The Taharas Hamishpacha Organization ئاپەکان

My Mikvah Calendar 2.6.7
My Mikvah Calendar is a revolutionary new wayto help keep a family purity (taharat hamishpacha) calendaraccording to Chabad Lubavitch custom. Simply enter the date andtime of your menstrual flow and let My Mikvah Calendar take care ofthe rest. My Mikvah Calendar will calculate your times ofseparation and send you reminders of these upcoming times in themethod of your choice. We also offer you the option to learn as yougo - offering detailed explanations of how each calculation isreached according to halacha (Jewish Law). Our new and improvedversion includes a worldwide mikvah directory, a comprehensivehalachic overview of the laws of family purity and a preparationchecklist to help you get ready for mikvah night. Upon registrationyou will receive a free two month trial.
Find A Mikvah 1.0.4
Find a mikvah anywhere in the world.