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Spaghetti Recipes 1.0
This incredible Spaghetti Recipe app has allthe spaghetti recipes recipes you will need...and it's FREE for alimited time!Not only will you find over delicious spaghetti recipes, but theyare broken down into convenient categories according to they typeof spaghetti you want to make. Video recipes will show you exactlywhat to do, and Daily Recipes will give you brand new recipes EVERYDAY!Now you can save a lot of time and effort and make that specialspaghetti that your family will drool over! No more need to flipthrough dozens of cookbook or magazine pages. Everything you needis right here in this app. These recipes are tested and true andwon't let you down. Quick and easy Spaghetti Recipes are just aFREE download away!
Best Cake Recipes 1.0
Cake recipe recipes book is the ultimatecollection of cake recipes, tips . Cake Repices from all over theworld now can find a way to bake their favorite cake. The cake thatmatches with the user’s desire and expectation are now really easyto bake. You can find all the recipe from the application and bakewhatever you want within a minute. The cake recipe book applicationcontains all types of cake recipe tutorial starting from fiveminutes cake to vanilla cake,Chocolate Cakes, Fruit Cakes, BerryCakes, and Cupcakes. The application is a delight for the cakelovers.You can try on these recipes on weekends, holidays, birthdays, orsome other parties and serve them to your loved ones. Thisapplication will tell you what type of cake you can make at theevents like that.This application is very simple. You will be facilitated in theuse of this application and it's FREE!
Humor Stories Short 1.0
The Humor stories short is a free applicationthat allows us to become familiar with different interestingstories both fascinating and instructive. Application allows you toget of fun stories to read and laugh. Depending on your mood, youcan read this or that story at any time by using the Humor storiesshort .The application is very simple to use and have many usefulfunctions.
Romeo and Juliet - Ebook 1.0
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written byWilliam Shakespeare early in his career about two youngstar-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feudingfamilies. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during hislifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequentlyperformed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded asarchetypal young lovers.Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romancesstretching back to antiquity. Its plot is based on an Italian tale,translated into verse as The Tragical History of Romeus and Julietby Arthur Brooke in 1562 and retold in prose in Palace of Pleasureby William Painter in 1567. Shakespeare borrowed heavily from bothbut, to expand the plot, developed supporting characters,particularly Mercutio and Paris. Believed to have been writtenbetween 1591 and 1595, the play was first published in a quartoversion in 1597. This text was of poor quality, and later editionscorrected it, bringing it more in line with Shakespeare'soriginal.
Famous Stories - O. Henry 1.0
O. Henry is one of the most famous writer ofshort stories. His stories are well known throughout the world;noted for their witticism, clever wordplay, and unexpected "twist"endings. Out of several work done by O. Henry, we are presenting 53most famous stories which touch your heart and their twists makeyou feel as you are the character .Clean and clean text and clear interface makes your readingenjoyable.We hope you would like this application, please rate us, yourratings and feedback are important to us.Thanks!!
Best Ghost Stories 2.0
Real, true ghost stories and paranormalexperiences. Do you believe ghosts exist? Read about supernaturalencounters and hauntings using this amazing Ghost Stories App!Welcome to the world of real ghost stories, urban legends andspooky tales, you know the type, they are always told at sleepoversand camps, they are always just that little bit stranger than thetrue ghost stories and ALWAYS happened to a friend of a friend!Download this app for free and enjoy! For the full effect, readalone in the dark!
Best Love Tips 1.0
Love is necessity of life, every person needslove. This App helps the people about their love,likehow to represent their emotions for making strong relationship.This app has many different categories such as:How to date.How to propose whom you love most.how to act in-front of your love to make things positive etc.Good Luck !! enjoy your life
Romantic Love Stories 2.0
Do you like romantic stories? Our gentle andtouching stories about true love embrace you.Get inspired with the love stories of fantastic people! Expressyour love with the help of these love stories and impress yourbetter half. Put your feelings into words to reveal how stronglyyou feel for your partner.Everyone searching for true love in the world. Love if we definethe word than its just the most precious time of life, the feelingsthat never ends, the beauty that never get dull, relation that isabove all relations.
