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HelpTest 1.0
Aplicación que permite registrar lasrespuestas y controlar las ejecuciones de exámenes tipo test.En sí, la aplicación no incluye ninguna pregunta o respuestasobre ningún tema en concreto, simplemente permite registrar lasrespuestas del usuario y corregirlas en base a las respuestascorrectas que se introduzcan.La aplicación es de gran utilidad en aquellas situaciones en lasque se dispone de un libro con preguntas, respuestas y solucionesde exámenes tipo test (por ejemplo, exámenes de oposiciones, carnetde conducir, etc).La aplicación viene a simular las hojas de examen que se suelenutilizar en los exámenes de tipo test.Funcionamiento:El primer paso para poder utilizar la aplicación es crear untest. A la hora de crear el test, se deben configurar lossiguientes parámetros:- Nombre del test.- Número de preguntas que va a tener el test.- El porcentaje que será necesario para superar el test.- La penalización que se aplica por respuesta fallada.Una vez creado el test, el siguiente paso es introducir lasrespuestas correctas del mismo, para que a la hora de realizar laejecución de un test, esta se pueda corregir.El siguiente paso será realizar una ejecución del test. En estepunto, el usuario deberá introducir, para cada una de laspreguntas, la respuesta o respuestas que crea correctas.Una vez finalizada la ejecución de un test, podrá ver elresultado del mismo y visualizar las respuestas que ha introducidoasí como comprobar la respuesta correcta de aquellas preguntas queha fallado o no ha introducido.En caso de cualquier duda con el funcionamiento de la aplicacióno ante cualquier fallo, puede reportarlo a la siguiente direcciónde correo:codewai@gmail.comApplication that recordsthe responses and control the execution of multiple choice exams.In itself, the application does not include any questions oranswers about any particular topic, simply records the user'sanswers and correct based on the correct answers to beintroduced.The application is useful in situations where you have a bookwith questions, answers and solutions to multiple choice tests (egoppositions tests, driving license, etc).The application is to simulate the exam papers that are commonlyused in multiple choice exams.Performance:The first step to use the application to create a test. Whencreating a test, you must set the following parameters:- Name of the test.- Number of questions that will be the test.- The percentage will be needed to pass the test.- The penalty to be applied for failed response.Once created the test, the next step is to introduce the correctanswers the same, so that when making the execution of a test, thiscan be corrected.The next step is to perform a test run. At this point, the usermust enter for each of the questions, the answer or answers thatcreates correct.After the execution of a test, you can see the result of it andvisualize the answers entered and check the correct answer of thosequestions that has failed or has not introduced.In case of any doubt to the functioning of the application or toany failure, you can report it to the following
Respiración 1.1.0
Lo primero que hacemos cuando venimos al mundoes respirar, un acto reflejo necesario para la vida en nuestrohábitat. Todos sabemos que al inspirar entra el oxígeno a nuestroorganismo y al espirar eliminamos el dióxido de carbono resultante.Y…¿ ya está?,¿ sólo éso?...Pues no. Con la respiración se oxigenanlas células de nuestro cuerpo y se desintoxica el organismo, portanto no sólo es necesaria para vivir sino que de ella dependenuestra salud.¿Qué pasa cuando estamos tensos y estresados? Que estamosrespirando mal, nuestros músculos se tensan y el diafragma seencoge, la respiración se acelera y se hace superficial con lo queno nos aporta nada, solamente hace que aumente la tensión ennuestra mente y en nuestro cuerpo porque nuestras células no seoxigenan bien. Cuando respiramos de forma adecuada tenemos mayorresistencia a las enfermedades y gozamos de mayor salud.Potenciamos nuestras capacidades mentales y tenemos mayorestabilidad emocional.Te proponemos que descubras el arte de respirar bien como técnicapara combatir el estrés y aumentar tus niveles de energía.Esperamos que este app te sea de ayuda para conseguirlo.Bienvenido al app respira…BENEFICIOS RESPIRACIÓNNos ayuda a conseguir estado de relajación y a disminuir elestrés.Mejora el estado del sistema nervioso, gracias a la mayoroxigenación de nuestro cerebro y centros nerviosos.Mejora la circulación sanguínea.Aumentamos capacidad respiratoria de los pulmones.Nos ayuda a mejorar nuestra concentración.Nos aporta mayor energía.Ayuda a prevenir insomnio.Nos hace más positivos.The first thing we dowhen we come into the world is breathing a reflex necessary forlife on our habitat. We all know that when breathing oxygen entersour body breathe and eliminate the resulting carbon dioxide. And... that's it?, Is it only that? ... Nope. Breathing the cells ofour body oxygenate and detoxify the body, so it is necessary notonly to live but it depends on our health.What happens when we are tense and stressed? We're breathing wrong,our muscles tighten and shrink the diaphragm, breathing quickensand becomes shallow so that tells us nothing, only increases thestress on our minds and in our bodies because our cells areoxygenated fine. When we breathe appropriately increased resistanceto disease and enjoy greater health. We strengthen our mentalcapacities and have greater emotional stability.We suggest you to discover the art of breathing well as a techniqueto combat stress and increase your energy levels. We hope this appis to help you get it.Welcome to app breathes ...BENEFITS BREATHIt helps us to achieve a state of relaxation and reducestress.Improving the state of the nervous system, through increasedoxygenation of the brain and nerve centers.It improves blood circulation.Increase breathing capacity of the lungs.It helps us to improve our concentration.It gives us more energy.Helps prevent insomnia.It makes us more positive.
