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Portal Loker 1.2
Startup Media
Aplikasi Portal Loker atau Portal LowonganKerja adalah aplikasi sederhana yang kami buat berfungsi meringkasserta mempermudah akses ke berbagai situs atau website lowongankerja resmi terbaik di Indonesia. Aplikasi ini kami dedikasikankhususnya untuk group Info Lowongan Kerja Bantul dan Yogyakarta /ILKBY serta kepada seluruh rekan-rekan pencari kerja semua.Fitur-fitur :- Daftar situs lowongan kerja terbaik di Indonesia yang akanditambahkan secara berkala- Daftar situs resmi dari pemerintah seperti Info Pasar KerjaNasional KEMENTERIAN KETENAGAKERJAAN, Disnakertrans Provinsi DIYdan sebagainya- Daftar situs lowongan kerja dari Universitas (ECC UGM, PPK UNY,CDC UNS, dll)- Menu lowongan kerja Terpopuler, Favorit, Swasta, BUMN, CPNS- Menu Favorit untuk menyimpan informasi yang ingin di baca lainwaktu- Menu Terpopuler, yang di update oleh admin, menginformasikanloker yang sedang populer saat ini- Menu Share ke teman informasi loker- Shortcut akses ke group facebook ILKBY untuk update info lowongankerja lokal sekitar Yogyakarta dan berinteraksi langsung denganpengirim lowongan.Aplikasi ini hanya semacam browser khusus untuk menampilkan datadari situs lowongan kerja resmi, dan tidak ada data tersimpan dalamaplikasi ini, jadi ketika Anda mengakses menu tertentu danmembutuhkan login maka data login Anda 100% Aman.NB. Hubungi Admin jika ada yang tidak berkenan website anda dicantumkan di aplikasi ini, Admin akan segera menghapus.Warm regards,Administrator / ILKBY
Quote Anime 1
Startup Media
Quote Anime adalah aplikasi yang berisikutipankata-kata bijak dari film Anime. Selain kutipan kata-katabijak yangbisa di copy melalui fitur clipboard, melalui aplikasiini Anda jugadapat mendownload quote keren setiap tokoh Animeuntuk dijadikandisplay picture bbm dan sebagainya.Fitur-fitur aplikasi:- Update quote anime berbahasa Indonesia- Simpan Favorit untuk menyimpan Quote favorit Anda- Copy clipboard yang mempermudah mengcopy Quote- Gambar berisi quote yang bisa di unduh untuk dijadikandisplaypicture BBM.- Menu pencarian yang dapat mempermudah mencari quote
Sholawat Habib Syech MP3 + Lirik 1.2
Startup Media
Lirik Sholawat Habib Syech merupakan aplikasi yang berisi kumpulanlirik lagu atau syair-syair pujian kepada Nabi yang biasa dibawakanoleh Habib Syech Abdul Qadir Assegaf ketika berdakwah yangmenyejukkan, menentramkan hati serta mengobati kerinduan kepadaRosulallah. Fitur-fitur: - Fitur Streaming audio sholawat -Tersedia ratusan Judul Sholawat - Tampilan baik dan nyaman -Navigasi mudah digunakan - Fitur Zoom halaman - Menu Favorit /Bookmark untuk dibaca secara offline - Fitur pencarian - Aplikasilebih cepat dan ringan Judul sholawat Habib Syech yang tersediaantara lain: - Alangkah Indahnya - Birosulillah Wal Badawi - InnaFil Jannati - Pepali Ki Ageng Selo - Sholatulloh - Ya Imamarrusli -Ilahi Lastu (Al-I’tiraf) - Al Madad Ya Rosulallah - Kisah SangRosul - Lir-Ilir - Padang Bulan - Sholawat Kawakib - Subhanallah -Robbi Faj’alna Minal Akhyar - Annabi Sollu Alaih - Lisaani -Sholatullah ‘Ala Thohal Yamani - Alhamdulillah - Ya Hanana - LaIlaha Illallah - Maa Madda Likhoiril Kholqi Yadaa - Nurul Musthofa- Anta Nuskhotu - Ya Thoybah Draft - Ya Thoyyibah - SholatunBissalamil Mubin - Miftakhul Jannah - Ya Hadi Sirruwaida - Ya KadaMan Syaduh - Allahumma Sholli ‘Ala Muhammad - Marhaban - SholawatBurdah - Assalamualaika - Khobbiri - Khoiril Bariyah - Thola’alBadru ‘Alaina - Alfa Shollallah - Shollawatul Badar - Ya Habib - LiBurojuka - Ya Allah Biha - Qod Tamamallah - Laaillahailallah - Yaala Baitin Nabi - Ya Laqolbin - Sholawatullahi Taghsya - Ya SayyidiRosul Ya Thohir - Ya Rasulullah Salamun ‘alaik - Lighoiri jamalikum- Busyrolana - Ya Latifan Bil ibad - Ya Dzaljalali wal Ikrom - YaRobbi Bil Mustofa - Ya Ar Hamarrohimin - Maulana Ya Maulana - QodTamamallah - Ya Maulidal Mustofa - Qod Kaffani - Ya Robbah Makkah -Binafsiya Afdi - Da’uni - Bijaahil Musthofal Mukhtar - Allohu Alloh- Ya Waridal Unsi - Antal Amin - Ilaahi nas Aluk Bil Ismil Adzom -Ahlan wa Sahlan bin Nabi - Ya Robbi Ya ‘Alimal Hal ... dan masihbanyak lagi Semoga Aplikasi ini bermanfaat, kritik saran untukpengembangan lebih lanjut dapat Anda kirim melalui e-mail kami.Dukung Developer dalam mengembangkan Aplikasi, berikan kami Rateterbaik di Playstore dan Bagikan Aplikasi ini kepada teman-temanterbaik kamu.
Low Cholesterol 1.0
Startup Media
Tips how to lower your cholesterol, cholesterol is a steroid lipid(fat) found in the blood and is necessary for proper functioning ofcell membranes. Our bodies already manufacture all the cholesterolwe need, so it is not necessary to consume more. High levels ofcholesterol have been shown to increase the risk of heart diseaseand stroke. Cholesterol lowering foods should be incorporated intoeveryone's diet for optimal health. Lower your cholesterol withthese 25 helpful tips to improve your diet and lifestyle: - BestFood That is Part of the Diet to Lower Cholesterol - Learning theproper diet to lower cholesterol - Selecting Cholesterol-Free Foods- Diet to lower Triglyceride and Cholesterol - Eating right tolower your cholesterol - Exercising is the Best Way to LowerCholesterol - Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol - Food to ConsumeTo Lower Cholesterol - Food for People with High Cholesterol -Having A Good Diet Can Lower Cholesterol - How to lower cholesterolthrough your diet - A Deadliest Excess Substance That Could Form inThe Body - Foods to Avoid to Lower Cholesterol - Inititices toLower Instant Rise in Bad Cholesterol Levels - Lowering theCholesterol Levels the Natural Way - A Drugfree Way to LowerCholesterol - Lowering Cholesterol - Understanding Bad Cholesterol- Following a Low Cholesterol Diet Plan - Reducing Cholesterol theNatural Way - Natural Ways to Reduce Cholesterol - The Best LowCholesterol Diet Plan - Cholesterol Reducing Vitamins and Drugs -What you can do to lower your cholesterol - What to eat to loweryour cholesterol Download "Low Cholesterol" App and get 25 helpfultips to Lower your Cholesterol.
Elderly Care Tips 1.0
Startup Media
Download app Tips for Taking Care of Elderly Parents. Are you nowresponsible for taking care of an elderly parent? Here are somehelpful tips on what new caregivers should expect as they take onthe role of family caregiver. Table of content: - Adjusting To AnAging Mind - Aging Parents and Role Reversal - Are you or yourelderly parents moving to an Apartment from a house? Here's Help -Being a Primary Carer for a relative with Alzheimers disease TheLong Goodbye - Buying Furniture for the Elderly with Special Needs- Caregiving Tips for Boomers: 5 Tips for Decreasing the Cost ofCaring for Elderly Parents - Care For Caregivers - Caring For ALoved One With Alzheimer's Disease - Caring for Elderly Parents: 5Tips for Avoiding Caregiver Burnout - Choosing The PerfectRetirement Home - Choosing the Right Wheelchair For You - CurvedStair Lifts An Overview - Easy Movement with Chair Lifts - ElderCare Services - Determining Your Level of Care - Elder Day Care: ANovel Idea - Emergency Response Systems: My Experience -Entertaining The Elderly On Grandparents Day - Finding NonmedicalHome Care - Fraud Prevention Tips For The Elderly - HearingImpaired? Hearing Aids? Advice for Deafies and those who put upwith us - Helpful Gadgets for the Elderly - Helpful Hints for theElderly - Helping The Elderly Avoid Prescription Drug Problems -How to select Memorial Monuments for loved ones - How To Spot ElderAbuse - Inventors Create Wheelchair Innovations for Safety,Affordability and Mobility - Is Exercise a Natural Sleep Aid forSeniors? - It's Your Funeral: Why Not Plan It Properly? - KeepSeniors Independent and Involved -Practical Acts of Kindness -Maintain Your Brain - Strategies to Help Prevent Alzheimer'sDisease - Should We Fear Death? - Should You Join AARP? - SomethingFor Seniors To Smile About - Sometimes caring for a loved one withdementia means seeking outside help. - Some Crime Tips For TheElderly - Stair Chair Lift: A Modern Day Wonder - Ten ConvenienceBuilt-Ins Thatll Help Seniors And The Disabled Live Independently -The Benefits Of Continuing Care Retirement Community - TheDifferences In Elder Care Services - The Social Security Cost OfLiving Increase Is Not Keeping Up And more articles about elderlycare. Download Elderly Care Tips - Elderly Care Information &Advice.
Heart Health Tips 1.0
Startup Media
Heart Health Tips App: How to Manage and Prevent Heart Conditions.A healthy lifestyle will make your heart healthier. Here are greatinformation for your heart healthy: Table of contents: - 10 CommonSymptoms And Signs Of High Blood Pressure - 10 Ways to Avoid aHeart Attack - An Overview of Heart Disease - Are You Having AHeart Attack? - Atherosclerosis Symptoms, Causes, prevention andTreatment - A More Convenient Approach To Heart Health - Benefitsof measuring your own blood pressure - Blood Cord Bank: Anintroduction to cord blood stem cells - Blood Pressure Monitors WhyYou Should Consider Monitoring At Home - Blood Pressure ResearchReport - Natural Therapy for Maintaining Healthy Blood PressurePart 2 - Butea Superba Mens Secret Supports Healthy CardiovascularSystem - Cardiovascular Disease and Women - Cardio Exercises-Low OrHigh Intensity Exercise Burn Body Fat Faster? - Cardio May Be aWaste of Time Without This Knowledge - Cholesterol - Good,Bad...Huh? - Common Cardio Exercise|Workout Mistakes On CardioMachines - Common Side Effects Of High Blood Pressure Medication -Congenital Heart Disease Open Heart Surgery For Babies and Toddlers- Controlling High Blood Pressure Is The Easiest Thing To Do -Creating A Cholesterol Plan - Creating A Personal Heart HealthProfile Online - Dealing With Low Blood Pressure - Digital BloodPressure Monitors - Dose Reduction Improvements in Cardiac CTScanning - Exercise Bikes How Far They Have Come and more articlesyou can read in this app. Download Heart Health Tips App - KnowYour Heart Health.
Womens Health Care 1.0
Startup Media
Download Womens Health Care app, Get Information on Common Women'sHealth Issues. Table of content: - 10 Great Hair Care Tips - 10Natural Ways to combat PMS - 10 Tips To Avoid Work At Home MomBurnout - 10 Tips To Improved Hair Care - 10 Tips To Minimizing APlus Size Body Type - 5 Physical Symptoms Of Menopause - 7Guidelines To Choosing A Great Patio Umbrella - 8 Popular PerfumeChoices For Women - 8 Steps for a Woman Dancing with Cancer -Abnormal Mammogram - What Now? - Abnormal or excessive vaginalbleeding Myths and facts - Acne Skin Care Regime - Advice On BuyingMaternity Wear - All About Tanning Bed Lotions, Tanning Bed LampsAnd Other Tanning Bed Products - Control Your Weight Change yourLifeStyle - Controversial Implants Approved - Cosmetic Dentistry -A Closer Look? - Cosmetic Dentistry - A Perfect Smile - CosmeticSurgery Lifts and Jobs - Cosmetic Surgery Will It Really ChangeYour Life? - CPR for Lackluster Libidos in Midlife - Crash CourseOn Cellulites - Facial Mask At Home - Facts About Genital Warts -Fashion For Cruises - Feather Boa For A Girls Night Out - FeelingFrisky? Herbs For Fertility - Feel Sexy with Larger Breasts thenatural way! - Female Bodybuilding - Female Hair Loss And Menopause- Female Hair Loss Treatment And Information - Female Health &Sleep Patterns - Female Hormones - Female Infertility A reason toworry - Fertility After Forty - Fertility And Your Fertile Soil -Fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Treatment and Symptoms -Financial Freedom of Breast Enhancement And more articles Downloadthis app, and read more about women's health issues.
Hair Loss Treatment 1.0
Startup Media
Find in-depth information on hair loss in men and women includingcauses and treatment options. There are many causes for hair loss.Read about it and other hair loss issues here. Hair Loss Treatment,Causes and Prevention : - Natural Hair Care Products BeginnersGuide - Natural hair care the best treatment for hair loss -Natural Hair Loss Remedy And Treatment - Natural Hair LossTreatments - Natural Hair Loss Treatment Herbs - Natural Treatmentof Hair Loss - Proven Products Combatting Hair Loss for Men andWomen - Provillus Hair Loss Treatment - Regrow Hair For Men -Regrow Hair Naturally - Remove Unwanted Hair - Route To HealthierHair: Hair Loss Remedy - Say Good Bye to a Dry & Dull Skin -Scalp Eczema 3 - Scope of laser surgery as a hair transplantprocedure - There are Many Choices for Female Hair Loss Treatment -The Disaster of Hair Loss: Take It Easy - The Drug Propecia andHair Loss - The hair loss problem- a psycho-philosophical approach- The Latest Research On Male Hair Loss - New Findings Come UpRegularly - The Most Effective Body Hair Removal Techniques - ThePath To Hair Restoration - The Shocking Truth About Female HairLoss - The simplest method for hair loss can be the best. - The top3 reasons for losing your hair - The Truth On Hair Loss Myths... -Three Factors that Cause Hair Loss - Top Hair Loss Treatments ForThis Summer - Top Nutritional Tips to Support Healthy Hair Growth -To Hear For A Lifetime: Listen Up - Treatments that offer hope tohair loss sufferers - Trichologist FAQs - Types Of Hair LossTreatment Available To Sufferers - Understanding and PreventingHair Loss - Understanding Hair Growth Cycles and Hair Loss -Understand Baldness and How You Can Reverse It - Vitamins and HairLoss - How to treat & cure Alopecia - Importance of VitaminSupplements - Information on Traction Alopecia - Invigorate YourDamaged Hair With Split Ends Prevention Tips - Is Saw Palmetto UsedFor Male Pattern Baldness? - Is their a miracle cure for hairloss?- Is There A Role For Nutrition In Dealing With Hair Loss? - Lackof Iodine and Silica Can Create Hair Loss - Male Hair Loss - MaleHair Loss: Natural Hair Loss Treatment - Male Pattern Baldness -Causes, Symptoms Treatment - Medical Hair Restoration - Mum - MyHair Is Falling Out And many more articles about Hair LossTreatment... Download Hair Loss Treatment App, and get more abouthair loss medications & treatment options.
