b3c.apps ئاپەکان

Simple speedometer km/h - mph 2.6
Very simple speedometer (GPS)!!Displays the speed in mph & km/h, the altitude and the date /time sent by satelite (Ensures that you are on time)This app works only with the phone GPS. It can take few minutes toget the GPS working.
Speedometer mph kmh Simple PRO 1.1
Very simple speedometer (GPS) !!Displays the speed in mph & km/h, the altitude and the date /time sent by satelite (Ensures that you are on time)This app works only with the phone GPS. It can take few minutes toget the GPS working.
Speed & Pace Calculator PRO 2.0
Calculate your speed and pace from thedistance and the duration!Distance + duration => speed + paceSpeed <=> PaceThis app can be used to calculate the speed or pace running butalso cycling, rowing, stilts, race bag potato ...Possible units: miles (mi) or kilometre (km)Calculate the speed in miles (mi / h) or kilometers per hour (km /h)Calculates the pace in minutes per mile (min / mi) or minutes perkilometer (min / km)Languages available: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish,German
Spider Solitaire
The famous game of the SPIDER SOLITAIRE, thisapplication brings you a real game experience.This application is very easy to use and it is free.You can play at 3 levels of difficulties :-> Easy : one suit.-> Medium : two suits.-> Hard : four suits.It is easily possible to save and continue the game later.Other advantages : hint, undo, animations ...This applications brings a complet and enjoyable game. Try it, youwill be satisfied.
Ideal weight Calculator 1.1
Calculate your ideal weight with the two well-known formula : Creffand Lorentz formula ! The app will display your ideal weight ! Thisweight will be calculated with two different formulas. The bothformulas use your age and your height. But one of them uses yourgender and the other uses your morphology. Rate it if you like it:-) Thank you If you have any trouble send us email and we willfixe the problem (b3c.apps@gmail.com). Available language :English, French
BMR Calculator 1.1
Calculate your basal metabolic rate ! This rate is the basal energyyou expend by day (kcal/day). In this app, we calculate the BMRwith two differents formula. The both depends on your age, yoursexe, your height and your weight. This app can help you to knowhow many calories you can eat by day to keep your weight ! Rate itif you like it :-) Thank you If you have any trouble send us emailand we will fixe the problem (b3c.apps@gmail.com). Availablelanguage : English, French Keywords : BMR, basal metabolic rate,revised Harris-Benedict equation, Mifflin St Jeor equation, kcal
Body Mass Index Calculator BMI 1.1
Calculate your body mass index and your ideal weigth ! The bodymass index (BMI) is a simple numerical measure from weight andheight. Three zone of BMI exist. The app will indicates you inwhich zone you are. The app also calculate your ideal weight !(This is calculate from BMI.) Rate it if you like it :-) Thank youIf you have any trouble send us email and we will fixe the problem(b3c.apps@gmail.com). Available language : English, French Keywords: Quetelet index, BMI, Body Mass Index, ideal weight
Mortgage Calculator 3.4
Calculate the cost of a mortgage. You also can see your loan costwith a schedule and a chart. Specialized views for smartphones andtablets! Functions: - Simulation of a mortgage from the monthlypayment or duration - Assessment of costs on a Mortgage / loan -Cost Curve a Mortgage - Schedule a mortgage - Possibility to set a0% mortgage insurance - Possibility to set a 0% mortgage -Automatic calculation of the input (without clicking a button) -View smartphone and tablet PS: We propose a simulator prepaymentsimulator. Programmers are open to all comments! Email programmers:b3c.apps @ gmail.com Available language: English, French keywords:mortgage , loan, credit, simulation, prepayment, partial, completeschedule, amortization.
Speed & Pace Calculator 3
Calculate your speed and pace from the distance and theduration!Distance + duration => speed + pace Speed <=>Pace Thisapp can be used to calculate the speed or pace running butalsocycling, rowing, stilts, race bag potato ... Possible units:miles(mi) or kilometre (km) Calculate the speed in miles (mi / h)orkilometers per hour (km / h) Calculates the pace in minutespermile (min / mi) or minutes per kilometer (min / km)Languages​​available: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, German
My Weight Tracker, BMI 3.4
Monitor your weight using an efficient interactive chart ! "Myweight tracker " will help you to achieve your ideal weight.Youwill easily see the weight loss and the gain on the chart. /!\Itis strongly recommended to make regular backups by email. Thiswillavoid you to losing your datas in case of mishandling or crashofyour device! The app show automatically your BMI and your BodyFat%. On the chart, you can display : - BMI zone - Body Fat % zone-Weight goal - Moving average - Trend curve On the chart youcanalso : - see weight - see note - see rate (food & sport) -seethe difference between two points - Zoom (X and Y) - Scroll -Takea screenshot - Return to initial view by double tap - ... Thehomepage show you : - Chart - Last weight - BMI - Fat Body % -Weightgoal - Trend - Time-to-goal estimate - Weight to loose orgain toachieve the goal A widget is available in this version. Thiswillprovide you on the essential informations (Last weight, BMI,FatBody %, weight goal, trend, time-to-goal estimate, and weighttoloose or gain to achieve the goal). The weight log, will show you:- the loss or the gain between two month or two weight - thewholeinformations on the weight : BMI, Body Fat %, note and rate(sportand diet) You can export and import your datas (by email oron yoursd card) in order to share them on your different devices.You canalso make a backup on your sd card. "My weight tracker" isalsosuitable for pregnant women, but the BMI and Body Fat % arenotadequate. v3.0 : - More datas available like the size ofyourwaist, hip etc. - New widgets with the choosen datas - ChangetheBMI and body fat % - See all your datas on only one screen andwithseveral graph - View your datas on a calendar - Import /exportwith a csv file v2.x : - Adding icone for the sport andfoodhistogram - The scale of the curve and the scale bar areeditable(Display optimized for smartphone or tablet in highdefinition) -Visualization of the objective advancement - Add ofhistogramm forthe rate (food & sport) - Auto-zoom on the wholechart (Chartpreferences) v2.0 : - Add weight with comment andrating (sport andfood) - Colored curve based on ratings -Screenshot - Add password- Help (under construction) - Settings onthe page "Add" and"History" You like our app ? You want toparticipate to itsimprovement ? So contact us and be among thefirst to get the newrelease by becoming a beta-tester !