FonCard | Calling dialer 2.0.0
FonCard is the application that you need tomanage your prepaid calling cards and call your contacts from yourmobile.No need to dial the access number, wait, enter a pin code andthe phone number of your contact. FonCard automates all these tasksfor you in a simple and effective way.Discover how quick you will call your contacts with FonCard!
TankEV 1.0.1
Charge, unplug, log in with tankev and startdriving. tankev makes it easy to see how much money you aresaving with your electric vehicle.The first app designed exclusively for EVs, tankev recordsexactly how much you spend each time you charge your EV. It is theonly way to monitor exactly how much your electric vehicle iscosting you down to the last penny.Tankev is a logbook that provides the perfect way to monitorelectricity consumption, charging prices, maintenance, and anyother expenses related to your electric vehicle. The wide range ofstatistics ensures you keep on top of everything. Show your friendshow much less CO2 they are breathing thanks to your EV.Is your EV saving you money? This complete app compares therunning cost of your EV with a similar petrol car.Easy, powerful and attractive. From motorbikes to electricbuses, tankev is the ideal personal diary for your electricvehicle. Tank up your EV!Functions- Clean and easy-to-use interface- Attractive plain design, native-code developed- Simple data entry using predefined prices for everydayrecharges.- Record and classify the cost of each charge in your owncountry’s currency, the kWh, the miles, the maintenances andexpenses related to your vehicle (taxes, tolls, parking,insurance).- A wide range of statistics in different charts:o    Mileageo    Electricity consumptiono    Expenseso    Efficiencyo    Petrol equivalento    Money savingso    CO2 not emitted- Offline mode- Search functionThis is a beta version, we are currently working on:- Personalized statistics- Web-based community platform and rankings- Automatic monthly data backups- Moving data to SD-Card support- More languages- Plug-in hybrids and range-extended EVs- PRO FEATURES (Ad-free, iPad interface, Multi-vehicle logbook,Improved charts)The customized charts help you visualize how much money your EVcosts you in several different ways.
Spanish radio stations 2.1.1
If you are an appasionate of the radio and youwant to listen to your favourite radio station wherever you are,this is your application!The application that includes spanish radio stations. Theapplication includes online stations classified by categories andthe frequencies of this stations in Spain.If you have any problem with any station or you want to add newstations you can write to us by mail
Bilbao Wifi 1.0.1
Bilbao Wifi, free wifi points of the cityofBilbao (Spain) in which you can connect without spending your 3Gor4G.With this app you can:- View the wifi points in the a map or in a list format.- View wifi points closest to you.- Navigate to a selected wifi point.Discover how easy it is to use Bilbao Wifi!!!FOLLOW us:http://www.codewai.com
Fiestas Castro 1.0.1
Programa de fiestas de Castro Urdiales, conelcalendario de eventos y conciertos de la localidad durantelasemana grande.
Getxo 1.0.0
Download the FREE application that offers you all commercial,catering, hotel and services advantages and benefits of this town,as well as information about the most emblematic places of Getxo.
Barcelona Wifi 1.0
Barcelona Wifi, free wifi points of the cityofBarcelona (Spain) in which you can connect without spending your3Gor 4G.With this app you can:- View the wifi points in the a map or in a list format.- View wifi points closest to you.- Navigate to a selected wifi point.Discover how easy it is to use Barcelona Wifi!!!FOLLOW us:http://www.codewai.com
Time to Rock 1.1.1
Es hora de Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A través de esta aplicación podrás conocer nuevos grupos derocky escuchar sus mejores temas.Puedes añadir tu grupo contactando con nosotros a travésdelcorreo to Rock!!!!!Through this application you can meet new rock groups andheartheir best songs.You can add your group by contacting us
Dieta13Dias 1.0
¿Quieres realizar la dieta de los trece días para depurar tucuerpo?Esta es tu aplicación. Con Dieta13Dias sabrás lo que tienesquecomer cada uno de los días de la dieta.
bAppG 1.1.0
BappG is a mobile application which houses various guides boulder.
Top 10 abdominals 1.0
Application to make abdominals exercises in an effective andenterteining
Big Radio Spain 1.0.1
Big FM is the station that serves the whole of the SouthCostaBlanca area
The Bottom Line Liberia 1.0.2
Exploring trending issues in Liberia
EDM RADIO 97.4 1.0
We are young!
Moje Radio 1.0
My Radio - you know more!
West Coast Radio - Blackpool 1.0
We play what we wanna play... We say what we wanna say!!
Formentera Ràdio 1.0.1
We are the local radio station of Formentera
White Beach Radio 1.0.1
Waves of sounds
FestAndTours 1.1.0
Music festivals and events in Spain.
RadioCross 1.0.1
At the cross we find salvation in JESUS
Radio 854 1.0.0
We Play The Music You Love!
La Jungla Radio Valencia 1.0.10
Wensum Radio 1.0.0
From the heart of Norwich across Norfolk
Pvpc Real 1.0.0
PVPC rate prices with taxes
Golden Oldies Radio 1.0.0
That's typical radio!
Love Soul Radio London 1.0.2
From London to the world
Belizemix 1.1.2
Your Musical High
Fresh Radio Spain 1.0.9
Fresh Radio Spain. The Costa Blanca's number one