Pregnancy Tips 1.0
Startup Media
We are pleased to provide the best selection of the latestpregnancy and parenting articles including fertility boostingfoods, labor signs, and more. Here you can read tips for a healthypregnancy: Table of content: - Announcing Your Pregnancy - Arematernity clothes necessary in order to look good during pregnancy?- Are You Looking for Signs of Infertility? - A New Family PlanningAlternative - A Primer on Bradley vs. Lamaze Childbirth Methods -Bathing A Newborn Baby - Best Tips On Getting Pregnant - BirthControl needs, methods and information available for todays women -Birth Defects Deliver More Reasons to Quit Smoking - Breastfeeding- How Important Is It? - Breastfeeding and Mastitis - BreastFeeding Tips and Guidelines - Brooke Shields Opens Up About HerStruggle With Infertility. Actress Encourages Women To Get Informed- Childbirth and the Athletic Woman - Conjoined Twins - Consumptionof Wine is Safe in Pregnancy - Days To Get Pregnant - When Is TheBest Time To Get Pregnant? - Diagnostic Ultrasound In Pregnancy -Is It Necessary? - Diets During Pregnancy - Different Types OfPregnancy Tests - Discussions about Birth Control - Enjoy Your 2ndTrimester! - Exercise During Pregnancy: Can You Continue With YourNormal Routine? - Expectations On Expecting - Feeling good inMaternity Clothes - Fertility Test: One Effective Way to EnsurePregnancy - Fitness While Pregnant - Information You Should Know -Fitness While Pregnant - Is It Safe? - Five Tips For UnplannedPregnancies - GAGGED While Giving Birth - Good Exercises To Do WhenPregnant - Have a Pink Kit baby - Having a bonus baby - two ormore? - Healthy Pregnancy Tip: Supplements To Avoid - Home WorkoutsDuring Pregnancy - How Pregnancy Pillows Can Save Your Back! - HowTo Care For Your Body During Pregnancy - How to Get Pregnant - Howto Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant - How to preventbleeding during pregnancy? - How To Use A Pregnancy Test -Identical Twins - Induced Abortion - Invitro Fertilization - TheMale Point Of View - Is Pregnancy Ultrasound Risky? - Losing WeightAfter Pregnancy - Make Your Pregnancy A Healthy One - MaternityClothes Trends - Maternity Clothes: Dressing For Your Pregnancy -Maternity Leave Challenges in the US Today and more articles aboutpregnancy. Download Pregnancy Tips, Stay healthy throughout yourpregnancy.
Taylor Swift Lyrics 1.0
Startup Media
Download Taylor Swift Lyrics App, 184 songlyrics sorted by album, including Everything Has Changed, SpeakNow, 22, Ours Lyrics and more.Are you fans of Taylor Swift? you should download this TaylorSwift Complete Lyrics application.Taken from album :- Album: Taylor Swift (2006)- EP: Sounds Of The Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection(2007)- Album: Fearless (2008)- Album: Speak Now (2010)- Album: Red (2012)- Album: 1989 (2014)And more Taylor Swift songs.Get Taylor Swift Lyrics song lyrics, Find all lyrics for songssuch as Red, Style, Back to December and Stay Stay Stay taylorswift lyrics.*Disclaimer:This is not official Taylor Swift app.This application made for entertainments purposes only.
Alternative Medicine 1.0
Startup Media
Learn About Alternative Medicine, Information and examples ofvarious categories of alternative medicine. Alternative medicine isany medical treatment that is not part of conventionalevidence-based medicine. Alternative Medicine articles on this app:- Addiction Treatment Centers Using Experiential Therapies -Addressing the undressing: Shedding the light on the shedding ofclothes. - Affordable Non-Drug solution to ADHD - AffordableNon-Drug solution to Insomnia - Afraid of Anthrax? Strengthen YourImmune System - Age-Old Remedy for the Newest Flu - AlternativeMedicine is Holistic, Western Medicine is Reductionist -Alternative Medicine is Preventive; Western Medicine is Curative -Alternative Medicine to Lower Your Blood Pressure - AlternativeTherapies For Asthma Treatment -- Biofeedback Holds Promise -Alternative Treatments For Headaches And Advice - Amla HerbBenefits (Indian Gooseberry) - An internet drugstore is a businessunit - Applied of kineziologiya - diagnostics is treatment thehealth - Are Alternative Medicines Effective? - Are you scared tomake love because of Asthma? - Are You Wasting Time and Money atDoctor Visits? - Aromatherapy Massage Oil Adding Ease To Your Life- Aromatherapy Myth Or Reality - Aromatherapy Using Natures AromaTo Cure - Arthritis Relief with Tea Tree Oil - Arthritis - Homeremedies for Arthritis - Arthritis, Joint Pain, Spondylitis,Fibromyalgia, Muscular Ache :Herbal Approach - Ashwagandha- theIndian ginseng - Asthma Control: Tips on How to Cure your AsthmaNaturally - Asthma Treatment Medications may not be worth the sideeffects - Asthma Treatment Ways - Avoiding Colds and Flu Naturally- Bach Flower Essences And Remedies - The Seven Helpers - BeforeTaking Viagra - Blending for the Desired Effect throughAromatherapy Blends - Body Harmonics and Pilates in Canada - ButeaSuperba Works Normal Male Well Most Erectile Dysfunction Male -Cancer and Alternative Medicine: An Overview - CANCER, NewAlternative Therapy - Can headaches be caused by sitting at acomputer? - Chinese medicines guide - Detox Diet: Juice FastingRecipes - Dhauti An Excellent Stomach Cleanser. - Discover thealternative asthma treatment. Is there such a thing? - Does SomeoneYou Know Have Asthma? - Does Your Child Have Constipation? -Fertility and Well Baby - Case Histories - Fighting Obesity - anayurvedic way - Finding A Natural Remedy Isnt Hard - Find Help ToStop Smoking Cigarettes - Folk Medicine - The Natural Solution -Foot Massage - Four Creative Steps To Healing - Frankincense InAromatherapy - Trees, Tears And Essential Oils - Fruits and JuicesImportant for Relieving Hemorrhoids Part I - Fruit Extracts PreventAging of Skin the Natural Way - Fundamental of Massage Therapy -Gentian Violet: An Effective Treatment For Thrush - GettingCandida/Yeast Under Control - Get A Massage In Longmont - Get AMassage In Sedona - Get Heartburn, Indigestion and Ulcer ReliefUsing DGL - Ginko Biloba - How It Helps Memory and Circulation -Ginseng - is this your cuppa tea? - Ginseng and Its Many Uses -Ginseng Tea - Gout Treated with Alternative Medicine - Green Drinkfor Constipation - Hair loss prevention through Ayurveda -Hangover: is there any herbal remedy that cure it ? - Healing Herbsfor Rashes and Skin Irritations - Healing Through Qigong - The ArtOf Breathing - Healing, Your Child and Flower Essences - Healthcareproducts from online pharmacy - Health Benefits Of Foot Massage -Health care for globe trotters - Health Sanatorium - HealthSolutions with Ashwagandha - Help I've Got Heartburn - Hemorrhoidsand Enlarged Rectal Veins - Hemorrhoids Treatment - The Natural Way- Hemorrhoids What Do I Need to Do? - Herbal Medicines- How theywork - Human growth hormone supplements benefits and safety -Hypnosis - Wheres the Magic? And many more (500+) articles aboutAlternative Medicine tips. Download this app, learn more aboutalternative medicine.
Learn Yoga 1.0
Startup Media
Learn Yoga app you must download, this app provides basicinformation about yoga. Here you can read yoga for beginners. Tableof contents: - Ashtanga Yoga - Is it right for you? - 7 ImportantTips for Yoga Success - Alternate Your Strength Training WorkoutWith Some Yoga - And you thought Yoga Was Just Stretching. -Anuloma-Viloma - Yogic Breathing For Better Health - Dhyana Yoga(meditation) for soul awakening. - Discover How Yoga Will Help YouReach Your Goals Part 1 - Discover How Yoga Will Help You ReachYour Goals Part 2 - Discover Yoga's Healing Power - Does YogaNormalize Body Weight? - Eight Amazing Benefits of Teaching Yoga. -Eight Amazing Benefits of Teaching Yoga - Facts About ChakraAwakening - Finding Balance And Health With Yoga - Foundations ofYoga, Part 1: Yama and Niyama - Foundations of Yoga, Part 2: Ahimsa(Harmlessness) - Foundations of Yoga, Part 3: Satya (Truthfulness,Honesty) - Gentlemen, guys actually do Yoga. - Getting Healthy WithYoga - Have a health Problem? Yoga can solve it. Part 1 - Have ahealth Problem? Yoga can solve it. Part 2 - Have a health Problem?Yoga can solve it. Part 3 and more about Yoga... Download LearnYoga app, yoga for beginners : know where to start learningauthentic yoga for you.
Puisi Harapan 1.1
Startup Media
Aplikasi Puisi Harapan berisi koleksi kumpulan Puisi dan Syairtentang harapan terbaru dan terlengkap, yaitu harapan cinta, masadepan, harapan yang tak pasti dan sebagainya. Puisi harapankehidupan merupakan alunan kata-kata indah dan kutipan seputarrenungan kehidupan yang penuh makna. Fitur-fitur: - Berisi 500+judul puisi bertema harapan - Dapat dibaca secara Offline tanpakoneksi Internet - Navigasi yang user friendly sehingga mudahdigunakan - Menu Bookmark untuk menyimpan Puisi kesukaan - FiturZoom halaman - Fitur pencarian - Ringan dengan ukuran Aplikasikecil Beberapa Judul Puisi Harapan antara lain: - Tuhan Berilah AkuHarapan - Harapan Ku Dalam Kesabaran Ku Menanti Mu - Kapan? - TakTerlupakan - Yakin Tak Sendiri - Jam Usia - Kehidupan Sejati -JOMBLO - Dalam Puisi Cintamu - Permintaan terakhir - Keikhlasan -Orang yang Takut Mati - Sunyi Sepi - Untuk Engkau Yang Kuharapkan -Kuingin dia jodohku - Mentari - Setitik cahaya lebih dari cukup -Mengharapan Yang Tak Pasti - Harapan Sebuah Pengertian - HarapanNyata - Karena Cinta Ini - Untuk Impian Ku - Tinta Pena - MariMenyanyi (Kembali) Kawan - Kisah dalam gulita - Izinkan AkuMencintai Walau Tidak Memiliki - Cinta abadi - Demi - PerjalanHidup Kita - Mengapa Kau Berbeda ? - Do’a anak rantau dan masihbanyak lagi... Download sekarang juga Aplikasi Puisi Harapan yangberisi kumpulan berbagai Puisi bertema tentang Pengharapan.
Terjemah Kitab Futuhul Ghaib 1.1
Startup Media
Aplikasi Terjemah Kitab Futuhul Ghaib karya Syeikh Abdul QodirAl-Jailani teks Arab disertai terjemah ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.Kitab “Futuhul Ghaib” berarti “Pembukaan Kepada Yang Ghaib” iaadalah salah satu pusaka peninggalan Syeikh Abdul Qodir Al-Jailaniselain daripada Futuhul Rabbani dan Qasidah Al-Ghutsiah. FutuhulGhaib mengandung syarahan-syarahan beliau sebanyak 80 syarah.Fitur-fitur: - Kitab Futuhul Ghaib dapat dibaca secara offlinetanpa koneksi Internet - Fitur Zoom halaman - Fitur Favorit /bookmark untuk menandai halaman yang belum selesai dibaca atau akandibaca ulang - Navigasi yang baik sehingga mudah digunakan - Lebihcepat dan ringan - Fitur pencarian yang baik Download segeraaplikasi Terjemah Kitab Futuhul Ghaib karya Syeikh Abdul QodirAl-Jailani.
Lirik Sholawat Nabi Lengkap 1.2
Startup Media
Aplikasi kumpulan Lirik Sholawat Nabi lengkap Teks Arab - Latindisertai dengan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia. Lebih dari 200 judulsholawat Nabi dapat Anda baca melalui aplikasi ini, diantaranya: 1.Ahmad Ya Habibi 2. Sholawat Nariyyah 3. Burdah Imam Al-Bushiri 4.Mahalul Qiyam 5. Ummi 6. Da'uni 7. Nurul Musthofa 8. Tola'a Badru9. Sholawat Badar 10. Sidnan Nabi 11. dsb Fitur-fitur: - Tanpakoneksi internet / Offline - Fitur Zoom halaman - Navigasi yanguser friendly - Menu Favorit untuk menyimpan sholawat yang seringdibaca - Fitur pencarian sholawat lebih detail - Lebih cepat danringan Dengan fitur pencarian serta navigasi yang mudah, tampilaninterface yang nyaman, aplikasi Lirik Sholawat Nabi ini dapat Andagunakan secara Off-line tanpa harus tersambung dengan Internet.Untuk kritik serta saran pengembangan aplikasi lebih lanjutsilahkan hubungi kami melalui kontak email. Semoga bermanfaat.