Pregnancy Exercise 1.0
Pregnancy Exercise and Nutrition is vital forthe health of mom and baby. Now is the most crucial time to getyour health in order so you can have the healthiest and happiestbaby and pregnancy possible. Prevent pains, aches, nausea,cramping, morning sickness and excess weight gain with the ONLYsystem proven to help women enjoy their pregnancy and create ahealthy baby.Perform all exercises at least three times a week, on alternatedays, on a firm (but not too hard) surface, such as an exercisemat. Perform them in the following order. Be sure to breathenormally during all exercises; don't hold your breath. Duringabdominal exercises, it may be easier to exhale on exertion, thatis, inhale when you are down and exhale briskly as you perform thelift. The following exercises work all major muscle groups. Don'tskip any!
Mountaineering Guide 1.0
Mountaineering or mountain climbing is thesport, hobby or profession of hiking, skiing, and climbingmountains. While mountaineering began as attempts to reach thehighest point of unclimbed mountains, it has branched intospecialisations that address different aspects of the mountain andconsists of three areas: rock-craft, snow-craft and skiing,depending on whether the route chosen is over rock, snow or ice.All require experience, athletic ability, and technical knowledgeto maintain safety.This field manual details techniques soldiers and leaders mustknow to cope with mountainous terrain. These techniques are thefoundation upon which the mountaineer must build. They must beapplied to the various situations encountered to include rivercrossings, glaciers, snow-covered mountains, ice climbing, rockclimbing, and urban vertical environments.
Robin Hood - Ebook 1.0
Robin Hood becomes an outlaw after a conflictwith foresters and through his many adventures and run-ins with thelaw. Each chapter tells a different tale of Robin as he recruitsMerry Men, resists the authorities, and aids his fellow man. Thepopular stories of Little John defeating Robin in a fight withstaffs, of Robin's besting at the hands of Friar Tuck, and of hiscollusion with Allan-a-Dale all appear. In the end, Robin and hismen are pardoned by King Richard the Lionheart and his band areincorporated into the king's retinue, much to the dismay of theSheriff of Nottingham.Read full story in this app for free.
Fish Recipes 1.0
This incredible Fish recipes app has all thefish recipe recipes you will need...and it's FREE for a limitedtime!Not only will you find delicious fish recipes, but they arebroken down into convenient categories according to they type ofdish you want to make. Recipes will show you exactly what to do,plus you can save your favorite recipes for easy referencelater!Now you can save a lot of time and effort and find that perfectfish recipes you're looking for! No more need to flip throughdozens of cookbook or magazine pages. Everything you need is righthere in this app. These recipes are tested and true and won't letyou down. Quick and easy Fish Recipes are just a FREE downloadaway!This app is going to be free for a limited time so make sureto...
Natural Beauty Tips 1.0
Want Flawless Skin,Glowing Face,Gorgeous hair?You can achieve it easily with the help of this app.This completebeauty guide provides simple as well as very effective tips forFace,Skin and Hair.Follow the homely tips in the apps and collect the complimentsflowing your wayThis beauty tips helps to all girl who want to take care by herselflike,Fairer Complexion,Pimples and AcneHair Split Ends, Tea water and honey face pack, Under Eye DarkCirclesThese are all Natural care tips and Valuable Home Remedies for aglowing skin, Daily beauty tips for skin glow and fairnesstreatment.
BellyFat Exercises 1.0
Are you finding it difficult to fit into yourlittle black number? Is belly fat giving you sleepless nights? Ifyour answer is yes, then you need to make some lifestyle changes tosolve it. Abdominal fat can take serious proportions if not curbedat the right time. No doubt, belly fat looks aestheticallydispleasing, but what is more important is its affect on long termhealth.A change in diet and lifestyle might make you want to back out.But wait, don’t lose heart, the best way to get a slim waistline isexercising. The focus of this app is on the reasons why fataccumulates in the belly and some very simple exercise you canpractice daily to lose the extra pounds from your abdomen.We hope essentialy helping to reduce your Belly fat in faster waywith our belly fat exercises app.
