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Graffiti Street Design 1.0
So, after seeing those murals/throw-upsI'msure you're starting to get more excited about doing this? Notonlyis this a great place to learn new things and broaden yourideasand style, but there will also be a chance to requestartworkyou've done to be placed on this page. Critique is one ofthe bestways to make sure that you're actually getting somewherewith yourart. When I say art, I mean art. I suppose now is the timeto startwith the lessons.Lesson #1Graffiti is an art! Don't let anyone tell you that you are avandaland your part of the cause of all the graffiti vandalismaround theworld. Graffiti is a form of expression, and yes, part ofthatexpression is possibly displaying it on the side of a building,ordown an alleyway. The fact of the matter is, you are doing whatyoulove to do. There are other ways that people express themselvesbutthis is your niche.lesson #2 : Dos and don'ts in the Graffiti worldDo not be a biter! A biter is someone who steals anotherartistsstyle or even their whole piece claiming it as their own.There arenumerous reasons why you would not want to do this. EventhoughGraffiti in society is considered vandalism, Graffiti artistswillfind a way to make sure you know they are not happy withyoustealing their artwork.Lesson #3 : Do your researchI know that from time to time you are sitting at home or maybeinclass or at a friends house and you start writing and drawingnewideas that flourish in your mind. This is more than okay, butbecareful if you decide to use something you've been drawing onthestreets or for publicity purposes. Hence the title; DOYOURRESEARCH. Make sure before you commit to a certain name ordesignyou are not running the risk of biting someones name ordesign. Imyself have run into this problem many times before andhave drawnmultiple designs and even gone as far as using thosedesigns forpublic arts until I did my research and discovered thatthere wasan artist who had already beaten me to the punch.Therefor, I hadto respectufully change my name I was writing. Thereare alwaysdifferent things you have to be aware of and look outfor. Berespectful of artists who have been writing their specificname ordesign for a certain period of time.Different types of Graffiti stylesGraffiti, art or vandalismGraffiti is a generic term which, like religion, can be seen inbotha good and a bad light. This all depends on the artists intentwheninception of the creation had taken place. I am a strongbelieverthat graffiti can be both art and vandalism depending onthe intentof the artists or vandal. In spite of this view I hopeto collatedata using the poll on the right to get the view ofthepublic.The biggest question to surround graffiti!3D graffiti3D graffiti is a relatively new movement and more associatedwithpublic art and advertising then border line vandalism. Thelikes ofT-Mobile, Coca-Cola and Sony have all hired 3d streetartists tohelp sell and advertise their products. The realism andaccuratespacial awareness of these 'pieces' are reliant on thebackgroundand medium used and chosen by the artist.some medias that can be used to make graffitigraffit gallery hotelgraffit gallery design hotelgraffit gallery hotel varnagraffit hotel varnagraffit gallery varnagraffit gallery design hotel varnahotel graffit gallery varnahotel graffit varnagraffit gallery hotel varna bulgariagraffit świebodzingraffit gallerygraffit gallery hotel варнаgraffit gallery hotel bulgariahotel graffitgraffit hotelgraffit swiebodzingraffit bedfordgraffit ltdGraffiti Tips and Tricks
DIY fashion design 2017 1.0
Refashion Your Clothes & AccessoriesIf you don't want to pay for new clothes and accessories allthetime, but you want your clothes to look fresh, new and unique,thenwhy not add a handmade touch and revamp or embellish whatyoualready have?Below you will find websites and blogs full of super trendyideasfor customizing your clothes, painting your shoes, addingstuds tobags, embellishing leggings, dip dyeing dresses andmuchmore!I hope you find this page fun and I hope the how-tos inspire youtoget creativeDIY Fascinator Introduction To Fashion RevampingWays to Update Your WardrobeWith regard to clothes, there are a few ways of transformingtheminto fresh, new creations:- Reconstruction: You can take an item of clothing apartcompletelyat the seams and build something new from the pieces, oryou canuse the deconstructed pieces to re-make that item ofclothing inanother/a different fabric (if you particularly like thefit orstyle of it). You can also change one type of clothingintoanother, e.g. you can change a large man's shirt into a dress,oryou could re-size it to fit yourself. If you have found askirtthat is made in a really cool material but it is far too bigforyou, you could also alter it to fit you perfectly. Old t-shirtsorsweaters (especially if they have holes in or stains on) areidealfor cutting up and using as embellishments, or sewing togethertomake something else - such as a sweater skirt, or a t-shirtdress.Reconstruction usually entails at least a low level ofsewingskill.- Deconstruction: Scissors can cut the legs off jeans tomakeshorts, and can create all kinds of decorative slits and cutsinclothing. There are some really artistic ways to cut andmanipulatet-shirts to make eye-catching designs, including skeletonimagesand fringing.- Embellishing: This is the most popular method ofrevampingclothes, with possibilities including: printing paintpatterns ontojeans, gluing on fabric flowers, sewing on ruffles andembroideringpatterns.With regard to non-clothing items such as bags and shoes, theusualway of updating them is to dye them another color or toembellishthem, often by painting or drawing onto them. I hope youfindplenty of project suggestions on this page to interestyou
DIY Fashion Design Ideas 1.0
Refashion Your Clothes & AccessoriesIf you don't want to pay for new clothes and accessories allthetime, but you want your clothes to look fresh, new and unique,thenwhy not add a handmade touch and revamp or embellish whatyoualready have?Below you will find websites and blogs full of super trendyideasfor customizing your clothes, painting your shoes, addingstuds tobags, embellishing leggings, dip dyeing dresses andmuchmore!I hope you find this page fun and I hope the how-tos inspire youtoget creative :-)Introduction To Fashion RevampingWays to Update Your WardrobeWith regard to clothes, there are a few ways of transformingtheminto fresh, new creations:- Reconstruction: You can take an item of clothing apartcompletelyat the seams and build something new from the pieces, oryou canuse the deconstructed pieces to re-make that item ofclothing inanother/a different fabric (if you particularly like thefit orstyle of it). You can also change one type of clothingintoanother, e.g. you can change a large man's shirt into a dress,oryou could re-size it to fit yourself. If you have found askirtthat is made in a really cool material but it is far too bigforyou, you could also alter it to fit you perfectly. Old t-shirtsorsweaters (especially if they have holes in or stains on) areidealfor cutting up and using as embellishments, or sewing togethertomake something else - such as a sweater skirt, or a t-shirtdress.Reconstruction usually entails at least a low level ofsewingskill.- Deconstruction: Scissors can cut the legs off jeans tomakeshorts, and can create all kinds of decorative slits and cutsinclothing. There are some really artistic ways to cut andmanipulatet-shirts to make eye-catching designs, including skeletonimagesand fringing.- Embellishing: This is the most popular method ofrevampingclothes, with possibilities including: printing paintpatterns ontojeans, gluing on fabric flowers, sewing on ruffles andembroideringpatterns.With regard to non-clothing items such as bags and shoes, theusualway of updating them is to dye them another color or toembellishthem, often by painting or drawing onto them. I hope youfindplenty of project suggestions on this page to interest you:)A fabulous handbag can spruce up any outfit, but match it upwithother bags you may also need to carry. This means you shouldhave amatched set of a briefcase and purse if you carry them bothat thesame time. If you ever carry three or more bags, make surethatthey are not more than two different kinds of bags.Clean out your closet. While it can seem like more clothingmeansmore options, the opposite is true. A cramped and clutteredclosetwill only hinder your fashion choices. Go through yourwardrobe andget rid of anything that doesn't fit you well or youhaven't wornrecently. A wardrobe comprised of a few classic,versatile pieceswill be more wearable than a closet full ofoutdated styles.The color combination of black and white has become in seasononceagain. Many runway outfits are using this combination. Youdon'thave to make black and white the primary colors either. Youcanaccessorize using black and white accents. These colors willgowith anything that you're wearing, no matter how plain orhowornate. There literally is no end to the possibilitieswhencombining black and white items together.Perfection is almost impossible with a subject like fashion. Itisnearly impossible to do. Also, if you attempt perfection, youmaylook like you are investing too much time and effort intotheprocess. Amazing and memorable styles have come from modelsandcelebrities who purposely leave something that isn't finished,suchas wearing a messy ponytail or a bedhead look.
DIY Jeans Craft Ideas 1.0
DIY BagsOne of the easiest things to make on your own is the handbag.Thereare free patterns all over the internet, and if you have anyoldpurses that you don’t use any more, it’s easy enough to use themasa template for new ones. I personally like this idea, becausemyhusband's jeans get ripped up so severely, I can't convert themtosomething that requires a lot of fabric anymore.You can make messenger bags from the body of the jeans, and thelegsprovide fabric for smaller bags. It's also possible to usepartsfrom different pairs of pants, if you have multiple pairsthat needto be disposed of.The little handbag I regularly use was made from an old pair ofmyhubby’s jeans and fabric scraps from an old project. It’s heldupwell, and is casual enough to match with almost everything Ihappento be wearing.Depending on how much fabric you can salvage from your jeans,yourhandmade bags can be an impressive range of sizes. The picturedbagis great for a wallet, cell phone, keys and a couple of othersmallessentials. You loop it around your wrist and off yougo.Messenger bags, on the other hand, can be used as shopping bagsorbook bags. I take mine out on thrift store outings, and I'veevencarried it around a local convention to carry extra food, waterandwhatever goodies I purchased.I got a lot of comments and compliments on it. People werealwaysimpressed when I let them know I made it myself, out ofupcycledclothing, too.Lining a Bag or Making PatchesBecause denim is thick, but still flexible, it’s great to useaslining for fabric bags. It offers them the shape they needwithoutbeing too rigid. It also adds a little more durability,anddepending on the color, won’t show through thinnerfabrics.For crochet or knit bags, it stops things like pencilsfallingthrough. If the crochet stitch is big enough, the denim canadd aninteresting backdrop to the yarn.It's also easy to make patches out of the scraps you've cut fromtheold jeans, as well. Those can be used to mend clothing youstillwant to use, or as decoration for one of your new creations.Byusing scraps as patches, you're wasting very little whiledevelopinga fashion all your own.While bag linings might take a little more fabric, patchesaregreat, because you can make them out of jeans that areotherwiseunusable. If you're layering your patch over something,just hemaround the edges for a nice, clean look.DIY Wall ArtJeans pockets have an interesting look to them. Women’s pockets,inparticular, usually have some sort of ornamental stitchingorembroidery.Cut around the pocket without actually cutting into it. Whenyou'redone, you'll have a tiny, flat bag. Then, punch two holesinto thetop at either corner, and thread cording through it. I usedsomeold leather cording, but things like hemp or even yarnarepossibilities. If you know how to do macrame, you can probablycomeup with some very unique knot work patterns.There we have it: a simple bag to hang on your wall. It's afunaccent, and storage for small objects. Who doesn'tlovemultifunctional decoration?There are countless ideas. Another option is to cut the waistlineofthe jeans from the body, while keeping the belt loops intact.Youcan then secure the fabric to a wooden base to help it keepitsshape, run a belt through the loops and use cloths pins tohangpictures off of the belt.Sew PillowsYou can make all sorts of pillows. The round pillows used forbacksupport are especially suitable for jeans conversion.Althoughjeans legs taper, they’re still very handy for making thistype ofpillow.Since denim has such a rustic look, it fits in with manyfamilyrooms and bedrooms with minimal ornamentation. This type ofpillowalso offers great support to the lower back.Other ideas you can look into for reusing your old jeans are:• Patches for quilts• Cat toys• Bedding for small animals• Handmade paper
amazing men hairstyle 1.0
Top Five Hairstyles for MenThere are so many hairstyle design in this app such as :hairstyles,short hairstyles , short haircuts , hairstyles formen,menshairstyles,mens haircuts , hair style , short haircuts forwomen ,medium length hairstyles , easy hairstyles, curly hairstyle.Thedescription will be explained hereMen of today era aren't behind the race in any field, whether itbefashion, hairstyles, clothes or makeover, they are at forefronttoprove that they are also a big fashion geek. It is said thatmendon't usually have many options and choices when it comestohairstyles and dresses but it's wrong because the creature hasmuchmore options in fashion than anyone else on the world. Look atthefashion and trends of some modern male celebrities, youwilldiscover that they are just worshiping the fashion after Godandhave become a true inspiration for teens, boys and menalike.The most notable Hollywood celebrity and football player isDavidBeckham-everything related to him gets on the posters or inthemagazine within few hours when he is seen. If he has seenwearing atext printed shirt saying "I am a legend", his all fanswill get tothe internet to buy a shirt like he worn and soon.As for David Beckham's hairstyles, I can say that he istrulyversatile- he can wear anything from braided hairstyles tocornrowsto double ponytails to updo. He has gone far away in thefashionand it seems that nothing can stop him from becoming moregorgeousnow not even his age which is increasing in number everypassingyear.Let's discuss what are top five hairstyles for men and what typesofmen wear themSpiky hairstylesIf you go out to take a dinner at a good restaurant of the cityyouwill notice that almost every other guy is sporting spikesindifferent forms- some will have it in a trendy criss-crosspatternswhile others will show off their blunt razor cut bangs in anicelyspike format by styling it upward. You can do a lot of styleswithyour spikes by moving them back or fro and up or down justaboutany direction to look sexy and stylish.Buzz Cut HairstylesOnly a few mature yet rational men wear buzz cut hairstyleswhichare usually cut 4-5 inch from the base. The cut can be tooshort,too long or medium according to face type and face shape. Ifyouhave a round face with refined feature, your hair stylistwillsuggest you to go for a short cut buzz because it can addambianceto your personality by showing off your face featuresmorediligently.Braided HairstylesYou might have heard that black men wear a lot of braids suchastree braids, cornrows, micro and zillian braids but now manyBlondemen are wearing blonde french braids or go for pinned upbraids.And surprisingly, these hairstyles don't look bad onthem.Layered hairstylesThose who are blessed with long, shinny layers usually sportbiglayered bangs and they add a bit of more charisma in their bangsbyincluding light colored hair highlights.Pompadour for men:Pompadour has become one of the most trendy hairstyles of the21stcentury. You can make it with medium or long hair easily asshorthair is not easy to be brushed back and if you do it can getbackto its position sooner or later. So what you need to do isjustapply small amount of wax on your hair and brush it back andwhenyour front hair is nicely tucked in a good position, you needtopress a little in the middle of the head to get a pompadour init.That's it.What are some of the top hair designs for men? What are thebesthair designs for men who need to look good at work and play?Whatare some simple hair designs for guys who want to stand outfromthe crowd? What cool hair designs have shown up in the pastfewyears that are simple to maintain? there are some othermenhairstyle like :Simple Hair Designs for MenProfessional Hair Designs for MenCool Hair DesignsUrban Hair Designs for MenCrazy Hair Designs for MenBlack Hair Designs for Men
crochet design ideas 1.0
Crochet is a huge passion of mine. A passionIwant to share with you as I create new patterns and designs. Ihopethis will be a quick and easy reference for anyone wantingtocomplete a new pattern or even design one of their own.The crochet terminology used is American. Be careful to checkwhereyour pattern was published to ensure you're looking up therightstitch. Everything is described for a right handedcrocheter,simply reverse for left-handed use. Tunisian stitchesaren'tincluded in the guide. I've never attempted any tunisianstitchesand didn't feel I had any place teaching them. If there isanyonewho would like to make a supplementary hub I will gladly linktoyours for a truly complete crochet stitch list.All the photos and videos are my own. Keep in mind that therearemany ways to go about crocheting. How you hold your hook andyarnshould feel comfortable to you. So when watching the videosfocuson how many loops and where to pull yarn through to createthestitch. How you go about it is entirely up to your comfort.Samplesare all created using worsted weight yarn and a size I/9,5.50mmhook. All stitches can look very different depending on theyarn orstring used plus the size of the hook.Slip KnotCR1This is the very first thing any crocheter needs to learn howtomake. Every project starts with a simple slip knot. Acompletedslip knot will fit as one loop on the hook. One stringwill bemobile to adjust the size of the loop and the other willremainstationary. I have found that the best slip knot is when thetailend (the string that is not connected to the rest of the skeinofyarn) is the one that controls the movement of the knot. Thiswaywhen the project is completed the tail can be pulled tightallowingit to fully disappear into the project. This is especiallyhelpfulwhen working in a very uniform, tight stitch.Start by holding the tail end in your right hand and hold theyarnabout 8 inches over with your left hand. Wrap the yarnlooselyaround the first three fingers of your left hand once. Thisshouldshorten the gap between your hands. Allow the tail end tohangbehind the circle you've just created. Place your hook overthecircle but under the hanging tail end. With your left handholdboth ends while you pull up with your hook. This will create aniceloop on your hook. To tighten it further pull on the tail end.Toloosen it, hold the end connected to the yarn and pull theloopwith your hook.Chain (ch)CR2I think its safe to say that I have never created a projectwithoutusing chains. Even a solomon's knot starts with two chains.Theseare a must! You could even get by and make interestingdesignsusing just chains and slip stitches.Start with your one loop on the hook. Wrap the yarn around thehookonce and pull through the loop. That's it... all done! SlipStitch(sl st)CR3A slip stitch is the same as a chain only it's done throughanotherstitch.This is also a great method for getting your yarnsomewherewithout adding bulk to the project or cutting theyarn.Start with one loop on the hook. Push hook through anotherstitchand wrap the yarn around once. Pull yarn through both stitchandloop.Single Crochet (sc)CR4Start with your one loop on the hook. Push hook through stitchandwrap yarn around once, pull through stitch. You should now havetwoloops on your hook. Wrap yarn around once and pull throughbothloops.When starting a new row chain one and count as thefirststitch.Single Crochet Ribthe other kind of crochet technique are Double Triple(dtr),Solomon's Knot ,Single Crochet Foundation, Cluster StitchesandDecreasing ,Puff Stitch, Popcorn Stitch, knitting
Home Floor plan Design 1.0
Find Your Dream Home Floor PlansPeople have divergent views of what their dream house is.But what they all have in common is finding affordable waystoobtain new house floor plans to enable them save some moneytheywould otherwise have to expend by employing the expensiveservicesof architects.Obtaining building plans, building cost estimates and the likesisfairly costly, and to realise 'home-owning' dreams, the costforthese services must be factored into the building budget. Andithardly comes cheap!A dream home to some may be a compact or small house but withsomegreat amenities such as a luxury bathroom, a modern 21stcenturystate-of-the-art kitchen or an entertaining livingroomspace.Many others desire a country style home, a rustic cabin house orasleek predominantly glazed modern architectural style abode.Today, smaller homes are amongst the most popular houses soughtbyprospective home-owners , especially the 'first time' homebuyers.Many love the stylish cabins and yet some prefer the modernnew agedesigns.What House Designs are Sought After?You will find people from all over the world searching theinternetdaily seeking inspirations for new house floor plan ideas,or forretailers of on-line building plans and home designs. Top onthelist of popular inquiries are for designs of smaller luxuryhomesand the ever popular country homes.People are more interested in the design and construction ofsmallerhouses, and many are willing to fore-go some of yesterday'smostpopular rooms in order to accommodate changinglifestyles.The key for home plan developers is finding the balance betweenwhatbuyers want and the price they are willing to pay for theirdreamhouse floor plans.Affordable Floor Plans OnlineThere are bespoke online sites with thousands of new housefloorplans in stock, and these building plans and blueprints havebeencategorised for ease of search of collections basedonarchitectural styles, periods and designs.From A-frame homes to period luxury homes, there is alwayssomethingfor everyone.There have unique home designs made primarily for entertaining,withformal and informal spaces to suit any soiree.One will also discover designs that incorporate an office inthehome, studio/music room, craft room with a living room spacelargeenough to waltz in. There are house floor plans designed withguestroom suites built over the garage, with its ownprivateentry.Custom Homes Plans OnlineYour dream house plans can be tailored to suit your needs, so ifyoufind a design of a home plan that you think is fantastic, buttoolarge for the space you have, the building plans can betailored andcustomised to fit your available plot of land.There are on-site home design experts that can make almostanymodification to new house floor plans blueprints that mayberequired. And a unique home design can even be producedfromscratch for whosoever wishes.Can't Decide Which Plan to Choose?Buying new house floor plans online is quick and easy and youwon'tneed to dig deeply into your scarce finances. The onlychallengeposed is choosing from the so many great houseplansavailable.Let's say you have a hard time deciding between a few of newhousefloor plans that you absolutely love.Or you prefer to first know what cost estimates for thebuildingplans will be. You'll definitely want to be preparedbeforeinvesting in the purchase of full constructiondrawingblueprints.If that's the case, then you can buy a planning set. This canbepurchased for a very small fee. This fee is refundable ifthebuilding's blueprints of choice is finally chosen withinastipulated period of time.Building Cost EstimationBefore buying new house floor plans its good to get a muchmoreprecise estimate of what it might cost to build yourhome.
