Stratsys ئاپەکان

RunYourMeeting 2.0.2
The simple, smart tool for efficientmeetings- Informative agenda with purpose, descriptions anddocuments
- Orderly minutes and information on recurring meetings
- Action monitoring to ensure that decisions are implemented
- Everything is managed extremely securely in the cloudRunYourMeeting is a simple tool which creates a clear structure foryour meetings. Are you a member of a management team, do you workas a project manager, or do you run other kinds of meetings withcolleagues and customers? If so, RunYourMeeting will make your lifeeasier in a way that Outlook and other tools simply can'tmatch.Plan it - prepare your meetingIn RunYourMeeting, you create an agenda for the meeting withdescriptions and accompanying material. This allows you to makesure that all delegates are fully aware of what is to be discussedeven before the meeting begins.Do it - hold your meetingMeeting minutes are compiled quickly and easily by adding notes,actions (with the person responsible and the end date) anddecisions. Actions from meetings are added automatically to thepersonal to-do lists of the people responsible.Review it - follow up your meetingYou are provided with a clear overview of the current status of theactions and can quickly see what has been done and what has not.Transparent action logs are supplied for individual meetings andrecurring series of meetings. Following up the minutes of previousmeetings is straightforward in the case of recurringmeetings.
Coworker Memory Coworker Memory v2.1
Get to know your colleagues at work. A simple quiz game thattakesadvantage of Azure Active Directory. Created by HajarRashidi(Stratsys).
Stratsys 3.0.14
Den självklara appen för alla som vill förenklaarbetslivet.Stratsys app ger dig flera smarta verktyg som ger digkontroll överditt dagliga arbete. Det här kan du göra i appen: •Håll diguppdaterad på era mål, pågående projekt och resultat • Fåen snabböverblick av diagram, årshjul och viktiga händelser • Sealla dinauppgifter i att göra-listan • Se och arbeta med dinado-boards •Följa upp och avsluta dina uppgifter direkt i appen •Växla övertill Meetingsappen för att följa upp dina möten Det ärvad vikallar Work-Life Simplicity! För att kunna använda appenbehöver duvara användare av Stratsys. Gåtill för att veta mer!