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Refranes 1.1.0
Esta aplicación permite buscar en el RefraneroCastellano por palabras claves. Los refranes, más de 7000, estánclasificados por letra. La aplicación presenta también un refránaleatorio al iniciarse. Conoce toda la sabiduría del refraneropopular.This application allowssearching the Castilian proverbs by keywords. Sayings, over 7000,are classified by letter. The application also displays a randomsaying at the beginning. Meet all the wisdom of popularsayings.
William Shakespeare Books 1.2.0
This app contains complete books of WilliamShakespeare like All's Well That Ends Well, A Lover's Complaint, AMidsummer Night's Dream, Antony and Cleopatra, As You Like It,Coriolanus, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, King John, Macbeth, Measure forMeasure, etc.
Jules Verne Books 1.1.0
Jules Gabriel Verne (8 February 1828 – 24March1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best knownfor hisadventure novels and his profound influence on the literarygenre ofscience fiction. Verne was born to bourgeois parents inthe seaportof Nantes, where he was trained to follow in hisfather's footstepsas a lawyer, but quit the profession early inlife to write formagazines and the stage. His collaboration withthe publisherPierre-Jules Hetzel led to the creation of theVoyagesextraordinaires, a widely popular series of scrupulouslyresearchedadventure novels including Journey to the Center of theEarth(1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), andAround theWorld in Eighty Days (1873). Verne is generallyconsidered a majorliterary author in France and most of Europe,where he has had awide influence on the literary avant-garde andon surrealism. Hisreputation is markedly different in Anglophoneregions, where he hasoften been labeled a writer of genre fictionor children's books,largely because of the highly abridged andaltered translations inwhich his novels are often reprinted. Vernehas been the secondmost-translated author in the world since 1979,ranking betweenAgatha Christie and William Shakespeare. He hassometimes beencalled the "Father of Science Fiction", a title thathas also beengiven to H. G. Wells and Hugo Gernsback. Thisapplication containsthe following books: A Journey into theInterior of the Earth, AJourney to the Centre of the Earth, AllAround the Moon, AnAntarctic Mystery, Around the World in EightyDays, Around the Worldin Eighty Days. Junior Deluxe Edition, AVoyage in a Balloon (1852),A Winter Amid the Ice, and OtherThrilling Stories, Dick Sand: ACaptain at Fifteen, Dick Sands, theBoy Captain, Eight HundredLeagues on the Amazon, Facing the Flag,Five Weeks in a Balloon /Or, Journeys and Discoveries in Africa byThree Englishmen, From theEarth to the Moon; and, Round the Moon,Godfrey Morgan: ACalifornian Mystery, In Search of the Castaways;Or, The Children ofCaptain Grant, In the Year 2889, MichaelStrogoff; Or, The Courierof the Czar, Off on a Comet! a Journeythrough Planetary Space,Robur the Conqueror, Round the World inEighty Days, The Adventuresof a Special Correspondent Among theVarious Races and Countries ofCentral Asia / Being the Exploitsand Experiences of ClaudiusBombarnac of "The Twentieth Century",The Blockade Runners, TheEnglish at the North Pole / Part I of theAdventures of CaptainHatteras, The Fur Country: Or, SeventyDegrees North Latitude, TheMaster of the World, The Moon-Voyage,The Mysterious Island, TheMysterious Island, The Survivors of theChancellor: Diary of J.R.Kazallon, Passenger, The Survivors of theChancellor, TheUnderground City; Or, The Black Indies / (SometimesCalled The Childof the Cavern), Ticket No. "9672", Topsy-Turvy,Twenty ThousandLeagues under the Sea and Twenty Thousand LeaguesUnder the Seas: AnUnderwater Tour of the World.
QR Code Maker Extended 1.1.0
This tool is a easy to use and convenientQRCode maker with multiple inputs: link, location, e-mail,text,call, SMS, Wi-Fi, v-card and Paypal. You can add your own logoorwatermark.
Seven Bibles 1.2.0
With this app you will be able to read,fromthe verse you wish, and search seven different versions of theHolyBible: American Standard Version, Bible in Basic English,DarbyBible, King James Version, World English Bible, Webster BibleandYoung's Bible.
Libros - Federico García Lorca 1.1.0
Federico García Lorca (Fuente Vaqueros, 5dejunio de 1898-camino de Víznar a Alfacar, 18 de agosto de 1936)fueun poeta, dramaturgo y prosista español, también conocido porsudestreza en muchas otras artes. Adscrito a la llamadaGeneracióndel 27, es el poeta de mayor influencia y popularidad delaliteratura española del siglo xx. Como dramaturgo, se leconsiderauna de las cimas del teatro español del siglo xx, juntoconValle-Inclán y Buero Vallejo. Murió fusilado tras el golpedeEstado que dio origen a la Guerra Civil Española.Esta aplicación contiene los siguientes libros: Amor dedonPerlimplín con Belisa en su jardín, Bodas de sangre, Doña Rositalasoltera o el lenguaje de las flores, La casa de Bernarda Alba,Lazapatera prodigiosa, Poema del cante jondo, Poesía completa,Poetaen Nueva York, Romancero gitano y Yerma.Federico GarcíaLorca(Fuente Vaqueros, June 5, 1898-way Víznar to Alfacar, August18,1936) was a poet, playwright and prose writer Spanish, alsoknownfor his skill in many other arts. It attached to theGeneration of27, it is the most influential poet and popularity ofSpanishliterature of the twentieth century. As a playwright, heisconsidered one of the summits of the Spanish theater ofthetwentieth century, along with Valle-Inclan and Buero Vallejo. Iwasexecuted after the coup that led to the Spanish Civil WarThis application contains the following books:. The Love ofDonPerlimplín and Belisa in the Garden, Blood Wedding, Doña RositatheSpinster or the Language flowers, the house of Bernarda Alba,theshoemaker's prodigious Wife, Poema del cante flamenco,completePoetry, Poet in New York, gypsy Ballads and Yerma.
Descarga de Libros 1.1.0
Desde esta app puedes descargar librosclásicosde dominio público en formato ePub gratuitamente paraleerlos en tulector favorito o con el lector incluído en laaplicación. Losautores incluídos son Charles Dickens, EmilioSalgari, FedorDostoyevski, Honoré de Blazac, León Tolstoi,Stendhal y Voltaire. Seincluirán nuevos autorespróximamente.From this app youcandownload classic public domain books for free in ePub formatforreading in your favorite reader or the reader included intheapplication. The included authors are Charles Dickens,EmilioSalgari, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Honoré de Blazac, LeoTolstoy,Stendhal and Voltaire. new authors will be includedsoon.
Libros de Joseph Conrad 1.1.0
Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, másconocidocomo Joseph Conrad (Berdyczów, entonces Polonia, actualUcrania, 3de diciembre de 1857 – Bishopsbourne, Inglaterra, 3 deagosto de1924), fue un novelista polaco que adoptó el inglés comolengualiteraria. Conrad, cuya obra explora la vulnerabilidad ylainestabilidad moral del ser humano, está considerado como unodelos más grandes novelistas de la literatura inglesa.La aplicación contiene los siguientes libros: Amy Foster, Bajolamirada de Occidente, El agente secreto, El corazón delastinieblas, El duelo, El Negro Del «Narcissus», El pirata, Freyalade las siete islas, Juventud, La línea de sombra, La posada delasdos brujas y otros relatos, Lord Jim, Nostromo y Victoria.Józef TeodorKonradKorzeniowski, known as Joseph Conrad (Berdyczów, then Poland,nowUkraine, December 3, 1857 - Bishopsbourne, England, August 3,1924)was a Polish novelist who adopted English as a literarylanguage.Conrad, whose work explores the vulnerability and moralinstabilityof the human being, is considered one of the greatestnovelists inEnglish literatureThe application contains the following books:. Amy Foster,UnderWestern Eyes , the secret agent, heart of darkness, the duel,theBlack the "Narcissus" pirate, Freya of the seven Isles, Youth,theshadow line, the inn of the two witches and other stories, LordJimNostromo and Victoria.