Diaper cake craft design 1.0
Diaper cakes are pretty and useful!My best (childhood) friend is having a baby! She's due on Augustthe4th and as she didn't have a baby shower I decided to make asimplediaper cake for her to celebrate the special occasion. Shedoesn'twant to tell which gender the baby will be (will it be ababy girl?will it be a baby boy? Oh my!) so I had to choose aneutral themeand I opted for flower jungle.This was my first time making a diaper cake and I am reallyhappywith the result (hope you like it too!). I am sharing my "howtotutorial" with step by step instructions and tricks I used tomakemy 3-tier diaper cake. I also included some other usefultutorialsboth video and picture to get your imagination running (Ireallylike the motorcycle one - perfect for baby boys!).Photos on this page are taken by me unless stated otherwise.How to make a diaper cake step by step tutorial - Making theBaseStructureInstructionsMake a base for the cake. I made it using cardstock paper, 3layerswhich I glued one on top of the other to make them moredurable. Iused a round bake tray as a stencil as I though the sizewould beright and it was. You don't have to worry about making thebase tobig or too little as a diaper can be arranged in a way tofit itperfectly.This is optional but I decided to cover the base with burlapfabric.Glue gun time!My finished base!Something to give the structure. I have seen a few oftutorialswhere they use a cardboard paper roll to hold the cake'sstructureand you can use that but I think a bottle of wine is a waymorefun! I got the Pink Chick (she adores pink) Rose wine which Igluedto the base with the glue gun.Best Kinds of Diapers to Use for a Diaper Cake - And what sizetoget!I did some researching online before I started making my diapercaketo see which brand would be the best to use for making adiapercake. I have read some good reviews about some genericdiaper but asthis was a gift I decided to go with a more"exclusive" brand.As for the size of the diaper, I wouldn't give newborn diaper asthelittle ones grow out of them very quickly, not to mentionotherpeople will be getting newborn ones. I decided to go with thesize2 (3 would be OK too).Well how much of them you need depends on the size of the cakeyouare making. I bought a pack of 96 and used 86 of them formycreation.Roll, roll, roll the diaper... - This will take a whileRoll the diapers as shown on the picture. Start with the endthatopens and roll them up. Use a rubber band to keep them in shapebutmake sure the band is a bit loose so it won't damagethediaper.Place a rubber band around the bottle and add 3 diaper rolls(youcan add more if you have larger rubber bands). Place anotherrubberband around the bottle and one of the diapers which isalreadyaround the bottle and add 2 additional diaper rolls (eachrubberband holding 3 diapers, sharing one with the other band).Continueuntil you make the whole circle.Now that the first circle is done it's time to go to the middleone(and well the outer one). Place the rubber around two diaperrollsfrom the first circle and add 3 diaper rolls to the outerone.Continue until you make the whole circle.These steps are applied on all tiers.Tiers are stacking! We are almost done with this diaper cakeClose upsAdding the final details! - Welcome to the jungleI used burlap fabric to cover up the rubber bands (and make thecakelook pretty!). The regular glue didn't work so I used a gluegun. Besure to place something behind the working area (where youwillapply the glue) so that it doesn't get in contact withthediapers.Ta-daa!3 on the ribbon (to hide where I glued the ribbon endstogether),the other 3 I just placed on the cake.
DIy Fashion Jewelry 1.0
DIY Mixed Media & FashionCostumeJewelryIf you love to create or you just want to be able to make yourownunique and trendy jewelry at home, then I hope this pagewillinspire you. I'v compiled a list of tutorials for craftingfashionand costume jewelry which only require basic techniques andfewtools so that even absolute beginners can accomplish agreatresult.The materials used are extremely varied and the project ideaswillhopefully inspire you to get creative with your designs -becauseafter all there are so many materials that can be usedincludingfabric, lockets, wire, chain, pearls, clay andpaper.The instructions also cover a wide range of styles, such asbibnecklaces, dainty charm bracelets and statement earrings, soyouwill no doubt be able to find many ideas to suit yourpersonaltaste.Hope you find this lens fun and useful :-)Long Fabric NecklaceMaking Your Own JewelryAn IntroductionCostume jewelry making is accessible to everyone and is apopularand fun hobby. For most projects you will need a pair ofjewelrypliers with a flat inside edge, plus general items suchassuperglue (I use E6000) and scissors. There may be other basictoolrequirements on top on that, but usually the DIYs areforcompleting by beginners at home.To make your own jewelry means that you can keep up-to-datewithfashion trends for much less money, plus you can makeaccessoriesthat are completely unique to you. If you see anecklace, braceletor pair of earrings you like in a high streetshop then you can useit for inspiration to make your own homemadeversion.Costume jewelry is often 'mixed media', meaning that it's madefroma combination of different materials such as metal, clay,fabric,plastic etc. There aren't really any rules for what you canandcannot use so it's time to put your creativity and imaginationintoaction!Long Tassell EarringsFabric and Mixed Media Jewelry 1Foreign Coin Charm BraceletWoven Friendship BraceletsMini Glass Bottle PendantsPVC & Rhinestone BibRecycled T-Shirt BraceletStudded FlowersPurple & Gold Chain NecklaceBrass Locket NecklaceFloating Rhinestone NecklaceDIY Ring How-Tos and IdeasDIY Multichain NecklaceCreative Jewelry You Can Make YourselfLeather Lanyard BraceletDecorative Ribbon Necklace
easy newspaper craft ideas 1.0
Making Crafts from Waste NewspapersThe beautiful pen holders shown in the first picture were made bymy7 year old son for his five teachers on the occasion ofTeachers’Day. These beautiful handmade items were artisticallycrafted fromold newspapers and other waste products converted intobeautifulhome decoration items by us in which my son took a leadin inspiringthe making. The items made are low cost as all thematerials used(except colors) were waste products and we made manyitems in asingle day’s effort. The process used was so simple thateven myseven year old kid could follow it easily to producesomethingsubstantial.ems that can be easily made from waste newspapersAs mentioned earlier, we made some really beautiful pen standsbyrecycling old newspapers. However, we also made many otheritemslike office bins, flower vase, brush holders of differentshapesand sizes with this method of recycling. Anything of anyshape canmade with this process. In my childhood, I have seen myvillageartisans in Orissa making beautiful masks for folk dancesfrom thismethod of recycling of waste papers and tornclothes.Materials NeededAll one needs to make such crafts are as under.1. Old Newspapers2. Waste cardboards3. Things of different shapes to be used as moldsFor the items presented in this hub we have used a smallplasticbucket to work as a mold for the dustbin, drinking waterglasses towork as molds for pen stands, bowls as mold for makingtheir paperreplicas, other utensils of suitable size to work asmolds forflower vase and so on. Please note that these molds can beused tomake things of identical size. All the five pen standspresented inpicture-1 are made with a drinking water glass as themold.4. Threads, knives, dry cloth for wiping hands.5. Wheat flour (maida) 3-4 tablespoon to prepare homemade glueforthe purpose.6. Colours and brushes for painting the items.Process of Making the Crafts from Waste NewspapersSTEP-1: Prepare the homemade glue: The glue can be preparedbycooking 3-4 table spoon with around half liter water for15minutes. Please note that very thin glue would make betterfinefinishing with paper products. Let it cool down so that youcanapply the glue with your hands.STEP-2: Cut the newspapers into pieces with a knife. Biggerpieceswould make the work easier and quicker; small pieces wouldmake thefinishing better. Cut pieces of news papers in differentsizes forboth the purposes.STEP-3: Prepare the Mold: Whatever be the shape, wrap the outersideof the mold with a full sized newspaper and tie it withthreads asshown in picture below properly so that layers ofnewspaper piecescan be glued on it easily.STEP-4: Prepare the Crafts. Apply the glue on the framepreparedwith the newspaper tied on the mold and paste pieces ofnewspaperon it one after another so than several layers of thepaper pieceswould make a thick coat as per the size of the mold. Ifthe glueprepared is thin enough, the newspaper pieces would soakwell andafter drying would give strength to the items prepared.Afterpasting a layer apply glue again on the pasted papers and keeponadding layers till the thickness is appropriate.STEP-5: Drying and Coloring: Dry the prepared structure insunlightalong with the mold. Once it dries a bit, the structureused asmold can be detached easily and after applying a layer ofglue byhand on the inside of the structure let it dry upcompletely. Oncedried, the structure will have the shape of themold and would bestrong enough to remain as a structure without themold. Whilepreparing the structure, one may apply different tricksto makeadditional designs on it. As you may notice, the top of thepenstands have more thickness to make them look better.
Backyard design ideas 1.0
Backyards provide wonderful opportunitiesforexpanding your living space. Designing and personalizing yourownbackyard oasis not only adds value to your home, but alsocreatesan enjoyable area for relaxing, entertaining, and more.There aremany possibilities for backyard oasis designs, regardlessof thesize or shape of your space. You can easily transform yourbackyardinto a beautiful oasis, even if you have a smallbudget.Incorporate Plants Into Your DesignAdding plants and flowers to your backyard is an affordable waytocreate an oasis semblance. Tropical flowers such asPlumeria,Bougainvillea, Orchids, and Lochroma provide pops ofbright colorto any space. Vines create a sense of privacy, which isessentialin any oasis. Many trellises cost under $100 and they areperfectfor vines to climb up. Potted palm plants really add atropicalvibe to any backyard space, as well. Having a mix of pottedandhanging flowers as well as actual planted flowers adds varietyandinterest. Experiment with an assortment of colors and varietiesofplants. The more lush your backyard looks, the more it willseemlike an oasis. If you have a large space, incorporate awideassortment of ferns into your space to provide that lush,tropicalaura.Create A Patio or PathwayPatios and pathways don't have to be expensive and theyreallycreate a whimsical effect if surrounded by tropical plantsandtrees. Concrete pavers cost about $1 each at homeimprovementstores, and the pavers come in a vast variety of colors.You candesign and create a custom patio or walkway that suits yourtaste.Walkways can be created with pebbles or gravel for much lessthanthe cost of pouring concrete. Stepping stones are generallyverycost effective and they make for lovely walkways. There aremanyinexpensive alternatives for designing gorgeous patios andwalkwaysfor a backyard oasis.Add Patio FurnitureWhat good is a patio without furniture? Wicker patio furnituresetsare usually cost-effective and they have the tropical lookthatcomplements any backyard oasis. Of course, bamboo and otherwoodsmake durable alternatives to wicker. Consider the fabricprint, aswell, to ensure it matches your oasis theme. Tropicalcolors likeavocado or lime green, blue, and earth tones like tanand shades ofbrown really complement the tropical vibe of abackyardoasis.Use Ambient LightingAmbient lighting is designed to accentuate focal points inyourspace. Backyard ambient lighting is very affordable, yetinstantlymakes the space appear like a million bucks after the sungoesdown. There are hundreds of different kinds of ambientlighting;some are intended for patios, others for water featuresand trees.A simple string of lights instantly makes a deck or patioappearmystical without costing much. Garden lighting is designedtoshowcase lower foliage on the ground, and a strand of whiteglobescosts under $20. Ambient lighting options are endless andmany aresolar-powered.Create Water FeaturesIf you can't afford an expensive swimming pool with awaterfall,then consider affordable water features like smallfountains andbird baths. Many garden fountains start at $30 and goup into thethousands. Lighted fountains typically cost around $150to $300 andup, but they really contribute to the oasis theme of anyoutdoorspace. Birdbaths usually cost under $100, and they drawdifferentbird species to your backyard. No backyard oasis iscompletewithout a water feature of some sort. Water featuresaddinteresting focal points to any space.Remember Accents
Valentine Paper Mache Crafts 1.0
Heart Felt Paper Mache Crafts forValentine'sDayValentine's Day paper mache crafts are fun, creative, frugalandeasy to make! Papier mache is a simple torn paper and gluecrafttechnique that allows anyone to make cute and romanticValentinecrafts and gifts, decorations and fashionaccessories.All you need to make Valentine paper mache crafts arecleannewspapers, papier mache paste, masking tape and molds foryourproject plus a large table for a workspace. Paper macheisnon-toxic and does not create dangerous vapors or fumes, soit'ssafe for children and you can work on it anywhere in your homeorclassroom.Photo credit: the wedding, paper mache art ,Paper Mache Crafts - Green, Frugal, Creative - Kids and AdultsEnjoyMaking Paper Mache CraftsHow to Do: Basic Paper Mache - Easy Valentine Crafts StartwithBasic Paper MachePaper and paste - the arts and crafts materials favoredbypreschoolers and paper artists alike - are all you need tocreatelovely paper mache Valentine decorations, gifts, mailboxesandcontainers. Create green and beautiful decorations, ornamentsandgifts made from painted and decorated paper mache crafts.Paper mache is a wonderful craft for recycling newspapers,cardboardboxes, telephone books and paper bags. You create afamily keepsakeor special gift from items you'd ordinarily tossinto the trash orrecycling bin.The simplest paper mache ever starts with simple paste madewithElmer's Glue and water.Paper mache can be a messy craft. In warm weather you can workonpaper mache crafts outdoors and keep the mess out of the house;orwork inside at the kitchen table or in your basement and coverthetable and floors with plastic sheeting or old newspapers. Havefunmaking Valentine paper mache hearts, decorations, Valentinecardmailboxes and more with green and crafty paper mache craftsforValentine's Day.Paper Mache Paste SuppliesPaper mache paste is basically a simple home made glue. Youcancreate paper mache paste from a mixture of flour and water, oryoucan jazz it up by adding liquid starch or white glue to giveitmore strength.Artists often use a heavy duty paper mache paste thatincludessheetrock paste when they're creating large papiermachesculptures, but that's not recommended for use withchildren.I use a simple version of a basic paper mache paste recipewithnon-toxic white glue added. It's safe for kids anddriesovernight.Paper Mache Valentine Crafts - Simple Valentine PaperMacheProjectsMake lovely hearts, gift boxes, mail boxes for Valentine cardsandother cute paper mache Valentine crafts.• Paper Mache Heart NecklaceThese are paper mache necklaces that I have been working forthepast 2 weeks. All pendants are made of recycled cardboard,painted,sealed and decorated with flower cutouts and somewithrhinestones.• Paper Mache MailboxHow to make a Valentine Paper Mache Mailbox craft project.• Paper Mache Hearts Bouquet for Valentine's Day | UltimatePaperMacheThis tutorial is just in time. How to make a long-stemmedbouquetwith beautiful red and gold paper mache hearts. Greatfamilyproject.• Paper Mache Valentine's Day HeartFree Valentine's Day Paper Craft - Paper Mache Heart.Paper Mache Treasures - Designer Gifts You Can Make withPaperMacheCreate keepsakes in 3D with paper mache and paper mache clay.Papier-Mache Treasures with Teena Flanner: Creating YourOwnVintage-Style CollectiblesFollowing the ideas in this book you can make any shape orfigureyou want to create in paper mache.Paper Mache Clay - No Heat or Firing Required! - Make MoldedHearts,Models, Beads and MorePaper mache clay is lightweight, nontoxic and easy to use. Youdon'tneed to fire it or heat it up. It molds into almost any shapeyouneed, from beads to boxes, jewelry and ornaments and air driesto ahard finish you can sand and paint.
