SteamHouse Co., Ltd. ئاپەکان

推杯樂 1.2
SteamHouse Co., Ltd.
您也羨慕原住民的樂觀和對生活的豁達態度嗎?那就來杯小米酒吧!這款「推杯樂」讓玩家運用一指神功,要把酒杯精準的送到指定的位置,超過或是不夠距離都會遭受客人的不滿喔!很簡單嗎?試試看,除了通過正常的關卡之後能夠拿到好康的折價券去換真正的小米酒之外,我們還提供了酒精濃度70%的「酒鬼模式」,要用不同的酒杯在不同的吧檯連續取得酒客的滿意讚嘆,大家一起來挑戰combo999的至高酒鬼吧!在遊戲中還會出現一款超有特色的「連杯」,原住民族群中只有排灣族有連杯,是一種特別的雙人用杯,排灣語叫「拉奈克」,用木頭雕刻而成,以百步蛇或是人像紋路做為裝飾,會在婚禮、出獵和同盟時使用。要讓新婚佳人或是好戰友能有個順利好采頭,手下千萬不要留情,乎乾啦!You can also admiretheoptimism and Aboriginal minded attitude towards life do? Then acupof millet Bar!The "push Cup Music" allows players to use a magic finger,putthe glass to a precise location specified, will suffer frommorethan enough guests or dissatisfaction Oh! Very simple? Tryit,except through the normal level after the coupon can getthegoodies enchant really small rice wine, we also offer a 70%alcoholconcentration "drunkard Mode", use different glasses indifferentbar continuous obtain satisfaction drinkers praise combo999 alltogether to challenge the supreme alcoholic bar!In the game there will be a super unique "Double Cup",aboriginalPaiwan have only connected Cup is a special double usecups, Paiwanlanguage called "Lanai Ke" wood carving made to thehundred orportrait lines as decoration in weddings, hunting andleague use.Wedding beauty or make good comrades to have a smoothwell-head, mendo not mercy, Bottoms up!
AR山豬樂 1.2
SteamHouse Co., Ltd.
沒吃過豬肉也看過豬走路!你確定這是對的嗎?那,你看過山豬走路嗎?啥?沒有喔?那就更別說抓過山豬了吧…這款遊戲不但讓玩家可以好好觀察山豬走路,還要動手抓喔!首先,要先找到山豬出沒的地區,嗯~要去哪才有山豬啊?有個好地方叫做「原民風味館」,就在圓山捷運站出來過了中山北路就到囉,台北美術館的旁邊,還是不知道的話,打開遊戲就會有地圖囉!話說現在要找個有可愛山豬的保護區真是不容易了,還不快去看看!到了保護區之後,進入遊戲的實境畫面,捕捉山豬出沒的標示牌,霎那間,哇!好多可愛的小山豬啊,請依照遊戲指示,捕獲正確的山豬,不要亂抓喔!這些可是受保護的小動物,完成任務還能夠獲得原民商品的折價券喔!玩累了就可以吃吃喝喝休息一下,有力氣了再來抓吧!遊戲還提供了徽章,只要玩家夠有技巧,達人徽章就等你來拿。要常常回來看看小山豬喔,下次還會有不同品種的山豬,也許,還有秘密角色會出現呢!有吃有玩又有趣,原民風味館真是個適合爸媽遛小孩的好地方。Did not eat pork haveseenpigs walk!Are you sure this is right? Well, you've seen wild boar walk?What? Oh no? Then let alone grabbed boar it ...This game not only allows players to walk properly observewildboar, but also hands grasping Oh!First, we must first find the boar-infested areas, ah ~ ah wanttogo have a wild boar? There are a good place called"Aboriginalflavor Pavilion", in Maruyama MRT station over theZhongshan Roadwent to Hello, Taipei, next to the museum, or do notknow it, openthe game there will be a map of Hello! Talk now tofind a lovelywild boar protected areas is not easy, and do not goand take alook!To protected areas, the reality into the game screen capturewildboar infested nameplate, grabbing, wow! Zhu A lot of lovelyhills,follow the instructions in the game to capture the correctboar, donot poking Oh! But these protected animals, but also ableto get thejob done aboriginal merchandise coupons Oh! Tired youcan eat anddrink break, have the strength to catch it again!The game also provides a badge, as long as there areenoughplayers skills, Daren badge waiting for you to comeandcollect.To back often to see boars Oh, next time there will be adifferentspecies of wild boars, perhaps, there is the secretcharacter willappear too! Food and play and fun, the originalflavor of ChinaPavilion is really a suitable parents stroll kids agood place.
原民實境風味館 1.5.1
SteamHouse Co., Ltd.
* 最新消息:以北野期刊內容數位化為主要呈現,加上風味館館區內的活動快訊和新聞,徹底將原住民文化從山上放入口袋。* 推播功能:不定期推播原民風味館相關活動訊息與北市原住民委員會項下各單位的活動訊息,提供消費者在周休二日時活動參考,也促進原民文化、展演活動、手作體驗…等活動訊息,與消費者建立更暢通、直接的訊息露出管道。* 收藏夾:透過本活動App或是附屬串接的遊戲App所獲得的電子折價券以及數位獎勵都會存放在此,用戶可以在消費時出示折抵費用。* 遊戲介紹:此選項中介紹的內容是由主程式App附屬串接的遊戲App,經由大略的介紹和直接提供的下載連結,玩家可以輕易取得有興趣的遊戲App來進行進一步的互動,產生黏性。並透過遊戲介紹頁上方的分享功能,將玩家感興趣的內容分享到FB動態牆上,達到社群效果。* Latest news:In Kitano digital journal content into the main show, withflavorsMuseum, regional activities and news alerts, thoroughlyaboriginalculture from the mountain into a pocket.* Push function:Aboriginal flavor occasional push messages andmuseum-relatedactivities under the Taipei City Council ofAboriginal AffairsEvents each unit, while providing consumers withthe activereference on weekends, but also to promote indigenouscultures,cultural events, activities such as hand-made experience...message, and consumers to establish a more open, exposedpipesdirect message.* Favorites:Through this activity, or affiliated App App game seriesobtainedelectronic coupons and digital reward will be stored inthis, theuser can be presented in the consumer off against thecosts.* Game description:This option is described in the contents of the series byasubsidiary of the main program of the game App App, throughtheintroduction of Western Ontario and provide direct downloadlink,players can easily get interested in the game App forfurtherinteraction, resulting sticky. Game description through thetop ofthe page sharing feature, players will be interested in thedynamiccontent sharing to FB wall, reaching communityeffects.