aPlicativa ئاپەکان

Radio 2 Costa Rica 1.3
Radio 2 99.5 FM95Cinco Jazz 95.5 FMColumbia 98.7 FMWao 92.3 FMColumbia Estéreo 92.7 FM
IQ Radio 93.9 1.2
Everything is around music. IQ La RadioInteligente has a unique style with music that made history in the80’s and an original production that provides services to ouraudience: traffic information every hour, lifestyle technology,health and nutrition, personal finances and a wide coverage formotor sports and everything that our modern executive audienceneeds on a daily basis.
Puro Motor 1.3
La Revista Puro Motor, es líder enCentroamérica en cuanto a cobertura de deportes de motor y temas deindustria automotriz desde el año 2007.Pure Motor Magazine, is aleader in Central America in coverage of motorsport and automotiveissues since 2007.
iReferee 1.1
Be the Referee at your next soccer game, partyor even company meeting with iReferee-Soccer, the application thatturns your iPhone or iPod Touch into a soccer Referee's card! Warnthose annoying fellows with the Yellow Card, or send them straightto the bench with the mighty and much-feared Red Card!There's no need to carry a whistle, iReferee-Soccer can make thesound for you whenever you show someone a card. Enjoy!
CS Wallet 1.6
Aplicación gratuita de Coopeservidores quepermite realizar compras en negocios a través de su teléfono móvil,transferencias a otro teléfonos, entre otros.Coopeservidores freeapplication that enables businesses to make purchases via theirmobile phone, transfer to another phone, among others.
China LAC 1.0
La Cumbre Empresarial China-América Latina yel Caribe es el foro empresarial de comercio e inversión másimportante entre la región latinoamericana y el gigante asiático(China) y atrae a representantes de alto nivel del sectorgubernamental, empresarial y académico, así como líderes deorganizaciones internacionales y formadores de opinión.The China-Latin Americaand Caribbean Business Summit is the business forum and mostimportant trade between Latin America and the Asian giant (China)investment and attracts high-level representatives of government,business and academia, as well as leaders internationalorganizations and opinion formers.
A Turistear 1.6
¡A Turistear! es una aplicación de la campañadel Instituto Costarricense de Turismo (ICT) ¡Vamos a Turistear!creada para brindar al turista nacional una herramienta que lepermita apropiarse de los diferentes destinos de su país.Aquí encontrarás opciones para turistear y disfrutar por Costa Ricadurante todo el año, con filtros de búsqueda por categoría, zona,actividad o por medio de un palabra clave para dar con las opcionesde tu interés.No esperés más, escápate de la rutina y ¡Vamos a Turistear!A sightsee! It is anapplication of the campaign of the Costa Rican Tourism Institute(ICT) Let sightsee! created to provide the national tourist a toolthat allows appropriate the different destinations in thecountry. Here you will find options for sightseeing and enjoy Costa Ricathroughout the year, with search filters by category, location,activity or by a key word to find the options that interestyou.Do not expect any more, escape from routine and going tosightsee!
CR Digital 1.0
La aplicación CR Digital de laSecretaríaTécnica de Gobierno Digital le permite tener acceso atodas laspublicaciones realizadas por Gobierno Digital. Puede leertodas lasediciones de la revista CR Digital, además tiene acceso alosinformes y estudios realizados por la Secretaría. Conestaaplicación puede mantenerse informado del proceso demodernizacióndel Estado costarricense.The CRDigitalimplementation of the Technical Secretariat for DigitalGovernmentallows you to access all publications by DigitalGovernment. Youcan read all editions of the CR Digital magazinealso has access tothe reports and studies by the Secretariat. Withthis applicationyou can keep informed of the process ofmodernization of the CostaRican government.
RMarcas 1.0
Controles de ingreso y egreso deinstalaciones,Bomberos de Costa Rica.Controls entry andexitfacilities, Fire Costa Rica.
BombCR-Info 1.0
Boletín Oficial del Cuerpo de Bomberos deCostaRica.Suplemento Informativo Mensual del Cuerpo de Bomberos deCostaRicaOfficial Gazette oftheFire Department of Costa Rica.Monthly Informational Supplement Firefighters Costa Rica
TechTours 1.0
TechTours es un app de Coca Cola para quelosembajadores realicen visitas de mercado en Latin CenterBusinessUnitTechTours is a CocaColaapp for the ambassadors' visits market in Latin CenterBusinessUnit
DetectAlcohol 1.0
¿Tengo un problema con el alcohol?¿Debo dejar de beber?¿Debería reducir mi consumo de alcohol?Muchas personas se hacen estas preguntas a diario, responderlaautoevaluación le tomará sólo unos minutos y le daráresultadosbasados en su edad, género y patrones de consumo.Do I have a problemwithalcohol?Should I stop drinking?Should I reduce my alcohol intake?Many people these questions every day are made, answertheself-assessment will take only a few minutes will give you basedonyour age, gender and consumption patterns results.
IQ Radio 1.0
Everything is around music. IQ LaRadioInteligente has a unique style with music that made history inthe80’s and an original production that provides services toouraudience: traffic information every hour, lifestyletechnology,health and nutrition, personal finances and a widecoverage formotor sports and everything that our modern executiveaudienceneeds on a daily basis.
Radio Nacional 1.2
We invite you to enjoy Costa Rica’sNationalRadio in your Android device