Holy Bible New Chinese Version 1.1.0
This app offers the complete (Old TestamentandNew Testament) New Chinese Version of the Holy Bible insimplifiedchinese language.
World English Bible Study 1.1.0
With this app you will be able to read theHolyBible (World English Bible version). The World English Bible(alsoknown as the WEB) is a free updated revision of theAmericanStandard Version (1901). It is one of the few publicdomain,modern-English translations of the entire Bible, and it isfreelydistributed to the public using electronic formats. The Biblewascreated by volunteers using the ASV as the base text as part oftheebible.org project through Rainbow Missions, Inc., aColoradononprofit corporation.
Anton Chekhov Books 1.1.0
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (29 January 1860 –15July 1904) was a Russian playwright and short story writer whoisconsidered to be among the greatest writers of short fictioninhistory. His career as a playwright produced four classics andhisbest short stories are held in high esteem by writers andcritics.Along with Henrik Ibsen and August Strindberg, Chekhov isoftenreferred to as one of the three seminal figures in the birthofearly modernism in the theater. Chekhov practiced as amedicaldoctor throughout most of his literary career: "Medicine ismylawful wife", he once said, "and literature is mymistress."Chekhov renounced the theatre after the disastrousreception of TheSeagull in 1896, but the play was revived toacclaim in 1898 byConstantin Stanislavski's Moscow Art Theatre,which subsequentlyalso produced Chekhov's Uncle Vanya and premieredhis last twoplays, Three Sisters and The Cherry Orchard. These fourworkspresent a challenge to the acting ensemble as well as toaudiences,because in place of conventional action Chekhov offers a"theatreof mood" and a "submerged life in the text". Chekhov had atfirstwritten stories only for financial gain, but as hisartisticambition grew, he made formal innovations which haveinfluenced theevolution of the modern short story. He made noapologies for thedifficulties this posed to readers, insisting thatthe role of anartist was to ask questions, not to answer them. Thisapplicationcontains the following works: Ivanoff: A Play, Lettersof AntonChekhov to His Family and Friends, Love and OtherStories,Note-Book of Anton Chekhov, Plays by Anton Chekhov, SecondSeries,Swan Song, The Bishop and Other Stories, The Chorus Girl andOtherStories, The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories, The DarlingandOther Stories, The Duel and Other Stories, The Horse-StealersandOther Stories, The House with the Mezzanine and Other Stories,TheLady with the Dog and Other Stories, The Party and OtherStories,The Schoolmaster and Other Stories, The Schoolmistress, andOtherStories, The Sea-Gull, The Slanderer / 1901, The Wife, andOtherStories, The Witch, and Other Stories and Uncle Vanya: ScenesfromCountry Life in Four Acts.
Honoré de Balzac Books 1.1.0
Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 – 18 August1850) was a French novelist and playwright. His magnum opus was asequence of short stories and novels collectively entitled LaComédie Humaine, which presents a panorama of French life in theyears after the 1815 Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte. Owing to his keenobservation of detail and unfiltered representation of society,Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in Europeanliterature. He is renowned for his multi-faceted characters; evenhis lesser characters are complex, morally ambiguous and fullyhuman. Inanimate objects are imbued with character as well; thecity of Paris, a backdrop for much of his writing, takes on manyhuman qualities. His writing influenced many famous writers,including the novelists Émile Zola, Charles Dickens, GustaveFlaubert, and Henry James, as well as important philosophers suchas Friedrich Engels. Many of Balzac's works have been made intofilms, and they continue to inspire other writers. This applicationcontains the following works: A Daughter of Eve, Adieu, ADistinguished Provincial at Paris, A Drama on the Seashore, AlbertSavarus, A Man of Business, Analytical Studies, An Episode underthe Terror, An Historical Mystery (The Gondreville Mystery), An OldMaid, Another Study of Woman, A Passion in the Desert, A Prince ofBohemia, A Second Home, A Start in Life, A Street of Paris and ItsInhabitant, At the Sign of the Cat and Racket, A Woman of Thirty,Beatrix, Bureaucracy, Catherine De Medici, Christ in Flanders,Colonel Chabert, Cousin Betty, Cousin Pons, Domestic Peace, DrollStories — Complete / Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine, DrollStories — Volume 1, Droll Stories — Volume 2, Droll Stories —Volume 3, El Verdugo, Eugenie Grandet, Eve and David, Facino Cane,Farewell, Father Goriot, Ferragus, Chief of the Dévorants, Gambara,Gaudissart II, Gobseck, Honorine, Juana, La Grande Breteche, LaGrenadiere, Letters of Two Brides, Lost Illusions, Louis Lambert,Love in a Mask / Or Imprudence and Happiness, Madame Firmiani,Maitre Cornelius, Massimilla Doni, Melmoth Reconciled, Mercadet: AComedy in Three Acts, Modeste Mignon, Pamela Giraud: A Play in FiveActs, Parisians in the Country, Paz (La Fausse Maitresse), PettyTroubles of Married Life, Complete, Petty Troubles of Married Life,First Part, Petty Troubles of Married Life, Second Part, PierreGrassou, Pierrette, Poor Relations, Rise and Fall of CesarBirotteau, Sarrasine, Scenes from a Courtesan's Life, Seraphita,Sons of the Soil, Study of a Woman, The Alkahest, The Atheist'sMass, The Ball at Sceaux, The Brotherhood of Consolation, TheCelibates, The Chouans, The Collection of Antiquities, TheCommission in Lunacy, The Country Doctor, The Deputy of Arcis, TheDeserted Woman, The Duchesse of Langeais, The Elixir of Life, TheExiles, The Firm of Nucingen, The Girl with the Golden Eyes, TheHated Son, The Hidden Masterpiece, The Human Comedy: Introductionsand Appendix, The Illustrious Gaudissart, The Jealousies of aCountry Town, The Lesser Bourgeoisie, The Lily of the Valley, TheMagic Skin, The Marriage Contract, The Message, The Muse of theDepartment, The Napoleon of the People, The Physiology of Marriage,Complete, The Physiology of Marriage, Part 1, The Physiology ofMarriage, Part 2, The Physiology of Marriage, Part 3, The Purse,The Recruit, The Red Inn, The Resources of Quinola: A Comedy in aPrologue and Five Acts, The Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan,The Stepmother, A Drama in Five Acts, The Thirteen, The TwoBrothers, The Unknown Masterpiece / 1845, The Vicar of Tours, TheVillage Rector, The Works Of Balzac / A linked index to all ProjectGutenberg editions, The Works of Honoré de Balzac: About Catherinede' Medici, Seraphita, and Other Stories, Two Poets, UnconsciousComedians, Ursula, Vautrin: A Drama in Five Acts, Vendetta and Z.Marcas.
Libros de Alejandro Dumas 1.1.0
Con esta aplicación puedes leer entudispositivo más de 30 obras de Alejandro Dumas. AlexandreDumas(Villers-Cotterêts, 24 de julio de 1802-Puys, cerca de Dieppe,5 dediciembre de 1870), conocido en los países hispanohablantescomoAlejandro Dumas, fue un novelista y dramaturgo francés.With this applicationyoucan read on your device more than 30 works of AlexanderDumas.Alexandre Dumas (Villers-Cotterets, July 24, 1802-Puys,nearDieppe, December 5, 1870), known in Spanish-speaking countriessuchas Alexandre Dumas, was a French novelist and playwright.
