Thran ئاپەکان

FlowerChecker, plant identify
This app provides plant identificationservice. You simply take a picture of an unknown plant (ormoss, lichen and even fungi) and get it identified by internationalteam of experts.The identification process is not computer-based, it requires humaninvolvement. Therefore each identification is paid using Google'sin-app purchase. One plant identification costs 1 USD / 0.7 EUR.The reason is the identification process is not computer-based, itrequires human involvement. Anyway, if we can't identify yourplant, you don't spend anything.The installation includes one identification for free as atrial.Our team will respond as soon as possible, but the identificationusually takes minutes or hours. In average, we manage to solve morethan 95% plant requests.The app is add-free.
StreetAlert 0.2.0
Aktivní pouze v Jihomoravském aMoravskoslezském kraji. Služba sleduje výjezdy hasičů: pokud sekrizová událost stane v nastavené vzdálenosti od vaší polohy,chytrý mobil s naší aplikací vám hned oznámí, co se děje.Hasiči jen v jihomoravském kraji vyjíždějí k asi deseti případůmza den. Přišlo nám smutné, že se o požárech, únicích plynu nebosundávání koček ze střechy dozvídáme až druhý den z novin, přestožejsou od nás z ulice.Proto jsme vyvinuli StreetAlert.Active only in the SouthMoravian and Moravian-Silesian Region. The service monitors exitsfirefighters: if a crisis event becomes a set distance from yourlocation, a smart phone with our application notifies youimmediately what was happening.Firefighters only in the South Moravian Region leave about tencases per day. We thought sad that the fires, gas leaks or removingcats from the roof to learn from the newspapers the next day, eventhough they are from us from the street.We have therefore developed StreetAlert.
FlowerChecker+, plant identify
This app provides plant identificationservice. You simply take a picture of an unknown plant (ormoss, lichen and even fungi) and get it identified by internationalteam of experts.The installation includes three prepaid identifications,each other for: 1 USD / 0.7 EUR. We use Google's in-apppurchase. The reason is the identification process is notcomputer-based, it requires human involvement. Anyway, if we can'tidentify your plant, you don't spend anything.Our team will respond as soon as possible, but the identificationusually takes minutes or hours. In average, we manage to solve morethan 95% plant requests.The app is add-free.
Bodoch 0.1.0
For registration and attendance points for meetings and trips.