdzanie programu Forum• Dostęp do listy panelistów i gości• Wyrażenie swojej opinie podczas interaktywnych sesjiisondaży• Komentowanie i zadawanie pytań bezpośrednio do panelistów• Wyrażenie swojej opinii na temat Forum w specjalnej ankiecieThe officialapplicationForum Marketing to Millennials - allows you to keeptrack programof the event, all the changes and updates. Using anapplicationparticipant also has the ability to: participate inpolls,commenting on the discussions during the session and panelsandreceive the latest news on the forum.Application allows you to:• Access to the list of participants: name, title,companyname• The possibility of contact with other participants by sendingchatmessages and appointments• Checking Program Forum• Access to the list of panelists and guests• The expression of their opinions during interactive sessionsandsurveys• Commenting and asking questions directly to the panellists• The expression of his opinion on the topic in a specialsurvey
Procon 16 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Oficjalna aplikacja konferencjizakupowejPROCON/POLZAK 2016 – 18-19.10 – Warszawa.- swobodnie śledź najważniejsze wydarzenia- wygodnie sprawdzaj program konferencji- zapoznaj się z sylwetkami prelegentów- weź udział w głosowaniu na żywo- komunikuj się z innymi Uczestnikami- zdobywaj nagrody – odwiedź Strefę ExpoThe officialconferenceapp purchasing PROCON / POLZAK 2016 - 18-19.10 - Warsaw.- Easily track important events- Comfortably check the conference program- See the silhouettes of speakers- Take part in the vote live- Communicate with other Participants- Win prizes - Visit Zone Expo
TechMatch15 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
TechMatch is the official app for theTechMatchSlovakia 2015 event organised by Slovak Business Agency(SBA). Userscan:Find all event information regarding the agenda, speakersandvenue maps ­ Get real time updatesFind, connect with, and instant message other attendeesTake part in discussions during sessionsConnect with social mediaTechMatch is theofficialapp for the TechMatch Slovakia 2015 event organized bySlovakBusiness Agency (SBA). Users can:Find all event information regarding to the agenda, speakersandvenue maps Get real time updatesFind, connect with, and instant message other attendeesTake part in discussions during sessionsConnect with social media
Code Mesh 2016 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The official Code Mesh 2016 app allows youtoget an insight into the Code Mesh Conference, the alternativetechconference, taking place on 2-4 November in London. In the appyoucan communicate with attendees, speakers and sponsors, viewthefull agenda, rate talks, view slides and more.
Marketing Festival 1.44
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
The official app for 2016’s MarketingFestival.You’ll be able to check out the agenda, see yourworkshops andintegrate them with your calendar. Thanks to the map,you’ll neverget lost in the Festival campus and we’ve even puttogether aconvenient messaging app!
Impact Day 2017 1.41
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Oficjalna aplikacja konferencji ImpactDay#ContentMarketing, organizowanej przez Media ImpactPolska.Aktualna agenda, opisy prelegentów, możliwość umówieniaspotkań,przegląd treści z social media, a także interakcja zprelegentem nażywo poprzez funkcję Sondaży – praktyczneudogodnienie dlauczestników wydarzenia.The official app oftheconference #ContentMarketing Impact Day, organized by MediaImpactPoland.The current agenda, descriptions of the speakers, the opportunitytoarrange meetings, review of content from social media, as wellasinteraction with the speaker via a live function polls - apracticalconvenience for event participants.
PEFAG 2013 1.2
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Executive Club for the fourth timeisorganizing the “Private Equity Forum & Awards Gala”, whichwilltake place on the 5 June 2013 in the Sheraton WarsawHotel.Programme of the conference was created in cooperation withthedistinguished members of the Programme Council.At the previous conference we managed to engage the interest ofawide circle of business related authorities, as well as themediaand investors, in the issue of private equity. The conferencehasin fact become the most important event in the sectorforentrepreneurs and participants in the capital market alike.Whatdistinguishes us from other events of this type is thehighestlevel of discussion. This year, as has been the case withpreviousseasons of this notable event, we shall tackle some of themostup-to-date and relevant issues.We also wish to continue last year’s success by again organizingthegala of “Private Equity Awards”, which has become a uniqueandexcellent promotional vehicle for the industry. The ideaofawarding the best companies and individuals in the sectorprovidesfor an even wider promotion of the funds’ undertakings.PrivateEquity Diamonds are an interesting display of the addedvalue thatthe funds bring into the development of Polish companiesand thecapital market.
European VR Congress 1.45
Solomo Sp. z o.o.
Oficjalna aplikacja VR Congress 2016.Wintuicyjny sposób umożliwi dostęp do wszelkichniezbędnychinformacji o VR Congress 2016. Pozwala umawiać spotkaniazuczestnikami.Daje aktualny program, biogramy prelegentów, opisyfirmpartnerskich. Jest też chat konferencyjny, miejsce wymianyopiniina temat wydarzenia.Aplikacja dostarczy także aktualnych informacji na tematakcjipromocyjnych, konkursów, zmian w harmonogramie orazdodatkowychatrakcji. Znajdziesz w niej prezentacje prelegentóworazdostosujesz kalendarz wydarzeń do swoich potrzeb.The officialapplicationVR Congress 2016 in an intuitive manner will allowaccess to allnecessary information about VR Congress 2016. Allowsarrange ameeting with the participants.It gives the current program, biographies of thespeakers,descriptions of partner companies. There is also a chatconference,a place to exchange opinions about the event.The application will also provide updated information onpromotionalcampaigns, competitions, schedule changes andadditionalattractions. You will find in the presentations of thespeakers andmake adjustments to the calendar of events for yourneeds.