Cerita Mukidi 1.1
Startup Media
Siapa sih Mukidi? Ya, semua orang tau cerita tentang Mukidihanyalah cerita fiktif. Namun cerita Mukidi telah menjadi ceritalucu bagi setiap orang yang membacanya. Cerita humor lucu Mukidibersumber dari sebuah blog bernama Cerita Mukidi [dot] wordpress[dot] com. Nah, berikut ini adalah Cerita Mukidi yang telahdirangkum kedalam bentuk aplikasi Android sehingga bisa kamudownload di HP kamu. Fitur-fitur: - Ratusan Humor Mukidi pilihanterlucu - Cerita Lucu Mukidi dapat dibaca secara Offline TanpaKoneksi Internet - Fitur berbagi cerita Mukidi lucu - Fitur Zoomhalaman - Fitur Favorit untuk menyimpan cerita Mukidi terlucufavorit - Navigasi yang baik sehingga mudah digunakan - Lebih cepatdan ringan - Fitur pencarian yang baik Judul Cerita Mukidi antaralain : - Mukidi dan Pasangan mesum - Penjaga Apotek Tidak Pakai BRA- Mukidi Telah Wafat - Mukidi Lagi Karaoke - Merogoh Kutang PenjualRujak - Kehilangan Dompet Hitam - NAIK UNTA - Belanja Sayur diWarung Janda Budeg - Istri MUKIDI kena PHK - Ketemu Nenek di Bus -Dituduh Cubit Istri Dokter - Mukidi Perokok Berat - MARKONAH IstriMUKIDI Masih Perawan - Mukidi berebut anak - Cara BIKIN KONDOM -Nyari uang kembalian - Naik Metromini - Mukidi dan Pasangan mesum -Cita-cita jadi Tentara - Mukidi dan Gajah - MUKIDI Membantu NulisSurat - Nggak Punya Kunci Warung - EFEK KOSMETIK - Rindu NasgorIstri - Salah Sambung dan masih banyak lagi, Download AplikasiCerita Mukidi sekarang juga!
Cerita Lucu 1.0
Startup Media
Kumpulan Cerita Lucu Singkat Yang Bikin Ngakak – Kamu penggemarcerita lucu? Ingin membaca cerita singkat paling lucu banget yangkonyol, gokil, dan kocak? Download Aplikasi Cerita Lucu inisekarang juga. Cerita humor ini terdiri dari beragam topik yangbersumber dari cerita lucu yang tentunya bisa membuat kamu tertawalebih ngakak dari sebelumnya. Fitur-fitur: - Ratusan Cerita Lucupilihan - Cerita Lucu dapat dibaca secara Offline Tanpa KoneksiInternet - Fitur berbagi cerita - Fitur Zoom halaman - FiturBookmark untuk menyimpan cerita humor favorit - Navigasi yang baiksehingga mudah digunakan - Lebih cepat dan ringan - Fitur pencarianyang baik Ratusan Cerita Lucu yang dapat kamu baca: - Cerita BangTigor - Puisi Cinta Sang Akuntan - Pembantu Jadi Kaya - KumpulanRayuan Gombal Gembel - Jangan Mau Dibohongi - Logika Hak Asuh Anak- Salah Kirim Email - Gigi Palsu - Chatting - Udin Kaget - RayuanMaut - Salah Tebak - Susu Sapi - Pakai Ini Ga Boleh, Itu Ga Boleh -Beli Kue Ijo - Ketika ABG Alay Ditilang Polisi - Hati2 Kalo ke WCUmum - Cacingan - Murid dan Guru Palembang - Tips Untuk ‘ML’ YgBaik dan Menyenangkan - Kisah Jawara Tobat - Paijo dan Kotoran -George Bush Nelpon Obama - Ayam Ja’im - Alamatnya di Saya (BukanAlamat Palsu) - Tips Supaya Daging Kambing Rendah Kolesterol -Peternak Kerbau - Persaingan Usaha - Terorisme - Jagoan Pasar -Gokil2an - Burung dan Kepala Sapi - Bantu Aku - Gendong Aku SampaiAjalku Tiba - Kentut Versi Guru - ASI - Kakek Tua Pinter - DenganmuAku Semakin Dewasa - Gorilla vs Anjing - Kisah si Bendol - KetikaBencong Jatuh Cinta - Piring Dicuci Dengan Sabun dan Air - MerebusSaus Pasta Agar Tidak Bau - Jempol Menempel di Steak - Lomba Hebat- Seandainya Bang Roma Jadi Presiden - Perbedaan Pacaran, LDR danJomblo - Sales Gagap - Kunjungan ke TAPOS - Jamur Beracun - GERAH -Arah Angin - Angkringan - Si Bejo Supir Taxi - Penemu Spion -Berhitung - Apa Yang PALING CEPAT? - Tebakan Albert Enstein - CumaAda Di Sinetron - Kata "Jatuh" - 7 Macam Pedagang Luar Biasa -Nyari Burung - Salah Cetak - Pemburu dan Gajah - Guru 212 - Stress- Ibu Lebih Penting daripada Istri - Mengarang - Kontak - HebatnyaHuruf J - Hebatnya Huruf T - Anak Kecil dan Kuntilanak - Beda YgBaru Nikah Dengan Yg Nikahnya Udah Lama - Tukang Becak vs TukangWarteg - Kriteria Calon Suami - Kenalan ma Sapi - BATAL KAWIN -Seorang Polisi Dihajar Seorang Hansip - Kisah Temanku yang Tragis -Tau Gak Kamu? - Cinta Tak Direstui Ayah - Tragedi Akad Nikah -Hebatnya Huruf M - Kata KURANG yg Salah Diartikan - Mimpi Indahku -Keberatan atas Rencana Redonimasi - Ketika David Beckham keIndonesia - PANTUN - Test Part 3 - Parfum Sejagad - Malem Mingguan- Tebak Pertanyaanku…. - Boso Jowo Kok Dilawan..!! - 10 PenyebabRusaknya Otak - Nerakadonesia - Ganti Baju - NAIK KERETA API -Dilarang Merokok - Sebel Sama si Nenek - Orang Gila vs Tukang Bubur- Jualan Tissue - Sule Nelpon Kantor DPR - Pembagian Bilangan Bulat- Tablet yang Murah - Kentut di Pagi Hari - Suami Istri BerebutRemot - Kadung Gandrung... ROMANTIS - Dilarang Merokok - FotocopyKK - Breaking News Banjir - Rokok Ternyata Tidak Berbahaya BagiKesehatan - Lawan Kata - Tinjauan Psikologis Pemasang Foto DiFacebook, bener Gak..? - Inikah Cinta... - Tips Tahan Lama DiRanjang - NENEKU MALANG - Cerita Cinta dan Waktu - Masakan KhasMinang Dengan Menu Spesial Parpol - Monyet - Sebuah Kisah NyataTentang Kebaikan - Gajah Pingsan Setelah di BISIKI SEMUT - AnakSekolah Badung - 10 Kisah Perampokan Konyol di Dunia - GadisMisterius di Sumur Tua - Bejo Jual Kambing - Nyeleweng Sih -Curhatan Ayam Dan Sapi - 9 Macam GALAU - Penjual Rujak Patah Hati -Imlek - Siapa yang Lebih Kaya Siapa Yang Lebih Cerdas - Dewasa takSengaja - KFC & Tuyem - IBU2 PENJUAL KUE - Juminten OhJuminten... - Gara2 Nonton Berita - Mysteri 666 Bagi PasanganSuami-istri - Kisah Dibalik Nama BB Dan masih banyak lagi... Tungguapa lagi download Kumpulan Cerita Lucu, cerita Humor Bikin Ngakakyang akan menghibur kamu!
Career Tips 1.0
Startup Media
Career tips you can learn for successful career planning. Careerplanning is an activity job-seekers of all ages should do on aregular basis. Here are tips to guide you to successful career/jobplanning.. 25 Career Tips : - Are You Working a Dead-End Job? SignsThat You May Be - Asked to Relocate? Questions You Should Ask YourEmployer - Do You Need a New Job? Signs That You May - Finding aNew Job: How to Use Career Training to Your Advantage - How to AskYour Employer About Working from Home - How to Get a PromotionWithout Having to Ask for One - How to Handle Difficult Coworkers -How to Properly Handle Workplace Conflicts - How to Properly QuitYour Job - How You Should Handle a Difficult Boss - Reasons Why YouShouldnt Quit Your Job - Should You Ask for a Promotion? - ShouldYou Change Jobs? - Should You Relocate If Asked By Your Employer -Should You Start Your Own Business? - Should You Work from Home? -The Advantages and Disadvantages of Relocating for Your Job - TheImportance of Doing Research Before Changing Jobs - To Ask for aRaise or To Not? - What Not to Do When Resigning From Your Job -What to Consider Before Changing Career Fields - What to Do If YouWould Like to Change Jobs - What You Should Do If You Are Laid OffFrom Your Job - What You Should Do If You Find Yourself Fired FromYour Job - What You Should Look for In a New Job Download CareerTips App and get the best career advice.
Puisi Rindu 1.0
Startup Media
Aplikasi Puisi Rindu berisi kumpulan puisi-puisi yang bertematentang kerinduan cinta kekasih, sahabat, orang tua (ayah atauibu). Puisi Rindu / Kerinduan ini merupakan pilihan puisiterfavorit dan terbaik. Rindu adalah sebuah bentuk perasaan yangmenginginkan bertemu dengan seseorang atau sang pujaan hati yanglama tak berjumpa. Fitur-fitur: - 500+ judul Puisi BertemaKerinduan dapat kamu baca secara Offline tanpa koneksi Internet -Navigasi mudah dan user friendly - Menu Bookmark untuk menyimpanpuisi rindu terfavorit - Fitur Share untuk berbagi Puisi ke teman -Fitur Zoom halaman - Fitur pencarian perkata - Aplikasi cepat danringan Beberapa Contoh Puisi Rindu : - Merindukanmu - SepercikKerinduan - Puisi Rindu Sahabat - Menunggu Matahari Tenggelam -Sepucuk Surat Rindu - Seberkas Cahaya Rindu - Aku akan menunggumu -Wajahmu Yang Manis Itu - Rindu dengan ayah - Rindu Ibu - KepadaKekasihku - Nahkoda Rindu - Sahabat… - Diam, Aku Rindu - KidungSepi dan masih banyak lagi... Download sekarang juga Aplikasi PuisiRindu di HP kamu dan nikmati Ratusan Puisi Bertema Kerinduan.
Kumpulan Cerpen Terbaik 1.2
Startup Media
Kumpulan Cerpen Terbaik adalah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan ceritapendek dari berbagai tema diantaranya cerita tentang kisah romantispercintaan, tentang persahabatan, remaja, islami, kisah-kisah lucu,sedih, horor, cerita motivasi dan lain sebagainya. Fitur-fitur: -Cerpen dapat dibaca Tanpa Koneksi Internet / OFFLINE - Fitur Zoomhalaman - Fitur Favorit untuk menyimpan cerita pendek favorit yangbelum selesai dibaca - Navigasi yang baik sehingga mudah digunakan- Lebih cepat dan ringan - Fitur pencarian yang baik Adapunkategori cerita pendek yang tersedia antara lain : - cerpenromantis - cerpen persahabatan - cerpen kisah-kisah islami - cerpenremaja - cerpen sedih - cerpen lucu / jenaka - cerita-ceritamotivasi - cerita horor - serta cerita rakyat Kumpulan Cerpen dalamaplikasi ini dirangkum dari beberapa sumber di Internet, lebih dari900 judul cerpen dapat kamu nikmati secara Offline di Smartphonekamu. Tunggu apalagi Download Aplikasi ini sekarang juga dan bacacerita-cerita menarik di dalamnya.
Puisi Perpisahan 1.1
Startup Media
Aplikasi kumpulan Puisi Perpisahan sekolah, perpisahan dengankekasih tercinta, sahabat baik, dengan guru terlengkap berbagaipuisi dengan tema Perpisahan. Baca puisi puisi dengan temaperpisahan di aplikasi ini. Fitur-fitur: - Ratusan Puisi Perpisahandapat dibaca secara Offline tanpa koneksi Internet - Tampilan lebihbaik dan nyaman - Navigasi mudah digunakan - Fitur Berbagi - FiturZoom halaman - Fitur Bookmark untuk menyimpan data - Aplikasi lebihcepat dan ringan - Fitur pencarian yang baik Download dan bacasekarang juga aplikasi Puisi Perpisahan yang berisi kumpulanberbagai puisi bertema tentang perpisahan di smartphone kamu!
Acne Treatment 1.0
Startup Media
Acne Treatment - Comprehensive overview covers causes, acnetreatments, including adult acne treatments, and prevention. Readabout acne, home remedies, medication side effects, and learn whatcauses and what prevents pimples. Acne treatment and overallmanagement, here you can read how to treat Acne and all about Acne:- What can you do to cure or alleviate acne? - Getting the Mostfrom Your Doctor - About Acne, its Types & Symptoms - AdultAcne - Acne Prescription - Accutane helps your skin renew itselfmore quickly - Accutane: The Acne Killer? - Can I Treat My Acne ByRemoving Surface Oils? - Can You Stop Acne Formation? - Does FoodMake A Difference? - Does sunshine improve it? - Do Miracle CuresWork? - Easy Ways To Stop Getting Infected Acne - Is It Contagious?- Know About The Latest Acne Treatments - Know How It Forms And GetClear Skin - Prevent Acne In A Sure And Simple Way - Proven CureFor Your Acne With Vitamin A Derivatives - Treatment Regime ForSevere Acne - Use AHAs Regularly To Stop Acne Formation - When ItBecomes Severe - Why It Forms More During Adolescence? - AdultAcne: Nothing To Be Embarrassed About! - All About Acne Rosacea -All You Ever Wanted To Know About Acne - The Definitive Guide (Part1) - Alternative Acne Treatments A Brief Users Guide For Parents,Teens And The Rest Of Us. - Alternative Acne Treatment - Drug FreeSolutions - Amazingly Simple Skin Care Tips For People With Acne -Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream Look younger than what you are - An AcneHerbal Hand and Footbath - An Introduction to Acne Problems - Arethe lasting effects of acne more than just skin deep? - Are you inNeed of Acne Relief? - Are You Too Old For Acne? - Ask The ExpertAbout Preventing Seasonal Acne - A Basic Guide on Medications forAcne - A Brief Overview Of Baby Acne - A Guide To Acne Skin Care -A Natural Approach To Managing Acne - A Permanent Cure for AcneScars ? And many more... Download Acne Treatment App -understanding Acne scars to treat them and restore a fair look onceagain!
Kumpulan Cerpen Lucu 1.1
Startup Media
Aplikasi Kumpulan Cerpen Lucu berisi cerita-cerita humor pilihanyang akan menghibur dan membuat kamu tertawa. Kumpulan ceritapendek lucu gokil bikin Ngakak terbaru yang bisa memberikan andahiburan dan membuat anda lebih bisa tertawa. Fitur-fitur: - CerpenLucu dapat dibaca secara offline tanpa koneksi Internet - Tampilanlebih baik dan nyaman - Navigasi mudah digunakan - Fitur Berbagi -Fitur Zoom halaman - Fitur Bookmark untuk menyimpan data - Aplikasilebih cepat dan ringan - Fitur pencarian yang baik Tunggu apalagisegera download dan nikmati aplikasi Cerpen Lucu.