Short Stories 2.1.0
This application contains 60 classicshortstories from Alice Dunbar, Ambrose Bierce, Anton Chekhov,BretHarte, Charles Dickens, Frank Stockton, George Gissing, GuyDeMaupassant, Henry Lawson, Herman Melville, H. H. Munro, H.P.Lovecraft, Jack London, James Baldwin, James Joyce, JosephConrad,Jules Verne, Juliana Horatia Ewing, Louis Becke, LucyMaudMontgomery, Mark Twain, Maurice Baring, Nathaniel Hawthorne,RalphHenry Barbour, Rudyard Kipling, Sara Orne Jewett,SherwoodAnderson, Walter Besant, W. W. Jacobs and Zane Grey.
James Joyce Books 1.1.0
James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2 February1882– 13 January 1941) was an Irish novelist and poet. Hecontributed tothe modernist avant-garde, and is regarded as one ofthe mostinfluential and important authors of the twentiethcentury. Joyce isbest known for Ulysses (1922), a landmark work inwhich the episodesof Homer's Odyssey are paralleled in an array ofcontrastingliterary styles, perhaps most prominent among these thestream ofconsciousness technique he utilized. Other well-knownworks are theshort-story collection Dubliners (1914), and thenovels A Portraitof the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and FinnegansWake (1939). Hisother writings include three books of poetry, aplay, occasionaljournalism, and his published letters. Thisapplication contains thefollowing works: A Portrait of the Artistas a Young Man, ChamberMusic, Dubliners and Ulysses.
Charles Dickens Books 1.1.0
Charles John Huffam Dickens (7 February 1812–9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. Hecreatedsome of the world's best-known fictional characters and isregardedas the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His worksenjoyedunprecedented popularity during his lifetime, and by thetwentiethcentury critics and scholars had recognised him as aliterarygenius. His novels and short stories enjoy lastingpopularity. Thisapplication contains the following works: A Child'sDream of aStar, A Child's History of England, A Christmas Carol, AChristmasCarol, A Christmas Carol in Prose; Being a Ghost StoryofChristmas, American Notes, A Message from the Sea, A Tale ofTwoCities, Bardell v. Pickwick, Bleak House, Captain Boldheart&the Latin-Grammar Master / A Holiday Romance from the PenofLieut-Col. Robin Redforth, aged 9, Charles Dickens'ChildrenStories, David Copperfield, Dick and Fitzgerald Catalog(1866),Dickens' Stories About Children Every Child Can Read,DoctorMarigold, George Silverman's Explanation, Going into Society,GreatExpectations, Hard Times, Holiday Romance, Hunted Down:TheDetective Stories of Charles Dickens, Master Humphrey'sClock,Miscellaneous Papers, Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy, Mrs.Lirriper'sLodgings, Mudfog and Other Sketches, Mugby Junction,MugbyJunction, Oliver Twist, Oliver Twist, Illustrated / or, TheParishBoy's Progress, Oliver Twist, Vol. 1 (of 3), Oliver Twist,Vol. 2(of 3), Oliver Twist, Vol. 3 (of 3), Pearl-Fishing; ChoiceStoriesfrom Dickens' Household Words; First Series, Pearl-Fishing;ChoiceStories from Dickens' Household Words; Second Series,Pictures fromItaly, Reprinted Pieces, Sketches by Boz, Illustrativeof Every-DayLife and Every-Day People, Sketches of Young Couples,Sketches ofYoung Gentlemen, Somebody's Luggage, Some ChristmasStories,Speeches: Literary and Social, Sunday Under Three Heads,Tales fromDickens, The Battle of Life / A Love Story, The Battle ofLife, TheChimes / A Goblin Story of Some Bells That Rang an OldYear out anda New Year In, The Cricket on the Hearth: A Fairy Taleof Home, TheCricket on the Hearth: A Fairy Tale of Home, TheCricket on theHearth, The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain, TheHolly-Tree,The Lamplighter, The Letters of Charles Dickens / Vol.1,1833-1856, The Letters of Charles Dickens / Vol. 2, 1857-1870,TheLetters of Charles Dickens / Vol. 3, 1836-1870, The LovingBalladof Lord Bateman, The Magic Fishbone / A Holiday Romance fromthePen of Miss Alice Rainbird, Aged 7, The Mystery of Edwin Drood,ThePerils of Certain English Prisoners, The Poems and VersesofCharles Dickens, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club,v.2(of 2), The Seven Poor Travellers, The Trial of William Tinkling/Written by Himself at the Age of 8 Years, TheUncommercialTraveller, The Wreck of the Golden Mary, Three GhostStories, To BeRead at Dusk and Tom Tiddler's Ground.
Libros Gratis en Castellano 1.2.0
Libros Gratis en Castellano es unaaplicaciónque contiene cientos de libros clásicos para leer desdela mismaaplicación, con la opción de descargarlos para usoposterior.La lista de autores incluye: Mestrio Plutarco, Suetonio,Epicteto,Artemidoro, Lucio Apuleyo, Marco Aurelio Antonino Augusto,Lucianode Samosata, Apolonio de Rodas, Manetón, Jámblico deCalcis,Aristóteles, Platón, Esquilo, Lie Yukou, Tucídides,Aristófanes,Sófocles, Eurípides, Píndaro, Heródoto de Halicarnaso,Homero,Beato de Liébana, Chrétien de Troyes, Ramon Llull, DanteAlighieri,Giovanni Boccaccio, François Villon, Francesco Petrarca,JorgeManrique, Nicolás Maquiavelo, Erasmo de Rotterdam, MicheldeMontaigne, Giordano Bruno, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, TeresadeJesús, William Shakespeare, Félix Lope de Vega, MateoAlemán,Christopher Marlow, Tirso de Molina, Francisco de Quevedo,FrancisBacon, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, René Descartes, JohnMilton,Baltasar Gracián, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Molière, JeanRacine,Blaise Pascal, Baruch Spinoza, Juana Inés de la Cruz, SirIsaacNewton, Charles Perrault, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe,DenisDiderot, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Adam Smith,ImmanuelKant, Horace Walpole, Oliver Goldsmith, Johann Wolfgang vonGoethe,Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Lord Chesterfied, Edward Gibbon,DavidHume, Tomás de Iriarte, Friedrich Schiller, Félix MaríaSamaniego,Marqués de Sade, José de Cadalso, Karl Philipp Moritz,JamesBoswell, Benjamin Franklin, Mariscal de Richelieu,LeandroFernández de Moratín, Jan Potocki, Jane Austen, WilliamGodwin,William Blake, Novalis, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,FriedrichHölderlin, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Hermanos Grimm, Madame deStaël,E. T. A. Hoffmann, John William Polidori, Walter Scott,ArthurSchopenhauer, Mary Shelley, Washington Irving, Lord Byron,JohnKeats, Charles Robert Maturin, Thomas de Quincey, JamesFenimoreCooper, Victor