DIY Art and Craft Tutorial 1.0
art and craft project can be learned by kidstoshow their creativity. this activity is easy for kidsartpreschoolers, easy crafts for toddlers. Looking for creativewaysto make some extra cash this year? What better a creative waytomake extra money than by selling some DIYs you made? When Iwaslooking for stuff to make and sell online, things to sell onEtsyand at craft fairs, I made this list. I wanted to share it withyousince I learned quite a bit about what to make and sell online.Ifound a little something for everyone, too – DIY gifts,jewelry,wall art, home decor, pillows, coasters, bags and clocks.Whetheryou are just starting out trying to sell things or arealready anexpert and power seller on Ebay, you are sure to find afew newcool ideas for crafts to make and sell. Sewing projects,paintingprojects, inexpensive crafts you can make from things youbuy atthe dollar stores, and my favorite kind- projects fromreclaimedwood.Arts and crafts describes a wide variety of activitiesinvolvingmaking things with one's own hands. Arts and crafts isusually ahobby. Some crafts (art skills) have been practised forcenturies,others are more recent inventions. A quote by ApoorvaRathore: Artcannot be taught, it comes from thinking. But it can beimproved bypractice.Both children and adults enjoy arts and crafts. Children inschoolsmay learn skills such as woodworking, wood carving, sewing,ormaking things with all sorts of material. Many communitycentresand schools have evening or day classes and workshops whereone canlearn arts and craft skills.Although "crafts" today are usually hobbies enjoyed by amateurs,theword was used many centuries ago by professional people who hadaguild system. Young people were learned from amaster-craftsman(i.e. they were "apprenticed"), and they often tookmany years tolearn their skills to perfection.• 1Crafts involving textiles• 2Crafts involving wood, metal or clay• 3Crafts involving paper or canvas• 4Crafts involving plants• 5Other craftsCrafts involving textiles[Calligraphy• Cross-stitch• Crocheting• Embroidery• Felting• Knitting• Lace-making• Macramé• Millinery• Needlepoint• Patchwork• Quilting• Rug making• Sewing• Shoemaking• Spinning (textiles)• String art• Tapestry• Weaving• T-shirt artCrafts involving wood, metal or clay[• Metalworking• Jewelry• Pottery• Sculpture• Woodworking• Cabinet making• Marquetry• Lacquerware• Wood burning• Wood turningCrafts involving paper or canvas[• Bookbinding• Calligraphy• Cardmaking• Card Modelling• Collage• Decoupage• Embossing• Iris Folding• Marbling• Origami• Papercraft• Papier-mâché• Parchment craft• Quilling or Paper Filigree• Scrapbooking• Stamping (with a rubber stamp)• SketchingCrafts involving plants[• Basket weaving• Corn dolly making• Floral Design• Pressed flower craft• Straw marquetryOther crafts[• Balloon animal• Beadwork• Doll making• Dollhouse construction and furnishing• Egg decorating• Etching• Glassblowing• Lapidary• Mosaics• Stained glass• Toy making• Polymer clay
Best wedding shoes ideas 1.0
this app will shows you many inspirationanddesign ideas about beautiful wedding shoes such as: weddingshoesfor bride, ivory wedding shoes, silver wedding shoes, flatweddingshoes, branded wedding shoes, wedding shoes gold, whiteflatwedding shoes, white wedge wedding shoes, grey wedge weddingshoes,black wedge wedding shoes, blue wedge wedding shoes, silvershoesfor a wedding, wedding shoes 3 inchi heel, evening andweddingshoes, blue flat wedding shoes, purple wedding shoes, brownweddingshoes, blue high heels wedding shoes, champagne coloredshoes forwedding, dressy wedge shoes wedding.Bridal Shoes - No Cold Feet Here!Bridal shoes....gorgeous and insanely difficult to find theperfectones! I spent weeks and weeks digging through prom-likeshoes, justto find a gorgeous pair of shoes that would cost me 4months worthof my salary! (Part of me really wanted to believe itwas worthit... )Below are a large selection of wedding shoes that cover a varietyofstyles and price ranges. Many of these can be purchased overtheinternet from retail or wholesale stores or direct from theartistwho created them.Can't find shoes? Use the pedicure and get away with a nightofshiny toenail polish...just remind the groom to not step onyourtoes during the dance!Some advice for your wedding shoes:1. Buy your shoes BEFORE your last dress fitting. Your tailorwillneed to know the final length of your dress before hemmingorcreating last minute alterations.2. You can accessorize off of your shoes - matchinghairaccessories, flowers, flower girl dress, even table cloths.Thinkabout how your shoes will match everything.3. Comfort matters...walk around in your shoes several days forafew hours each day leading up to the wedding.4. If your shoes are slippery on the bottom, lightly sand themwithsandpaper OR, put paper tape in an "x" on the bottom of theshoesso you don't slip.5. Fabric shoes can be stretched and with hot water sprayed fromamisting bottle can go back a bit in size. Pleather (fakeleather)shoes can be stretched, but can never go back.6. Choose a realistic shoe height. We all want to look tall,leanand long...but you also need to be comfy.7. Platform heels are small miracles sent from heaven. They addlotsof height, but the platform will save your back! The downfallis,they look a bit chunky for a wedding gown.8. Wear shoes you love. I looked for 3 months to find greensatinwedding shoes...I had no luck. At the last minute, I foundpleatedivory silk shoes with a green jewel in the center - theywereperfect! Sometimes what you have in your mind may not be asperfectas what you find in a store when you least expect it!9. Be nice to your bridesmaids. If you can't find a shoe thatsuitsall, ask them to find one in a color of your choice. This willhelpthem have more options so they can succeed. I asked mybridesmaidsto find metallic strappy heels and specified no brightmetallics,and they all succeeded and looked great. A couple of themalreadyowned shoes like that so it saved them money as well.10. If you have lots of money for your shoe budget, Irecommendfinding a designer and working with them to create thespot-onperfect shoe for your wedding gown. Contact them via e-mailandhave photos of your gown or draw out an idea for them.
best aquarium design ideas 1.0
This app will serves some related ideasaboutaquarium such as Aquarium, reef aquarium reef tankaquarium,lighting aquarium ,supplies custom fish tank, customaquariums ,live aquarium, live fish1. Decide what you are aiming for. General ShapeThe most beautiful aquariums have a shape. This means that thestillobjects, like rocks and vegetation will form a shape insidetheaquarium. This will make your aquarium pleasant to look at bothfromthe distance and from close range. When you are close, thefish anddetails will be beautiful,whie from distance the overallshape willgive the viewer a pleasant experience.There are three main shapes when it comes to aquariums. Theconvexshape, the concave shape and the triangular shape. Theseshapes aremade up of the plants and rocks inside theaquarium.The concave starts from a low point at the two sides oftheaquarium, and peaks around the middle with one high pointThe convex starts high on the two sides of the aquarium. Thelowestpoint of the shape is around the middle. So the convex hastwopeaks, one at each side.The triangular consists of several small triangles. Onetriangleformed by the vegetation and the rocks is followed byanother. Sucha shape will have several peaks and lows. The peaksare atapproximately the same height.4. Focal PointEvery aquarium needs a focal point. A focal point is the pointinthe aquarium which will draw attention to itself right away. Itisthe dominant point part of the design.Such a focal point can be achieved by congesting stale objectsintoone place in the aquarium. The focal point is created byrelativecongestion at that point, while other places will berelativelyscarce in stale objects.The focal point of a convex shape is next to one of the sides oftheaquarium. The focal point of a concave shape will be aroundthemiddle. The focal point of a triangular design is in one ofthetriangles close to the center. The focal point should be verycloseto the center, but never exactly in the center. It would looktoosymmetrical. So symmetrical that it would look unnaturalandpre-planned to the human eye.2. Settle All The RocksRocks have an important part in creating the above mentionedshapesin an aquarium. However the rocks need to be settled. Thefish willmove the rocks with heir movement. The wall of theaquarium mightbreak if a rock becomes unsettled and hits the glass.The plantswill also prevent the rocks from staying in one placewith theirgrowth.Lay an inch of sand on the bottom of the aquarium. This will fixtherocks well enough. If you are using volcanic rocks - which arelight- make sure to fix them with silicone to the bottom oftheaquarium.3. Go For Contrasting ColoursThe most beautiful aquariums have contrasting colours. Anaquariumwith only one colour will be one-dimensional and unpleasantto lookat. No-one spends hours, or even minutes looking at aplainaquarium. You need to have an aquarium full of colour and lifejustlike it is in nature.There are a few general colour pairings that will ensure thatyouraquarium will look the best possible. Red fish go well withgreenplants. The other nice looking colour combination is theblackbackground with light-coloured fish and stones.White sandlooksmagnificent with a black background. Black effect can alsobeachieved with volcanic sand. Use white pieces of stone forwhiteeffect.4. LightsA too bright aquarium is not good. It will hurt your eyeswhenlooking at it. Just like with the colours and the shape ofthedesign, you need contrast with the lights as well. Instead ofusingflourescent lights, use a spotlight. A spotlight will leavesomeparts of the aquarium dark, while the area right under thelightwill be very bright.If you have a very bright aquarium, you can make it a bit darkerbynot wiping out all the algae straight away.
Best Garage exterior design 1.0
in this app there so many realted ideas tomakeyour garage outdoor become charming such as: entry doors ,exteriordoors , front entry doors , front doors for homes , frontdoors forsale , outside doors , glasssteel entry doorsGlass Garages and More!Explore with me some great garages - from the basic with tonsofstorage, to the sublime - architectural gems to even the smallinsize but strong in style - a glass garage. Come dream with meofthe biggest and best garages with all the trimmings fromskylightsto copper cupolas to even a guest house.Journey with me as we explore a plethora of garages from 3cargarage and more! From the simple to the sublime to evencelebritygarages and glass garages.Explore new automatic garage carriage doors that swing out.Thereare also the gizmos for the garage - such as sources andremotesand hardware and much more.Most of all, dream with me - dream big - remember the largerthegarage, the more toys! Enjoy!Gorgeous Garage DoorsGarage Doors Gizmos and More!Now that we have seen the magnificent 3 car garages and manymore,what makes a garage so special? Just its size? No, it is muchmorethan that. A garage is mainly the garage door and the garagefloor.The gizmos for the garage such as the garage door opener andthecarriage house hardware add the details that make thegaragespecial.Lighting - Natural Light is the Very BestLighting the interior of a large space takes much planning. Ifyouare building or remodeling consider the very best - naturallight.A garage must be well light on the inside but don't forgetaboutthe exterior lighting. Lights on the exterior soffit (theoverhand)make the garage's architecture really stand out at night.Thesoffit lighting combined with natural lights for the interiorwouldbe a great addition to any garage - new or old.Garage Door GizmosThe invention of the overhead garage door and its mechanicalmarvelby Howard Colman remains a daily comfort for the majorityofAmericans. The remote control garage door is now anecessaryconvenience.Copper CupolaJust as you wouldn't forget the icing on the top of the cake,don'tforget the copper cupola at the top of your dreamgarage.Carriage Garage DoorOne of my favorite items is the carriage door. Living withacarriage door with it opening in the center and swinging outissomething new for me that I would just have to get use to. Inmanyways, I feel this would be a safer design than the overheadgaragedoor.Carriage Garage Door HardwareDon't forget the hardware for your carriage garage door. Yes,youneed a special door opener but you also need the exteriorfauxbrackets that make the design realistic.Insulated Garage DoorA wood door would be too much maintenance for me. An insulateddoorthat qualified for the energy tax savings is a must for me. Ifweare going to upgrade, let's upgrade all the way, includingsavingon the utility bill and the tax - two great savingpoints.Interior FlooringThe interior floor is what makes a dingy garage or adynamitegarage. Check out Jay Leno's garage floor. The renovationisamazing. I love the high shine and the clean appearance it givestothe entire space.Energy Efficiency - Wind TurbineEnergy efficiency for Jay is taken to the extreme withhisinstallation of the wind turbine. But if I had a garage ofthatmagnitude, I would definitely make the investment.Leno'scollection is stated to occupy 3 football fields! AccordingtoAskville, Leno's collections includes 73 motorcycles and 75cars.His cars reside in garages that are decorated with vintagecarposters, oil posers and vintage billboards.Dream garages are now more affordable than ever before. Evenifyours and mine is not 3 car or more, we can add the gizmos, addthehardware, change out the garage door to an energyefficientinsulated door and much more.
Bookshelf design ideas 1.0
If you just bought a computer or a pieceoffurniture, you may find yourself suddenly in the possession ofalot of sturdy cardboard. You could easily put it at theroadsidefor recycling. Or you could transform it into aunique-looking casefor your books or DVDs. (I use mine for both.)Cardboard has a lotof virtues. For one, if you live in anapartment, you can't just goout to the garage and make woodenshelves. You can't start cuttingwood in your apartment either oryou will annoy the neighbours.Cardboard is very easy to work withand, as you'll soon see,capable of becoming quite sturdy. It's alsoa very light material,environment-friendly, and FREE.MaterialsLots o' cardboard - sturdy cardboardScissors/a knife/a boxcutter - you could in theory make thiswholecase using scissors, but you'll need strong hands. I usedscissorsand a bread knife myself.Measuring tape/a rulerA pencilThis hub!Cutting the PiecesFor the design I came up with, there are only three basic kindsofpieces.1. The shelves:These are the longest pieces. The length is really up to you andmaybe dependent on the length of your cardboard box. I cut mine to21.5inches in length, 2.5 inches in length. So they'reessentiallystrips.Because you just can't support books on the flat of cardboard(it'llfold), we're going to turn the cardboard slices lengthwise.So tomake a substitute surface out of lengthwise cardboard, we'llneed atleast four on each level. Since we're only doing threelevels (topand bottom included), we'll only need twelve of thesestrips.2. The dividers:These are the second-longest pieces. They keep the shelvesapart.You don't want these to be too long, because the longer theyarethe more prone their middle will be to folding. I recommend15inches in length and 3 inches in width.Since we'll be using four dividers on each side per level,we'llneed sixteen.3. The joiners:Joiners are the most integral part of the case. The shelves andthedividers will all connect into the joiners. Because ourshelveshave to be on edge, they have to be slotted into somethingto holdthem up. This is what the joiners do. They also slot thedividers,which are also on edge, width-wise.There are two type of joiners. Those at the top and bottom are tobe10 inches in length and 2.5 inches in width. Those in themiddle,however, must be 10 inches in length and 5 inches inwidth.We'll need eight of the 2.5 inch variety, and four of the 5inchvariety.SlotsThe great thing about cardboard is you don't have to use adhesiveornails. Slots is all you need to join the pieces together. Thewidthof all slots should be about 1/10 or 1/5 of an inch if we'reto havethem fit snugly.1. Shelf slots. On both ends of the shelves cut two slots, thefirstone inch in and the second two inches in. They slots are tobeexactly half the length as the width of the shelf. So half of2.5 is1.25 inches.2. Divider slots. On both ends of the dividers cut two slots.Sincethe ends of the dividers are 3 inches, it's simply a matterofcutting a slot one inch in from each side. The length of theslotis to be the same as the shelf slots: 1.25 inches.3. Joiner slots. This is the tricky one, because the top,middle,and bottom joiners are all different. Draw a ten inch linedown themiddle of the joiner. If you recall, the joiner is 2.5inches inwidth, so each side is 1.25 inches. For the top 2.5 inchjoiners,cut a slot at every inch, so you have nine slots in total,all onone side. For the bottom 2.5 inch joiners, cut a slot at thefirst,second, fourth, sixth, and eight inch marks on one side, thethird,fifth, seventh, and ninth inch marks on the other side. Forthe 5inch joiners, on one side you'll cut, from left to right, atthethird, fifth, seventh, and ninth marks. On the other side,you'llcut, from left to right, at the first, second, fourth, sixth,andeighth marksI
beautiful baby room ideas 1.0
Unique Tips and Ideas to DecorateNurseryCreating a space for baby can be a daunting task. There'smanythings to consider like the theme, what colors to use, thedécorand where to place the furniture. It can be easier to juststickwith the traditional blue or pink designs but that may not beforeveryone. Or maybe you do want to stick to pink and blue butarelooking for other ways to make the room a little different fromthenorm.If you want to explore more creative ways to add to the nurserysothat it can have a fresher, more unique look and feel to itthenyou may enjoy some of these nursery tips and ideas I used todesignmy daughter's nursery.Use an Object as a Focal Point to Decorate Baby's NurseryChoosing a color scheme is a big part in how to decorate a roomandis a complicated task alone so straying from the traditionalpinkand blue can make that task even more complicated. When indoubt(like we were), use an object that you know will be placed intheroom as a starting point. I chose a frame that was given tothebaby as a gift from her grandfather. It was a sentimentalpiecethat had her name on it and it would be used to hold some ofherphotos. Therefore, I knew it was going to be a focal point inherroom.Luckily, the color of the picture frame was a pretty purpleandwhite so I matched the paint to the frame. I didn't want theusualpink color to dominate the color scheme of the room but Istillappreciated the girly effect that the colors purple andwhiteachieved.Decorating The Baby NurseryYou're having a baby! Congratulations! And it's a boy, that'sgreat!Now comes the hard part, decorating the nursery for a babyboy,because it's an unfortunate fact of life that there are farmoredecorating ideas and cute baby room décor for girls than therearefor boys. It's just not fair! The color choices are so limitedandnice crib sets are so expensive! Creating an adorable nurseryfor ababy boy is difficult with selections so limited, but withsomecreativity, it can be done!Nursery ColorsIf you're fortunate enough to have an extra room in your house forababy, that's great, you've got a relatively blank slate.However,when you go to look for inspiration at the stores for boyrooms,'s a little less than inspiring. The colors areusuallyprimary crayonbox colors, the moss green and browncombination, orthe blue & brown combination...not a lot ofvariation on thosecolors. And the themes are usually sports, thejungle, Noah's arkor cars, trucks or boats. Some of these mightgrow with the baby ashe gets older, but if anything, he willprobably get tired of thembefore he ever outgrows them.Nursery EssentialsWhat do you really need for a baby room? Do you really need togoall out and buy that expensive eight piece furniture set you sawatBabies R' Us? Maybe not. The essentials: You must have a cribandin some cases, a secondhand one won't do. That's due tosafetyregulations for cribs changing over the years. Cribs haveevolved agood bit over the years and crib slats must now be no morethan 23/8 inches apart to prevent head entrapment. Equallyimportant isthe crib mattress. Crib mattresses fit tightly now, sotightly thatwhen changing the sheet it's not unlike wrestling analligator, butagain, it's for safety sake and due to entrapmentissues. Paint canalso be an issue. Lead-based paint was often usedon baby itemsback in the day and is a safety hazard, so it could bea problem aswell. So that antique crib you had your heart set onmight not fitthe bill!