Kumpulan Naskah Kuno 1.0
Startup Media
Baca Kumpulan Naskah Kuno Jawa mulai dari kitab Pararaton, NegaraKertagama, Babad Tanah Jawi, Bharata Yuddha, Ramayana. Naskah kunomerupakan naskah yang sangat penting dan sangat berharga yangberisi kisah sejarah. Naskah kuno merupakan suatu bentuk isyarat,simbol, cerita, dan kejadian yang dituangkan dakam bentuk tulisandan dibuat atau disusun pada zaman dahulu. Melalui naskah kuno jawakita bisa memahami sejarah awal mula sebuah peradaban khususnyakisah masa lalu peradaban tanah Jawa dimulai pada jaman kerajaanhingga jaman penjajahan belanda. Berikut ini adalah aplikasi NaskahKuno Jawa yang merangkum beberapa kitab atau naskah-naskah kunobaik yang sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia maupunmasih dalam bentuk bahasa Jawa. Fitur-fitur: - Naskah Kuno dapatdibaca secara Offline Tanpa Koneksi Internet - Fitur berbagi -Fitur Zoom halaman - Fitur Bookmark untuk menyimpan bagian yangsedang dibaca - Navigasi yang baik sehingga mudah digunakan - Lebihcepat dan ringan - Fitur pencarian yang baik Daftar Naskah Kunoantara lain: - Pararaton - Negara Kertagama - Babad Tanah Jawi -Bharata Yuddha - Ramayana Tunggu apa lagi download Kumpulan NaskahKuno Jawa, Baca kisah-kisah masa lalu yang terjadi di Tanah Jawa.
Best Weight Loss Diet Tips 1.0
Startup Media
How to Lose Weight? There's a better way to lose weight. Learn howto avoid diet pitfalls and achieve lasting weight loss success.Here articles about healthy weight loss & dieting tips: Tableof content: - 10 Day Secret to Good Health - 10 Easy Ways to aHealthy-Diet for Kids - 10 Ingredients in Weight Loss Pills - 10Killer Tips For Rapid Weight Loss - 10 Real Life Diet Tips - 10Secrets to a Fit Family - 10 Steps to Fat Loss - 10 Tips for RapidFat Loss! - 10 Tips On Losing Weight Fast - 10 Weight Loss Tips -12 Things You Can Learn From A Two-Year Old - 16 Ways to BurnStubborn Body Fat - 177 Ways To Lose Weight And Burn Calories - 18Ways To Lose Weight Without Going On A Diet - 19 fat Burning Foods- 1 Pound Of Fat = 3,500 Calories - 20 Dieting Success Tips (Part 11-10) - 20 Dieting Success Tips (Part 2 11-20) - 30-Minute WeightLoss Exercise Proves Most Effective - 3 Choices To Help You LoseWeight - 3 Simple Steps To Lose Body Fat - Basics of Losing Weight- Beating Food Cravings - Beat the Carb Cravings - Become HealthyAnd Lose Weight By Walking Your Dog - Being Trapped in the BAGGIES!- Bella Vita Retreat - Fitness Retreat Offers More - Best Diets ToLose Weight - Best Diet - 3 Key Features Your Diet Must Have ForWeight Loss Success - Best Diet - 3 Key Ingredients For UltimateWeight Loss Success - Best Fat Burner - Best Ways To Lose Weight -Be Careful With Diet Pills - Diet Not Working? The Yo-Yo Diet -Diet Patches-- Do They Really Work For Weight Loss? - Diet Pills -What To Watch For When Buying Weight Loss Supplements - Diet PillsAre They Magic or Just a Placebo? - Diet Pills Health Risks - DietPills Real life story - Diet Pills The Answer Or Not? - Diet PlansAre Meals, Snacks, and Water - Diet Plans Versus Diet Reality -Diet Tips for a Beautiful Female Figure. - Diet Tips For Busy Women- Diet Tips: Best Diet for Weight Loss? - Diet Tips Eat Right,Exercise and Add Some Pills To Go Along! - Diet With A Buddy ToLose Inches, Pounds And Temptation - Diet: Facing Lousy Choices -Diet: How to really make your Diet work for you? - Diet, Weightloss& Nutrition And more great articles. Download Best Weight LossDiet Tips app, get more information about healthy weight loss &dieting tips.
Olly Murs Lyrics 1.0
Startup Media
Olly Murs Lyrics - 79 song lyrics sorted by album, view all lyricsby Olly Murs, including Dance With Me Tonight, Troublemaker, HeartSkips A Beat FT Rizzle Kicks, Dear Darlin’, Please Don’t Let Me Golyrics. MUSIC star Olly Murs has announced his eagerly anticipatedfifth album. The star, originally from Witham, will release 24 HRSon November 11. The follow up to his album Never Been Better willfeature the number one airplay hit You Don't Know Love. His newalbum is available to for pre-order now. Olly Murs Song Lyrics byAlbums: + Album: Olly Murs (2010) - Change Is Gonna Come - PleaseDon't Let Me Go - Thinking Of Me - Busy - I Blame Hollywood - AskMe To Stay - Heart On My Sleeve - Hold On - Accidental - Love ShineDown - Don't Say Goodbye - A Million More Years - This One's ForThe Girls + Album: In Case You Didn't Know (2011) - Heart Skips ABeat - Oh My Goodness - Dance With Me Tonight - I've TriedEverything - This Song Is About You - In Case You Didn't Know -Tell The World - I'm OK - Just Smile - On My Cloud - I Don't LoveYou Too - Anywhere Else - I Need You Now + Album: Right Place,Right Time (2012) - Army Of Two - Troublemaker - Loud And Clear -Dear Darlin' - Right Place, Right Time - Hand On Heart - Hey You,Beautiful - Head To Toe - Personal - What A Buzz - Cry Your HeartOut - One of These Days - Just For Tonight - Runaway - SlidingDoors - The Perfect Night To Say Goodbye - The One - Takes A Lot -Stop Tryna Change Me - That's Alright With Me - I Wish It Could BeChristmas Everyday - Inner Ninja - Did I Lose You + Album: NeverBeen Better (2014) - Did You Miss Me - Wrapped Up - Beautiful To Me- Up - Seasons - Nothing Without You - Never Been Better - Hope YouGot What You Came For - Why Do I Love You - Stick With Me - Can'tSay No - Tomorrow - Let Me In - We Still Love - Us Against TheWorld - Ready For Love - History - Alone Tonight - Kiss Me - LookAt The Sky - Stevie Knows - If I Stay - Sacrifice - Love Shouldn'tBe This Hard - Last Christmas + Other Songs: - C'mon C'mon - DearDarlin' (Live) - Don't Say Goodnight Yet - Sophie - You Don't KnowLove Download Olly Murs Lyrics App for Android, find all lyrics byOlly Murs: Troublemaker lyrics, Kiss Me, Seasons, Dance with MeTonight, Oh My Goodness Olly Murs lyrics and many more.. Disclaimer: - This is not official Olly Murs apps - All lyrics are propertyand copyright of their owners. - All lyrics in this Song Lyrics appare for entertainment and educational purposes
Child Care Tips 1.0
Startup Media
Learn about Child Care Self. Child Care Tips: - Abc ofBreastfeeding. - Apperance of Milk-teeth. - Artificial Diet forInfants. - Bathing And Cleanliness During Infancy and Childhood. -Crying Baby - Reasons. - Deficiency of Milk. - Early Detection ofDisease in The Child. - Exposure of Infants to Open Air - Mothers'Role In Combating Diseases of Children. - Sleep During Infancy andChildhood. - Stomach and Bowel Disorders Among Infants. - SuitableClothing for Children. - Teaching a Child to Walk. - Tips For theSafety of Kids - What to Do When Your Kids Cry Download Child Careapp and Get basic tips child care guide.
Terjemah Kitab At Thawasin 1.1
Startup Media
Aplikasi Terjemah Kitab At Thawasin Al Azal Syeikh Husain ManshurAl-Hallaj dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Memiliki nama lengkap Abual-Mughits al-Husein bin Mansur bin Muhammad al-Baidawi. Beliaudilahirkan pada tahun 244 H (858 M) di Thur bagian distrik BaidaPersia. Beliau dibesarkan di Wasit dan Tustar yang dikenal sebagaitempat perkebunan kapas dan tempat tinggal para penyortir kapas.Ayahnya adalah seorang penyortir wool (hallaj), oleh karena itubeliau diberi gelar al-Hallaj . Al-Hallaj adalah seorang Sufifenomenal yang terkenal dengan ungkapannya "Ana Al Haq". Beliaumengalami eksekusi “ekstra tragis”, dengan di hukum mati untukmempertanggung jawabkan ajarannya yang dianggap sesat oleh beberapaulama’ khususnya fuqoha pada masa itu. Semasa hidupnya Al-Hallajmenulis puluhan kitab, namun kitab At-Thawasin merupakan kitabal-Hallaj yang paling lengkap dalam menggambarkan paham tasawufnya.Aplikasi Terjemah Kitab Thawasin Al-Hallaj ini berisi terjemahandari kitab At Thawasin ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, dengan dilengkapi sebuah paparan mengenai biografi, karya-karya, pemikirantasawuf serta pendapat-pendapat ulama tentang Syeikh Husain ManshurAl-Hallaj. Terjemah kitab At Thawasin ini dapat Anda baca dalamsecara Off Line tanpa koneksi Internet. Kritik serta saran untukpenyempurnaan dapat Anda kirim melalui E-Mail kontak.
Self Improvement Tips 1.1
Startup Media
Download Self Help or Self Improvement Tips, and get the best tipson how to self improve yourself. Tips for Self Improvement in thisapp book: - Acquire Power Through Self Development - Dealing WithOthers - Exclusive Friendships - Fear And Reason - Importance OfGood Clothing - Laws Of Magnetic Action - Laws Of MagneticDevelopment - Love And Faith - Mental Attitude - One-man Power -Personal Magnetism - Physical Tone - Preparing For Old Age - 61Steps To Reduce Tension - Rest And Sleep - Salutations-whyImportant - Sympathy, Knowledge And Poise - The Art Of Conversation- The Entrance Into Society Download this app, find out some of thethings that you can do yourself to help recover from your problem.Self Improvement Tips app for your smartphone.
Juan Gabriel Letras 1.0
Startup Media
La mejor Juan Gabriel Letras, Leyenda de la música mexicana - 322canciónes Ordenado por álbum. Juan Gabriel Letras Completa, letratodo de Juan Gabriel proporciona la letra completa de Juan Gabrielcanciones. a continuación se enumeran: Juan Gabriel LetrasCompleta: - El Alma Joven... (1971) - El Alma Joven Vol. II (1972)- El Alma Joven Vol. III (1973) - Con El Mariachi Vargas DeTecalitlán (1974) - 10 Éxitos De Juan Gabriel (1975) - A MiGuitarra (1976) - Con Mariachi, Vol. II (1976) - Te Llegará MiOlvido (1977) - Espectacular (1978) - Mis Ojos Tristes (1978) -Siempre En Mi Mente (1978) - Me Gusta Bailar Contigo (1979) - ConMariachi (1980) - Ella (1980) - Recuerdos (1980) - Con Tu Amor(1981) - Cosas De Enamorados (1982) - Todo (1983) - Recuerdos, Vol.II (1984) - Pensamientos (1986) - Debo Hacerlo (1988) - Gracias PorEsperar (1994) - El México Que Se Nos Fue (1995) - Juntos Otra Vez(1997) (with ROCÍO DÚRCAL) - Con La Banda...El Recodo (1998) (withBANDA EL RECODO) - Todo Está Bien (1999) - ¡Románticos! (1999)(with ROCÍO DÚRCAL) - Abrázame Muy Fuerte (2000) - Inocente De Ti(2003) - El Unico: Sus Más Grandes Éxitos (2004) - Boleros (2010) -Juan Gabriel (2010) - Celebrando (2012) Aquí están sus 20 mejorescanciones de Juan Gabriel: 1. "Amor Eterno" 2. "Así Fue" 3. "Se MeOlvido Otra Vez" 4. "Con tu Amor" 5. "No Tengo Dinero" 6. "El NoaNoa" 7. "Querida" 8. "La Farsante" 9. "La Muerte del Palomo" 10."La Diferencia" 11. "No Vale la Pena" 12. "Te Lo Pido Por Favor"13. "Yo No Nací Para Amar" 14. "Caray" 15. "Lo Pasado, Pasado" 16.That One Juan Gabriel Song—You Know the One 17. "PerdónameOlvidado" 18. "El Sinaolense" 19. "La Frontera" 20. "Have You EverSeen the Rain? ("Gracias al Sol") Descargar Juan Gabriel Letras lamejor aplicación gratis para android!