Hugo, Honoré de Balzac, Giacomo Leopardi,ProsperMérimée, Edgar Allan Poe, Christoph Von Schmid, Stendhal,NikoláiGógol, Aleksandr S. Pushkin, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Alfred deMusset,Charles Dickens, Mariano José de Larra, Théophile Gautier,Alexisde Tocqueville, Hans Christian Andersen, Johann PeterEckermann,Karl Marx, Henry David Thoreau, Alexandre Dumas, JosédeEspronceda, William M. Thackeray, Ralph Waldo Emerson,GertrudisGómez de Avellaneda, Gustave Flaubert, SørenKierkegaard,Alessandro Manzoni, José Zorrilla, Benjamin Disraeli,DomingoFaustino Sarmiento, Charles Baudelaire, Jules Michelet,AnneBrontë, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, FiódorDostoyevski,Alexandre Dumas (hijo), Karl Marx & FriedrichEngels, FernánCaballero, Wilkie Collins, Modesto Lafuente, IvánTurguénev,Concepción Arenal, Juan Donoso Cortés, Herman Melville,AntonioCánovas del Castillo, Gérard de Nerval, Jules Verne,LevNikoláievich Tolstói, Walt Whitman, George Eliot, TheodorMommsen,Edmond y Jules de Goncourt, Charles Darwin, John StuartMill, PedroAntonio de Alarcón, Ivan Sergueevich Turguenev, Rosalíade Castro,Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Louisa May Alcott, Lewis Carroll,FriedrichNietzsche, Federico García Lorca, Sigmund Freud, ArthurRimbaud,Walter Scott, Thomas Hardy, Juan Valera, Mark Twain, RobertLouisStevenson, Edmond de Goncourt, August Strindberg, GuydeMaupassant, Italo Svevo, Anatole France, Mijail Bakunin,JoséMartí, Antón Chéjov, Leopoldo Alas «Clarín», Arthur ConanDoyle,Emilio Salgari, Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker, Rudyard Kipling,WilliamButler Yeats, Vincent van Gogh, Ambrose Bierce, VicenteBlascoIbáñez, Marcel Proust, H. G. Wells, Joseph Conrad, ÁngelGanivet,Karl May, Saturnino Calleja, Sigmund Freud, Stefan Zweig,G. K.Chesterton, Rubén Darío, Leopoldo Lugones, Jack London, LucyMaudMontgomery, Ramón María del Valle-Inclán, Rainer MariaRilke,Rabindranath Tagore, Zane Grey, Gilbert Keith Chesterton,FranzKafka, Miguel de Unamuno, Antonio Machado, GuillaumeApollinaire,James Joyce y H. P. Lovecraft.. Free books inCastilianis an application that contains hundreds of classic booksto readfrom the same application, with the option to download themforlater useThe list of authors includes: Mestrio Plutarch,Suetonius,Epictetus, Artemidoro, Lucius Apuleius, Marcus AureliusAntoninusAugustus, Lucian, Apollonius of Rhodes, Manetón,Iamblichus ofChalcis, Aristotle, Plato, Aeschylus, lie yukou,Thucydides,Aristophanes, Sophocles, Euripides, Pindar, Herodotus,Homer, Beatode Liebana, Chretien de Troyes, Ramon Llull, DanteAlighieri,Giovanni Boccaccio, François Villon, Francesco Petrarca,JorgeManrique, Niccolo Machiavelli, Erasmus of Rotterdam, MicheldeMontaigne, Giordano Bruno, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra,Teresa,William Shakespeare Felix Lope de Vega, Matthew German,ChristopherMarlow, Tirso de Molina, Francisco de Quevedo, FrancisBacon, PedroCalderon de la Barca, René Descartes, John Milton,BaltasarGracian, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Molière, Jean Racine,BlaisePascal, Baruch Spinoza, Juana Ines de la Cruz, Sir IsaacNewton,Charles Perrault, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, DenisDiderot,Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant,HoraceWalpole, Oliver Goldsmith, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ,GottholdEphraim Lessing, Lord Chesterfied, Edward Gibbon, DavidHume,Thomas Iriarte, Friedrich Schiller, Felix Maria Samaniego,Marquisde Sade, Jose de Cadalso, Karl Philipp Moritz, JamesBoswell,Benjamin Franklin, Marshal Richelieu, Leandro Fernandez deMoratín,Jan Potocki, Jane Austen, William Godwin, William Blake,Novalis,Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Friedrich Hölderlin, PercyByssheShelley, Brothers Grimm, Madame de Stael, ETA Hoffmann,JohnWilliam Polidori, Walter Scott, Arthur Schopenhauer, MaryShelley ,Washington Irving, Lord Byron, John Keats, Charles RobertMaturin,Thomas de Quincey, James Fenimore Cooper, Victor Hugo,Honoré deBalzac, Giacomo Leopardi, Prosper Merimee, Edgar AllanPoe,Christoph Von Schmid, Stendhal, Gogol, Aleksandr S .Pushkin,Nathaniel Hawthorne, Alfred de Musset, Charles Dickens,MarianoJosé de Larra, Theophile Gautier, Alexis de Tocqueville,HansChristian Andersen, Johann Peter Eckermann, Karl Marx, HenryDavidThoreau, Alexandre Dumas, Jose de Espronceda, William M.Thackeray,Ralph Waldo Emerson, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda,GustaveFlaubert, Søren Kierkegaard, Alessandro Manzoni, JoseZorrilla,Benjamin Disraeli, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, CharlesBaudelaire,Jules Michelet, Anne Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, EmilyBrontë, FyodorDostoevsky, Alexandre Dumas (son), Karl Marx &FriedrichEngels, Fernan Caballero, Wilkie Collins, ModestoLafuente, IvanTurgenev, Concepcion Arenal, Juan Donoso Cortés,Herman Melville,Antonio Canovas del Castillo, Gerard de Nerval,Jules Verne, LevNikolayevich Tolstoy, Walt Whitman George Eliot,Theodor Mommsen,Edmond and Jules de Goncourt, Charles Darwin, JohnStuart Mill,Pedro Antonio de Alarcon, Ivan Sergueevich Turgenev,Rosalia deCastro, Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, Louisa May Alcott, LewisCarroll,Friedrich Nietzsche, Federico Garcia Lorca Sigmund Freud,ArthurRimbaud, Walter Scott, Thomas Hardy, Juan Valera, MarkTwain,Robert Louis Stevenson, Edmond de Goncourt, AugustStrindberg, Guyde Maupassant, Italo Svevo, Anatole France, MikhailBakunin, JoséMartí, Anton Chekhov, Leopoldo Alas "Clarín", ArthurConan Doyle,Emilio Salgari, Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker, RudyardKipling, WilliamButler Yeats, Vincent van Gogh, Ambrose Bierce,Vicente BlascoIbanez, Marcel Proust, HG Wells, Joseph Conrad, AngelGanivet, KarlMay Saturnino Calleja, Sigmund Freud, Stefan Zweig, GKChesterton,Rubén Darío, Leopoldo Lugones, Jack London, Lucy MaudMontgomery,Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Rainer Maria Rilke, RabindranathTagore,Zane Grey, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Franz Kafka, MigueldeUnamuno, Antonio Machado, Guillaume Apollinaire, James Joyce andHPLovecraft.
QR Code Generator 1.8.0
This application is a easy to useandconvenient tool that help you create QR Code image displayed onthescreen with the possibility of downloading it to yourdevice.Several content types are supported, include text, url,email,contact, geolocation Wi-Fi and SMS.