Grimm's Fairy Tales Collection 1.0
This application contains 62 folk and fairytales by the Brothers Grimm.To name some of the stories in thisapp:Rumpelstiltskin, Tom Thumb, Clever Gretel, Rapunzel, The ValiantLittle Tailor, Goose-Girl and many more.A fairy tale is a type of short story that typically featuresEuropean folklore fantasy characters, such as fairies, goblins,elves, trolls, dwarves, giants, witches, mermaids, or gnomes, andusually magic or enchantments. Fairy tales may be distinguishedfrom other folk narratives such as legends and explicit moraltales, including beast fables.
Stories of Akbar Birbal 1.0
The Stories of Akbar Birbal are very popularamong kids and adults alike and forms an indispensable part inIndian folk lore.Akbar was the Mughal King and Birbal was the (Wazir-e Azam) of theMughal court in the administration of the Mughal emperorAkbar.Birbal was one of his most trusted members along with being a partof Akbar's inner council of nine advisors. He was also known forhis quick wit, wisdom and abundance of knowledge. He shared a greatfriendship with King Akbar and the latter was very fond ofhim.Birbal's duties in Akbar's court were mostly military andadministrative, but he was also a very close friend of the emperor,who appreciated Birbal for his wit and wisdom, often involvinghumorous.The tales include:- Question for a Question- Who is the Donkey- How many crows in the kingdom- Fast Horse- Birbals Sweet ReplyAll are very interesting and very short stories
Story Books for Kids 1.0
Collection of some of story books for kidsbest . Free Kids stories for everyone. If you are grown up but missthese children's stories of your childhood or you are a kid andwant to read these stories.Free Application with colorful pictures and text. Read out toyour child from these popular fairy tales while you put her tosleep.Read out to your child from this app and being the habit ofreading. This App also contains a collection of moral stories.Story List:-THE SIEGE OF BERLIN-THE FROG PRINCE-BILL AND THE BOOM BOX ROCKET-THE HUNGRY MOUSE-THE BANKER AND THE PAUPER-THE TWO GOATS-THE SNOW QUEENThere are enough of the stories in each category to keep youbusy.Tag: Stories, Kids Stories, Kids, Moral
Success Quotes 1.0
This book contains many success quotes frommany famous.Need a little motivation and inspiration to keep pushing yourselfto succeed? Ever have those moments where you forget to believe inyourself?You can even let others know what motivates you to succeed bysharing your favorites with friends! Success will be yours!
Uncle Tom's Cabin - eBook 1.0
Uncle Tom's Cabin is an anti-slavery novel byAmerican author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, the novel"helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War", according to WillKaufman. Stowe, a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford FemaleSeminary and an active abolitionist, featured the character ofUncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave around whom the stories ofother characters revolve.The sentimental novel depicts the reality of slavery while alsoasserting that Christian love can overcome something as destructiveas enslavement of fellow human beings. Uncle Tom's Cabin was thebest-selling novel of the 19th century and the second best-sellingbook of that century, following the Bible. It is credited withhelping fuel the abolitionist cause in the 1850s.In 1855, three years after it was published, it was called "themost popular novel of our day." The impact attributed to the bookis great, reinforced by a story that when Abraham Lincoln met Stoweat the start of the Civil War, Lincoln declared, "So this is thelittle lady who started this great war."
The Count of Monte Cristo 1.0
The Count of Monte Cristo is an adventurenovelby French author Alexandre Dumas completed in 1844. The storytakesplace in France, Italy, and islands in the Mediterraneanduring thehistorical events of 1815–1839: the era of the BourbonRestorationthrough the reign of Louis-Philippe of France.It begins just before the Hundred Days period (whenNapoleonreturned to power after his exile).The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book,anadventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope,justice,vengeance, mercy, and forgiveness.It centers around a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapesfromjail, acquires a fortune, and sets about getting revenge onthoseresponsible for his imprisonment. However, his planshavedevastating consequences for the innocent as well as theguilty. Inaddition, it is a story that involves romance, loyalty,betrayal,and selfishness, shown throughout the story as charactersslowlyreveal their true inner nature.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
Fairy Tales and Fables 1.0
A fable is a very short story which promisestoillustrate or teach us a lesson which is also called amoral.Usually if not always, fables are stories having animalcharactersthat talk like humans.This applicaiton contains 52 fables and fairy tales withgoodquality images which makes you and your kids interestedinreading.