100 Cerita Rakyat Terbaik 1.0
Startup Media
100 Cerita Rakyat Terbaik merupakan aplikasi yang berisi kumpulancerita rakyat populer di berbagai daerah di Indonesia yang telahkami rangkum dalam bentuk aplikasi Android yang diharapkan dapatmemberikan kemudahan bagi para pembaca. Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat danLegenda Nusantara Terbaik dan Terpopuler yang mengandung banyakpesan moral. Daftar Cerita Rakyat dalam aplikasi ini: - LutungKasarung - Legenda Alue Naga - Si Jampang - Legenda Rawa Pening -Rusa dan Anjing - Asal Mula Nama Kota Balikpapan - Naga Sabang& Dua Raksasa Seulawah - Legenda Harimau Makan Durian - AsalUsul Nama Desa Kemingking Dalam - Si Pitung - Legenda RoroJonggrang - Batu Belah Batu Betangkup - Bawang Merah dan BawangPutih - Cindelaras - Legenda Sangkuriang - Legenda Danau Toba -Cerita Rakyat Keong Mas - Legenda Malin Kundang - Cerita RakyatTimun Mas - Asal-usul Banyuwangi - Candi Prambanan - Asal-usulSelat Bali - Si Lancang - Ratu Aji Bidara Putih - Asal-usul TelagaWarna - Asal-usul Telaga Biru - Suri Ikun dan Dua Burung -Towjatuwa dan Buaya Sakti - Legenda Ular N'daung - Sigarlaki danLimbat - Si Rusa dan Kulomang - Kutukan Raja Pulau Mintin - LegendaKamandaka si Lutung Kasarung - Arya Menak dan Tujuh Bidadari -Cindelaras dan Ayam Sakti - Telaga Pasir Sarangan - Asal Nama KotaIndramayu - Asal Nama Kota Surabaya - Legenda Batu Goloq - KisahKera dan Ayam - Kisah La Dana dan Kerbau - Si Pakit Raja Parakeet -Buaya Perompak - Asal-usul Danau Maninjau - Nyai Anteh SangPenunggu Bulan - Asal-usul Kota Banjarmasin - Mandin Tangkaramin -Si Angkri Jagoan Pasar Ikan - Ular Dandaung - Legenda TelagaBidadari - Datu Kalaka - Si Panjang - Entong Gendut dari Batuampar- Mirah, Singa Betina Dari Marunda - Anak Pipit dan Kera - DongengSeekor Nyamuk - Si Buta dan Si Bungkuk - Legenda Gunung Batu Hapu,Kisah Anak Durharka - Asal Usul Burung Ruai - Legenda Pesut Mahakam- Pangeran Sarif - Pulau Kakak-Beradik - Hari-hari Akhir Si Pitung- Asal Usul Nama Lombok dan Sasak - Asal Usul Nama Kota Ampean -Batu Nong dan Manusia Ular Naga - Si Tongtonge Anak Bodoh YangTidak Sekolah - Tampe Ruma Sani dan Ibu Tiri yang Jahat dan Kejam -Asal Nama Kota Bandung - Asal Mula Nama Kota Bengkalis - Asal UsulGunung Pinang - Asal Mula Nama Pulau-pulau di Mentawai - LegendaRAWA PENING - Asal Usul Minangkabau - Legenda Patung Sigale-Gale -Cerita Daerah Kepulauan Riau – Punai Anai - Asal Muasal PulauKemaro - Sumatera Selatan - Cerita Rakyat Suku Tengger - GunungBromo - Asal Usul Ikan Patin - Cerita Rakyat Kepulauan Riau - AsalMula Salatiga - Kisah Asal Muasal Pohon Enau - Cerita Putri PandanBerduri - Asal Mula Nama Lempur, Tebat Gelang, dan Tebat Jambi -Lahilote dan Putri Kayangan - Pangeran Pandeglang dan PutriCadasari - Cerita Rakyat Gorontalo – Asal Mula Danau Limboto - SiPahit Lidah - Cerita Rakyat Sumatera Selatan - Asal Muasal Gunungdan Danau Batur - Joko Kendil - Pak Kasim dan Ular - Asal UsulCerita Rakyat Situ Bagendit – Dongeng Sunda - Asal Mula NamaSimalungun Cerita Rakyat Sumatra utara - Ratu Adioa - Asal UsulBukit Gunung Wurung - Kisah Pulau Senua - Cerita Rakyat dariKepulauan Riau - Asal Usul Pantai Karang Nini – Dongeng Sunda - SiRaja Tidur - Cerita Rakyat Bengkulu - Kisah Si Alamsyah - SiMardan, Kisah Sang Anak Durhaka - Legenda Lau Kawar Fitur-fitur: -100 Cerita Rakyat Pilihan dapat dibaca secara Offline Tanpa KoneksiInternet - Fitur berbagi - Fitur Zoom halaman - Fitur Bookmarkuntuk menyimpan Cerita Rakyat favorit - Navigasi yang baik sehinggamudah digunakan - Lebih cepat dan ringan - Fitur pencarian yangbaik Semoga kumpulan cerita rakyat dari berbagai daerah diIndonesia dalam aplikasi ini dapat menginspirasi, mengilhami danbermanfaat bagi para pembaca. Download aplikasi 100 Cerita RakyatTerbaik sekarang juga.
Kumpulan Doa Al-Quran & Hadist 1.2
Startup Media
Download Kumpulan Doa dalam Al-Quran & Hadist, teks Arabdilengkapi dengan terjemah kedalam bahasa Indonesia. AplikasiKumpulan Do’a ini adalah konversi dari versi Doc yang bersumberdari islamhouse, diterjemahkan oleh H. Mahrus Ali serta merupakanringkasan dari buku Adz-Dzikru wa ad-du’a’ wal ‘ilaj bi ar-ruqa minal-kitab wa as-sunnah. Apa yang tersaji dalam Aplikasi ini hanyasebagian kutipan dari bagian dzikir, agar mudah dibawa dan dibacamelalui Smartphone. Dalam Aplikasi Kumpulan Do’a ini dicantumkansatu atau dua sumber biblioteknya dari buku aslinya. Barangsiapayang ingin mengetahui sahabat (yang meriwayatkan hadits), atautambahan masukan dalam pendataan, maka hendaklah ia membuka kembalibuku aslinya. Fitur-fitur: - Tanpa koneksi internet / Offline -Fitur Zoom - Navigasi mudah - Menu Favorit untuk menyimpan doa yangsering dibaca - Fitur pencarian do'a - Lebih cepat dan ringanDaftar Do'a: - Keutamaan Berdzikir - Bacaan ketika bangun daritidur - Do’a ketika mengenakan pakaian - Do’a mengenakan pakaianbaru - Do’a untuk orang yang mengenakan pakaian baru - Bacaanketika menaggalkan pakaian - Doa masuk WC - Doa keluar dari WC -Bacaan sebelum wudhu’ - Bacaan setelah wudhu’ - Bacaan ketikakeluar rumah - Bacaan apabila masuk rumah - Do’a pergi ke masjid -Do’a masuk masjid - Do’a keluar dari masjid - Bacaan ketikamendengar adzan - Do’a istiftah - Do’a ruku’ - Do’a bangun dariruku’ - Do’a sujud - Do’a duduk antara dua sujud - Do’a sujudtilawah - Tasyahud - Membaca shalawat Nabi setelah tasyahud - Do’asetelah tasyahud akhir sebelum salam - Dzikir setelah shalat - Do’ashalat istikharah - Dzikir pagi dan petang - Dzikir menjelang tidur- Do’a jika terbangun pada malam hari - Do’a apabila ada yangmenakutkan dalam tidur - Apa yang dilakukan jika bermimpi buruk -Do’a qunut witir - Dzikir setelah salam shalat witir - Do’a saatgundah dan berduka - Do’a untuk kesedihan yang mendalam - Do’a saatbertemu musuh dan penguasa - Do’a saat takut menghadapi penguasadzalim - Do’a atas musuh - Do’a saat takut terhadap suatu kaum/kelompok - Do’a bagi yang mengalami keraguan dalam iman - Do’a agardapat melunasi hutang - Do’a saat ragu dalam shalat dan bacaannya -Do’a orang yang mengalami kesulitan - Ucapan orang yang melakukandosa - Do’a mengusir setan dan bisikannya - Do’a saat mengalamisesuatu yang tidak diinginkan - Ucapan bagi orang yang mendapatkankelahiran dan jawabannya - Do’a perlindungan bagi anak - Do’akepada orang yang sakit - Keutamaan mengunjungi orang sakit - Do’aorang sakit yang tidak bisa sembuh - Membimbing (talqin) orang yangsekarat - Do’a saat terkena musibah - Do’a saat memejamkan matamayat - Do’a shalat jenazah - Do’a untuk mayat anak kecil - Do’ata’ziah - Bacaan saat memasukkan mayat ke liang kubur - Do’asetelah mayat dimakamkan - Do’a ziarah kubur - Do’a apabila adaangin ribut - Do’a saat mendengar petir - Do’a untuk minta hujan -Do’a apabila hujan turun - Bacaan setelah hujan turun - Do’a agarhujan berhenti - Do’a melihat bulan sabit - Do’a ketika berbukabagi orang yang berpuasa - Do’a sebelum makan - Do’a setelah makan- Do’a tamu untuk orang yang menjamu makan - Do’a untuk orang yangmemberi minum - Do’a apabila berbuka di rumah orang lain - Do’aorang yang berpuasa apabila diajak makan - Ucapan orang yang puasabila dicaci - Do’a apabila melihat permulaan buah - Do’a ketikabersin - Bacaan bila orang kafir bersin kemudian memuji Allah -Do’a kepada pengantin - Do’a pengantin kepada dirinya - Do’asebelum bersetubuh - Do’a ketika marah - Do’a apabila melihat orangyang mengalami cobaan - Bacaan dalam majelis - Do’a pelebur dosamajelis - Do’a kepada orang yang berkata: Ghafarallaahu laka - Do’auntuk orang yang berbuat kebaikan padamu - Cara menyelamatkan diridari Dajjal - Dan sebagainya Semoga aplikasi Kumpulan Do'a inibermanfa’at bagi orang yang membaca, download segera kumpulan doadalam Al-Quran & Hadist, untuk kritik serta saran dapat Andakirim melalui E-Mail kontak kami.
Kumpulan Klakson Telolet 1.0
Startup Media
Kumpulan Nada klakson Telolet yang berisi 100 nada klakson teloletyang saat ini sedang populer di Indonesia bahkan dunia. 'Om teloletom' mendadak jadi topik populer dunia di Twitter karena dicuitkanoleh DJ-DJ terkenal. Tapi dari mana klakson telolet bermula? 'Omtelolet om' adalah sebuah teriakan yang biasa diucapkan olehanak-anak di pinggir jalan ketika sebuah bus melintas denganharapan sopir akan membunyikan klakson yang unik. "Telolettelolet," begitu bunyinya. Ini mendadak jadi populer Selasa (20/12)malam setelah berbagai DJ terkenal mencuitkannya. Tapi sebelum itu,video-video lucu memperlihatkan orang-orang dewasa meminta'telolet' ke supir bus sudah lebih dulu viral di Facebook.Tampaknya ada tren 'telolet challenge' dan 'demam telolet' yangsudah beberapa pekan menggerilya dari satu akun ke akun lain. Dalamvideo-video yang memancing tawa itu, terlihat ekspresi kegembiraantersendiri ketika Anda berhasil meminta supir membunyikan klaksondengan lambaian tangan dan teriakan, "Om telolet ommmmmm!"beramai-ramai. Ingin mendengarkan kumpulan nada klakson teloletyang menjadi viral "Om Telolet Om"? Download aplikasi berikut inisekarang juga.
Shalawat Burdah Al-Bushiri 1.2
Startup Media
Download Aplikasi Shalawat Burdah Imam Al-Bushiri Teks ArabDilengkapi dengan Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia. Burdah (Bahasa Arab:قصيدة البردة) merupakan suatu Qasidah yang berisi syair tentangpujian/ sholawat kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Syair tsb diciptakanoleh Imam al Busiri dari Mesir. Qashidah Burdah memang selaludidengungkan oleh para pecintanya setiap saat. Di berbagai negeriIslam, baik di negerinegeri Arab maupun ‘ajam (non-Arab), adamajelis-majelis khusus untuk pembacaan Burdah dan penjelasanbait-baitnya. Tak henti-hentinya muslimin di seluruh penjuru duniamenjadikannya sebagai luapan kerinduan pada Nabi. Pengarangshalawat Burdah ialah Imam Al-Bushiri (610-695H/1213-1296 M). Namalengkapnya Syarafuddin Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Zaid Al-Bushiri.Selain menulis Burdah, Al-Bushiri juga menulis beberapa qashidahlain. Di antaranya Al-Qashidah Al-Mudhariyah dan Al-QashidahAl-Hamziyah. Download sekarang juga aplikasi Shalawat Burdah ImamAl-Bushiri yang dilengkapi dengan terjemahan dalam bahasaIndonesia. Aplikasi Shalawat Burdah ini dapat digunakan dalamkeadaan OFF Line / Tanpa Koneksi Internet. Kritik atau saranperbaikan/pengembangan dapat Anda kirim melalui komentar atau emailkontak kami.
Corned Beef Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
90+ simple and delicious corned beef recipes. Also find greatrecipes for Slow Cooker Corned Beef & Cabbage, Baked cornedbeef, Instant pot corned beef and vegetables, Corned Beef andCabbage, Potato cakes with corned beef and cheese and more. Thisapp will teach you every step in making Corned Beef, from how tomake Corned Beef to the correct corned beef technique. Here is ourgrowing list of corned beef recipes. Learn how to make yourfavorite recipes in no time. We have everything from easy to expertrecipes! Table of contents : - Corned Beef and Cabbage - CornedBeef Egg Fried Rice - Delimondo con Tofu - easy Corned Beef atTokwa - Slow Cook Smoked Corned Beef Brisket - Corned Beef &Potato Salad - Corned Beef Nachos - Corned Beef Loaf - MidwestCorned Beef & Egg Hash on Rye - Corned Beef and Cabbage(Leprechaun Stew) - Corned Beef Dip - Corned Beef Hash - ClassicCold Day Corned Beef Dinner - Corned Beef Casserole - The Best SlowCooker Corned Beef - Spicy Corned Beef Tacos with an AvocadoDressing Coleslaw - Traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage - CornedBeef Reuben Pizza - Corned beef and cream cheese bites - Potato andCorned Beef Fritters - Better Filipino Corned Beef And many more(90+) recipes about Corned Beef. Download this app, learn moreabout Corned Beef Recipes.
Puisi Penyair Terkenal 1.1
Startup Media
Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan ratusan puisi cintaromantis,syair-syair atau karya sastra terbaik dan terlengkap dariParaPenyair Terkenal. Mulai dari kumpulan puisi cinta, puisipendek,puisi tentang persahabatan sejati atau kumpulan puisibertemapahlawan. Diantaranya tulisan yang ada dalam aplikasi iniadalahpuisi karya : - Abdul Hadi W.M - Acep Syahril - Acep ZamzamNoor -Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda - Amir Hamzah - Charil Anwar - DimasArikaMihardja - Emha Ainun Najib - Goenawan Mohamad - IskandarYusuf -Kahlil Gibran - Sitor Situmorang - Subagio Sastrowardojo-Sukmawati Soekarnoputri - Supardi Djoko Damono - SutardjiCalzoumBachri - Taufik Ismail - Timur Sinar Suprabana - TotoSudartoBachtiar - Wiji Thukul - W.S Rendra ... dan masih banyaklagiFitur-fitur: - Navigasi yang baik dan mudah digunakan -FiturBookmark sehingga dapat dibaca secara Offline - Fitur Berbagi-Fitur Zoom halaman - Ukuran Aplikasi kecil DownloadAplikasikumpulan puisi terbaik dan terlengkap dari para PenyairTerkenal,baca bermacam-macam tema puisi melalui aplikasi inisepertikumpulan puisi ibu, Puisi Cinta Kahlil Gibran, puisi patahhati,puisi alam dan banyak lagi. Dukung Developer dalammengembangkanAplikasi, berikan kami Rate terbaik di Playstore danBagikanAplikasi ini kepada teman-teman terbaik kamu..