Leo Tolstoy Books 1.1.0
Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy,usuallyreferred to in English as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writerwho isregarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. Born toanaristocratic Russian family in 1828, he is best known forthenovels War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877), oftencitedas pinnacles of realist fiction. He first achieved literaryacclaimin his twenties with his semi-autobiographical trilogy,Childhood,Boyhood, and Youth (1852–1856), and Sevastopol Sketches(1855),based upon his experiences in the Crimean War. Tolstoy'sfictionincludes dozens of short stories and several novellas suchas TheDeath of Ivan Ilyich, Family Happiness, and Hadji Murad. Healsowrote plays and numerous philosophical essays. In the 1870sTolstoyexperienced a profound moral crisis, followed by what heregardedas an equally profound spiritual awakening, as outlined inhisnon-fiction work A Confession. His literal interpretation oftheethical teachings of Jesus, centering on the Sermon on theMount,caused him to become a fervent Christian anarchist andpacifist.Tolstoy's ideas on nonviolent resistance, expressed insuch worksas The Kingdom of God Is Within You, were to have aprofound impacton such pivotal 20th-century figures as MohandasGandhi, MartinLuther King, Jr., and James Bevel. Tolstoy alsobecame a dedicatedadvocate of Georgism, the economic philosophy ofHenry George,which he incorporated into his writing, particularlyResurrection.This application contains the following works: ALetter to a Hindu,Anna Karenina, A Russian Proprietor, and OtherStories, BethinkYourselves!, Boyhood, Childhood, Fables forChildren, Stories forChildren, Natural Science Stories, PopularEducation, Decembrists,Moral Tales, Father Sergius, Fruits ofCulture, Katia, Master andMan, My Religion, On the Significance ofScience and Art, Plays:Complete Edition, Including the PosthumousPlays, Redemption andtwo other plays, Resurrection, Sevastopol, TheAwakening / (TheResurrection), The Cause of it All, The Census inMoscow, TheCossacks: A Tale of 1852, The First Distiller, TheForged Coupon,and Other Stories, The Journal of Leo Tolstoi(FirstVolume—1895-1899), The Kingdom of God is Within You /Christianityand Patriotism / Miscellanies, The Kingdom of God isWithin You /Christianity Not as a Mystic Religion But as a NewTheory of Life,The Kingdom of God Is Within You / Christianity Notas a MysticReligion but as a New Theory of Life, The Kingdom of Godis WithinYou, What is Art, The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories,The LightShines in Darkness, The Live Corpse, The Power ofDarkness, ThreeDays in the Village / And Other Sketches. Writtenfrom 1909 to July1910., Tolstoy on Shakespeare: A Critical Essay onShakespeare, Warand Peace, What Men Live By, and Other Tales, WhatShall We Do?,What to Do? Thoughts Evoked By the Census of Moscow,What to Do?Thoughts Evoked by the Census of Moscow, Where Love isThere God isAlso and Youth.
Internet Radio 1.0
Listen to selected radio stations and addyourfavorite radios to the app.
The Call of Cthulhu Lovecraft 1.4.0
With this app you can read the famousshortstory "The Call of Cthulhu" by H. P. Lovecraft. Written inthesummer of 1926, it was first published in the pulp magazineWeirdTales, in February 1928.
Oliver Twist Audiobook 1.1.0
Oliver Twist, or The Parish Boy's Progress,isthe second novel by Charles Dickens, and was first published asaserial 1837–9. The story is of the orphan Oliver Twist, whostartshis life in a workhouse and is then sold into anapprenticeshipwith an undertaker. He escapes from there and travelsto Londonwhere he meets the Artful Dodger, a member of a gang ofjuvenilepickpockets, which is led by the elderly criminal Fagin.OliverTwist is notable for Dickens's unromantic portrayal ofcriminalsand their sordid lives, as well as exposing the crueltreatment ofthe many orphans in London in the mid–nineteenthcentury. Thealternate title, The Parish Boy's Progress, alludes toBunyan's ThePilgrim's Progress, as well as the 18th-centurycaricature seriesby William Hogarth, A Rake's Progress and AHarlot's Progress. Anearly example of the social novel, Dickenssatirizes thehypocrisies of his time, including child labour, therecruitment ofchildren as criminals, and the presence of streetchildren. Thenovel may have been inspired by the story of RobertBlincoe, anorphan whose account of working as a child labourer in acottonmill was widely read in the 1830s. It is likely thatDickens's ownyouthful experiences contributed as well. Oliver Twisthas been thesubject of numerous adaptations, for various media,including ahighly successful musical play, Oliver!, and themultiple AcademyAward-winning 1968 motion picture.
Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë 1.1.0
Jane Eyre es una novela escrita porCharlotteBrontë, publicada en 1847 por Smith, Elder & Company,que —enel momento de su aparición— consiguió gran popularidad,encumbrandoa la autora como una de las mejores novelistasrománticas, y es hoyconsiderada un clásico de la literatura enlengua inglesa. Lanovela se tituló en principio Jane Eyre: unaautobiografía y sepublicó bajo el seudónimo de Currer Bell. Tuvo unéxito inmediato,tanto para los lectores como para la crítica. Unode sus másacérrimos defensores fue el escritor William MakepeaceThackeray,al cual muchos atribuyeron la obra, pues la autorapermaneció en elanonimato hasta un tiempo después de supublicación. Comoagradecimiento, Charlotte le dedicó la segundaedición de sunovela. Puede llegar a ser una autobiografía, ya quela autoratenía un amor secreto con un profesor belga llamadoConstantinHeger. La novela es considerada una de las primerasnovelasfeministas. La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para quepuedasleer los libros de tu dispositivo.Jane Eyre is a novelbyCharlotte Brontë novel, published in 1847 by Smith, Elder&Company, which -when his apparition got great popularity, highupto the author as one of the best romantic novelists, and istodayconsidered a classic of English literature. The novel calldJaneEyre in principle: an autobiography and published underthepseudonym Currer Bell. He was an immediate success, bothreadersand critics. One of his staunchest defenders was the writerWilliamMakepeace Thackeray, which many attributed the work, becausetheauthor remained anonymous until some time after its publication.Asa thank you, Charlotte dedicated the second edition of hisnovel.It can be an autobiography, since the author had a secretloveaffair with a Belgian professor named Constantin Heger. Thenovelis considered one of the first feminist novels. Theapplication hasan ePub reader so you can read books on yourdevice.
Jack London Books 1.1.0
John Griffith "Jack" London (born JohnGriffithChaney, January 12, 1876 – November 22, 1916) was anAmericannovelist, journalist, and social activist. A pioneer inthethen-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction, he wasone ofthe first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity anda largefortune from his fiction alone. Some of his most famousworksinclude The Call of the Wild and White Fang, both set intheKlondike Gold Rush, as well as the short stories "To Build aFire","An Odyssey of the North", and "Love of Life". He also wroteof theSouth Pacific in such stories as "The Pearls of Parlay" and"TheHeathen", and of the San Francisco Bay area in The Sea Wolf.Londonwas part of the radical literary group "The Crowd" in SanFranciscoand a passionate advocate of unionization, socialism, andtherights of workers. He wrote several powerful works dealingwiththese topics, such as his dystopian novel The Iron Heel,hisnon-fiction exposé The People of the Abyss, and The War oftheClasses. This application contains the following works: ADaughterof the Snows, Adventure, A Son Of The Sun, Before Adam,Brown Wolfand Other Jack London Stories / Chosen and Edited ByFranklin K.Mathiews, Burning Daylight, Children of the Frost, DutchCourageand Other Stories, Jerry of the Islands, John Barleycorn,LostFace, Love of Life, and Other Stories, Martin Eden,Michael,Brother of Jerry, Moon-Face, and Other Stories, On theMakaloaMat/Island Tales, Revolution, and Other Essays, SmokeBellew, SmokeBellew, South Sea Tales, Stories of Ships and the Sea/ Little BlueBook # 1169, Tales of the Fish Patrol, Tales of theFish Patrol,The Acorn-Planter / A California Forest Play (1916),The Call ofthe Wild, The Cruise of the Dazzler, The Cruise of theSnark, TheFaith of Men, Theft / A Play In Four Acts, The Game, TheGod of HisFathers: Tales of the Klondyke, The House of Pride, andOther Talesof Hawaii, The Human Drift, The Iron Heel, The Jacket(TheStar-Rover), The Kempton-Wace Letters, The Little Lady of theBigHouse, The Mutiny of the Elsinore, The Night-Born, The Peopleofthe Abyss, The Red One, The Road, The Scarlet Plague, TheSea-Wolf,The Son of the Wolf, The Strength of the Strong, TheTurtles ofTasman, The Valley of the Moon, War of the Classes, WhenGodLaughs, and Other Stories and White Fang.
