Virtual Awe Entertainment ئاپەکان

Helicopters in Combat 3D sim 1.0.0
Virtual Awe Entertainment
Get ready for the ultimate choppercombatexperience. It is time to test your skills in thisextremehelicopter gunship simulator.Can you master the incredible powers and weapons thatharnessyour armed gunships? Are your flying and firing skills andsensessharp enough to navigate around the enemy territory and takeoutthe hostile strongholds? 30 action packed levels and 5 armed totheteeth helicopter gunships await your command!You will fly and command these 5 fantastic heavilyarmedhelicopters:★ The MH6 LittleBird with locking machine gun, quiet, greatforinsertion missions★ Your first actual gunship will be the UH-60 BlackHawk.FeaturingAir-2-Surface missiles for combating enemy ground targetsand seaobjectives and a locking machine gun for air defense★ The Hind MI-24, commonly used by the Russian Federation anditsallies is at your disposal from level 11. Also heavilyarmedcarrying air-to-ground missiles and a highperformancecannon.★ Euro influence in this game is the bad-ass TigreEurocopter.Equipped with Air-2-Ground missiles, Air-2-Air rocketsand amulti-round, fast charging machine gun, this could be themostall-purpose combat chopper deployed today.★ And finally the ultimate battle machine: The Apache AH64Gunshipfeaturing high performance, fast reloading machine gun,doubledistance radar, air-2-air missile defense, air-to-surfaceheatseeking attack missiles. Unrivaled in air-2-air battles.Some of the awesome features of this game:★ 30 action-packed levels of adrenaline fueledmissions.Including 3 tutorial missions (navigating, escaping enemyfire,flying cockpit). 4 Air-2-air only missions featuringdiversehostile helicopters. And a lot of locate on radar anddestroymissions featuring hostile bunker installations, enemywarships andanti-aircraft missile installations.★ Intuitive and heavily tested controls. You can use devicetilt(default) or on screen controls. Set your preference inthesettings screen, where you can also set sensitivity of the touchordevice tilt controls.★ You can finish this game totally for free. There areweaponupgrades, finalize mission points and a stop ads button, butyoudon't need any of these to complete all missions inthisgame.★ Highly realistic graphics. Especially the cockpit view willnotcease to amaze you in flying around friendly andenemyterritories.★ Insertion missions requiring you to drop off marines inhostileenemy territories. Use stealth or just wipe awayallresistance.★ First step tutor missions, scaling up to taking out terroristhideouts, scaling up even more to full blown war missins withhostileactivities all over.Which is the greatest modern gunship and why? Ourhelicopterselection is based on the combined score of performance,firepower,protection and avionics. This list do not includesgunships, thatare currently in development or at the prototypestage. It includesonly best helicopters that are currently inservice and inproduction. All of the attack helicopters mentionedhere areincredibly powerful and devastating.The Apache helicopter saw combat during a number of recentwars.The Apache is fitted with a mast mounted antenna withupdatedLongbow fire control radar. This attack helicopter canfireHellfire 2 air-to-ground missiles in fire-and-forget mode.Otherimprovements include targeting, battle management system,cockpit,communications, weapons and navigation systems. The gunshipis alsofitted with a 30-mm cannon.The Eurocopter Tiger is a medium-weight attack helicopter,whichentered service in 2002. This helicopter incorporatesstealthtechnology as well as other advanced features to increaseitssurvivability. The Mi-24 is one of the most widely knownassaulthelicopters. This helicopter has heavily-armored, steppedcockpitsant an undernose gun turret. Other weapons includeanti-tankmissiles and unoperated rockets.
Tank Combat Commander 3D 1.0
Virtual Awe Entertainment
So this is it. You have been testing thenewarmy prototype tank for the last week or so, and yourcurrentmission has gone horribly wrong. You're discovered inenemyterritory and Headquarters briefed you on the last Intel.F16fighter jets armed with Air to Ground missiles and on boardmachineguns are heading your way.You figure you have only a few minutes before the firstfightersarrive, and your radar is showing the bandits already.Friendlyfighters are on their way too to intercept and clear you ifat allpossible. But deep inside you know that they arelargelyoutnumbered and you are on your own. In a Tank. AgainstF16s.Luckily your prototype is heavily armed. Your heavy machinegunhas armor penetrating capabilities and will not run out of ammoforthe upcoming shoot out. Unheard of in a Tank: you have anon-boardSurface-to-Air Missile (SAM) launcher. This will be averyunwelcome surprise for the enemy pilots and you can alreadyimaginetheir faces when their radar shows your missiles .. toolate.Speaking of radar: your tank deploys onboard radar and yourenemieswill light up as a christmas tree on your lcd monitor. Rangeisabout 150 Kilometers and hostile fighters will show asredtriangles. Friendly fighters will be green, you hope youcandistinguish them when emptying your weapons on your enemies.Yourlast weapon is your good old large-calibre cannon in a rotatinggunturret... with a twist. The shell are so powerful that anythingoranyone in 200 to 300 meters range of the explosion will not livetotell.So brace yourself and get ready for what will probably beyourvery last encounter. Keep an eye on your radar and on the airandshoot the bloody bandits to become a real Tank Hero. Yourprototypetank can never get in their hands, so surrender is not anoption.Good luck commander!ControlsYou can use on-screen joysticks both for movement andaiming.Aiming can also be controlled by Tilt/Accellerometercontrols. Inthe option screen (available in-game and in the mainmenu) you canset what controls to use and the sensitivity. Thegreen tank willchange to red indicating the armor condition. Whenyour armor iscompletely destroyed, a next blow will destroy yourfancy tankprototype.. Beware!The TankYou control the next generation world of class Tank. Itsfeaturesare the best of worlds from the all-famous Leopard, TigerandChallenger tanks and it is a direct successor of the AbramsCombattanks currently in use. A tank is an enclosed armoredmilitaryvehicle; it has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads.Originallyinvented during WW1 to break through trench lines, thetank didn’treach its full maturity – or potential – until WW2,when it became asignificant factor in warfare, both tactically andoperationally.The tank’s contribution to operational success wasso considerablethat an entirely new tactical and technologicalsystem of anti-tankwarfare was developed, using bazookas,minefields and even anti-tankdogs (with varying degrees ofsuccess). But today the concept of thetank is one hundred yearsold, and since its heyday 70 years agothere have been countlessdebates over whether tanks still have aplace in modern warfare.Regardless, the story of the tank since WW2has not been ofobsolescence but of evolution.Tanks were no longer produced in such vast quantities aftertheend of WW2, but they continued to be developed and hoarded byColdWar countries, largely as a threat of force initiative – muchlikeatomic weapons. There is no doubt that the tank remains afearsomedeterrent even to this day; news reports that tanks havebeen seenmoving into any skirmish area around the world immediatelyraisesalarms. They’re big, they’re scary, and when we see a tank weknowthe battle is getting to be a Fury, so expect them to be aroundforquite a while yet.