Treasure Island 1.0
Treasure Island is an epic adventure: a taleofpirates, treasure, and exploration of an unknown andmysteriousisland. Throughout the course of the book, many lessonsare learnedthat give the reader advice so he/she can better survivein thereal world. The literal Treasure Island itself represents theworldin which we live, a world with many hazards and scatteredrewardsto be found.The bookís most important lesson to be learned though, is thatasolid command of the language and knowing when to use it canmakelife much easier for a person. Although this story takesplacecenturies before our time now, this useful lesson found in itcanstill be applied to our lives today.Read full story in this app for free.
Alice in Wonderland 1.0
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is an1865novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson underthepseudonym Lewis Carroll.It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole intoafantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures.Thetale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularitywithadults as well as with children. It is considered to be one ofthebest examples of the literary nonsense genre. Its narrativecourseand structure, characters and imagery have beenenormouslyinfluential in both popular culture and literature,especially inthe fantasy genre.
Moby Dick 1.0
Moby Dick is a novel by HermanMelvilleconsidered an outstanding work of Romanticism and theAmericanRenaissance. Ishmael narrates the monomaniacal quest ofAhab,captain of the whaler Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, awhitewhale which on a previous voyage destroyed Ahab's ship andseveredhis leg at the knee. Although the novel was a commercialfailureand out of print at the time of the author's death in 1891,itsreputation as a Great American Novel grew during the 20thcentury.William Faulkner confessed he wished he had written ithimself, andD. H. Lawrence called it "one of the strangest and mostwonderfulbooks in the world", and "the greatest book of the seaeverwritten". "Call me Ishmael" is one of world literature'smostfamous opening sentences.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
Beyond Good and Evil 1.0
Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to aPhilosophyof the Future is a book by philosopher FriedrichNietzsche, firstpublished in 1886. It draws on and expands theideas of hisprevious work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, but with a morecritical andpolemical approach.In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche accuses past philosophersoflacking critical sense and blindly accepting dogmatic premisesintheir consideration of morality.Specifically, he accuses them of founding grandmetaphysicalsystems upon the faith that the good man is theopposite of theevil man, rather than just a different expression ofthe same basicimpulses that find more direct expression in the evilman.
Around the World in 80 Days 1.0
Around the World in Eighty Days is aclassicadventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, publishedin1873.In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employedFrenchvalet Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80dayson a £20,000 wager (roughly £1.6 million today) set by hisfriendsat the Reform Club. It is one of Verne's most acclaimedworks.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
Sense and Sensibility 1.0
Sense and Sensibility is a novel byJaneAusten, and was her first published work when it appeared in1811under the pseudonym "A Lady". A work of romantic fiction,betterknown as a comedy of manners, Sense and Sensibility is setinsouthwest England, London and Kent between 1792 and 1797,andportrays the life and loves of the Dashwood sisters, ElinorandMarianne.The novel follows the young ladies to their new home, ameagrecottage on a distant relative's property, where theyexperiencelove, romance and heartbreak.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
Wuthering Heights 1.0
Wuthering Heights is Emily Bronte's onlynovel.Written between October 1845 and June 1846, WutheringHeights waspublished in 1847 under the pseudonym "Ellis Bell";Brontë died thefollowing year, aged 30.Wuthering Heights and Anne Bronte's Agnes Grey were acceptedbypublisher Thomas Newby before the success of theirsisterCharlotte's novel, Jane Eyre. After Emily's death, Charlotteeditedthe manuscript of Wuthering Heights, and arranged for theeditedversion to be published as a posthumous second editionin1850.Although Wuthering Heights is now widely regarded as a classicofEnglish literature, contemporary reviews for the novel weredeeplypolarised; it was considered controversial because itsdepiction ofmental and physical cruelty was unusually stark, and itchallengedstrict Victorian ideals of the day, including religioushypocrisy,morality, social classes and gender inequality.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
Just So Stories 1.0