Little Women Louisa May Alcott 1.1.0
Little Women is a novel by AmericanauthorLouisa May Alcott (1832–1888), which was originally publishedintwo volumes in 1868 and 1869. Alcott wrote the books rapidlyoverseveral months at the request of her publisher. The novelfollowsthe lives of four sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and AmyMarch—detailingtheir passage from childhood to womanhood, and isloosely based onthe author and her three sisters. Little Women wasan immediatecommercial and critical success, and readers demandedto know moreabout the characters. Alcott quickly completed a secondvolume(entitled Good Wives in the United Kingdom, although thisnamederived from the publisher and not from Alcott). It wasalsosuccessful. The two volumes were issued in 1880 in a singleworkentitled Little Women. Alcott also wrote two sequels to herpopularwork, both of which also featured the March sisters: LittleMen(1871) and Jo's Boys (1886). Although Little Women was a novelforgirls, it differed notably from the current writings forchildren,especially girls. The novel addressed three majorthemes:"domesticity, work, and true love, all of theminterdependent andeach necessary to the achievement of itsheroine's individualidentity." Little Women "has been read as aromance or as a quest,or both. It has been read as a family dramathat validates virtueover wealth", but also "as a means of escapingthat life by womenwho knew its gender constraints only too well".According to SarahElbert, Alcott created a new form of literature,one that tookelements from Romantic children's fiction and combinedit withothers from sentimental novels, resulting in a totally newformat.Elbert argued that within Little Women can be found thefirstvision of the "All-American girl" and that her multipleaspects areembodied in the differing March sisters. The book hasbeen adaptedfor film twice as silent films, and four times withsound, in 1933,1949, 1978 and 1994. Four television series weremade, includingtwo in Britain in the 1950s and two anime series inJapan in the1980s. A musical version opened on Broadway in 2005. AnAmericanopera version in 1998 has been performed internationallyand filmedfor broadcast on US television in 2001. The applicationhas an ePubreader to read your own books.
La Odisea de Homero 1.1.0
La Odisea es un texto épico griegocompuestopor 24 cantos, atribuido al poeta griego Homero. Se creeque fuecompuesta en el siglo VIII a. C. en los asentamientos queteníaGrecia en la costa oeste del Asia Menor (actual Turquíaasiática).Según otros autores, la Odisea se completa en el sigloVII a. C. apartir de poemas que sólo describían partes de la obraactual. Fueoriginalmente escrita en lo que se ha llamado dialectohomérico.Narra la vuelta a casa, tras la Guerra de Troya, del héroegriegoOdiseo. Además de haber estado diez años fuera luchando,Odiseotarda otros diez años en regresar a la isla de Ítaca, dondeposeíael título de rey, período durante el cual su hijo Telémaco ysuesposa Penélope han de tolerar en su palacio a lospretendientesque buscan desposarla (pues ya creían muerto aOdiseo), al mismotiempo que consumen los bienes de la familia. Lamejor arma deOdiseo es su mētis o astucia. Gracias a suinteligencia —además dela ayuda provista por Palas Atenea, hija deZeus Cronida— es capazde escapar de los continuos problemas a losque ha de enfrentarsepor designio de los dioses. Para esto, planeadiversas artimañas,bien sean físicas —como pueden ser disfraces— ocon audaces yengañosos discursos de los que se vale para conseguirsusobjetivos.La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leerloslibros de tu dispositivo.The Odyssey is aGreekepic text consists of 24 songs, attributed to the Greek poetHomer.It is believed to have been composed in the eighth century.C. insettlements that had Greece on the west coast of Asia Minor(nowAsiatic Turkey). According to other authors, the Odysseyiscompleted in the seventh century. C. from poems describingonlyparts of the present work. It was originally written in whathasbeen called Homeric dialect. Narrates the journey home aftertheTrojan War, the Greek hero Odysseus. Besides having spent tenyearsout fighting, it takes Odysseus ten years to return to theislandof Ithaca, which had the title of king, during which hissonTelemachus and his wife Penelope have to tolerate in his palacetothe suitors They are seeking marry (they believed deadOdysseus)while consuming the family assets. The best weapon is hisMetisOdysseus or cunning. Besides thanks to its intelligencesupportprovided by Pallas Athena, daughter of Zeus Cronida- is abletoescape the continuing problems to be faced by the design ofthegods. For this plan to various tricks, whether physical -suchasdisguises or bold and misleading speeches that uses to achieveitsgoals.The application has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
Dracula Audiobook 1.1.0
Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel byIrishauthor Bram Stoker. Famous for introducing the character ofthevampire Count Dracula, the novel tells the story ofDracula'sattempt to move from Transylvania to England so he mayfind newblood and spread the undead curse, and the battle betweenDraculaand a small group of men and women led by Professor AbrahamVanHelsing. Dracula has been assigned to many literarygenresincluding vampire literature, horror fiction, the gothicnovel andinvasion literature. Although Stoker did not invent thevampire, hedefined its modern form, and the novel has spawnednumeroustheatrical, film and television interpretations.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 1.0
The complete book 'The Adventures ofTomSawyer' written by Mark Twain, in 35 chapters, withsearchfunction, flip effect and bookmark feature.
Louisa May Alcott Books 1.3.0
Louisa May Alcott (November 29, 1832 – March6,1888) was an American novelist and poet best known as the authorofthe novel Little Women (1868) and its sequels Little Men (1871)andJo's Boys (1886). Raised by her transcendentalist parents,AbigailMay and Amos Bronson Alcott in New England, she grew upamong manyof the well-known intellectuals of the day such as RalphWaldoEmerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry David Thoreau.Nevertheless,her family suffered severe financial difficulties andAlcott workedto help support the family from an early age. Shebegan to receivecritical success for her writing in the 1860s.Early in her career,she sometimes used the pen name A. M. Barnardand under it wrotenovels for young adults. Published in 1868,Little Women is set inthe Alcott family home, Orchard House, inConcord, Massachusetts andis loosely based on Alcott's childhoodexperiences with her threesisters. The novel was very wellreceived and is still a popularchildren's novel today, filmedseveral times. Alcott was anabolitionist and a feminist andremained unmarried throughout herlife. She died in Boston on March6, 1888. Henry James called her"The novelist of children... theThackeray, the Trollope, of thenursery and the schoolroom." Thisapplication contains the followingbooks: A Garland for Girls, AModern Cinderella; Or, The Little OldShoe, and Other Stories, AnOld-Fashioned Girl, Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag,Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag VI /An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving, Etc., AuntJo's Scrap-Bag, Vol. 5 /Jimmy's Cruise in the Pinafore, Etc.,Behind a Mask; or, a Woman'sPower, Comic Tragedies / Written by'Jo' and 'Meg' and Acted by The'Little Women', Eight Cousins, EightCousins; Or, The Aunt-Hill,Flower Fables, Hospital Sketches, Jackand Jill, Jo's Boys, Kitty'sClass Day and Other Stories, LittleMen, Little Women, Louisa MayAlcott : Her Life, Letters, andJournals, Lulu's Library, VolumeIII (of 3), Lulu's Library, VolumeII (of 3), Lulu's Library,Volume I (of 3), Marjorie's Three Gifts,May Flowers, Moods,Mountain-Laurel and Maidenhair, On Picket Duty,and Other Tales,Pauline's Passion and Punishment, Rose in Bloom / ASequel to"Eight Cousins", Rose in Bloom / A Sequel to 'EightCousins',Shawl-Straps / A Second Series of Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag,SilverPitchers: and Independence, a Centennial Love Story,Spinning-WheelStories, The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne'sTemptation: AChristmas Story, The Candy Country, The Louisa AlcottReader: aSupplementary Reader for the Fourth Year of School, TheMysteriousKey and What It Opened, Three Unpublished Poems and UndertheLilacs.