Bracelet craft ideas 1.0
A collection of fun and creativejewelrytutorials for making pins, brooches, bracelets, necklaces,andjewelry-inspired crafts! If you like jewelry, you're bound tofinda project here to fit your personal style andcraftingskills.Grouped by material, these jewelry projects use a varietyofsupplies from beads, buttons, and paper to plastic, polymerclay,and yarn. I've even included some projects for displayingyourfinished jewelry. Stop by often as new tutorials areadded!Beads, Buttons, and FabricHow to Hand Paint Beads to Make a Colorful Statement Necklace -Handpainting beads is easier than you think and a great way tocreate abold statement necklaces that fits your own personalstyle. Onceyour beads are painted, they can be strung alone orcombined withother beads to design unique necklaces that you'll beproud towear.How to Make a Multi-Strand Beaded NecklaceHow to Make a Multi-Strand Beaded Necklace - Necklaces composedofmany strands of beads may seem complicated, but are actuallyquiteeasy to make with materials from your local craft store or bigboxretailer. This step-by-step tutorial will show you how tocreateyour own beautiful multi-strand beaded necklace and offersomeideas on how to make your necklace uniquely your own.Colorful Ombre Button NecklaceColorful Ombré Necklace Made with Buttons - Ombré design is oneofthe hottest fashion trends now and it's easy to create yourowncolorful necklace using a collection of buttons and somebeadstring.Handmade Fabric Rosette NecklaceHandmade Fabric Rosette Necklace - These fabric rosettes addafeminine touch to any accessory and look especially prettyhungtogether on a necklace. These rosettes are easy to make, andcan beembellished with a variety of materials like beads,sequin,rhinestones, paint, and lace.Quick & Easy Beaded NecklaceHow to Make a Quick and Easy Beaded Ribbon Necklace - Choosingandarranging beads for a necklace can be an intimidating task.Thistutorial will show you how to put together beads using a lengthofribbon for a quick and easy necklace (or bracelet) that you'llbeexcited to say you made yourself!Simple Wire and Bead Shawl Pin or Clasp - A shawl pin or clasp isadecorative item worn to hold the ends of a shawl or scarftogether.These pieces also keep your shawl or scarf in place as youmovearound. This simple shawl pin design requires only a fewbasicmaterials to create this stylish piece of jewelry.Heart-Shaped Button Pin, Brooch, or Pendant - I love buttons! Oneofmy favorite crafting materials, buttons are always a funandcreative way to decorate any project. This heart-shaped designcanbe embellished with a pretty arrangement of buttons, and worn asapin, brooch, or pendant.Oven-Bake and Polymer ClayPolymer Clay is a versatile material that you can use for makingsomany things. I especially like using it for small jewelryitems.This "love letter" pendant or key chain is a sweet way toshare apersonal message. These charming items make wonderful giftsforValentine's Day, Mother's Day, an anniversary, or for aspecialfriend or bridal party. This is a fun project that requiresnospecial tools or experience with clay!Note: For most of these tutorials, any oven bake clay or evensaltdough clay can be used in place of polymer clay.Matryoshka style polymer clay charms, Beaded Shawl Stick orHairOrnament, Pretty Polymer Clay Shawl Pin and Stick, KnittedJewelrySkeleton Necklace with Beads - A recycled skeleton key canbecomethe perfect centerpiece to hang combinations of beads andtrinketsto create a uniquely stunning necklace. This is asurprisingly easyproject if you are familiar with using pliers andjewelry makingsupplies, and a great way to reuse lockets or specialitems to makebeautifully personal piece of jewelry.
beautiful flower tatoo design 1.0
FLOWER TATTOOS AND THEIR VARIETYWhen it comes to flower tattoos, there are thousands ofdifferentdesigns, styles, and meanings. The flower tattoo gives youamassive range of choices to choose from. Nearly all flowershavesome kind of symbolic meanings associated with it. If youareconsidering a flower tattoo of some type, make sure youfullyunderstand what the flower represents before you get ittattooed.Flower tattoos are feminine in nature and usually femalesseekthese tattoos. Even though the majority of flower tattoos arewornby women, men do seek the same tattoos. One example of suchaflower is the rose. The rose is a tattoo design that is worn bymenand women.Flower tattoos can represent all kinds of different meanings.Flowertattoos can symbolize life, victory, marriage, death,youth,vitality, femininity, love, and so much more. Due to thevastnumbers of different flowering breeds, there are thousandsofflowers and thousands of meanings. When it comes to asymbolictattoo with this range of choices, the flower tattoo standsalone.This is some of the main reasons that make the flower tattooa verypopular choice, especially among women. Some women choose togetthe flower tattoo because of the beauty of the designs. Othersmaychoose a specific flower for its symbolic meaning. It is nowonderwhy the flower tattoo is so popular in many differentcultures. Dueto the large range of choices, if you do enoughresearch, you arebound to find a tattoo and meaning that fits you.It is veryimportant to do your research if you are considering anytattoodesign, especially the flower tattoo design.FLOWER TATTOO MEANINGSOne of the most recognized meanings of the flower is love anddeath.Flowers have marked graves and burial sites for centuries.Flowerssymbolize those who have passed and we honor the memory byplacingflowers on their final resting place. Overall, flowersalsorepresent love, birth, special occasions, growth, and unityaswell. Once again, it shows you all the symbolic meanings offlowersin general. Below, you can find some of the most recognizedflowersand their meanings.• Amaryllis- This is a symbol of success after hard struggles.Theseare also given to someone for doing a great job.• Apple Blossom- This is a symbol of peace and love mostcommonly.It also represents fertility. These are symbols of love incertaincultures.• Camellia- This is a symbol of passion and deep desire. It canalsorepresent a deep love for someone.• Dahlia- This is a symbol of warning and change. It couldrepresenttraveling or it can also be a sign of getting even.• Lily- This is a symbol of a partnership. This usually symbolizesastrong long lasting relationship. It is also a flowerformothers.• Rose- This is a symbol of love and union. Each color of theroserepresents something different. One of the most popularflowers.You can find out more about roses later in thearticle.• Tulip- This is a symbol of opportunity and adjustment. It canalsosignify aspiration and achievement.• Sunflower- Believe it or not, sun flowers are gainingpopularity.They symbolize good luck and wealth.
Recycled crafts ideas 1.0
Beautiful Arts and Crafts to Create OutofRecycled MaterialArts and crafts need not involve creating items fromscratch.Transformation or conversion from one form to another canbe anartistic way of expression. Such as, turning household trashandwaste into handy furniture or decorations. Given here are afewsimple, arts and crafts techniques, that help you recycle andbecreative at the same time.Nature converts the most ordinary and downright weird objectsintoarticles of beauty. Caterpillars become butterflies. A mightyoakappears from a tiny seed. Diamonds are formed from coal. Yethumanbeings tend to start with the best and brightest ofingredients,when it comes to expressing their inner artist. Why nottake a leafout of nature's book? Converting something of no use orsomethingwhich should be discarded, is a great way to reduce wasteandexpress your creativity. Recycling isn't confined tomakingdeposits at a recycling waste center. One should learn toreutilizematerials in a different manner from how they wereintended to beused, to reduce waste. Turning a pile of newspapersinto a figurineor using tin cans to make sculptures, follows the"reduce, reuseand recycle" motto. Plus salvaging household itemsfor arts andcrafts, is cheaper than buying expensive artsupplies!Recycled Craft ProjectsAll you need is one spark to start a fire. Creativity, whetheryourown, or encouraging it in others, works in the same manner.Onceyou have a basic idea, you'd be surprised at the amountofinspiring thoughts flooding your head. So to start yourthinkingprocess off, below are a few recycled craft ideas, thatwill helpyou recover your rubbish from the trash bin and turn itintoart.Floppy Disk Photo CubeFloppy disks are one of the most discarded electronic items buttheyare also very useful in DIY (do-it-yourself) projects. Thiscraftidea turns a stack of floppy disks into a small andconvenient photocube, so you can display an array of photos in avery creativemanner.You will need:6, 3½ inch floppy disksGlue gunDouble-sided tapePhotosInstructions:The idea is to construct a cube out of floppy disks. So layonedisk, index face down, on a flat surface.Use a glue gun and attach one disk to each side and then one diskontop, to create a cube.Cut out your photos, such that they fit in the index space ofthedisk.Affix a photo to the index space of each disk, usingdouble-sidedtape.Bottle Cap MagnetsCreate your own custom fridge magnet using a small butoft-discardedobject, the bottle cap. Bottle cap magnets make smallbut thoughtfulgifts, such as a "Happy Birthday" or"Congratulations" magnet todisplay on the fridge. You can use afavorite photo or image aswell. This is a very simple recycledkiddie craft idea but adulthelp and supervision is required forapplying the glue.You will need:Transparent packing tapeBottle capGlitter, sequins, beads, googly eyes etc. any small art &craftdecorationsBackground paperTacky or white craft glueClear sealant½ inch-wide magnetHot glue to attach magnetInstructions:Cover the background paper on both sides, with packing tape.Cut out a circle from the background paper, such that it will fitinthe bottle cap's inside.Fix the circle to the bottom of the cap, using the tackyglue.Decorate the image with glitter, sequins, beads and fix themusingtacky glue or clear glue.Let the glue dry, then apply a coat of clear sealant to glazeoverthe surface. Now the image and its decorations are sealedwithinthe cap.
Green house design 1.0
Tips to Build Your Own GreenhouseA greenhouse is a controlled environment where you can growplants,fruits, and vegetables. If you want to protect your plantsfromextreme climate conditions, build your own greenhouse right inyourgarden.A greenhouse, also called a hothouse or glasshouse, is astructurewhere vegetables, fruits, and flowering plants arecultivated undera controlled temperature. The roof and walls aremade of eitherplastic or glass. It protects the crops from extremeweatherconditions. It also helps keep away pests. Hydroponicgardening canalso be done inside a greenhouse.The ceiling and walls transmit sunlight, which is thenconvertedinto thermal or heat energy. The sunlight, after beingabsorbed bythe plants, is reflected back. However, the sunlight canno longerpass out through the structure, because the reflectedwaves havelonger infrared wavelengths. It continues to heat as moreand moresunlight is trapped. As the plants start heating, theyemitmoisture, which in turn produces humidity inside thegreenhouse.These conditions are extremely favorable for the overallgrowth ofthe plants. However, during winter, artificial heat has tobeprovided to maintain a stable temperature insidethegreenhouse.Before starting with the construction of a greenhouse, youshouldselect the plants or vegetables that you want to cultivate.Forinstance, if you wish to cultivate exotic flowering plants,itshould be constructed in a way that it meets the temperatureandother conditions needed by those plants. Moreover, if you wanttocultivate tropical plants throughout the year, you will needtobuild a permanent greenhouse. You can build it either asafreestanding building or you can attach it to your houseorterrace.Choosing the SiteYou should select the site of the greenhouse in a way thatitbeautifully blends with your home and garden. The siteshouldreceive adequate sunlight, especially during the wintermonths. Itshould however, be sheltered from strong winds. A goodwater supplyand drainage system near the greenhouse is absolutelynecessary.For growing plants it is important to ensure that tallbuildingsand trees near the site do not block the sunlight.Choosing the StyleYou can design your greenhouse in a variety of styles. Lean-toones,though smaller in size, can be attached to the wall of yourhouse orgarage. Classic A-frame styles have high ceilings and areslanted atthe sides. They are inexpensive and easy to build. Youcan usepolyethylene sheets if you plan to build your greenhouse inhoopstyle, also known as Quonset hut style. Gothic arc style,similar tohoop style, have straight wall and pointed roofs. Youshould styleit depending on the temperature you wish to maintaininside thestructure.Building the FoundationBefore building the foundation, you should level the site andremoveall the weeds and plants from the soil. You can either optfor woodor concrete foundation. For home greenhouses, woodfoundation is anexcellent choice. It is inexpensive, as well aseasy to build. If itis attached to your house or garage, it isbetter to build a strongconcrete foundation.
Plastic bottle craft ideas 1.0
Recycling Plastic Bottles Has SomeTrulyImpressive BenefitsDid you know that recycling plastic bottles helps inconservingenergy and protecting the environment, at the same time?Read on toknow more of such facts as well as the benefits of thesame.With global warming causing major climatic changes indifferentparts of the world, it becomes our primary duty to takecertainsteps to reduce it so that the environment can beprotected.Although, world leaders have come up withenvironment-friendlypolicies, which are being implemented on anational level invarious countries, we, as individuals, should alsomake someefforts to keep our environment safe. A small thing whicheach oneof us can do is recycle the bottles that we use everyday.If eachone of us start recycling on a daily basis, it will make alot ofdifference to our environment.FactsIt is estimated that Americans use approximately two millionplasticbottles every hour. Majority of these are discarded andnotrecycled.It takes close to a thousand years for them to getdecomposed.Recycled plastic cannot be used to make bottles again. Instead,itis remade into other items, such as clothing, carpeting,toys,etc.According to estimates, around one million barrels of oil arespentin supplying bottled water in one year.Processing one bottle helps in conserving energy equivalenttolighting a 60-watt bulb for about six hours.Four-fifth of households in America access plasticsrecyclingprogram.How to RecycleThe Environmental Protection Agency has a target torecycleone-fourth of all wastes generated in America. Plasticbottles canbe recycled through the curbside recycling, throughgrocery storedrop bins, and through drop-off centers. By readingthe number atthe base of the bottles, it can be known whether thebottle can berecycled or not. Once the type is determined, (itranges from type1 to type 7), calling the department of publicworks or a nearbyrecycling center, will help in determining whethera particulartype can be recycled, and if yes, where it can berecycled.BenefitsSaves EnergyTo truly understand the benefits for the environment, one hastolook at the statistics. Processing a pound ofpolyethyleneterephthalate i.e. PET bottles, helps in saving heatenergy, to theextent of about 12000 British Thermal Units, i.e.BTU. It does notend here. When this is used for producing newproducts, much lesserenergy, almost 66% lesser, is required whencompared to energy usedto manufacture fresh, new plastic. Anotheradvantage is that thegreenhouse gas emissions through this methodget reduced too.Saves Landfill SpaceToday, America is already facing a high risk of running outoflandfill space. Recycling can help in countering this risksinceone ton of recycled products help in saving 7.4 cubic yards ofthelandfill space.Makes MoneyRecycling for money generation has become a possibility inAmericanow, with demand for recycled bottles exceedingsupplyconsiderably. So, another advantage is that it generatesrevenueand employment.Product ManufactureRecycled plastic is very useful in the sense that by using it,ahost of everyday products such as carpeting and fleece jacketsaremanufactured.As you can see, this process is easy and has many benefitsandusages too. So, from today onwards, let us all join the missiontosave our environment, by disposing off plasticappropriately.
wedding bouquet design 1.0
Unique Bridal Bouquet Designs to MakeThatSpecial Day MemorableAgainst a wedding dress, a rich, colorful bouquet will onlyamplifythe loveliness a bride imbues. What you need are uniquebridalbouquet designs to put together, and carry down the aisleabeautiful display of flowers that are sure to drawattention.The wedding is a truly special day for a bride, since it istruly'her day', where she gets to walk down the aisle and marry themanof her dreams. It is the day when she is the cynosure ofeveryone'seyes and is by default the most beautiful and glowingwoman in theceremony. The bridal ensemble includes the perfectwedding gown,with a delicate veil, and of course the perfect bridalbouquet. Thetraditional wedding ceremony often includes tossing itamidst agroup of unmarried woman. The one who catches it isusuallyconsidered to be the next in line to walk down theaisle.Unique DesignsIn order to create a one-of-a-kind bridal bouquet, there are afewthings that need to be kept in mind. First of all, always usefreshand beautiful flowers so that the bouquet looks as gorgeous asthebride herself. Choosing the type of flowers and the colorsofflowers would be the next concern. Many brides try to matchthecolor of the flowers to the wedding theme colors or even thecolorsthat suit their trousseau. In case you have a bridal themethat hasa lot of unusual colors, it is always better to match thecolorswith the bridal ensemble instead of the wedding theme.Cascade BouquetIf you are planning to have a fairy-tale wedding theme, or anyothertraditional theme, then a cascade bouquet is the thing foryou. Thisis perhaps the most elegant of the lot. However, it is anoptionthat goes well with traditional and formal weddingceremonies.Flowers are combined together in such a way thatflowers descendbelow the main portion of the bouquet design.NosegayNosegays are bouquets that originated in the fourteenthcentury,when they were used to mask unpleasant odors. This explainstheunusual name for this style of bouquets. These are generallyroundclusters of flowers of one or more types. They look quitelegant,stylish, and handy to carry for the bride. You can usevariouscolors and flowers depending on your choice.Contemporary BouquetsThis one is for the modern and contemporary bride, who likes tohavea touch of her own style in every element of her weddingstartingfrom the theme to the bridal bouquet. ontemporary bouquetsaresleek, stylish, and quite unconventional. Usually they use aminimumnumber of flowers and concentrate more on each flower'sshape whichgives definition to the bouquet. These are notnecessarilysymmetrical but are very stylish and convenient tocarry for thebride.Simple, Hand-tied BouquetHand-tied bouquets are easy to create and have a naturalunorganizedstyle to them. This style is perfect for the bride whois planningto wear her hair down in silken ringlets since thebouquet willcomplement the bride's natural and mystifying look.This is a veryelegant bouquet design, and the true beauty andelegance of thisstyle lies in its simplicity. It is created merelytying the flowersby placing the stems of the flowers, foliage, andaccessories. Ithas a more casual style, which goes well for brideswho want asimple bouquet.Silk Bridal BouquetIf you want minimum fuss and maximum style, then silkbridalbouquets are the way to go. They do not use natural flowersbutartificial silk ones tied into a beautiful bouquet.
