YabuSoft ئاپەکان

Activity record table / free 1.1
It is an application for recording of mooddisorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, the rhythm ofday-to-day.Ability(1)I can enter bedtime, wake-up time, medication time, meal time,bath time, mood (out of 5), and comments.(2)I can be seen in the graph the transition of mood.(3)I can be found in the list of input data.Input of each time, just two steps in the case of real-time.("Input" button → "OK" button)I can output in CSV data input data.You can also used as original data in order to fill out theform.In the case of bipolar disorder and depression, and the transitionof mood, grasp the rhythm of life is important.Every day, so always try to enter bedtime, and wake-up time, threeof the mood.
Activity record table 1.0
It is an application for recording of mooddisorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, the rhythm ofday-to-day.[! Please purchase it from been tested the free version! ]Ability(1)I can enter bedtime, wake-up time, medication time, meal time,bath time, mood (out of 5), and comments.(2)I can be seen in the graph the transition of mood.(3)I can be found in the list of input data.(4)I can output in CSV file the input data.(5)I can capture the app to CSV data.(6)Your ads will not showInput of each time, just two steps in the case of real-time.("Input" button → "OK" button)I can output in CSV data input data.You can also used as original data in order to fill out theform.In the case of bipolar disorder and depression, and the transitionof mood, grasp the rhythm of life is important.Every day, so always try to enter bedtime, and wake-up time, threeof the mood.
Soccer game management 1.1
It is an application that manages the gameoffootball results.Order display in winning points system is possible.In addition to the game management such as youth soccer, youcanalso take advantage in the game of soccer management game.It is possible to manage the match results in each league,youcan manage the game more than one tournament.In the case of youth soccer, performing the game management, itispossible to check the number of points each team, such asthenumber of runs, it is convenient for fresh strategy.If you play with friends soccer game, by which to rankbyperforming the outcome management, definitely double the fun!Also Youth Soccer, Enjoy by managing soccer game peach,victoryor defeat in this app!
激闘!ロボット対戦(とんとん相撲・紙相撲) 1.01
いわゆる、とんとん相撲、紙相撲です。なんとかマンやなんとかライダー、何とか戦隊が気になり出したお子様向けのアプリです。ダサいロボット(お子様のセンス次第)でとんとん相撲・紙相撲の対戦ができます。高度なゲームが氾濫している今、とんとん相撲・紙相撲のようなレトロなゲームに手を出してみてはいかが?【やり方】画面を叩くだけ。※画面を叩きすぎないようにとんとん相撲・紙相撲を楽しんでください。※画像の一部にMikeBehnken様の画像を使用させていただきました。So-called, sumo, sumo isapaper break even.It is an application rider, for children that squadron begantobe worried about and blah blah man somehow.I can play the sumo and paper sumo break even in the(sensedepending on the child) should robot.Now that the advanced game is flooding, and How about dabbledinretro game, such as sumo, paper sumo break even?[Way]Just hit the screen.※ Please enjoy a sumo sumo break even and paper so as not tohitthe screen too.※ I was allowed to use the image of MikeBehnken-like part oftheimage.
シンプル割り勘(割り勘計算機) 1.01
割り勘金額を計算するためのアプリです。よく使う機能のみのシンプルな割り勘計算機。・100円、500円、1000円単位に割り勘ができます。・男性、女性別に割り勘計算が可能。(上司 & 部下、大人 & 子供など、応用可能)・男性の上乗せ金額を設定可能。・集金額、お釣り額も計算するので、幹事さんも楽チン割り勘計算。It is an applicationforcalculating the amount Dutch treat.Dutch treat a simple calculator of only frequently used functions.· 100 yen, 500 yen, you can split the bill 1000 yen.• Can be calculated Dutch treat men and women different. (Bossandsubordinate, and adults and children, applicable)- Can be set plus the amount of man.· Because calculating collection amount, even your fishingamount,Mr. Secretary easy travel split the bill calculation.