Madame Bovary en español 1.1.0
Madame Bovary es una novela escrita porGustaveFlaubert. Se publicó por entregas en La Revue de Parisdesde el 1 deoctubre de 1856 hasta el 15 de diciembre del mismoaño; en forma delibro, en 1857. La aplicación dispone de un lectorePub para quepuedas leer los libros de tu dispositivo.Madame Bovary is anovelwritten by Gustave Flaubert. It was serialized in La Revue deParisfrom 1 October 1856 until 15 December of the same year; inbookform in 1857. The application has an ePub reader so you canreadbooks on your device.
Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes 1.2.0
This application contains hundreds ofquotesfrom the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The quotesaredisplayed randomly and you can view all quotes too. Theapplicationprovides a search engine.
Movie Search 1.3.0
This app is a movie search engineusingomdbapi.com to get information of the Internet MovieDatabase(IMDb). The app shows also movie posters, RottenTomatoesinformation and the movie website.
Bible Study ASV BBE DBY KJV 1.8.0
With this app you can read and study theHolyBible in several versions. The app contains many optionslikecommentaries, search engine, maps, parallels, comparisions,wordstatistics and deaf Bible. Bibles included are AmericanStandardVersion, Bible in Basic English, Darby Bible, Douay Reihms,KingJames Version, King James Version (2006), Webster Bible,WeymouthNT, World English Bible, Young's Literal Translation andHebrewWestminster Leningrad Codex.
Ulises de James Joyce 1.1.0
Ulises es una novela del escritorirlandésJames Joyce, publicada en 1922 con el título original eninglés deUlysses. Su título proviene del protagonista de la versiónlatinade la Odisea de Homero, originalmente llamado en griegoOdiseo. Laaplicación dispone además de un lector ePub para quepuedas leerlos libros de tu dispositivo.Ulysses is a novelbyIrish writer James Joyce, published in 1922 with theoriginalEnglish title Ulysses. Its title comes from the protagonistof theLatin version of Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus originally calledinGreek. The application also has an ePub reader so you canreadbooks on your device.
Aristotle Books 1.1.0
Aristotle (384–322 BC) was a Greekphilosopherand scientist born in the city of Stagira, Chalkidice,on thenorthern periphery of Classical Greece. His father,Nicomachus,died when Aristotle was a child, whereafter Proxenus ofAtarneusbecame his guardian. At eighteen, he joined Plato's AcademyinAthens and remained there until the age of thirty-seven (c.347BC). His writings cover many subjects – including physics,biology,zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry,theater,music, rhetoric, linguistics, politics and government –andconstitute the first comprehensive system of Westernphilosophy.Shortly after Plato died, Aristotle left Athens and, atthe requestof Philip of Macedon, tutored Alexander the Greatstarting from 343BC. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica,"Aristotle was thefirst genuine scientist in history ... [and]every scientist is inhis debt." This application contains thefollowing books: Aristotleon the art of poetry, Politics: ATreatise on Government, TheAthenian Constitution, The Categories,The Ethics of Aristotle, ThePoetics of Aristotle and The Works ofAristotle the FamousPhilosopher / Containing his CompleteMasterpiece and FamilyPhysician; his Experienced Midwife, his Bookof Problems and hisRemarks on Physiognomy.
El Conde de Montecristo 1.1.0
El conde de Montecristo (Le comtedeMonte-Cristo) es una novela de aventuras clásica de AlexandreDumaspadre y Auguste Maquet. Éste último no figuró en los títulosde laobra ya que Alexandre Dumas pagó una elevada suma de dineroparaque así fuera. Maquet era un colaborador muy activo en lasnovelasde Dumas, llegó a escribir obras enteras que Dumasreescribió mástarde. Esta obra se suele considerar como el mejortrabajo deDumas, y a menudo se incluye en las listas de las mejoresnovelasde todos los tiempos. El libro se terminó de escribir en1844, yfue publicado en una serie de 18 partes durante los dosañossiguientes. La historia tiene lugar en Francia, Italia yvariasislas del Mediterráneo durante los hechos históricos de1814–1838(Los Cien Días del gobierno de Napoleón I, el reinado deLuis XVIIIde Francia, de Carlos X de Francia y el reinado de LuisFelipe I deFrancia). Trata sobre todo los temas de la justicia, lavenganza,la piedad y el perdón y está contada en el estilo de unahistoriade aventuras. Dumas obtuvo la idea principal de unahistoria realque encontró en las memorias de un hombre llamadoJacques Peuchet.Peuchet contaba la historia de un zapatero llamadoFrançois Picaudque vivía en París en 1807. Picaud se comprometiócon una mujerrica, pero cuatro amigos celosos le acusaronfalsamente de ser unespía de Inglaterra. Fue encarcelado durantesiete años. Durante suencarcelamiento, un compañero de prisiónmoribundo le legó untesoro escondido en Milán. Cuando Picaud fueliberado en 1814, tomóposesión del tesoro, volvió bajo otro nombrea París y dedicó diezaños a trazar su exitosa venganza contra susantiguos amigos.La aplicación dispone de un lector ePub para que puedas leerloslibros de tu dispositivo.The Count of MonteCristo(Le Comte de Monte-Cristo) is a classic adventure novelbyAlexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet. The latter did not appearinthe titles of the works as Alexandre Dumas paid a large sumofmoney to make it so. Maquet was a very active partner in thenovelsof Dumas, he came to write whole works Dumas rewrote later.Thiswork is generally regarded as the best work of Dumas, and isoftenincluded in lists of the best novels of all time. The bookwaswritten in 1844, and was published in a series of 18 parts overthenext two years. The story takes place in France, Italy andseveralMediterranean islands during the historical events of1814-1838(The Hundred Days government of Napoleon I, Louis XVIII ofFrance,Charles X of France and the reign of Luis Felipe I ofFrance). Tryespecially the themes of justice, vengeance, mercy andforgiveness,and is told in the style of an adventure story. Dumasgot the mainidea of ​​a true story that found in the memories of aman namedJacques Peuchet. Peuchet told the story of a shoemakernamedFrancois Picaud who lived in Paris in 1807. Picaud was engagedto arich woman, but four jealous friends falsely accused him ofbeing aspy for England. He was jailed for seven years. Duringhisimprisonment, a fellow prison dying bequeathed a hidden treasureinMilan. When Picaud was released in 1814, he took possession ofthetreasure, returned under another name to Paris and spent tenyearsplotting his successful revenge against his former friends.The application has an ePub reader so you can read books onyourdevice.
Treasure Island Audiobook 1.1.0
Treasure Island is an adventure novelbyScottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, narrating a taleof"buccaneers and buried gold". It was originally serialized inthechildren's magazine Young Folks between 1881 and 1882 underthetitle Treasure Island, or the mutiny of the Hispaniola, creditedtothe pseudonym "Captain George North". It was first published asabook on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. Treasure Islandistraditionally considered a coming-of-age story, and is notedforits atmosphere, characters, and action. It is also noted as awrycommentary on the ambiguity of morality—as seen in LongJohnSilver—unusual for children's literature. It is one of themostfrequently dramatized of all novels. Its influence is enormousonpopular perceptions of pirates, including such elements astreasuremaps marked with an "X", schooners, the Black Spot,tropicalislands, and one-legged seamen bearing parrots ontheirshoulders.
Facts - Did You Know? 1.2.0
Did you know that in one day a full-grownoaktree expels 7 tons of water through its leaves? Thisapplicationdisplay random facts from a large database of over seventhousand.You can search the database by keywords too.