1000 Thanksgiving Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
1000 simple and delicious Thanksgiving recipes, this app willteachyou every step in making Thanksgiving food. Here is our listofThanksgiving recipes. Learn how to make your favorite recipes innotime. We have everything from easy to expert recipes! Tableofcontents : - Pumpkin Cake Squares - Scalloped Potatoes withCheddarCheese - Southern baked candied yams - Fresh pumpkin pie-Crustless Pumpkin Pie Goodnees (healthy) - My Easy Pumpkin Pie!-Butternut Squash Soup - Fall Inspired: Pumpkin Pie SpiceFrenchToast - Savory Butternut Squash Soup with Fresh Ginger -ButternutSquash Soup with Chicken or a Mild Sausage - PumpkinButternutSquash Soup - Scalloped potatoes - " LIVETORIDES" HomemadeBreadStuffing - Porck chops and scalloped potatoes - Paleobutternutsquash soup with jalapeno - Pumpkin Pie Smoothie -Chocolate PecanPie Squares! - Cheesy scalloped potatoes and ham -One SkilletScalloped Potatoes And Ham - Deep Dish Chocolate PecanPie - Frenchpear cake - Easiest Creamed Spinach - Texas Pecan Pie -Homemadesweet potato pie - Chicken & Green Bean Casserole -CreamyBacon Scalloped Potatoes - Stove top Scalloped Potatoes -ScallopedPotatoes and Ham - Pecan pie , makes 2 - Italian ScallopedPotatos- Thanksgiving Turkey Meatloaf - sunshine "s maple pumpkinpie -Trash Can Turkey - Pecan pie bites - Brown Sugar Pecan Pie-Ladybirds Devils on Horseback . - Dinner Rolls - Pork ChopsandScalloped Potatos - Cheezy Sausage Bread Roll - Devils OnHorsebackwith Rosemary - Green Bean Casserole - Green BeanCasserole -Ashley's Green Bean Casserole - Kaiser rolls - deepfried turkey -Maple Candied Yams - green bean casserole - cranberrysauce - Mom'sPumpkin Pie - Monkey 74's Pumpkin Pie Moonshine -Amazing Pecan Pie- Chex Pumpkin Pie Crunch - Pumpkin Pie Cake -Creamed Spinach andShrimp - crock pot scalloped potatoes - Ms. B'sSweet Potato Pie -Easy bread rolls - pecan pie in simple way -thanksgiving turkeyand rice soup - My Ultimate Pumpkin Pie - Deepfried turkey breast- Pumpkin pie smoothie - Roasted Butternutsquash Soup - sunshine's pumpkin pecan pie - pecan pie - EasyPumpkin Cake - Chicken inSweet and Sour Cranberry Sauce - Libby'sPumpkin Pie Fillingadapted by Leah Ellias - Brenda's Pecan PieCobbler - Corned BeefScalloped Potatoes - Sweet potato andbutternut squash soup -Tinklee's Fast & Easy Pumpkin Cake -Spicy creamed spinach -pumpkin pie tarts - Graham bread rolls -Green beans casserole -Easy Quinoa Succotash (RICE COOKER VERSION)- Fudge Pecan Pie -Savoury Peanut Butter Bread Roll - HolidayMeatballs w/CranberrySauce - Cranberry Sauce - Easy Sushi BreadRoll - Lick your lipsPecan Pie - Pecan Pie Cupcakes - Chocolatepecan pie - Pumpkin Cake- Apple-n-Pecan Pie - Scalloped potatoes onstove top - Sausagebread stuffing - Crusty French Bread/Rolls -Amanda's Pumpkin PieCupcakes - Pecan Pie - simple sweet potato piever 1 - Kala'sUltimate Sweet Potato Pie - Sweet Potato Pie -French's originalgreen bean casserole - Pecan Pie - Killer GreenBean Casserole -Pumpkin Pie - Pecan pie filling - Patty's SweetPotato Pie - TrashCan Turkey - Cranberry Sauce - Mama's Pecan Pie -Brenda's HolidayCreamed Spinach - Pumpkin Cake Loaf - Pumpkin Roll- Weenie GreenBean Casserole - Homemade Bread, Rolls Scones ...etc. - Easy pecanpie - Pumpkin Pie - Sweet Potato Pie - Yummy BreadStuffing Andmany more (1000) recipes for Thanksgiving. Downloadthis app, learnmore about Thanksgiving recipes.
1000 Chicken Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
1000 simple and delicious chicken recipes, this app will teachyouevery step in making food from chicken. Learn how to makeyourfavorite recipes in no time. We have everything from easy toexpertrecipes! Here is our list of chicken recipes. Table ofcontents : -Mike's Chilly Chicken Salad Wraps Or Sandwiches - OvenTeriyakiChicken - Chicken Satay - Chicken Hariyali Tikka - RamadanSpecial- Tawa Murgh (Chicken cooked on a Griddle) - Steamed GarlicChickenWith Fried Ginger Sprinkle - Oven Buttermilk Fried Chicken-Chicken Strawberry Avocado Wonton Cups - Lemon basil chicken -SlowCooker Chicken Mole - Crockpot Kung Pao Chicken - Friedvegetableand chicken with sour-sweet soy sauce - Corn Husk Chicken- RamadanSpecial - Minty Chicken Fry - Egg Noodle With Chicken PorkChunkAnd Fried Shrimp Dumplings - Orange Chicken - Not quite yethacked- Chicken tonight French country - Baked Chicken WithTricolourQuinoa - Slow Cooker General Tso's Chicken - Super EasyThai SweetChili Sauce Chicken - Ramadan Special - Stuffed ChickenSausageParatha - Topped chicken breast leftover - Whole BakedChicken*veryeasy* with Baked Baby Potatoes - Chicken Curry withRice Noodlesand Oven Roasted Asparagus - Char Siu Shredded Chicken(SlowCooker/Crockpot Recipe) - Ramadan Special - Chicken Satay -RamadanSpecial - Chicken Rezala - Chicken kafta - Ramadan Special -AchariChicken Tikka - Ramadan Special - Chicken Flower Dumplings -SpicyDorito Chicken Cutlets - Chicken Saffron - Home made ramen(chickensoup) - Chicken sprite adobo - Tahaniya Chicken - Tahaniyachicken- Whole roasted chicken on the grill - Marinated ChickenDrummettes- Chicken mini empanadas - Creamy Swiss Chicken Bake -OrientalChicken Cigar with Asparagus salsa - Avocado Chicken Salad- SpicyOriental Chicken Snacks salad - Spiced chicken wings j -NashvilleHot Fried Chicken - Artichoke Dip Chicken - Yellow CurrywithChicken and Vegetables - Potato Chicken Cutlet - Butter Chicken-Chicken Tikka pizza on stove 😋 - Spicy creamy chickenwithkangkong - Chicken Curry - Chicken Afritada - SpicedChickendrumsticks - Ginger Wine Chicken - ​ Algerian ChickenTagine witholives and meatballs - Garnish Jollof rice and friedchicken -Lunchtime Chicken Fajita Bowls w/ Mexican white sauce -Chickenwith Honey Mustard (Crockpot/Slow Cooker Recipe) - GeeraChicken -Chicken Curry for break fasting - Simple fried Chickenthighs -Spicy Honey Lime Chicken - Simple Fried Chicken FettuccineAlfredo- Tinola (chicken soup) - Chicken Nuggets - Cheesy chickenandbroccoli pasta - Stuffed shells with chicken and broccoli -CreamySpinach Chicken - Margarita chicken skewers - Chickenstuffedveggie - Thai Grilled Chicken Wings with Black PepperandLemongrass - Chicken with 40 cloves of Garlic - Butterchicken(indian Style) - Honey Soy Chicken Broccoli stirfry -Chicken RiceOne Skillet - Crushed Crispy Fried Chicken (Ayam gorenggeprek) -Grilled Herb Chicken with Vegetables - Chicken with olivesand feta- Waldorf Style Chicken Salad - Spicy Korean Style SoyBraisedChicken - Chicken Vegetable Alfredo - Chili tamarind chicken-Chicken and green bean casserole - Grilled Tomato chicken salad-Pulled Chicken in Crockpot/Slow Cooker - Fried Chicken GizzardsaSouthern Favorite - Ginger soy sauce chicken with honey -ChickenQuicky Casserole - Chicken salad - Chicken breast with basilandsundried tomato - Honey chicken - Fiesta Chicken - Sweet&Spicy Dijon Honey Chicken - Chicken Shawarma/Chicken WrapwithFrench Fries - Crock-Pot Chicken Curry - Crock-Pot HoneyGarlicChicken legs - Chicken Drumettes with Homemade Rub(SlowCooker/Crockpot Recipe) - Chicken Wings Vietnamese Style-Fettuccine Marinara Chicken - Sambal Tauchu Chicken (AyamSambalTaucu) And many more (1000) recipes about chicken. Downloadthisapp, learn more about chicken recipes.
500+ Cheesecake Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
500+ simple and delicious cheesecake recipes, this app willteachyou every step in making cheesecake. Here is our list ofcheesecakerecipes. Learn how to make your favorite recipes in notime. Wehave everything from easy to expert recipes! Table ofcontents : -Smoked Salmon and Blue Cheese Cheesecake with anAvocado CreamTopping - Blueberry cheese cake - Ali's StrawberryCheesecake -Peach cheesecake - Soapapilla Cheesecake - Cheesecake,muffins withnutella and pumpkin - Easy Nutella Mini Cheesecakes (nobake) -Easy Peasy Cheesecake - Easy Kiss Frozen Mini Cheesecakes -LEMONCHEESECAKE - Vanilla bean cheesecake w/ white chocolatemousse. -Strawberry Lime Cheesecake - So Sinful ChococafeCheesecake -Unbaked white chocolate cheesecake - "Skinny"Strawberry SwirlCheesecake - Best apple cinnamon cream cheese cake- Japanesecotton cheesecake - Perfect Cheesecake tips - Cheesecaketreat -Easy, quick baked cheesecake - Tourteau fromagé (Frenchcheesecake)- Mini Chocolate Cheesecake for Two - Simple flavoured ,no bakingcheesecake - New york cheese cake - Honeycomb Cheesecake -New YorkStyle Cheese Cake - No-Baked Banana Cheesecake - Deliciousorangecheese cake - Coconut Mascarpone Cheese Cake -Philadelphiacheesecake (classic) - Strawberry Cheesecake - GoatCheese Cake -Ladybirds Lattice Cheese Cake Slice . - No-cheesecheesecake! -Oreo Cheesecake non bake - Nutella and oreo cheesecake- AMIEsCherry Cheesecake - Deliciously Easy Cheesecake Squares! -Easylow-carb&sugar cheesecake fudge ice cream - Triple CitrusMixedBerry Cheesecake - Blueberry Non baked cheese Cake -StrawberryQuark cheesecake - Diane's mini strawberry cheesecake -Whitechocolate and vanilla cheesecake - Oreo Nutella Cheesecake-Cheesecake Squares - Red Velvet Cheesecake Oreo Trifle -Mumscheese cake - Baileys And Syrup Waffle Cheesecake -No-BakeChocolate Cheesecake - Amazing cheesecake - PineappleCheesecake -Easy Banoffee and Chocolate Cheesecake - KataifiCheesecake Nests -Pineapple Upside Down Cheesecake - cheese cake -Low Calorie LowFat Healthy Cheesecake - New York Style Cheesecake -ChimichangaCheesecake - Peppermint Bark Cheesecake - LadybirdsBaked CottageCheese Cake - Vanilla Cheesecakes with RoastedStrawberry Sauce -Ladybirds Mini Baked Cheese Cakes - LadybirdsFrench Style BakedCheese Cake . - Mini Hummingbird Cheesecakes -Chocolate andVanilla Layered Crustless Cheesecake - Cheesecake withfruittoppings ... - Low Fat Oreo Cheesecake (Fitness) - SourCreamCheesecake - Cheesecake Supreme - No Bake Blueberry Cheesecake-Dee's Easy Honeycrisp Apple cinammon cheesecake - chocolateandstrawberry cheesecake - Classic Cheesecake - The BestPumpkinCheesecake Ever!!! 100 - Ray's Raspberry Swirl CheesecakeTart* -sunshines caramel apple cheesecake - skye's mini chocolatechipcheesecake - red wine poached apples with a honey cherrycheesecake maskotto cream - Upside down pineapple cheesecake - NewYorkcheesecake - Mike's NY Cheesecake 101 - Mom's Any Berryfridgecheese cake - Banana Cream Cheesecake - No bake cheesecake -PecanPraline Cheesecake - Missy's Cheesecake - cheesecake pink -LowCarb peanut butter cheesecake - Super Simple Cheesecake -No-BakeCheesecake - Strawberry cheesecake Parfait - No bake cheesecake -Cranberry Cream Cheese Cake - Mini Cheesecakes. -Strawberrycheesecake bites - oreo cheesecake truffles - no bakecheesecake :)- Strawberry Ice cream Cheesecake - mini peanut buttercheesecake -Cheesecake Puffs - Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries -chelseacheesecake - Gilding the Lily Cheesecake - Blondie HoneyCheeseCake - Raspberry Cheesecake Ice Cream (Easy!!!) And manymore(500+) recipes about cheesecake. Download this app, learnmoreabout cheesecake recipes.
Juan Gabriel Lyrics 1.0
Startup Media
The best Juan Gabriel Lyrics, Mexican Music Legend - 322 SongLyricsSorted by Album. Mexican superstar Juan Gabriel, 66, died ofnaturalcauses in Santa Monica, California. The Latin Americanmusic iconwho sold more than 100 million records was on a U.S.tour scheduledthrough December. Juan Gabriel Best Songs - ListsAlbum: - El AlmaJoven... (1971) - El Alma Joven Vol. II (1972) -El Alma Joven Vol.III (1973) - Con El Mariachi Vargas DeTecalitlán (1974) - 10 ÉxitosDe Juan Gabriel (1975) - A MiGuitarra (1976) - Con Mariachi, Vol.II (1976) - Te Llegará MiOlvido (1977) - Espectacular (1978) - MisOjos Tristes (1978) -Siempre En Mi Mente (1978) - Me Gusta BailarContigo (1979) - ConMariachi (1980) - Ella (1980) - Recuerdos(1980) - Con Tu Amor(1981) - Cosas De Enamorados (1982) - Todo(1983) - Recuerdos, Vol.II (1984) - Pensamientos (1986) - DeboHacerlo (1988) - Gracias PorEsperar (1994) - El México Que Se NosFue (1995) - Juntos Otra Vez(1997) (with ROCÍO DÚRCAL) - Con LaBanda...El Recodo (1998) (withBANDA EL RECODO) - Todo Está Bien(1999) - ¡Románticos! (1999)(with ROCÍO DÚRCAL) - Abrázame MuyFuerte (2000) - Inocente De Ti(2003) - El Unico: Sus Más GrandesÉxitos (2004) - Boleros (2010) -Juan Gabriel (2010) - Celebrando(2012) Here are his 20 best JuanGabriel songs. 1. "Amor Eterno" 2."Así Fue" 3. "Se Me Olvido OtraVez" 4. "Con tu Amor" 5. "No TengoDinero" 6. "El Noa Noa" 7."Querida" 8. "La Farsante" 9. "La Muertedel Palomo" 10. "LaDiferencia" 11. "No Vale la Pena" 12. "Te LoPido Por Favor" 13."Yo No Nací Para Amar" 14. "Caray" 15. "LoPasado, Pasado" 16. ThatOne Juan Gabriel Song—You Know the One 17."Perdóname Olvidado" 18."El Sinaolense" 19. "La Frontera" 20. "HaveYou Ever Seen the Rain?("Gracias al Sol") Find All lyrics for JuanGabriel at Juan GabrielLyrics. View newest song lyrics for JuanGabriel. Download this AppNow!