The Just So Stories for Little Children areacollection written by the British author Rudyard Kipling.Highlyfantasized origin stories, especially for differencesamonganimals, they are among Kipling's best known works. The JustSoStories typically have the theme of a particular animalbeingmodified from an original form to its current form by the actsofman, or some magical being. For example, the Whale has atinythroat because he swallowed a mariner, who tied a raft insidetoblock the whale from swallowing other men. The Camel has ahumpgiven to him by a djinn as punishment for the camel's refusingtowork (the hump allows the camel to work longer between timesofeating). The Leopard's spots were painted by an Ethiopian(afterthe Ethiopian painted himself black). The Kangaroo getsitspowerful hind legs, long tail, and hopping gait after beingchasedall day by a dingo, sent by a minor god responding totheKangaroo's request to be made different from all other animals.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
The Scarlet Letter 1.0
The Scarlet Letter: A Romance is an 1850workof fiction in a historical setting, written by NathanielHawthorne,and is considered to be his magnum opus. Set in17th-centuryPuritan Boston, Massachusetts, during the years 1642 to1649, ittells the story of Hester Prynne, who conceives a daughterthroughan affair and struggles to create a new life of repentanceanddignity. Throughout the book, Hawthorne explores themesoflegalism, sin, and guilt.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
Through the Looking Glass 1.0
Through the Looking-Glass is a novel byLewisCarroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), the sequel toAlice'sAdventures in Wonderland (1865). Set some six months laterthan theearlier book, Alice again enters a fantastical world, thistime byclimbing through a mirror into the world that she can seebeyondit. Through the Looking-Glass includes such celebrated versesas"Jabberwocky" and "The Walrus and the Carpenter", and theepisodeinvolving Tweedledum and Tweedledee.This work is in the public domain, and therefore hasbeenidentified as being free of known restrictions undercopyrightlaw
David Copperfield 1.0
David Copperfield is the eighth novelbyCharles Dickens. It was first published as a serial in 1849–50,andas a book in 1850. Many elements of the novel follow eventsinDickens' own life, and it is probably the most autobiographicalofhis novels. In the preface to the 1867 edition, Dickenswrote,"like many fond parents, I have in my heart of hearts afavoritechild. And his name is David Copperfield."This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
Dubliners 1.0
Dubliners is a collection of fifteenshortstories by James Joyce, first published in 1914. They formanaturalistic depiction of Irish middle class life in andaroundDublin in the early years of the 20th century.The stories were written when Irish nationalism was at itspeak,and a search for a national identity and purpose was raging;at acrossroads of history and culture, Ireland was jolted byvariousconverging ideas and influences.They centre on Joyce's idea of an epiphany: a moment whereacharacter experiences a life-changing self-understandingorillumination.Many of the characters in Dubliners later appear in minorrolesin Joyce's novel Ulysses. The initial stories in thecollection arenarrated by child protagonists, and as the storiescontinue, theydeal with the lives and concerns of progressivelyolder people.This is in line with Joyce's tripartite division ofthe collectioninto childhood, adolescence and maturity.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
Anne of Green Gables 1.0
Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novelbyCanadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery.Written for all ages, it has been considered a children'snovelsince the mid-twentieth century. It recounts the adventures ofAnneShirley, an 11-year-old orphan girl who is mistakenly senttoMatthew and Marilla Cuthbert, a middle-aged brother and sisterwhohad intended to adopt a boy to help them on their farm inPrinceEdward Island. The novel recounts how Anne makes her way withtheCuthberts, in school, and within the town.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
Dessert Recipes 1.0
This incredible Dessert Recipe app has allthedessert recipes you will need...and it's FREE for a limitedtime!Not only will you find delicious dessert recipes, but theyarebroken down into convenient categories according to they typeofdessert you want to make. Video recipes will show you exactlywhatto do, and Daily Recipes will give you brand new recipesEVERYDAY!Now you can save a lot of time and effort and make thatspecialdessert recipe you've been looking for! No more need toflipthrough dozens of cookbook or magazine pages. Everything youneedis right here in this app. These recipes are tested and trueandwon't let you down. Quick and easy Dessert Recipes are just aFREEdownload away!This app is going to be free for a limited time so makesureto...