Photo frame diy craft 1.0
Craft Picture FramesCan't think of ideas use up the junk you don't have the hearttothrow? Here's how to do it with craft picture frames for kidswiththese waste materials.Photographs are priceless treasures, which deserve acreativeexhibition. Making craft picture frames is the perfect wayoffixing the unforgettable memories in handmade frames. Theseframesare also a great ideas of keeping kids engaged in an activitythatmakes them think differently. When boredom strikes on lazySundayafternoons, making handmade picture frames is an ideal wayofspending time with kids. Such frames can be made out ofwastematerial such as woolen threads, bits and pieces ofpaper,never-to-be-used cloth pieces, randomly collected shells,feathers,colorful stones, and other random materials.Making Picture Frames for KidsFlower FrameThis is one of the popular craft ideas for picture frames. Tomakethis, you will need cardboard rectangle, scissors, colors(paint orcrayons), and the photograph you intend to frame. Markthemeasurements of the photograph on the cardboard. Now trace outaflower template on the cardboard and cut it out. Decoratetheflower as per your liking and let it dry. You can use yourwildestimagination to make the wildest flower for decoratingpictureframe. Meanwhile, cut out another piece of cardboard, whichisslightly bigger than the picture. Paste the picture onto itandplace the flower on top. Voila...your flower picture frame isreadyto adorn the wall in your bedroom!Foam FrameCraft foam picture frames look amazing and colorful. You caneitheruse foam stickers or cut out shapes to make scenes on theframeswith foam sheets. To make this picture frame you will need,coloredfoam sheets or stickers, scissors, glue, ruler, andphotograph. Cuta piece of foam from the foam sheet a little biggerthan the sizeof your picture. Stick the photograph on the sheet.Make border ofcontrasting color and decorate it with stickers orcut outs. Youcan make footballs, clouds, flowers, stars, and otherabstractdesigns too for a decorative frame. Once the stickingdries, make asmall loop with a thread on the back and hang it onthe wall.Potpourri FrameThe old potpourri is of no good use. Recycling it asdecoratingmaterial for your craft wooden picture frames, creativeriddance ofrubbish material is a good idea. For making a woodenframe, youdon't really need wood. Remember those wooden stick onice creamcandies? Yes! That's all you need to make wooden frames.Cleanthose sticks and paint them in the color of your choice foraframe. Cut out a cardboard piece a little larger thanthephotograph you want frame. Paste the picture on the cardboardandpaste the frame around the picture. Now decorate the frame withthepotpourri, for an autumn look!Bottle Cork FrameColas are the perfect drink for summers. But what do you do withainnumerable bottle corks? A picture frame, of course! Forframingthe picture, you will need corks, adhesive glue, cardboard,andpicture. Cut out a cardboard piece a little bigger than the sizeofthe picture and paste the photograph on it. On the remainingborderof the cardboard piece, paste the bottle corks to make adesign ofyour choice. You can use an adhesive magnet tape for thisframe tokeep the bottle corks in place.You can also use with shells, instead of bottle corks to makethesecrafty frames. All you need to do to come up with wonderfulframes,is, think creatively. Making picture frames is very easyandentertaining. Have fun making these frames and framingmemoriesforever!
DIY Pallet Project 1.0
Recycling Wood PalletsHow To Recycle Wood PalletsI love to do wood projects that are fun and recycling woodpalletsis one of my favorite ways to find wood for myprojects.It wasn't always that way though. There were times when I wenttothe big box home improvement store and purchased new lumber formyprojects. If you've bought any new wood lately, you'll know thatitisn't cheap! I knew that if I could find a source for used woodIcould cut the cost down considerably.I was lucky to find a new source and it was free! You can'tbeatfree! I had noticed that there were a lot of stores and shopsin myarea that had wood skids laying around outside their property.Iasked around and found out that most of this old lumber wasjustdisposed of in the garbage. What a terrible waste. Here'ssomeideas on how to recycle wood pallets and ideas forprojects.Finding Pallets To RecycleSalvaging Wood SkidsIt's actually not hard to find the skids. Most businesses havetheirproducts shipped and delivered on them. What are they doingwiththem after the product has been delivered to the store?Nothing.They are going to the landfill.All you need to do is visit a few stores and look aroundtheproperty to see if they have any used pallets. Most likely youwillfind some right away. Then you just need to ask them what theydowith the pallets. Many business will say they just dispose ofthepallets. If that's the answer then you can offer to takethepallets for them. Many business owners will jump at the chancetoget rid of them free of charge because they are an eyesoreandcostly for them to dispose of.You may run across a few stores that say they re-use theoldpallets, but don't be discouraged. There will be otherbusinessesaround that will want to get rid of their pallets andwill be happyto offer them to you.Easy Projects With Wood Pallets - Repurpose Them, Don't ThrowThemOutWood Pallet Projects: Cool and Easy-to-Make Projects for theHomeand GardenYou'll find lots of projects for reusing wooden pallets in thisbookby Chris Gleason. Learn how to construct a toolbox, abirdhouse, andeven a ukuleleHow I Found Lumber For FreeFinding Cheap WoodI approached a few of the businesses and asked them if I couldtaketheir discarded pallets for them. It was a win win situationforboth of us. I got an endless source of wood and the storessavedmoney because they didn't have to pay to remove the garbage.Ofcourse, the environment also won as the waste timber didn't havetogo to the landfill site and there were trees being saved becauseIdidn't have to buy new lumber.Another advantage of reclaiming them is that you also aregettingsome lumber that has been weathered and aged, and some thatisstill new and yellow. If they have been outside in the weatherfora long period of time, they will look like old barn wood. Someofthe lumber is very rough looking and might be perfect forthedesign of your project.Wood Pallet Projects - Make Something Out of Wood Pallets• Over 50 Wood Pallet IdeasPlenty of inspiration here for turning wood pallets intofurnitureand art. Lots of really unusual ideas. Wood pallets usedas wallpaneling, headboards, picture frames, shelving, pottingbench, androom dividers.• Pallet BookshelfTurn a generic bookshelf into stunning décor by adding a woodpalletback.• Amazing Projects Using Wood PalletsLots of ideas for reusing wood pallets here. Some of theseprojectsdon't require taking the pallets apart.Recycled Wood Pallet Project Book - New Uses for Old TimberLots of wooden pallet projects from Joe Jacobs. Learn what kindofpallet to look for, and build projects like fences,chairs,planters, tables, and indoor and outdoor furniture. Aninspiringbook for anyone looking for wooden pallet projects.
Women plus size fashion ideas 1.0
Women's Fashion Guide to Choosing andWearingPlus Size FormalsThere is a wide variety in the women's plus size formals thatcansuit anyone's requirement. Let us see the various types offormalattire in plus sizes.If you think being plus-sized will leave you with very lessoptionsin formal outfits for you, then you are wrong. While fewyears ago,formal wear for plus size women was just some simple andnot sotrendy clothing, the scene is completely different now. Plussizeclothing is no less in terms of style, latest fashiontrends,embellishments, variety, etc.Many full-figured women are nervous about being a part of abigcrowd and are constantly worried about their body shape andentirelook. You can now find many designer clothing lines cateringtowomen with fuller figures, so no question of avoiding an eventjustbecause you don't have a superb formal wear.Formal Wear for Plus Size WomenThe important thing to keep in mind while you choose the dress istoopt for the one which you feel comfortable wearing and you aresureyou can carry it well. Don't buy one just to follow thelatesttrends.You should pick up a well fitting dress, this will enhancethecurves and best assets and hide the ones you are not proud of.Anill-fitting dress will make you look weird.Next, the more formal the event is, the longer your dress needstobe. Like if it is a black tie event, you can go for a floorlengthpencil skirt. Plus-size formal gowns in dark and plain colorswilllook very decent for such occasion. You can also weartheseplus-size gowns or long skirts if you don't want to showyourcalves.Another great style is a "T-Dress". It is generally knee lengthandthe flares start just above the stomach and form a gorgeousA-linealong the length. Your full tummy or large thighs won'tbehighlighted in this outfit. You can go for plain, floral printsorpolka dots in this type. No need to hold in your stomach,thisstyle will look great and it is really comfortable.An empire waist dress gives a very stylish yet decent look andhidesyour tummy and bulky thighs. A plain empire waist gown withjust asatin ribbon looks great on you. V-neckline dresses alsolook goodfor the fuller figures.For the semi-formal occasion, you can wear skirts of lengthsbetween2-inches below the knees to two inches above the ankles.Cuts,fabrics, and details used in formal gowns make them the bestfor theevent. You can get formal jackets to match your skirts.Thesejackets can be worn on short sleeved bodice. If you do wantto hideyour bulky arms, you can purchase an attractiveshawl.Go for colors like wine red, dark chocolate, purple,turquoise,black, etc. Don't choose dull colors, strictly opt forbright ones.If you are in confusion over selecting the color thenremember thatblack is going to look the best. Avoid small printscompletely.Stay away from bulky fabrics and opt for nylon, crepe,satin, orother similar synthetic fabrics which will enhanceyourcurves.Don't forget the shape-wear. Remember, it will make yourformaloutfit look really classy. Your dress will hang better over apushup bra or a supportive bra. Also, take time to choose shoes ontheformal dress. Wearing the right pair of shoes will givethatfinishing touch to your beautiful outfit. Accessories willenhancethe look of your outfit. You can try wearing variousaccessories tomatch your formal dress. Avoid contrast coloredaccessories. Go formatching or metallic ones. A perfect piece ofaccessory candefinitely
Hairbow Craft Ideas 1.0
How to Make Hair Bows for Little GirlsHow to Make Ribbon Hair Bows for Little GirlsYou really can learn how to make hair bows for little girls.It'snot as difficult or daunting as you may think. Here you'llfindhair bow directions for making a basic bow, an instructionalvideosfor making hair bows for little girls, a sign up form toreceive afree video bow making lesson, and a link to my favoritecompletehow to make hair bows for little girls DVD course.I have two daughters, so I really wanted to learn how to makehairbows out of ribbon, especially the boutique style bows. Girlshairbows are adorable and popular, but also expensive, so why notstartmaking ribbon hair bows like I did? Once you learn how to makehairbows for little girls, you can make them for your daughters,giveas gifts, or even make them to sell.Free Hair Bow Instructions - Learn how to make hair bowsforgirlsYou can start making a basic loop ribbon hair bow today. Youwillneed a good, heavy ribbon, alligator clip, and needleandthread.Here are the steps to making a basic hair bow.1. Get your ribbon and make a loop. This first loop is yourbottomloop and your largest loop, so should be the size that youwantyour bow to be. If you want your bow to have tails, then besure toleave one tail here.2. At the base of your loop, hold the ribbon tight andtwistonce.3. Make another loop and twist again.4. Keep making loops and twisting until your bow is as full asyouwant (most bows have 3 to 4 loops on each side). You canalsoexperiment with making the loops smaller as you come towardsthemiddle (like the hair bow pictured above) or making them allaboutthe same size.5. With your needle and thread, stitch the center of the bow toholdit tight. You can make a decorative knot and stitch it to thecentertoo. Now hand sew the bow to your alligator clip.Free How to Make Hair Bows for Little GirlsIf you want to learn how to make hair bows for little girls,thenyou can get started with this free lesson in how to ribbonhairbows.I knew how to make a basic hair bow, the kind that are full andhavethree loops on each side, because I worked at a florist for mymomas a teenager. At the florist we had to make big, full bowsforflower arrangements, wedding decorations, and funeralarrangements.When I first had my baby girl I thought I'd be able tomake all ofher hair bows. It wasn't until I became a mom that Ireally startedto pay attention to how other moms were dressingtheir littlegirls. Sure, the basic bows were ok, but most moms weredeckingtheir daughters out with these big beautiful fancy hairbows. Theyare way too pricey for me to purchase boutique hair bowsfor my twodaughters to match their outfits. So, I decided to learnhow tomake hair bows for little girls. If I could make ribbon hairbows,I would never have the expense of buying those gorgeous hairbows Iso wanted for my baby girl.I didn't find any books that were really helpful. None of thebooksseem to show hair bow instructions for the new bows thatwerepopular for girls now. I cam across a few YouTube videoswithinstructions, but didn't learn how to make all of thedifferentstyle of hair bows that I was hoping to.That's when I came across this Secrets to Bow MakingSuccessprogram. I was skeptical at first, but they do offer onefreelesson. So, I filled out the form for the free lesson(onlyrequires your name and email because they email you thelesson). Myfree bow making lesson was emailed to me shortly aftercompletingthe form and I was very impressed with it.You can click the form to the right to get started.How to Make a Hair Bow from Ribbon Scraps -Learn how to make a hair bow out of your ribbon scraps.
Wooden house design ideas 1.0
We love wood houses, they feel so natural,soback to earth. As we’ve amassed a variety of awesome designideasthat are perfect for small wooden homes or cottages we wanttoshare them with you. Maybe you’ll see something you’d like tomakeyour own!If you’re building yourself or working with an architect onyoursmall wood home or cottage project, you need to decide on howmuchsquare footage of living space you’ll need depending on yourfamilysize and what you can afford. Price considering, buildinghomeswith wood is usually more affordable than with otherconstructionmaterials, and it’s a great choice especially whendesigning asmall cottage. Wood designs allow you to be creative andimplementmany desirable features with ease.Small wooden home architecture has been greatly enabled bythelatest technological innovations. Today, there are manystructuralwood types to choose from when building a new home butyour finalchoices will depend on your design and your budget, withlocalwoods being the most affordable. The site topography candefineyour home floor plan and offer unexpected design ideas thatmaytransform your small home into a small sanctuary. Below, weofferseveral examples that prove just that. Some designs we’vepickedoffer sustainable building features which you may also wanttoconsider.As you will see in some of the listings included, the rightchoiceof wood can significantly beautify even the smallest ofdesigns. Asfor the overall architecture, things like roof design,number offloors and location of the entrance to the house wouldalso dependon climate, site topography and location. Buildingpermits willvary as well depending on your local ordinance. In someplaces,small wood homes are especially welcomed and promoted, whileinothers there are limits on minimum square footage and you won’tbeable to go very small.Wood clad interiors create a cottage like feel and we’veprovidedmany examples of beautiful living spaces. If you’re new tothesmall home living lifestyle you would want to givespecialconsiderations to extra space, to ensure you have enoughroom foryour family to grow, whether that means an additionalbedroom,bathroom, playroom or storage space. Wood homes are perfectforchildren to grow up in, especially if your location issurroundedwith nature.To build an all-season cottage you would need to account forheatingoptions in your architecture. You may need a small basementor acrawl space or an attic to incorporate it. Cultural habits canalsoaffect the overall design as in some areas small homearchitectureis a well established trend, and in some it is still anew – soworking with an experienced architect can help alot.We hope the design ideas gathered from the examples below willhelpyou with building your own wooden home and making itmoreaffordable and enjoyable for years to come.