600+ Spanish Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
600+ simple, delicious and complete Spanish Recipes, this appwillteach you every step in making Spanish food. Learn how to makeyourfavorite recipes in no time. We have everything from easy toexpertrecipes! Here is our list of Spanish Recipes. Table ofcontents : -Mike's EZ Spicy Spanish Rice - Spanish Paella - SpanishOmelettewith Indian Flavour - Spanish pockets - Spanish Gazpachosoup -Easy Spanish rice - Ajillo - Spanish style garlic seafoodandmushrooms - Spanish chorizo breakfast scramble - SlowCookerSpanish Pork... Pernil P-lo Style - Paleo Spanish Rice withTuna -Spanish Yellow Rice - Homestyle Spanish Rice - Spanish riceole' -Sopa de Arroz (Spanish rice) - chicken paella - Dominicanbeefempanadas - sloppy joe empanadas - salmon and cream cheesepinchos- Cheese and cinnamon empanadas - Melon Mint Gazpacho -BestChicken Empanadas / Empanadillas - Lechon Kawali - GazpachoChiller- Chunky Guacamole - Unstuffed Cabbage Stoup - Flavored rice- TacoPie - Mexican meatloaf - Epic Spaghetti - Sauteed stringbeans -Twice Baked Heaven Casserole - Ultimate Twice Baked Potatoes-Stuffed Mexican Vegetarian Bell Peppers - Sweet And Sour PorkWithNoodles - Mins yummy enchilada casserole - Caldo DeAlbondigas/Meatball Soup - Crazy Good Tomato Soup - Healthychicken-stuffedpeppers - Chicken in Tomato Sauce - Sole with onionsauce - Spanishcod fritters - Catalan/Spanish creme brulee -Genuine gazpacho -Mini fried patties - Vendella amb Bollets (Beefwith Wild Mushrooms) - Cigrons amb Bacallà i Espinacs(Chickpeas with Cod andSpinach) - Spanish potato omelet - SearedSaffron Tomato Shrimp -Onion- stuffed squid - Delicious Spanishfish broth! - Healthystuffed chicken breast - Mediterranean octopuscasserole - Haddockwith green sauce - Baked Gammon with Peppers& Eggs (LCHF) -Delicious cheesey rice - Vegetarian SpanishBulgar - Membrillo(quince paste) - Chicken In Tomato Soup / SopaEspanola -Flavourful cod with carrots crust. - Tasty PumpkinEmpanadas (AnAuthentic Mexican Pastry) - Gazpacho With Peach AndSalmon Salad -Easy Chicken Paella - Tortilla Espanola, Chorizo redpepper riff(TAPAS) - sweet potato empanadas - White rice, sauteedcorn andground turkey empanadas - quick vegetable paella - spinachandcheese empanada And many more (600+) recipes about SpanishRecipes.Download this app, learn more about Spanish Recipes.
250+ Low Carb Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
250+ simple and delicious low carb recipes, this app will teachyouevery step in making low carb food. Learn how to make yourfavoriterecipes in no time. We have everything from easy to expertrecipes!Here is our list of low carb recipes. Table of contents : -Mike'sLow Carb/Calorie Vegetable Beef Soup - Soy Flour QuicheCrust(Low-Carb) - Peppered Low-Carb Triple Triple Stacked -LowcarbBreakfast for Dinner - LowCarb Chicken Pizza Breasts ... Andmanymore (250+) recipes about low carb food. Download this app,learnmore about low carb recipes.
1000 Cake Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
1000 simple and delicious cake recipes, this app will teachyouevery step in making cake. Here is our list of cake recipes.Learnhow to make your favorite recipes in no time. We haveeverythingfrom easy to expert recipes! Table of contents : - AngelFood Cake- 2 minute Carrot Cake - Caramel Apple Walnut Cake -Sponge cake -Chocolate Brownie Cake - Lemon Blossom Bundt Cake -BaltazarPineapple Upside Down Cake - 3 Ingredient chocolate mugcake -Citrus Raisins Breakfast Cake - Jam Crumb Cake - Bourbon andPecanBundt Cake - Eggless Orange Loaf Cake - Gabe's Caramel Cake-Microwave mug cake :) - Almond Layer Cake with RasberryCreamFilling - Cake Phirni - Fusion Style - Coconut Layer Cake FUSF-Eggless Semolina Cake - Coffee Flavoured Eggless Semolina Cake-Pudding Cake - Lemon Butter Cake with Lemon Glazing - Cassavacake- Coffee Condense Milk Cake - Scripture Cake - BrazilianCarrotCake - Coffie Lover's Cake - Chocolate Red Wine Cake -Strawberrypiña colada cake - Pumpkin Cake - Cinnamon Roll Cake -Funnel Cake- Easy Lemon Bread/Cake - Cinnamon Layer Cake withCinnamonButtercream Filling/Frosting - Captain America Cake -Spiced Cake -Pumpkin Carrot Cake - Vanilla cake with chocolate -Pan"cake"(mocha & matcha flavour) - Marble Cake with Ganache -Chocolatechip cookie cake - Vanilla Layer Cake with Whipped WhiteChocolateFilling and Fros - Carrot Cake Roll with Whipped CinnamonCreamCheese Filling and Frosting - Microwave Healthy Banana Cake!-Vanilla Layer Cake with Lemon Cream Filling and Lemon WhippedCreamFrosting - Zebra cake - AMIEs Special CASSAVA Cake -ChocolateEclair No Bake Cake - Vegan Carrot Cake (& Frosting) -Sugarand gluten free cake - Fresh Apple Cake - Chocolate Layer CakewithWhipped Hazelnut Cream Filling and Frosting - AMIEsSpecialTIRAMISU Cake - Easy Semolina Apple Cake - Carrot Cake withButter& cream - Farah Quinn's Super Moist Chocolate Cake -VanillaLemon Raspberry Layer Cake with Whipped Cream ButtercreamFrosting- Carrot cake - Triple orange chocolate cake - Pineappleupsidedown cake - Ginger cake - Sweet Rice Flour and Red Bean PasteCake- Choco cake - Airfryer Almost Famous Chocolate Cake -Pineapplecake - Cinnamon Layer Cake with Whipped Cinnamon CreamFilling andFrosting - Glazed walnut raisin Cake - Molten ChocolateCakes -Cake Fudge - Cake Salé: Bacon & Spinach - ChocolateSheet Cake(Pappaw's) - Marble pound cake with dry fruits -Chocolate MoltenCake - Granny Malinda's Famous Chocolate Sheet Cake- SemolinaFruit Cake - Cake Salé: Tuna and Olive - Vanilla ButterCakesfilled and Frosted with Whipped White Chocolate RasberryGanache -Easy Gluten Free Brownie Cake - Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal- CherryVanilla Angel Cake Roll with Cherry Chocolate Whipped Cre -BananasFosters Upside down cake - Vanilla Layer Cake withWhippedChocolate Ganache Filling and Whipped Coconut Cream Frosting- PouCake ! - Tricia's Chocolate Molten Lava Cake - Vanilla ChiffonCake- AMIEs Quick ORANGE Cake - Johnny Cake Tortillas (Yaniqueques)-Strawberry Lemonade Mousse Cake - Chocolate Gateau Cake(withoutflour) - Pound Cake with cream cheese - Microwaved lavacake in mug- Easy yummy vanilla cake - Queen cakes - ChocolateTerrine (PetitCake Ver.) - Chicken of the Sea Simple Salmon Cakes -Creamy flatsover a vegetable egg cake - Lemon Custard Cake - Butterpound cakewith chocolate almond frosting - Exploding Lava Cake foryamadaryosuke And many more (1000) recipes about cake. Downloadthis app,learn more about cake recipes.
850+ Mediterranean Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
850+ simple and delicious Mediterranean recipes, this app willteachyou every step in making Mediterranean food. Here is our listofMediterranean recipes. Learn how to make your favorite recipesin notime. We have everything from easy to expert recipes! Tableofcontents : - Taziki's Mediterranean Salad my version -BakedMediterranean Sweet Potatoes - Mediterranean Stuffed Peppers-Mediterranean Swordfish - 20 Minute Mediterranean-InspiredShrimpwith Tomatoes & Capers for 2 - Quick & EasyNo-CookMediterranean Tomato Melange for Fish & Chicken -MediterraneanQuinoa Salad - Mediterranean stuffed chicken breasts-Mediterranean Broccoli Sandwich - Mediterranean Radiatore -Mike'sMediterranean Seafood Paella - Mediterranean Salad with GreenBeansand Feta - Mediterranean black pasta with clams, justdelicious! -Mediterranean Okra and Tomato Stew - Mediterranean OrzoSalad -Mediterranean Toast - Mediterranean Vegetable Pasta -MediterraneanSalmon - Mediterranean Style Zucchini Boats -MediterraneanInspired patties - Hummus with Chickpeas (Basic) -Greek Salad -Greek Baked Giant Beans/ Gigantes plaki - GreekMeat-Stuffed GrapeLeaves / Dolmadakia me Kima - Spanakopita/ GreekSpinach and FetaPie - Greek Style Couscous Stuffed Peppers - EasyGreek ChickenWraps - Greek Stuffed Vegetables/ Gemista - Patatestiganites/Fried Potatoes, Greek-style - Slow Cooker Greek Chili -Voula'sVegetable Avgolemono Soup (Greek Veggie Egg-Lemon Soup) -GreekStyle Salad - Chicken Souvlaki with Tzatziki -Kolokithokeftedes(Greek zucchini balls) - Hummus and pita bread -Cucumber SaladWith Dill And Greek Yogurt - Guaca-Hummus - BlackenedSalmon withGreek Yogurt - Home Made Hummus - Greek Inspired VeggieWrap - LambSouvlaki - Edamame Yuzu Hummus - Healthy HomemadeVanilla GreekYogurt - Greek Pasta Salad - Greek Chicken - Greeksalad sandwich -Garlic hummus with a kick - Mini Veggie GreekSpinach Pies - SpicyRoasted Red Pepper Hummus - Parmesan CrustedGreek Yogurt Chicken -Classic Hummus - Spinach Hummus - AvocadoHummus - Lemon GarlicHummus - Quick Use Watcha Got Tzatziki Sauce -Tri Olive Tapenade -Greek Blend Seasoning - Gyros Casserole - Jay'sGreek ApplePancakes - Gyros (greek meat fry) - Baked Greek Chicken- Trav'sSpicy Beef Hummus Chili - Hummus Tahini - Hummus (withoutTahini) -Lactose Free / Treenut Allergy Friendly - Pasta with olivetapenade- Greek pasta salad - Chicken Gyros with Tzatziki Sauce -ChickenSouvlaki - HCG diet meal 8: Greek salad style - Pastasalad"Italian meets Greek" - Greek Seasoned Cabbage (Lactose Free)-Greek Style Stuffed Peppers - Greek Cheese Cakes - GreekAppleSalad - Greek souvlaki pork kebab and tzatziki sauce - GreekStyleLamb - Greek Grilled Cheese - Chicken Souvlaki with Tzatzikisauce- Grecian Delight Burger (Gyro) - Sliders with Greekinspiration -Chopped Salad/ Greek Style - Greek Spaghetti SquashSalad - Greekyogurt bbq ranch dressing - Stuffed squid withasparagus andtapenade - Greek Lemon Chicken - Danish Pastry withGreek Yoghurtpastry cream - Niebe hummus (black-eyed pea dip) -Greek Pizza -Horta (Greek Dandelion Greens) - Greek breaded chicken- Brad'ssteak gyros - Creamy Greek Mac & cheese - Jari's Greekbread -7 layer Greek salad - Tzatziki Sauce - Greek style turkeyrice -Spicy olive tapenade - Roasted Pepper Greek Salad - RoastedRedPepper Hummus - Brad's Greek style pork And many more(850+)recipes about Mediterranean food. Download this app, learnmoreabout Mediterranean recipes.
650+ Spaghetti Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
650+ simple and easy spaghetti recipes, this app will teachyouevery step in making spaghetti. Here is our list of BestSpaghettiRecipes. Learn how to make your favorite recipes in notime. Wehave everything from easy to expert recipes! Table ofcontents : -Spinach mushroom cream spaghetti - Fried spaghetti withpotatoesand chicken - Super Easy & Inexpensive (Spaghetti)VegetableChow Mein - Spicy Tuna Spaghetti with Squeezed LemonCondiment -Spaghetti with tuna and avocado - Spaghetti with richtamato sauce- Damascene spaghetti - Meaty Baked Spaghetti - SuperEasySpaghetti with Anchovies & Fresh Tomatoes for Two -Spaghettiwith spinach - Shrimp and Garlic Spaghetti -Merlot-ParmeseanSpaghetti - Spaghetti with shrimp - Italian EdamameSpaghetti -Spaghetti - Shrimp garlic spaghetti - One Pan SpaghettiCarbonara -Carbonara Spaghetti Day - Japanese spaghetti beef curry- SpaghettiChicken Alfredo - Chicken Rotel Spaghetti - Red LentilSpaghetti -Bruschetta Spaghetti - Spaghetti Salad - Pretty freshspaghetti -Spaghetti with garlic prawns and broccoli - Spaghetticarbonara -Spaghetti with Pepperoni - Garlicky Spaghetti - Blackbean andbacon spaghetti - Chicken & Bacon Spaghetti -Parker'sVegetarian Spaghetti - Carbonara shrimp spaghetti -SicilianSpaghetti Bake - Ray's Spaghetti Pancakes - Spaghetti, Brie&Broccoli Frittata - Clam Spaghetti with White Wine Sauce-Spaghetti With Mushroom - Very basic Spaghetti with meat sauce-Spaghetti baked in Cheesy Spinach Sauce - Bbq meatball spaghetti-spaghetti meat sauce - Ray's Game Day Chili Spaghetti Cups - Thenotime to lose chilli drowning spaghetti - Carbonara Spaghetti-Spaghetti al Pesto with Chicken - Pizza Spaghetti Casserole-Southwest Chicken Spaghetti - Tinklee's Spaghetti andItalianMeatballs - Spaghetti with vegetables sauce - ChickenBolognese AndSpaghetti - Spicy Spaghetti With Tuna and Lime leaves- SpaghettiWith Leeks - Spaghetti and Hash - Spaghetti with SimpleSauce -Mascapone Tomato Spaghetti - AMIEs SPAGHETTI with OIL &PARSLEY- Spicy Spaghetti / Sambal Spaghetti - Spaghetti With Soup-Spaghetti Meatballs - All time spaghetti and meat balls. -ChickenSpaghetti - Spaghetti In Cheesy Basil Egg Sauce - AMIEsGreenSpaghetti - Bakes Spaghetti - meatless garlic spaghetti withstewedtomatoes - Tomatoe Sauce Spaghetti - Mama's catfish &spaghetti- Spaghetti With Chinese Sausages And Mushroom - AMIEsSpaghettiwith fresh Tomatoe - Spaghetti, quick & easy. -SpaghettiCarbonara - Healthy Mediterranean Spaghetti - BroccoliSpaghetti -Spaghetti Deliciousness - Quick & Healthy Spaghetti- taisen'schicken spaghetti - Bacon Spaghetti - Spicy SpaghettiAglio Oliowith Tuna Chunks (in english & bahasa) -Skunkmonkey'sspaghetti - Cauliflower Spaghetti - Ms. Vivian'sSpaghetti PastaSalad - Spaghetti Aglio Olio - supper easy spaghetti- Grandpa'sSpaghetti - Gambas with black Spaghetti - SpaghettiCarbonara -spaghetti for kids (spaghetti monsters) - ChickenSpaghetti -pepperoni spaghetti bake - spaghetti with artichokehearts andtomatoes - Cream cheese garlic spaghetti with grilledzucchini -Shrimp and Green Beans Spaghetti - Spaghetti Carbonara -SpicySeafood Spaghetti - Creamy spicy italian spaghetti - Creamyspicyitalian spaghetti - spaghetti bolognaise & garlic baguette-spaghetti with sweetpotatoes en greenbeans - Spaghetti&Meatballs - sausage and spaghetti - Stuffed spaghetti Bread -QuickParmesan Parsley Spaghetti - Halloween Eyeballs in Worms(spaghetti& meatballs) - little foxes shishkabob spaghetti -Nicole'sSimple Spaghetti - Basic Easy Spaghetti - Spaghetti AglioOglio -spaghetti tomyam And many more (650+) recipes aboutSpaghetti.Download this app, learn more about Spaghetti Recipes.