Urban Legends 2.0
Urban Legends is a collection of 140scarystories perfect for a good scare any time of year. Thesestoriesare especially good for Halloween or around a camp fire.Scare yourfriends by telling these stories! Urban Legends has asavedcheckbox next to each story to help you keep track of thosestoriesyou have read. Check back soon, many more stories andoptions tocome. All stories are currently in ENGLISH languageonly.
Stories Indian Mythology 3.0
This app is a collection of greatindianmythological stories.Through generations, different stories in Indian mythology havebeenpassed from generation to generation either by word of mouthorthrough carefully stored. These stories will inspireyougreatly.Wish you read comic fun with this app.
Fables Stories 1.0
The Fables consists simply in the narrationofa story either founded on facts or created solely bytheimagination and not necessarily associated with the teaching ofanymoral lesson.Fables Stories is the designed use of language purposelyintendedto convey a hidden and secret meaning other than thatcontained inthe words themselves and which may or may not bear aspecialreference to the hearer or to the reader.The Fables partly agrees with and partly differs from bothofthese. It will contain, like the Tale, a short but realnarrative.It will seek, like the Parable, to convey a hiddenmeaning and thatnot so much by the use of language, as by theskilful introductionof fictitious characters.
100 Moral Short Stories 2.0
Collection of several moral andinspirationalstories. Start your day with great stories to upliftyour moral.Learn the true human values with interesting story. Usethe lessonslearned by these inspirational stories to change yourlife.Story includes famous fables from around the world.Several funny and humorous stories to teach you lesson withalaugh.Stories about love, righteousness, trust, unity, religious andwellbeing.Moral Short Stories app have all kinds of storieslikeinspirational, funny stories, witty stories, motivationalstories,spiritual stories and lot more.
Seafood Recipes 1.0
This incredible Seafood Recipes app has alltheSeafood Recipes you will need...and it's FREE for a limitedtime!Not only will you find delicious Seafood recipes, but theyarebroken down into convenient categories according to the typeofdish you want to make.Recipes will show you exactly what todo,plus you can save your favorite recipes for easyreferencelater!Now you can save a lot of time and effort and find thatperfectSeafood recipes you're looking for! No more need to flipthroughdozens of cookbook or magazine pages. Everything you need isrighthere in this app. These recipes are tested and true and won'tletyou down. Quick and easy Seafood Recipes are just a FREEdownloadaway!This app is going to be free for a limited time so makesureto...
Survival Guide 1.0
Survival Guide is the United StatesArmy'sofficial guide to survival.With an emphasis towards the soldier who may be trapped behindenemylines or in a combat zone, the field manual focuses onessentialtopics such as evasion, navigation, radio communicationsandsignaling, recovery, medical, personal protection, water, food,andother extreme circumstances that the soldier may face. "ArmyFieldManual FM 21-76 (Survival, Evasion, and Recovery)" is a mustformilitary buffs and a useful survival guide for anyone venturingintothe wilderness.
World History Ancient History 2.0
World History: Ancient History is acompleteapps for you to learn world history in an ancientcivilization. Itcovers pretty well from the age of dinosaur up tothe great war ofancient times. Although it does not talk a lotabout dinosaur,there is lots of information about our originalityor it is bestdescribe in Darwin’s theory of evolution. Although,there heavyargument about this theory, it is still a logical theorytoconsider and learn.The list of content for world history ancient: ancient historyareas below:Mankind OriginalityAncient Handy ManAncient Man became the HunterAdvance HunterNew Modern HumanCave Painting by Ancestor......
Hidden Tricks - Good 2.0
Hidden Tricks contain some most amaizingHiddentricks.Get the best hidden tricks with this app and also help youtoincrease knowledge.Some of the Points of this application are--Business TricksDaily Life TricksFunny Maths TricksCarrom TricksMobile TricksMagic Card TricksPhotoshop TricksThis application is absolutely Free!This app is offline so you dont need to haveinternetconnection.