Jewelry craft ideas 1.0
DIY Steps to Make Exquisite Hand-craftedandBeaded Costume JewelryCostume jewelry is not just about big brands and expensive buys.Ifyou feel the urge to explore your creative talent, then herearesome easy ways to make hand-crafted and beaded jewelry.Any outfit can be altered to have different looks when combinedwiththe right costume jewelry. It plays an important role inenhancingthe looks of a person. You could wear something bling fora casualevening outing or a pair of simple teardrop earrings for aformaldinner. Too much bling may not look that appealing, so oneneeds tomaintain a perfect balance while selecting jewelry itemsfor theright look.Handmade jewelry has its own charm. Wearing your own designsorgifting them to someone special adds to the personal touch.Today,one can see branded stores that cater to beaded andhandmadejewelry. It has gained immense importance due to theexquisitedesigns and novelty it offers. There are hand-craftednecklaces,earrings, bracelets, and anklets available in the market.Theseeven have semiprecious jewels and swarovski crystals on them.Ifyou browse online, you can even find several websites, whichacceptorders for custom-made, hand-crafted jewelry. Makinghandmadejewelry may not really be that complex as it sounds orlooks. Youcan create it within the confines of your own home aswell. Hereare some tips to create some stunning pieces.Beaded EarringsYou will need:Head pins: 2 (these should have a flat head at the bottom)Ear wiresBeads (any kind)Round nose pliers (these are needed to make the loops)Procedure:Take the head pin and start putting some beads on it. Youcanexperiment with the size and color of the beads. Opt for twocolorsin the beginning. This would help in breaking themonotony.Now, you will need the round nose pliers to bend the free edgeofthe pin (bend it at 90°).Next, bend the end of the pin into a loop to seal thefreeedge.Finally, all you need to do is add a wire to the loop andyourearring is ready to be worn.You can try some variations to create new designs.Beaded NecklaceYou will need:ClaspWire cuttersCrimping pliersTigertail (a thin, nylon-coated steel cable which createsanillusion of floating beads)Crimp beads: 18 (These are metal beads that are flattened ontothetigertail, which help in keeping a bead in place.)4mm beads: 8 (any kind)Procedure:First, you need to cut an accurate length of thetigertailwire.Now, slide a crimp bead and a part of the clasp ontothetigertail.Next, slide the tigertail back through the crimp bead. Once thatisdone, pull it tight.Now, use the pliers to flatten the crimp bead, and trim theexcesswire.Once you decide upon the spacing between the beads, stringthemtogether and flatten the crimp bead, one at a time.Maintain a correct distance to space out the beads. Once youfinishadding the beads, add the other part of the clasp to thesecondend.Use these instructions to create a beautiful choker that willgivean illusion of floating beads around the neck.Beaded AnkletYou will need Flat nose pliers Wire cutters Tigertail wireClaspCrimps Beads (around 4 - 6 mm)Procedure:First, hold the tigertail wire between your thumb andforefinger.Now, slide the crimp bead onto the wire.Next, slide one half of the clasp. Now, using your other hand,takethe 2-inch tail and pass it through the crimp bead.Do not push it too far, as it should be enough to the extentthatyou are able to hold.Now, use the pliers to flatten the crimp bead. Make use of thewirecutters to cut any extra wire that is jutting out.Now, you can slide the beads onto the wire. Keep the length inmind,as it should be able to fit around your ankle.Once that is done, slide another crimp from the other end. Theotherhalf of the clasp will go at this end.
Outdorr kitchen design ideas 1.0
Summer Kitchen Designs for Building a CoolandIdeal OutdoorAn outdoor kitchen that is constructed away from the main houseisknown as a summer kitchen. A summer kitchen was very popularbeforethe advent of electricity in rural areas as it helped to keepthehouse cool. Nowadays, summer kitchen have becomepopularentertaining unit in modern homes.Imagine yourself cooking over an open fireplace withoutanyelectricity or air conditioning to cool the kitchen. Alsoimaginethat you reside in a place which has a tropical climate witha highdegree of humidity. Eventually, the heat from the kitchenwill heatup the entire house and it will be extremely uncomfortableto livein. This was the scenario in early Colonial America. To getrelieffrom the intense heat created by an open oven or fireplace inthekitchen, people began to build a separate kitchen outside thehouseto cook during summer. This type of outdoor kitchen wascalledsummer kitchen and it helped in preventing overheating ofthehouse.Nowadays all our dwellings have electricity and we have fans andairconditioning. So we do not need a summer kitchen toavoidoverheating the house. But there is a trend of constructingoutdoorkitchens complete with sinks, a rustic grill and a diningarea. Ifyou are fond of entertaining outdoors and want all theamenitiesfor cooking a meal alfresco, then a summer kitchen is justwhat youneed. It is chic and stylish and a great way to create acharmingambiance for an outdoor party. The essentials of summerkitchendesign idea are mentioned below.Basics of Summer Kitchen PlanSummer Kitchen LayoutIf you want to construct a summer kitchen in your home, youwillneed to know all about the design aesthetics and kitchenlayoutthat goes into its making. A good summer kitchen layoutwilleliminate any need for you to run back and forth carryingthingsfrom the main kitchen. An L-shaped countertop or Ushapedcountertop works very well for an outdoor kitchen. Divide theareaof the summer kitchen into two parts; one for the actualcookingand prep and other for the entertaining and dining. Thiswill helpto demarcate the two areas of the kitchen and create amore relaxedand easy ambiance. Also, you need to make sure thatyour kitchenlayout is such that the smoke from the grill does notblow in thedirection of the dining area. The grill, sink andrefrigeratorshould be placed close together so that you can preparefood andmix drinks easily.Essential Accessories of a Summer KitchenA gas grill, a sink for washing up and a countertop madewithnatural material like slate, stone cladding and travertineareideal for a summer kitchen. You can choose from a charcoal orgasgrill or a portable or built-in one. Install drawers orcupboardunderneath the countertop to store essential kitchensupplies. Theflooring for the summer kitchen should be made out ofweatherresistant and durable material. Some great material forflooring inan outdoor kitchen are concrete, tiles and naturalstone.The dining area should feature comfortable chairs and diningtalealong with trendy chaise lounge. Decorate the dining area ofthekitchen with throw pillows, colorful rugs and planters. If youwantto create a rustic look, then opt for unfinished andunpolishedwooden tables and benches in the dining area. You canalso opt forwrought iron chairs and tables with a broad umbrella toprotect youand your guests from unexpected rain. Just like anindoor kitchen,an outdoor kitchen plan would benefit from a focalpoint. Create afocal point by building an impressive brickbarbecue. Or you caneven construct an outdoor fireplace to create acozy ambianceduring winter.
Wedding decoration design 1.0
Simple Tips on How to Make Your OwnClassyWedding DecorationsA wedding is an unforgettable occasion for any couple. Therearevarious kinds of themes and ideas to make your wedding amemorableone. This article gives a few suggestions on how to makeyour ownwedding decorations.Wedding is an occasion to celebrate and enjoy. You couldpersonalizeyour wedding by making your own wedding decorations.You could makeyour own wedding floral arrangements and bouquetstoo. Yourcreativity and imagination in creating wonderfuldecorations wouldenhance the beauty of a personalized weddingtheme. Instead ofpurchasing the streamers and other decorationsfrom a departmentalstore, it would be a good idea to make your ownweddingdecorations.Making Your Own Wedding DecorationsMany of the decorations that you might have come across inmarriagesare made by professional craftspeople. However, you couldmake yourwedding a memorable experience by making your ownweddingdecorations.Look Out for Good IdeasYou can get ideas by flipping through magazines and books onsuchdecorations. Remember to bookmark the ideas that catchyourinterest. For instance, if you are looking for floralarrangements,visit a few floral decoration shops. This would giveyou an idearegarding the various kinds of floral arrangementspossible.Organize Your IdeasOrganize the various ideas you come across, in a file or anotebook. This would be helpful in making your final decisionregardingthe decorations.Decide the ThemeSince you are making your own wedding decorations, it would beanawesome idea to have a wedding theme. Color scheme playsanimportant role in a wedding theme. You could choose yourfavoritecolor and plan on making various decorations keeping inmind thecolor scheme.BudgetingBudget is the most important factor while deciding on theweddingdecorations. The cost of making decorations should be takenintoaccount. The reason is that decorations are just one part ofyourwedding celebrations. You would have to take into account thecostof your wedding dress, music, bouquets, food, and alsothemiscellaneous expenses that could crop up.Wedding Decoration ThemesOne of the most popular wedding decoration ideas is usingballoons.You could decorate your reception room, church, and alsoyourbedroom using balloons. You could ask a few of your friends tohelpyou in making a large balloon-arch.Another wedding decoration you could make on your own isusingflowers. Here you could use either artificial flowers orrealflowers. Everything depends upon your floral decoration budget.Ifyou are determined to use real flowers, it would be wise tousevarious seasonal flowers. You could purchase these in bulk fromthelocal florists or get it directly from the cultivator.Another option is using silk flowers for making floralarrangementsand bouquets. Silk flowers are less expensive comparedto realflowers. You could have a wonderful centerpiece floralarrangementusing silk flowers.Table Decorated with Pastel Colored FlowersTable decoration is as important as a floral centerpiece. Decideonthe color of your tablecloth. Use a neutral-colored tablecloththatis simple. An intricately patterned lace cloth over aplantablecloth would look good too. Use simple china tableware.Itwould blend with any color scheme of your choice.Making your own decorations would add a personal touch toyourwedding. Once you have decided on the various weddingdecorations,get the help of a couple of friends. Before you starton thedecorations project, get a sample of decorations thatwereprofessionally made. Determine the tools required for theweddingdecoration project and assemble the same in a card box. Thiswouldmake the work of making the decorations easy.
Beautiful Wedding Jewelry 1.0
there are so many gallery of wedding jewelryinthis app such as: engagement rings , wedding rings , diamondrings ,bridal jewellery , ring , diamond earrings , bracelet,wedding sets,gemstone rings, diamond wedding rings, diamondengagement rings ,pearl earrings.Gold jewelleries are not just a social symbol of riches andstatusbut it is indeed one of the most widely used metals forSoutheastAsian wedding jewels. Although gold jewelleries weretraditionallyyellow in colour only, long gone are the days when aSouth EastAsian bride will brace the world on her wedding wearingplainyellow gold. With advanced technology, globalization andtrendydesigns a Bangladeshi, Indian or Pakistani Bride has a lotofoptions to choose from when it comes to her weddingjewellery.There are many different colours, designs and accessoriesto choosefrom when it comes to deciding on a gold jewellery designat a goldshop. Buying gold for one’s wedding at the same timebecame thatmuch more complicated and difficult with the stupendousamount ofdesigns, cuts, shapes and colours to choose from.traditional Indian yellow gold design. Lots of goldnecklacedesignstraditional Indian yellow gold design. Lots of goldnecklacedesignsThe fascination with gold in India and Bangladesh cannotbeexplained here in this post but what this post will help youwithis give you the best collection of bridal jewellery designs atyourdisposal. Bring a girl myself, I understand how difficult it istohappily and fully decide on one’s bridal jewellery. Thesevastamount of photographs of gold bridal jewelleries with surelyhelpin that regard.In the sub-continent, brides at least wear two sets ofgoldnecklaces, usually one from the bride’s side and one fromthegroom’s side. Most families even let the bride decide whethershewants a long necklace called a shithahaar or short necklaceorchoker type neck-piece. Usually brides wear one long golddesignernecklace and one short necklace or choker. In this way theneck tothe belly is adorned by beautiful gold. Necklaces are notthe onlytypes of jewellery worn by Indian and Bangladeshi brides.Heavyearrings, intricately designed tikli jewellery (a pieceofjewellery worn at the center parting of the hair which hangsfromthe head to the forehead) and other hair jewelleries likebraidornament and bun ornament. Brides wear dozens of gold bangleswhichcome in different thickness and design. Even the ankles andwaistare sometimes adorned with gold jewelry.Meenakari Bridal Gold JewelleryMeenakari is a method of gold jewellery decoration withdifferentcoloured enamel paints. These enamel paintings are usuallyused tohighlight or emphasise a part of the gold ornament. Suchgoldpainting is done in combination with precious andsemi-preciousstones, kundans and gems. Meenakari gold designsusually tend touse bright colours like greens and blues and redsand these goldpaintings take inspiration from the nature. Motifs inshapes offlowers and plants are common in this type of golddesign.Meenakari designed golds are also worn in weddings. Thispostprovides the most beautiful collection of bridal meenakarigoldjewellery.Precious and Semi-precious gemstones set on gold jewellery:Currently stone set gold jewelleries are mostly desired bytrendybrides. There are many different types of gold necklaces,earringsand headpieces that can be crafted with gold metal andgemstones.Best collection of gemstone gold jewellery is providedfor all theupcoming trendy brides of India and Bangladesh.
Flower arrangement design 1.0
Some Ideas and Mini-tutorials forFuneralFlower ArrangementsBidding goodbye to a loved one is very difficult. Abeautifulfuneral flower arrangement is a good way to pay yourrespect forthose who have passed away.Funeral flowers are purchased for various reasons. The mostcommonreason is to express gratitude to the family of theindividual whohas died. They are often given in a bouquet, basket,or a vase.Funeral flower arrangements are often sent or purchasedas anexpression of sympathy. They are also bought for thedecoration ofthe venue and the casket. The most common preparationis the holycross. It symbolizes hope, faith, and religion.Affordable ArrangementsA funeral is a sober event, and florets for it are known tobeexpensive, but you can also buy cheap ones. You can do thistaskyourself. There is no reason for involving someone inthis.Decorate the venue with roses and carnations. Roses are thebestchoice, as they are affordable, readily available, andtheysymbolize love.Start seeking online. Purchasing them online saves money.If you are arranging the event, purchase them in bulk fromtheflorist. You can avail a discount.The selection of cheap blooms are for those who you knew butwerenot close too.Personalized ArrangementsMaking your own provision will not only save money, but willalsoadd a personal touch to your offering. You will need silk orfreshflorets, a vase, ribbon, florist foam, knife or scissor,andwires.Take a basket or a wooden container.If you are using fresh blooms, also add a piece of floral foamandfit it closely in the vase or container. Fill it with water. Useadry foam for silk blossoms.Take the ones with tall stems, such as roses or carnations. Cutthestems short and press them into the foam so that they absorbwaterand stay fresh.Place the blooms in odd numbers.Decorate your vase or wooden container with baby breath ormoregreenery to fill up the foam.Unique ArrangementsThis choice entirely is left up to you. You can be innovative,butit's very necessary to see that you don't offend the feelingsofother people. A simple justification is; your flowers shouldmatchthe occasion. Given below are two unique designs.Casket SaddleYou require a vase, silk or fresh florets, baby breath,floristfoam, floral tape and pins, ribbon, and glue.If you are opting for fresh blooms, soak 2 pieces of floral foaminwater for a few hours.Take the vase and put the foam pieces. Wrap the foam pieceswithwaterproof floral tape so that it doesn't lose the water.Place the blossoms on the foam, and also place some greeneryandbaby breath.Add more blooms if you desire.Attach a condolence card with a floral pin.Your casket saddle is complete.Gothic CrossA cross-shaped pattern is a common sight at funerals. Thecrosssymbolizes the deceased person's faith in Christianity. TomakeGothic cross, you would require two wooden planks or boards,silkor fresh vines, floral tape, greenery, baby breath, fragrance,andscissors.Purchase two wooden planks. You will get them at the localhardwarestore. Tell them to shape the edges in such a fashion thatifjoined it looks like cross.Clean it with water, and apply fragrance.Cut the long stems of the blooms, and stick them on the wood withafloral tape.Cover the tape up with baby breath and greenery ties aroundthemwith a ribbon.Your Gothic cross is complete.I hope by now you must have a rough idea on how to makeuniquefuneral flower arrangements and show your love and gratitudeforthe deceased.
Art and craft tutorial 1.0
Good at crafts, always itching tocreatesomething out of almost nothing and now ready to sell them.Doesthat sound like yourself to you? Well then, read ahead forsomeideas on what kinds of crafts you can make and selleasily!I have a friend who is a genius when it comes to arts andcrafts.She has a wonderful way with her hands. And anything shetouchesgets transformed into something gorgeous! Since we werekids, shenever bought anyone birthday gifts. She always MADE them!I alwaysenvied her, because her gift always had a special personaltouch toit. And needless to say, it made the receiverextremelyhappy.Now she's a stay at home mom, and she still makes these greatcraftarticles. So, I decided to ask her if she would be willing tomakeher awesome crafts and sell them! She was skeptical at first,butnow she's doing really well.If you too want to have your creativity and correspondingtalentearn you some money, then go ahead and make some easy craftsandsell them! You've already got the talent, why not use it?If you're a fan of lamp shades, you can use this interest tomakesome. Try some really creative ideas and you can sell somestunningpieces for sure! Keep some simple, some intricate, somecolorful,some plain and classy. Try out any kind of material thatyou want,and see what sells best. Paper, metal, glass, ceramic,etc. thereare so many different kinds of things that you can trywith all ofthese.JewelryJewelry making is one of the best avenues that you can exploreifyou want to sell your crafts. You can experiment withdifferenttypes of necklaces like beaded, simple strings, pearls,fancystones and pendants like butterflies, angels, flowers, etc.Forbracelets, you can try different hemp bracelets, knottedwoolbracelets, charm bracelets, glass bead jewelry, etc. you canalsomake a complete set using the above mentioned idea and pairthem upwith matching earrings!Picture FramesScrounge a flea market or a garage sale in your neighborhoodforsome old and discarded picture frames. Take the poor thingshomeand use your imagination to transform them into sparklingnewmasterpieces! Use shells, beads, sequins, sand, mirrors,printedfabric, ribbons, etc. to design picture frames with apersonaltouch. Once they begin selling, you'll get a fair idea ofwhat yourtarget clientele wants. Then, you can begin customizingthe pictureframes as per their requests.DoiliesIf you're an expert at crochet, you can make doilies and sellthemstraight out of your home. And if you're not too nifty withtheneedles, you can try out paper doilies. Cut out a paper intoacircular (or any other shape that you wish). Then, fold it toforma cone. Just below the curved edge, mark three spots andpunchholes through them. Cut off a curve from either side of theconeand when you open up the paper, you'll have a beautifullypatternedpaper doily.BookmarksPaper crafts are always some of the best sellers. Even simplethingssell for their plain functionality. Too much heavy talkmaybe, butyou cannot deny that making and selling something assimple asbookmarks along with your other handicrafts is not onlyeasy to do,but it will also get in that extra bit of cash. You canexperimentwith different things like paper, cardboard, acombination of both,even some pretty printed fabric maybe. As faras shapes go, there'sno limit there either.CandlesIf you already know how to make candles, make some pretty onesindifferent sizes, shapes, and colors. Add fragrant aromas tosomeand package all of them in beautiful sheer drawstringpouches(which you can also make at home). If you don't know how tomakethem, well, you can join a class that teaches it, get thenecessarymaterial and begin making your own candles.