Gustave Flaubert Books 1.1.0
Gustave Flaubert (12 December 1821 – 8May1880) was an influential French novelist who was perhapstheleading exponent of literary realism in his country. He isknownespecially for his first published novel, Madame Bovary(1857), forhis Correspondence, and for his scrupulous devotion tohis styleand aesthetics. The celebrated short story writer Guy deMaupassantwas a protégé of Flaubert. This application contains thefollowingbooks: A Simple Soul, Bouvard and Pécuchet: A Tragi-comicNovel ofBourgeois Life, Bouvard and Pécuchet, part 2 / ATragi-comic Novelof Bougeois Life, vol. X, Herodias, Madame Bovary:A Tale ofProvincial Life, Vol. 1 (of 2), Madame Bovary, Over StrandandField: A Record of Travel through Brittany, Salammbo,SentimentalEducation; Or, The History of a Young Man. Volume 1,SentimentalEducation; Or, The History of a Young Man. Volume 2, TheGeorgeSand-Gustave Flaubert Letters, The Temptation of St. Antony;Or, ARevelation of the Soul and Three short works / The Dance ofDeath,the Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitaller, a SimpleSoul.
Bram Stoker Books 1.1.0
Abraham "Bram" Stoker (8 November 1847 –20April 1912) was an Irish author, best known today for his1897Gothic novel, Dracula. During his lifetime, he was better knownasthe personal assistant of actor Henry Irving and businessmanagerof the Lyceum Theatre in London, which Irving owned.Thisapplication contains the following works: Dracula, Dracula'sGuest,Famous Imposters, The Jewel of Seven Stars, The Lady of theShroud,The Lair of the White Worm, The Man and The Mystery oftheSea.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley 1.2.0
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus isanovel written by the English author Mary WollstonecraftShelleythat tells the story of a young science studentVictorFrankenstein, who creates a grotesque but sentient creaturein anunorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing thestorywhen she was 18, and the first edition of the novel waspublishedanonymously in London in 1818, when she was 20. Shelley'snamefirst appeared on the second edition, published in France in1823.Shelley travelled through Europe in 1814, journeying alongtheRiver Rhine in Germany with a stop in Gernsheim which is just 17km(10 mi) away from Frankenstein Castle, where, two centuriesbefore,an alchemist was engaged in experiments. Later, shetravelled inthe region of Geneva (Switzerland)—where much of thestory takesplace—and the topic of galvanism and other similaroccult ideaswere themes of conversation among her companions,particularly herlover and future husband, Percy Shelley. Mary,Percy, Lord Byronand John Polidori decided to have a competition tosee who couldwrite the best horror story. After thinking for days,Shelleydreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrifiedby whathe had made; her dream later evolved into the novel'sstory.Frankenstein is infused with elements of the Gothic novel andtheRomantic movement, and is also considered to be one of theearliestexamples of science fiction. Brian Aldiss has argued thatit shouldbe considered the first true science fiction storybecause, incontrast to previous stories with fantastical elementsresemblingthose of later science fiction, the central character"makes adeliberate decision" and "turns to modern experiments inthelaboratory" to achieve fantastic results. It has had aconsiderableinfluence in literature and popular culture and spawneda completegenre of horror stories, films and plays. Since thenovel'spublication, the name "Frankenstein" has often been used toreferto the monster itself, as it is in the stage adaptation byPeggyWebling. This usage is sometimes considered erroneous, butusagecommentators regard it as well-established and acceptable. Inthenovel, the monster is identified by words such as"creature","monster", "demon", and "it". Speaking to VictorFrankenstein, themonster refers to himself as "the Adam of yourlabours", andelsewhere as someone who "would have" been "yourAdam", but isinstead "your fallen angel." The application has anePub reader toread your own ePub ebooks. (Text by Wikipedia)
Friedrich Nietzsche Books 1.1.0
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844–25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic,poet,and Latin and Greek scholar whose work has exerted aprofoundinfluence on Western philosophy and modern intellectualhistory.Beginning his career as a classical philologist beforeturning tophilosophy, he became the youngest-ever occupant of theChair ofClassical Philology at the University of Basel in 1869, atage 24.He resigned in 1879 due to health problems that plagued himmost ofhis life, and he completed much of his core writing inthefollowing decade. In 1889, at age 44, he suffered a collapse andacomplete loss of his mental faculties. He lived his remainingyearsin the care of his mother (until her death in 1897) and thenhissister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, and died in 1900.Thisapplication contains the following works: Beyond Good andEvil,Homer and Classical Philology, Human, All Too Human: A BookforFree Spirits, Human, All-Too-Human: A Book For Free Spirits;PartII, On the Future of our Educational Institutions, TheAntichrist,The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, andSelectedAphorisms., The Dawn of Day, Thoughts out of Season, PartI,Thoughts Out of Season, Part II, Thus Spake Zarathustra: A BookforAll and None and We Philologists / Complete Works ofFriedrichNietzsche, Volume 8.
Agnes Grey Audiobook 1.1.0
Agnes Grey is the debut novel of EnglishauthorAnne Brontë (writing under the pen name of Acton Bell),firstpublished in December 1847, and republished in a secondedition in1850. The novel follows Agnes Grey, a governess, as sheworks withinfamilies of the English gentry. Scholarship andcomments by Anne'ssister Charlotte Brontë suggest the novel islargely based on AnneBrontë's own experiences as a governess forfive years. Like hersister Charlotte's novel Jane Eyre, itaddresses what the precariousposition of governess entailed andhow it affected a young woman.The choice of central characterallows Anne to deal with issues ofoppression and abuse of womenand governesses, isolation and ideasof empathy. An additionaltheme is the fair treatment of animals.Agnes Grey also mimics someof the stylistic approaches ofbildungsromans, employing ideas ofpersonal growth and coming toage, but representing a character whoin fact does not gain invirtue. The Irish novelist George Moorepraised Agnes Grey as "themost perfect prose narrative in Englishletters," and went so far asto compare Anne's prose to that ofJane Austen. Modern critics havemade more subdued claims admiringAgnes Grey with a less overtpraise of Brontë's work thanMoore.
Top Music Artists 1.0
Watch videos and listen to music of themostfamous artists in the world: Adele, Alicia Keys, ArianaGrande,Avril Lavigne, Beyoncé, Blake Shelton, Britney Spears, BrunoMars,Chris Brown, Christina Aguilera, Coldplay, David Guetta,DemiLovato, Drake, Ed Sheeran, Eminem, Jennifer Lopez, JustinBieber,Justin Timberlake, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, LilWayne,Mariah Carey, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, One Direction,P!nk,Pitbull, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Shakira, Snoop Dogg, TaylorSwift,Wiz Khalifa and Zayn.DISCLAIMER: The content provided in this app is hosted byYouTubeand is available in public domain. We do not upload anyvideos toYouTube. This app is just an organised way to browse andview thediscovered Music Videos. This way is not affiliatedwithYoutube.
Poetry 1.2.0
Read the classic poets through this app.
Estudio de la Biblia 1.1.0
Esta aplicación permite estudiar laSantaBiblia en español. Además de contener el texto completo delaBiblia, permite hacer búsquedas por palabras clave y dispone deunmapa para conocer los lugares a los que el texto hacereferencia.Los textos contenidos son la Biblia Reina Valera de1909, el NuevoTestamento Reina Valera de 1858 y las SagradasEscrituras de1569.This application allowstostudy the Holy Bible in Spanish. In addition to containing thefulltext of the Bible, lets you search by keyword and has a map toknowthe places to which the text refers. The contents texts arethe KingJames Bible of 1909, the New Testament King James 1858 and1569 theHoly Scriptures.