Ouija Board Horror Stories 2.0
Now you can thrill while reading thistrueouija board stories.Some intresting story names below from this app :-Nightmares About A Ouija Board.- Spirit Said It's Name Was Hekla.- MY "BROTHER," WIZ.#- ZOZO Killed My Best Friend.- My Real Ouija Board Experience.- Nightmares About A Ouija Board.- Can't Hide Secrets from Ouija and many more intrestingscarytrue ouija board stories for you.
Chocolate Cake Recipes 1.0
This incredible Chocolate Cake Recipes apphasall the cake recipes you will need...and it's FREE for alimitedtime!Not only will you find delicious cake recipes, but theyarebroken down into convenient categories according to they typeofcakes you want to make. Recipes will show you exactly what todo,plus you can save your favorite recipes for easyreferencelater!Now you can save a lot of time and effort and find thatperfectcake recipe you're looking for! No more need to flip throughdozensof cookbook or magazine pages. Everything you need is righthere inthis app. These recipes are tested and true and won't letyou down.Quick and easy cake Recipes are just a FREE downloadaway!
Romance Short Stories 1.0
Do you like romance short stories?Our gentle and touching stories about true love embrace you.Get inspired with the love stories of fantastic people! Expressyourlove with the help of these love stories and impress yourbetterhalf. Put your feelings into words to reveal how stronglyyou feelfor your partner.Everyone searching for true love in the world. Love if wedefinethe word than its just the most precious time of life, thefeelingsthat never ends, the beauty that never get dull, relationthat isabove all relations.
Dracula Stories 1.0
Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel byIrishauthor Bram Stoker.Famous for introducing the character of the vampireCountDracula, the novel tells the story of Dracula's attempt tomovefrom Transylvania to England, and the battle between Draculaand asmall group of men and women led by Professor AbrahamVanHelsing.Dracula has been assigned to many literary genresincludingvampire literature, horror fiction, the gothic novel andinvasionliterature. The novel touches on themes such as the role ofwomenin Victorian culture, sexual conventions, immigration,colonialism,and post-colonialism. Although Stoker did not inventthe vampire,he defined its modern form, and the novel has spawnednumeroustheatrical, film and television interpretations.
Oliver Twist 1.0
Oliver Twist is the second novel byCharlesDickens, and was first published as a serial1837-1839.The story is of the orphan Oliver Twist, who starts his life inaworkhouse and is then apprenticed with an undertaker. Heescapesfrom there and travels to London where he meets the ArtfulDodger,a member of a gang of juvenile pickpockets, which is led bytheelderly criminal Fagin.Oliver Twist is notable for Dickens's unromantic portrayalofcriminals and their sordid lives, as well as exposing thecrueltreatment of the many orphans in London in themid–nineteenthcentury.An early example of the social novel, Dickens satirizesthehypocrisies of his time, including child labor, the recruitmentofchildren as criminals, and the presence of street children.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyrightlaw
Cover Letter Example 1.0
Cover Letter - How to write the perfectCoverLetter to get that all important interview.Are you looking for best resume cover letter tips? We havetipsfor writing a cover letter that will help you get noticed,allowingyou to get your foot in the door at a new company, get aninterviewand get the job you applied for.We don't have cover letter examples, but our tips and trickswillgive you a good sample and paint a clear picture of how youshouldbe writing a cover letter to make it a great one. Downloadthis freecover letter tips app and learn how to make a coverletter that willget results!
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 1.0
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes isacollection of twelve short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle,featuringhis fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. The stories arenot inchronological order, and the only characters common to alltwelveare Holmes and Dr. Watson. As with all but four of theSherlockHolmes stories, those contained within The Adventures ofSherlockHolmes are told by a first-person narrative from the pointof viewof Dr. Watson. In general the stories in The Adventures ofSherlockHolmes identify, and try to correct, social injustices.Holmes isportrayed as offering a new, fairer sense ofjustice.