Valentine gift hanmade 1.0
Handmade Valentine GiftsPlanning on making handmade Valentine gifts for your lovedone?Perhaps we can help you with that. Read the following articleforhandmade Valentine's Day gifts...With Valentine's Day just around the corner, one cannot helpbutnotice love-smitten couples waiting to celebrate love. Loveisundoubtedly the greatest feeling one can ever experience, andeveryeffort must be made to make this day truly special for yourlovedone. Those who are in committed relationships or are abouttoexpress their love for the first time can be seen purchasinggiftsor making last-minute reservations in restaurants. Everythinghasto be perfect. While it is extremely important to choose therightwords to express your love, it is equally important to gettheperfect gift for your loved one. This Valentine's Day, giveyourbeloved the gift no one can imitate or take credit for. Yes,giveyour love a handmade Valentine gift. The gifts that you makeonyour own, whether it's for your boyfriend or girlfriend, husbandorwife, fiancé or fiancée, will surely convey your loveandaffection. Plus, a gift particularly made for animportantindividual is undoubtedly more special than anystore-boughtone.Valentine's Gifts You Can MakeGiving your loved one the same kind of gifts year after year,issomething you need to avoid. You must think of ways tocelebratethe day of love in a unique way. Easier said than done,you willsay. I know, searching for romantic ideas for Valentine'sDay canbe tough. However, you need to gift something unique,somethingthat reflects your deep love. Here are some choices laidout infront of you so that it is a lot easier for you to decide. Iamsure that you will find the ideas on handmade Valentinepresentsfor guys and girls mentioned below worthwhile.Romantic Presents for HimThe suggestions mentioned here are inexpensive, creative, andwillexpress your sentiments perfectly. But when I say "handmade",itdoesn't necessarily have to be something that you make. Youcaneven do things, from scratch, to make the day extra special.Onceyou read the ideas that I've mentioned below,you'llunderstand.Scrapbook of your life together, till date.Homemade chocolate liqueur.A picture album from all your dates.Personalized photo calendar.Exotic candlelight dinner (I know, clichéd).Handwritten naughty messages.Homemade heart-shaped cookies or brownies.Handwritten love notes.Painting of you two, made by you.Handwritten massage coupons.Handmade Valentine's Day card.Write a fairytale for your sweetheart.Thoughtful Presents for HerI know that guys say that it's very difficult to shop ordosomething creative for women, I am going to deny that fact,plainand simple. The fact is, it's easier to shop for womenbecausethere are so many choices. Plus, when you want to come withideason handmade Valentine presents, the choices widen furthermore.Anyhomemade gifts for her, made by you and you alone, will pleasehermore than any jewelry. Believe me when I say this. Try thesegiftsfor Valentine's Day and find out for yourself.Romantic dinner in front of fireplace (the gift goesbothways).Bubble bath with candles and rose petals (have champagnewhileyou're in there).A CD of her favorite love songs.DVD movie of your life together, till date.Find ways to say 'I love you' in different languages.Couple of days before V-Day, send her away and paint the bedroomsofher favorite colors.Make breakfast in bed and climb in.Make beaded jewelry, earrings and necklaces.Make a big Valentine's Day card.Make a scrapbook of romantic quotes for her.As I mentioned earlier, there are many handmade Valentine'sDaygifts that you can make for your beloved. The point is - it'sthethought that counts. So come up with various romantic ideasforValentine's Day and decide on the best one possible.
Home ceiling design 1.0
Types of CeilingsCeilings are a major part of home decor, where you can usevariousideas to make them look attractive. In today's world, we allpreferto live in decorative and designer homes, where thewalls,furniture, doors, and windows are all designed perfectly.Anothermain attraction in interior designing is having classyandfashionable ceilings, with either embedded lights orchandeliershanging from them.There are various ceiling types used in American homes,andaccording to the style of the house (traditional, Victorian,modernor contemporary), you can choose a design for your ceiling.Even ifyou have an old home, you can always redo it with adifferent typeof ceiling, as getting these made is not a verycomplicatedprocess. Even though there are a few basic types whichareavailable in the market, blending these designs and coming upwithunique ideas which suit your home interiors can be a funexercise.Ceiling designs are basically of two main styles: theraised andthe drop ceilings, which are further divided intosub-categories.The raised ceiling includes cathedral ceiling, coveceiling, trayceiling, shed ceiling, etc. The dropped or suspendedceilingincludes only a conventional ceiling type which is notverydecorative.Cathedral CeilingsA Cathedral ceiling is also known as a vaulted ceiling, and isavery high ceiling which is made by exposing roof rafters. Thesearebuilt in such a way that their centers are usually pointedupward,which is commonly observed in churches and oldrenaissanceconstructions. Decorating rooms with vaulted ceilingsgive a verydramatic touch to the house, and are usually used fordining,living rooms, and where there is a staircase attached to theroom.These ceilings are very decorative, and are as high as 15 feetoreven more.Tray CeilingsOne of the most common types of ceilings used in traditional aswellas modern homes are the tray ceilings. These are rectangularinshape, and are either recessed or inverted in nature. Theysimplylook like an inverted tray, and thus, the name. There aremanydecorative ideas you can use to style them. They are one ofthe mostattractive ones around, and have moldings around theiredges, whichcan be either plain, subtle, ornate or dramatic.Cove CeilingsIf you have seen the interiors of a mosque, you will know whatcoveceilings are. In cove ceilings, the point where the ceiling andthewalls meet (intersection where the molding is placed) is domedorcurved or coved. It resembles an arched dome, where the ceilingisonly coved at this point, and then it becomes flat likeothernormal ceilings. These look very beautiful when they havedesignsmade at these intersections, along with a decorativechandelierhanging from them.Dropped CeilingsDropped ceilings are also known as suspended types, and areusuallylower than the regular ceilings. Also called secondaryceilings,they are hung or suspended below the main ceiling,redefiningmodern and contemporary ceiling styles. Installingsuspendedceilings make the living room or drawing room look veryclassy andmodern. With great lighting, they look even moreattractive andappealing, changing the entire look of yourhome.With these basic ceilings available, you can use variousdesigningpatterns like stucco, textured, popcorn, and wooden tobeautify itfurther. So, go ahead, and make your home a comfortableplace witha brand new ceiling.
Gypsum home ceiling design 1.0
Ceiling Designs for HomesCeilings are the most overlooked element in interior design.Hence,to remodel or redecorate a ceiling in your home, we haveprovided aBuzzle article that will help you come up with a revampedidea foryour home.We are so caught up with choosing the right wall colors andotherelements of interior decoration during home remodeling, thatwetend to forget about the ceilings. Imagine having a newlyremodeledhome with drab and boring ceilings. To finish the look ofyourhome, you need some good ceiling designs for homes that areunique.There are many design ideas for ceilings that you can choosefrom,depending on the style of your house, its interiors andmostimportantly your budget. A cottage style or country stylehousewill look great with wooden ceilings and a false ceiling willmatchthe clean lines of a modern and contemporary apartment. Herewewill discuss all about ceiling design ideas for homes.Living Room Ceiling DesignsWhether you have a low or high ceiling, the first thing to keepinmind is the lighting options you'll be adding to or neartheceiling. Accordingly, you will have to figure out what theexactdesign or style of ceiling you wish to move forward with.Withoptions like recessed and pendant lighting for a variety toceilingdesigns―vaulted, tray, false, wooden panels, beamed―thefinaldecision rests in how you and your interior designerpick.The ceiling's design does make a huge difference to theentireambiance of a living room. So, make your decision by keepingallthe aspects in mind.Kitchen and Dining Area Ceiling DesignsInstead of including any architectural features, such asfloatingscreens, wallpaper, acoustic panels, etc., focus on makingthe areaappear larger than it actually is. This works well when youhavethe entire décor concept of the kitchen and dining areafiguredout. Now this doesn't mean you should purchase all thefurnitureand finalize the paint colors; what we want you to do isvisualizethe area and then proceed. Perhaps have an idea as towhere thefurniture will be placed, the lighting options, and otherdécorelements for both the areas.Regardless of whether you'll be using these areas on aregularbasis, the ceiling design will make an impact on how akitchen anddining area appear to you and your guests.Bedroom Ceiling DesignsBedrooms are supposed to be feel cozy and inviting, and give youasense of peace and quiet. The choice of ceiling has a huge sayinhow you will feel once you enter the room. Consider thespaceavailable along with lighting options for this room tofinalize aceiling design. Avoid going overboard with your designand stick tothe minimum.The design of a ceiling should be such that it highlightsthearchitectural features of the room. The key to make your homelookcozy and beautiful is to choose a ceiling design thatlookscohesive with your home decor and which enhancesyourinteriors.
Best Tattoo Design 1.0
tattoo designs, tattoo ideas ,temporarytattoos, tattoo designs for men, tribal tattoo,butterflytattoos,cross tattoos, flower tattoos, forearm tattoos, skulltattoos,tattoos for men, dragon tattoo, tattoos for girls, wristtattoos,small tattoosAncient or TribalThick, dark, flat line work and connecting patterns only doneinblack. Influences of tribal and ancient tattoos come fromculturessuch as the Maori, African and Polynesian cultures.Biochemical.Tribal Tattoo MeaningsTribal tattoos have come to mean various things.How is this possible?First of all, consider where the word "tribal" comes from. It isanadjective that refers to things dealing with tribes. Butit'slikely that most people you know with a "tribal tattoo"aren'taffiliated with a tribe. In this case, "tribal" refers moreto thedesign or art style used in traditional tattoos in Polynesianandother cultures. This style of artwork may imitate the thicklinesand geometric patterns while incorporating new elements.Let's talk about the tribes that invented tribal tattoos.In ancient times, tribal tattoos were used:• As a symbol that a person belonged to a certain tribe orsocialstatus.• To express religious or spiritual belief.• For self-protection, as camouflage in the woods.• For medicinal purposes (a treatment similar to acupuncture,butleaving behind a pigment)Cultures that used tattoos for these purposes were located alloverthe world. Now, modern tribal art usually adapts the stylesofAztec, Samoan, Polynesian, Indian, Hawaiian, Egyptian, Mayan,andMaori tattoos.Polynesian TatauHaida TattoosA Native American tribe called the Haida, who live on theNorthwestcoast of America, is known for their woodcarvings andtattoos ofanimals. The style of both the carvings and the tattoosaresimilar, and depict creatures such as beavers, fish,thunderbirds,and bears. The Haida believed that if you had acertain tattoo, youtook on some of the strength of that animal.Therefore, the Haidastyle is forceful and masculine. The tattooswere also influencedby Native American astrology.Borneo TattoosBorneo is a large island in Southeast Asia. Currentpoliticalboundaries divide it between Malaysia, Brunei, andIndonesia. Thetraditional tattoos of this region were symbols ofprotection andproof of achievement. They often depicted flowers,scorpions,spirals, dragons, or dogs in bold colors.Today, tribal tattoos usually combine the styles of theorigintribes with modern images. While these tattoos once weresigns ofsocial status and achievement, now they are statementsofindividual artistic expression. And although modern designsstillsuggest some of the ancient or mythical qualities of theoriginals,the community no longer judges or classifies the tattooowner bythe symbols he or she uses.Modern tribal tattoos usually have thick lines, dominated byorfully made in black. The design can be as simple or complex asyouwant. Nothing is considered wrong in making tribal tattoos.Youwill even find tribal tattoos with multiple colors or imagesofangels, fairies, butterflies, Chinese characters, stars, etc.Thesky is the limit in terms of creativity.Think twice or more before committing to a tribal tattoo,becausethe bold dark lines can be more difficult to remove. Learnas muchas you can about the designs and their traditional meanings,tochoose which one is the best for you.CartoonCartoon style can include caricatures as well ascartoonspictures.Whichever style you decide you want as a tattoo, make sure youtakethe time to educate yourself on both the tattoo artist youaregoing to for your tattoo, as well as how to look afteryourtattoo.Tattooing is not an easy art to master. It takes time,practice,talent and a good teacher.
Best korean fashion 2017 1.0
Korean Fashion | What I Love About KoreanStyleand ClothesAs you can probably tell, I really love Korean fashion. ThisarticleI’m going to be talking a little bit more about what I loveaboutKorean style and clothes. I’ll also be going into some ofmyfavorite places to buy Korean Fashion online!Finding Korean Style Clothes OnlineNo doubt, you are here because you love kpop and Koreanstyleclothing. You have probably looked around and tried tofindspecific items of clothing that you’ve seen your favoriteK-popstars wear. In addition to K-pop, kdrama Stars are also famousforwhat they’re wearing both on-screen and off-screen. The samegoesfor K-pop Stars. They are just as well known for what they weartothe airport as for what they wear on stage or in theirmusicvideos.Some of my favorite places to buy Korean style clothes isYesstyle.They have a lot of different selection of Korean Styleclothing.Another really good place to get Korean clothes isQnigirls. Theyare based in South Korea so they’re about as legit asyou can findwhen it comes to Korean clothing brands.Cold Weather Korean FashionOne of my favorite things about Korean fashion is that it isniceand warm while being really stylish. Korea is about thesamelatitude as North Carolina in the United States. Now,NorthCarolina is not all that cold, but South Korea is a lot coldereventhough it is on the same latitude. The reason for this isthatSouth Korea gets the Siberian winds from the north. So, eventhoughSouth Korea and North Carolina are all about the samelatitude,South Korea is a lot colder for most of the year. Becauseit is alot chillier in South Korea the style has evolved to includelotsof stylish outerwear. A lot of Korean fashion styleincludesblazers, trench coats, peacoats, boots, and other thingsthat yougenerally wear in the winter.Summer fashion can be fun, but nothing beats the stylishness ofamore formal looking winter outfit. This is one of the mainreasonsthat I love Korean fashion. They use a lot of nice clothesthatkeep you warm and look really stylish. Because it’s alittlecooler, people focus more on dressing up nicely and takingverygood care of their clothes. In warmer climates, it seems likeit’sjust too hot to do that and so people dress a lot morecasually.Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s justmypersonal preference to dress a little more on the nicer side andbea little less casual.Korea is an enthralling and vibrant place and so is itfashionindustry. The roads of Korea have a glut of automobiles andaresurrounded by sky-scrappers but it still holds on toitstraditional pagodas, peaceful estates, temples and palaces.Thisdiversity and the blend of traditional and modern values ofthecountry are reflected in Korean Fashion too. Is KoreanFashionreally worth all the hype? Why online fashion shopping sitesgiveso much importance to Korean clothes? Why so much money isbeingspent on the Seoul Fashion week? Well! These are some of thecommonquestion which might be in the minds of shoppers around theworld.But people inside the fashion industry or people who havebeen inKorea for long enough will know that Korean fashion hasbeenwitnessing some significant changes and it is here tostay.