Puisi Patah Hati 1.1
Startup Media
Aplikasi Puisi Patah Hati merupakan kumpulan berbagai puisipatahhati, galau, kecewa karena putus cinta pilihan terbaikdanterfavorit yang mungkin mewakili perasaan kamu saat ini.Banyaktersedia kumpulan puisi dengan tema patah hati di aplikasiini.Fitur-fitur: - Ratusan puisi patah hati dapat dibaca secaraOfflinetanpa koneksi Internet - Tampilan lebih baik dan nyaman -Navigasimudah digunakan - Fitur Berbagi - Fitur Zoom halaman -FiturBookmark untuk menyimpan puisi patah hati - Aplikasi lebihcepatdan ringan - Fitur pencarian yang baik Tunggu apalagi,downloadaplikasi Puisi Patah Hati di Smartphone kamu sekarang juga!
125+ Clean Eating Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
125+ simple and delicious clean eating recipes, this app willteachyou every step in making clean eating. Learn how to makeyourfavorite recipes in no time. We have everything from easy toexpertrecipes! Here is our list of clean eating recipes. Tableofcontents : - EASY Clean eating mexican bowl - Clean EatingOatmeal- Clean out the Pantry chicken soup - Clean & QuickQuacamole -Clean N' Easy Quinoa Salad - Caramel Apple Pecan PumpkinProteinPie Individual, Clean - Kitchen Clean-Out Avocado GlazedSalsa -GREEN n CLEAN Smoothie - Easy clean cake pan coating. - TIP: CleanSink ( NEW ONE ) - TIP : Clean Glass , Windows , Floors -TIP :Clean Hands with Butter - TIP : Cutting Limes & CleanBoards -Clean Peanut butter cookies - EASY clean eats chicken &spinach- Clean cougette pesto noodles - Rick's Quick and Clean Cornon theCob - Clean living cottage pie - Banana (Flourless)Pancakes(Paleo/Clean Recipe) - Couscous Salad (Clean) - clean andfreshface mask - clean and delicious strawberry icecream -MushroomCream Soup - Shrimp Tikka with cucumber ribbon salad -Gajar kahalwa - Fasting thali - Shrimp Scampi With Linguine -Stuffedpeppers... recycle your leftovers - Butter chicken withsweet soysauce - Mike's EZ Garlic Clam Linguine Alfredo - Shrimp ingarlicwith spicy flavor!!! - Homemade Miso Paste - Herbed Rostiwith WildMushrooms - Jalapeño Potato Salad - Are You Hungarian (?)Goulash -Simmered KABOCHA Squash (KABOCHA NO NIMONO) - RoastedTomatoes withMushrooms - Chicken & Shrimp LoMein - EasyHomemade LaundryDetergent - Shrimp Fried Rice - Anytime Power Wrap- Whole WheatPizza: Portobello, Spinach and Feta Cheese Pizza -Kimchi, mysimple version - Foot Scrubbing and Washing Powder -Vegan Basket -Poached Egg - Perfect Every Time - Easy Lemon ShellCupcakes - YetAnother Snow Cream Recipe - Maple Candy - Snow DreamyIce Cream -Curried Oxtails - Christmas Deviled Eggs - Alton Brown'sTurkeyBrine - Tom Yum Khung - Shrimp With Garlic - Chicken and Rice/ KaoMun Kai - Coconut shrimps - Disinfectant, Glass, Mirror&Crystal Cleaner - Paella - Kanya's Clams in Sriracha doublehotsauce :) - Kanya 's Salt and Peppers Squids - LebaneseMujadra(lentils, rice & caramelized onions) - Garifuna StyleCeviche(Honduras) Shrimp And Conch - Quiet Valley Roast Chicken -TarragonVinegar - EASY PEEL HARD BOILED EGGS - Simple, Black pastawithshrimp - Snow Ice Cream - Spinach and mushroom lasagna -fijolesnegros con nopal (black beans with cactus ) - Curry ShrimpbyPam... - household cleaning tips - Kanya's Easy Sushi At Home-Stuffed Mushrooms - Mike's Foolproof Mozzarella Sticks -KittyLitter Cake ~ halloween - Spicy Pickled Eggs - ChickenPoperCasserole:) - beer mug cake - Fried Squids with onion - achewydelight!!! - mojara frita - My style Shrimp Dynamite -camarones ala diabla - Fruit & Veggie Wash - Garlic ChickenRotini Alfredo- Cuban Pot Roast (similar to Mexican Carnitas) -snow cream - Thaistyle steam fish And many more (125+) food recipesabout cleaneating. Download this app, learn more about clean eatingrecipes.
750+ Thai Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
750+ simple and delicious thai food recipes, this app will teachyouevery step in making thai food. Here is our list of best thaifoodrecipes. Learn how to make your favorite recipes in no time.We haveeverything from easy to expert recipes! Table of contents :- ThaiStir Fry Lemongrass Chicken & Mushroom - Chicken in ThaiSweetChilli Sauce - Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce - Thai Chilli Jam -Nam PrikPao - Tom Yam Gung - Thai Spicy and Sour Soup - Gai Yang -ThaiGrilled Chicken - Pad Thai - Thai Fried Noodles - Almostauthenticspring rolls with thai baked soba noodles - Thai MassamanCurry -Pad boong (thai / chinese stir fry vegetables) - Thai MilkTeaPudding - Thai chicken wings (peek gai todd) - Sweet &SpicyThai-Inspired Peel & Eat Shrimp for 2 - Thai Panang CurryPaste- Thai Panang Mutton Curry - Thai Style Lettuce Wraps -Singkong ala Thai - Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (KratiemPrik Thai) -Thai Red Curry Chicken (Pad Prik/Paprik) - Thai StirFry Basil withBeef (Pad Bai Hōraphā) - Three flavour Thai mackerelsoup(Traditional) - Spicy beef soup (Thai style) - Easy thai deepfriedbanana dessert - Fried chicken thai herb with Norteasternspicydipping sauce - carla's Thai Rice - Thai Butternut &ChickenSoup - Thai style crispy pork - Easy Thailand Mango Kerabu( Salad )- Shrimp Pad Thai - Thai bird pepper sauce - BakedCoconut Shrimpwith Chrunchy Thai Salad - chicken thai curry - thaigreen salmonwith fragrant rice - Thai Green Broccoli Beef - Thaiflank steakwith rice pilaf - Kumara Gnocchi with Sweet Thai ChilliCream CheeseDip - Spicy Thai Chicken Noodle Wok - Thai beef salad- Thai CurriedCoconut Milk and Corn Soup. - Chicken And PineappleIn Thai ChiliSauce - Chicken And Pineapple In Thai Chili Sauce -vegetarian padthai - Paleo Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps - Thai GreenCurry - Tom YumGoong - Tom Yum Soup (Tum Yum) - Italian DrunkenNoodles - AsianGreen Curry - Yong Tau Foo soup - Green CurryChicken and Mushroom -West Indies Green Curry Chicken - Tom Yumchicken - Tom kha Kai -Gang keaw wann nue or green curry beef. -Kanya's Aroma Pomelo AndFruits Appetizer..Miang Kham.. - Tom YumInstant Noodle With RoastedPork Slice - Spicy Yong Tau Foo /Sambal Yong Tau Foo - Green CurryBeef And many more (750+) recipesabout thai food. Download thisapp, learn more about thai recipes.
750+ Summer BBQ Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
750+ simple and delicious Summer BBQ recipes, this app willteachyou every step in making BBQ food. Here is our bbq foodlistrecipes. Learn how to make your favorite recipes in no time.Wehave everything from easy to expert recipes! Table of contents :-Steve's Oven Baked BBQ Ribs - BBQ black eyed peas - HawaiianBBQBoneless Pork Ribs - BBQ baked brie - BBQ Meat bombs - BBQsweetpotato rounds - Easy Barbecue Steak And Broccoli -DeliciousChicken with BBQ sauce - Barbecue Chicken And White Rice-Peach-Whiskey BBQ Chicken - Barbeque Beef Patties - BBQ pork ribs-Barbecue Pork ribs in the oven - Oven BBQ Chicken Breasts -BBQBrisket - Crockpot Barbecue Brisket - Southern BBQ Venison -BBQChicken Smothered in Cheese - Iz's Vegan Mustard BBQ Sauce -Ms.Theresa's BBQ Beans - Barbecued Thai Peanut Chicken withCoconutRice - BBQ Island Sauce - Smoky Barbecue Sauce - Type A dryrub. ByWeber BBQ - Slow cooked boneless bbq ribs - Chefro:Jefro'sBBQpulled pork taco - BBQ Pork Glaze - NANA'S Southern NewBarbecuesauce - Amaretto and bourbon BBQ sauce/marinade - Baked BBQchickenwith Peppers & Onions - Bbq. Pulled Chicken - Mike N EdsBBQchicken - Easy Crock Pot Bbq Chicken - BBQ Pork Sandwiches -CookOnce, Eat Twice. BBQ Hot Open Sandwiches - Indian BBQ Chicken -J'sBBQ Sauce - bbq fried chicken - Sweet BBQ Grilled Porkchops-Chicken Tandoori bbq :) - Roasted red pepper & bacon bbqsauce- BBQ Jalapeno Stir Fried Rice (Vegetarian) - Bbq Sauce -VenisionShoulder Barbecue - BBQ..Boneless skinless chicken thighs -Stickybut crunchy honey, pineapple,BBQ wings. - BBQ sauce -Subtract TheBun Add The Pasta Bbq Bacon Cheeseburger - Spicy BBQRanch ChickenSalad - Mike's BBQ Beef Ribs - Bbq Salmon B.L.T w /Turkey Baconand dijon mustard - Bbq bacon meatloaf - BBQ rub - BBQBuffaloChicken Soup - Barbeque mango fried chicken - Spicy BBQChickenThighs - BBQ Green Beans - Bbq Ranch Chicken Sandwich - BBQBaconWrapped Chicken - BBQ Baked Chicken - Sweet Yet Spicy GuavaBbqWings - Home made BBQ habanero hot wings - BBQ Baked Beans-Barbeque Chicken Eggrolls - Bourbon Bbq Buffalo Parmesan Wings-Honey BBQ Bacon Chicken and Sweet Potato - Whole Hog BBQ:Scooter'sMethod - Pineapple BBQ meatballs - Barbecued Beef On Buns(SloppyJoes) - Too cold to bbq honey garlic porc bergers - BonelessbeefBBQ ribs - Honey barbecue chicken - BBQ Chicken.and bacongrilledcheese - Teriyaki bbq ribs - Blueberry Chipotle BarbecueSauce -Ryan's Orgasmic BBQ Chicken - Quickest BBQ Sauce Ever - BockBBQBean Salad - Honey Garlic BBQ Sauce - J.D. BBQ pulledporksandwich. - Big Daddy's Carolina Style BBQ Sauce - StovetopBBQChicken - Oven Barbeque Chicken - Chinese BarbecueChickenMeatballs - Barbecue chicken Pepsi sweet baby rays -Marion-berryBBQ Sauce - Leftover BBQ chicken fried soup - SimpleBBQ Chicken -Sweet Barbecue Sauce Chicken Wings - Grilled PorkMedallions withAlabama White BBQ Sauce - Aussie BBQ ( minus thelamb) -Sweet&Spicey Bbq pork roast *slow cooker* - Homemade BBQSauce- BBQ Chicken Pizza - CrockPot BBQ Chicken - Best pulled porkBBQsandwiches - Barbecue Habanero Mango Chicken - Nikki's Kickin'BBQChicken &Bacon Pizza - Slow Cooker Hawaiian BBQ Pork Tacos-Bbq pulled pork sammies - Red Vinegar BBQ sauce - Easy lunchorgreat side dish at BBQ - Slow Cooked BBQ Ribs - Momma'sepicbarbeque chicken - Crock Pot BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich -CrockpotBBQ Chicken - Hawaiian BBQ Chicken And many more (750+)recipesabout bbq party menu ideas. Download this app, learn moreabout BBQrecipes.
Keto Recipes 1.0
Startup Media
20+ simple and delicious keto recipes, this app will teach youeverystep in making keto food. Here is our list of keto recipes.Learnhow to make your favorite recipes in no time. We haveeverythingfrom easy to expert recipes! Table of contents : - KetoMeatloaf -Keto Chicken and Broccoli Casserole - Keto BaconCheeseburgerCasserole - Keto Mixed Nuts - Keto salad for lunch -Keto-FriendlyFinger Lickin' Chicken - Creamy Keto Coleslaw -Coconut Flour PizzaCrust (keto) - Keto Cheesecake - Keto FriendlySandwich - Broccolicheesy porky soup (keto) - Keto pasta stirfry -Keto Moi Moi - Ketomeal. - Keto vegetable eggsauce - Keto:Garnished vegetable soup andcoconut flour...#ketomeal - Keto Friedcabbage and chicken - KETO:Scrambled egg and Cabbage - Keto Diet:Peppered grilled chicken -Keto Breakfast of sunny side up &Avocado - Keto, low carb baconand cheese stuffedcourgette/zucchini - Keto (Low Carb High Fat)Dark Chocolate,Peanut Butter Fat Bombs And many more (20+) recipesabout ketofood. Download this app, learn more about keto recipes.