Nail art amazing ideas 1.0
Easy Nail Art Designs for BeginnersWant to learn how to do some simple nail art? Here are thestepwiseinstructions and cool ideas of easy nail art.Do you like colors? Do you like to wear colorful accessoriesorclothes that reflect your mood? Then try out some nail art.Thereare so many ways to paint your nail into different designsandcolors, however, you need to maintain a little neatnesswhilepainting your nails.How to do Easy Nail Art?Here are the step-by-step instructions, that you need to usewhilecreating nail art.First paint all the nails with a base coat, which can be alightcolor that can be shades of pink, blue, green or black. Letthisbase coat dry completely, before applying the secondcoat.Now, decide what nail art do you want to paint. If you have yourownideas of nail art in mind, then draw them on a notepad withcoloredpencils. You can find pictures of simple nail art designsonline forfree. If you can't get any ideas, then refer to the listof simplenail art designs ideas mentioned in the second part ofthisarticle.Then use a nail art pen and fill up the pen with colors ofyourchoice, or colors which go with a particular theme. On thebasecoat start designing the nail art carefully and slowly. Ifyoudon't have nail polish pen, then use this nail art tip. Makeaplastic cone using a medium thick plastic sheet, and fill theconewith little nail paint and use it to create nail art.Let this layer of nail paint completely dry. If you areimpatient,then use a hair dryer on medium heat and keep it at adistance fromthe nails, and use it to dry your nails.Once you are done with this, add a final coat of transparentnailpaint. You can also use the transparent nail paint whichhasshimmer, for a more glitter nail art look. Let this coatdry.Easy Nail Art Designs IdeasHere are various ideas on nail art designs for beginners whichyoucan try. You can click on the images below to viewthemlarger.Polka DotsDots are the easiest to do. You can do white dots on a base coatofred, or on white do rainbow-colored dots. Or you canpaintdifferent sizes of dots with one single color. You can dosomethingsimilar to the picture on left. On a base coat of a brightcolor,use a contrasting color and create dots.AbstractYou can also try out cool shapes nail art ideas. On a base coatoflight color, paint different shapes on each individual nail.Youcan draw circles, stars, triangles, squares, etc. You can seeinthe picture above, how random shapes like anchor, beach,glass,etc. have been painted.SpiralsYou can also do some cool spiral designs on your nails. Inthepicture above on a teal base coat, white color spirals arepainted.The ends of the spiral are done with three petal flowerwith ablack core. You can choose your own colors to createdifferentspiral nail art designs. Some good color combinations aresunshineyellow base coat with white spirals and dark blue base coatwithred spirals.FlowersYou can also paint cute small flowers on a base coat of yourchoice.The flowers can be of a contrast looking single color ofdifferentcolors. In the picture above simple white flowers withyellow centerhave been painted. After the whole design is done, aclear nailpolish has been applied to protect the nail art and giveit a glossyeffect.The aforementioned ideas are not just for fingernails, you canalsouse them as
Japanese bonsai 1.0
ypes of Bonsai TreesTo grow a bonsai is to combine your artistic skills with scienceandcreate a beautiful work of art. The following passages talkaboutdifferent types of bonsai trees.Bonsai are basically grown in pots, containers, and trays. Theyareyet very different from plants grown in containers. They are nottobe confused with dwarf trees. In fact, they are full-sizedtreesand are grown using basic bonsai techniques, such asrootreduction, potting, pruning, wiring, defoliation, etc.They are not meant for production of food and medicine, butstrictlymeant for landscaping and home decor. They may be shapedin variousformal or informal styles, like slant, cascade,windswept, etc. Potsused for planting could be simple or unusuallyshaped trays made ofplastic, wood, stone, or ceramic. The pot hasdrainage holes in thebottom to allow excess water drainage.Further, these holes arecovered with mesh to prevent soil fromfalling out and for wiringthe roots until the tree can bear itsown weight.There are many kinds of these trees, one can choose from. Anamateurcan also learn this art with relative ease by practicingandapplying some tried and tested techniques. Given below are afewtypes.Azalea: Azalea is the most common form of bonsai known and bestforan amateur. The azalea has pretty flowers that accentuateitsbeauty. It should never be placed in full sun and must be fedwithsuitable fertilizers before blooming starts.Japanese Maple: A shade-loving bonsai, the Japanese maple ispopularfor its delicate foliage that turns into a startling shadeof red,orange or yellow. It is easy to shape in any desired style;however,all pruning and styling should be done in spring.Fukien Tea: Fukien Tea is a very small genus of tropical treesthatshould be placed in direct sunlight for not more than an hour.Asthe leaves on the shoots are quite tiny, one can wire new shootstoshape the tree. It should be repotted every 2 - 3 years, inearlyspring.Pomegranate: One of the most favored deciduous bonsai,thepomegranate can be quite a colorful addition to yourbonsaicollection with its bright green tiny leaves, redtrumpet-shapedflowers, and tiny round orangish red ornamentalfruit.Magnolia: A Magnolia is primarily a very slow-growing shrub thatcanbe cultivated as a bonsai. This one requires patience, for itwillbe a good 25 - 30 years before it begins to bear flowers.Theflowers are star-shaped and white in color. With no leaves onthemagnolia, the flowers look extremely dramatic on thebonsai.Flowering Crabapple: Any apple species would look great as abonsai,but the flowering crabapple beats them all when it comes toabsolutebeauty. One can try different styles on crabapples too,although theupright formal type is more favored. The tree bearswhite, pink, orred flowers and tiny green-red sour apples. Theytoo are a greatchoice for beginners.Bougainvillea: This versatile tree or shrub, with its variedcoloredflowers and bright-green foliage is one of the mostabundantly foundbonsai in most plant nurseries. They are easy totake care of andgrow really fast. They can be well styled in acascading manner, andare one of the few bonsai trees that enjoyfull sun.Other types include jade, dwarf juniper, Chinese elm, bamboo,cherrytrees, ginkgo, cypress, white pine, boxwood, etc. As you cansee thelist is endless, so one can create new beauties every year,and keepadding to the existing collection.
Fashion dresses ideas 1.0
Brilliant Ideas for Fancy Dresses ThatJuniorsCan Wear to PartiesNeed some fancy dresses for juniors? Here are some ideas thatyoucan use to design some of the most chic and smart dresses.Continuereading for some interesting wardrobe choices.Here's what you do, stand (or sit) somewhere on the periphery ofabusy street and watch young people go by. Don't gawk though,justlook. What you'll see is that there are so many new andinterestingdesigns of fashion clothing on them, it'll blow youaway.The fashion world is not limited to adults and supermodelsanymore... let's just make way for the juniors, people. Andwhatare some of these fancy dresses that we've spoken so muchabout?That is what this article is all about. If you have aspecialoccasion to go to and need to be dressed in some of thebestensemble out there, continue reading the following article.Usethese ideas to design some of the best dresses and nothingwillstop you from standing out in a crowd. Seriously, try some ofthesetrendy clothes and make the most happening teen fashionstatementof the season.Party Dresses for JuniorsNot the dull and mundane, everyday kind of clothing, westrictlyspeak of fancy dresses for kids. Something that they canwear andflaunt their way there. Here are some interesting designsto lookinto.DressesDresses have made a big time come back, and how! Here aresomeinteresting designs that you should try.Off ShoulderGo in for this if you have a great set of well-defined collarbonesto flaunt. They make for some of the best sundresses. And thedealwith off shoulder dresses is that you can carry forth a lotofvariations in them. One shoulder strap, tube top, orlowneck.Knee LengthThey do not have to be the long flowing dresses anymore, infact,short summer dresses have taken on a bolder and smarter look.Makesure the shoes are essentially awesome.Ruffled DressA magical gift of this generation, really. A ruffled dressjustlends a completely uber-chic look to the ensemble and makesforsome of the best eye catchers. Go in for bold colors anddon'tforget to carry a clutch. Although, black dresses are anall-timefavorite in this category.Colors and MaterialDo not stick to the dull and drab. Experiment. Experimentwithcolors and materials. Try laces, sequins, and designs. Promptanextra sigh from the onlookers by pairing it up withaccessories.Most importantly, experiment with length, accessories,and styles.Try these―halters, long slits, strapless, pockets―thechoices arelimitless. Don't forget to experiment with the color.And, you canuse this one as a graduation dress as well―imagine thereactionwhen you take the robe off and flaunt it!TopsThere are dresses and then there are the tops. What have we gotforsome of the fancy dresses in this section? Let's see.Bubble TopSuits best in a sleeveless style. It starts off draping overthebody and then flairs up at the hips. It swishes around thereandmakes for a great ensemble all together. Looks great with pleatsoreven plain.Long TopsTry long tops that hug the body and stop barely above theknees.Full sleeves and cashmere make for a deadly combo. Pair it upwithskin tight jeans or leggings and boots that stop a little belowtheknees and it could give any formal dress a run for itsmoney.Sleeves MagicConcentrate on working the sleeves. There are so, so manystylesthat you can do with them. Puffed sleeves, butterflysleeves,three-fourth sleeves, sleeves with slits―to name a few ofthem.Experiment with these and you'll have transformed the blouseintosomething extraordinary and taken it to a whole newlevel―somewhereto the likes of vintage dress patterns.Empire Waist TopsThis trendy teen clothing is picking momentum fast. Empirewaistsinvolve using a huge belt just below the bust line. Itsspecialtyis that it can be used with either an A-line blouse thatsimplyfalls against the body or a slightly thin one that has
Recycled jeans ideas 1.0
get a lot of wear out of my jeans,severalyears in fact but sometimes it doesn’t matter if they stillfit,the style is old.Last summer I started with 3 pairs of jeans and managed to get 3newskirts out them with left over material to spare. I justfinally gota chance to use up the rest of thatdenim fabric nowthat it’sJanuary.The first two pairs got pieced together into 2 full length skirts.Iused the legs off the dark pair to add to the other for aclassicBoho style.The recycled blue jean top of the other pair turned into awesternstyle skirt with a big silk floral pin. I had some whitematerialwith little red roses that I sewed to the waist of thedenim. Now Ijust need a good pair of cowboy boots.For the third recycled blue jean project, I just made a quickminiskirt by hacking the legs off. Perfect for running aroundduringthe summer.Now the above skirts are all just classic recycled jean projectsandthe patchwork rag rug below isn’t anything new either, but itwas agreat way to use up the scraps.This bag however is my own creation and I’m pleased with howitturned out.Here’s a few quick instructions on how I did it. I’m notaprofessional by any means but I did do some work as aseamstressinthe wedding industry mostly fixing hems or adding dartsetc.So I don’t have a detailed layout of how this was done… I justthrowthings like this together and wing it. It’s for my own useanywayand I can put up with theimperfections.I had extra material from the dark pair of jeans in theBohoskirtthat dark pair was used in 3 of the five recycled bluejeanprojects!I just cut the shape I wanted from the jeans and the brightcottonfabric lining.A left over pocket was put over a dollar store doily and sewn ontothe front of the bag.Then I sewed all the pieces together, attached my roundwoodenhandles and viola!A cute denim handbag.I left the back plain and just jazzed up the front.The denim pocket is a perfect fit for my cellphone forquickretrieval.I found this cute orange burlap flower clip at Micheals awhilebackand thought it would go great with the bright stripped materialIused for the lining. I can clip it to the pocket…or clip it to the side.So, that’s one of my winter comforts when I’m not able to garden.Ido ‘sewing’ projects of another kind.
Gift craft amazing ideas 1.0
Creative Ideas to Reuse Gift Bags andMakeOther Useful ThingsPondering over what to do with a pile of gift bags? Saveyourcleaning task with these creative ideas given below to reusegiftbags. These will help you organize your sundry things at homeaswell.A holiday season leaves behind dozens of photographs, some ofthebeautiful memories and a stack of gift wrapping papers andbags.Once the guests leave, it is time to clean up the mess and putawayall the holiday season materials. The gifts received findtheiruse, the mess gets cleared up and the pile of gift bagskeepsincreasing. This year, do something different with thebags,instead of adding them to a dust-laden stack. With so manycreativeideas to reuse gift bags, your collection will definitelybe put toa worthwhile use.Ways to Reuse Gift BagsNewspaper HolderScattered newspapers are an everyday scene. Oftentimes, thepagesare missing or finding yesterday's newspaper becomes apainstakingtask. Turn the wasted gift bag into a newspaper holder,by justhanging it on a hook in your reading room. To segregatetoday'spaper from the old ones, hang another next to it, labeled'oldnewspapers'. Make sure the bags have a sturdy base.Magazine HolderJust as you are making a newspaper holder, you could use a giftbagas a magazine holder. Any gift bag can easily accommodate uptofive magazines.Tiffin BagCarrying lunch in your bag can prove to be risky as it cancausedamage to things inside due to spillage. Prevent this by usingagift bag as a lunch or a tiffin bag. These bags make up forgreataccessories too!Shopping BagEvery time you go out shopping, carry a couple of gift bags.Thiswill not only avoid introduction of new bags in your house,butwill also help in contributing towards the environment.DonateDonate the bags to Churches, schools and orphanages. Theseplaceswill readily accept them as they are often looking forpackingmaterials to give away gifts to the needy.To-be-read ReminderMost of us go on collecting books, periodicals, magazines andotherreading material, until it dawns on us that there's a lot toberead. Put all of this in one gift bag, so that the 'to beread'items remain together and are easy to find.First Aid KitWho says you need to buy a first aid box? Make a first aidbaginstead, by using a gift bag. To simplify recognition, paintitwhite with a red cross on it.Book CoversBreak the convention of brown or white paper covers and recycleyourgift bags by turning them into book covers. The interestingdesignsand patterns on the covers can make up for nice lookingbookcovers.Wallets for KidsPaper wallets for kids is a great idea instead of handingthemexpensive wallets. Cut out small purses and wallets from theunusedgift bags for your kids. This could be a fun Sundayactivitytoo!Recycled Gift BagsGo ahead and use your gift bags as 'gift bags'. Do so, ifonlynothing is written on the bag.Art and CraftsLearn a few origami objects with gift bag paper. The colorfulpapercan be used to make some wonderful flowers, box to storejewelry,pen holders and many more things.CollageLooking for things to do when you are bored? Make a collage ofyourfavorite painting with a gift bag paper. This could be yourownmasterpiece!Wrapping PaperRemove the handles from the gift bags and use the remaining paperasgift wrapping paper.Greeting CardsTurn the gift bags into greeting cards by using its paper.Thethread handles can make up for some pretty looking bows onthecards. This way, you would be utilizing the bags entirely.
Pet house design ideas 1.0
A Visual Guide on How to Build a Dog HouseinSimple StepsBuilding a dog house can be fun, and also a great way to showlovefor your pet dog. This article describes the method of buildingadog house in an easy, step-by-step manner.Attach the Plywood Panels to the Wall Frame and RoofThis is the final part. Attach the side panels to the wall frameandthe base using 4d galvanized nails. Make sure all the plywoodwallsmeet. Attach the roof panels in the same way. Nail down eachof theroof panels on the top edge of the rafters by using 4dnails.Perform a final quality check of the whole structure, andlook forany nails protruding on the inside of the dog house. Filedown theseopen nails using a hand file. Add more insulation, ifrequired.Additionally, you can consider installing shingles tomake the roofof the dog house waterproof. You can also paint thedoghouse to giveit a nice look.Your dog house is now ready!Design ConsiderationsSizeDecide on how big you want the dog house to be. This woulddependupon the size of your dog as well as the space availableforkeeping the dog house. Ideally, the dog house should be neithertoolarge nor too small. It should be large enough to allow the dogtoenter, freely turn around, and lie down comfortably. Thesizeshould be such that the heat generated from the dog's bodyisenough to keep the interiors warm.VentilationGood ventilation is a must, especially during the summermonths.Depending upon the region where you live, you will need todecideon the number and size of vents that you need to have in thedoghouse. In hot and humid climatic regions, you will need tohavemore vents to prevent overheating. Otherwise, just thefrontopening is adequate, under normal conditions.SafetyMake sure that you use non-toxic untreated material fortheconstruction. The interior should not get overheated or toocolddue to the weather outside. You would need to make sure thattheinterior of the dog house is well-insulated. Wood is themostcommonly-used building material, but plastic can also be used.Thenails should be put properly so that they do not stick out intheinterior of the dog house.Dog House BaseThe base of the dog house should be built such that it doesnottouch the ground. This would keep the damp soil from comingincontact with the base, prevent rotting, and ensure long life ofthedog house.Customizing the Dog HouseYou might want to customize the dog house to suit yourneeds.Consider if you want to add more insulation on the floor andtheroof. You may want to cover the roof with shingles or paint thedoghouse too.Dog House PlansThere are a variety of ideas that you can choose from to fityourbudget, need, and the comfort of your dog. Here are some ofthedesigns that you can choose from:
Garden party ideas 1.0
Colorful Garden Party Favor Ideas That areTooGood to IgnoreLooking for one-of-a-kind, fun party favor ideas for anupcomingget-together? This article will give you some prettycreative ideasof what to give guests before they depart from yourlovely gardenparty.A garden party is not only held to celebrate a birthday party,butalso special occasions like graduation, an engagement, andevenwedding receptions. It is actually one of the best waysofcelebrating a special occasion amidst the beauty of nature.Themain factors that make the garden party a fun-filled andmemorableone are the food, drinks, and music. A great way to leavea goodimpression on a guest, while also having them remember thespecialoccasion for a long time to come, is by giving them apartingfavor. Let's take a look at some cool party favor ideas foryourfast-approaching garden party.Party Favor Suggestions for a Garden PartyPotted PlantsFlowering plants like roses, lilies, chrysanthemums,daisies,orchids, or sunflowers, make great options for a partinggift. Youknow that with adequate care and attention, the plantswill survivefor a long time to come, especially herb-based plants,likerosemary, chives, parsley, basil, or mint. If the buying anentireset of plants is not exactly in tune with your budget, alovelygift bag with a packet of the seeds instead, and alittleinstructional booklet on how to care for the seedlings, willmake agood alternative.Perfumed CandlesScented candles aren't all that expensive if you buy theminivariety kind, in bulk. If you have time on your hands, you canmakethem at home, instead; it's a simple recipe of melting waxandadding aromatic oils, which you can easily do in your sparetime.You could also buy little containers to pour the candlesin,attaching a little note on how you hope that it brings the guestabrighter, calmer tomorrow.Homemade Beauty ProductsIt's a cinch to prepare a beauty product at home, trust me.Lipbalms and sugar scrubs can be prepared from scratch,usingeasy-to-find ingredients and household additives that willprove tobe the best kind of gift to give as a party favor. Maketwobatches―his and hers―so that it comes off as anextremelythoughtful gesture; the ingredients will of course be thesame,except for the blue and pink packaging that will set thetwoapart.Potpourri PouchThis is the simplest party favor idea from the lot; buy a bunchofflowers or pluck them from your own garden, leaving only thepetalson a sheet of newspaper to dry out in the sun. Once theyturncrisp, gently drizzle the entire lot with an essential oil ordriedfruit peels to the mix. The fruit peels can be left out in thesunwith the petals, resulting in a heartwarming blend of nature'sbestaromas. Tie the pouches with satin ribbon and attach alittlethank-you note.
beautiful doll house design 1.0
dollhouse furniture, wooden dolls house,dollshouse furniture,kids doll house,Children like to have a set house for their dolls. No doll houseisperfect without any furniture. These days, there are readymadedoll houses with built in furniture. But, it is real fun tocreatea doll house and the furniture for dolls. You can makefurniturefor dolls with a bit of talent, without spending muchmoney. Onecan make the best furniture for dolls with less money,using itemsfound around your house. Kids can be encouraged to makefurniturefor dolls, by giving them ideas and support. It will be achallengeand fun for them. They can make use of ordinary unuseditems foundin your house. By creating homemade furniture for dolls,kids canimprove their creativity and skill. It will be a perfecthobby forthem.This homemade furniture will be stylish and durable, compared totheone you buy from outside. You can save significant amount ofmoneyby doing it your own. One gets the chance to customize thefurnitureif it is home made. Since you have a lot of unused itemsat home,the options for the design are not limited. Your kid canmake use ofitems like cardboard boxes, old containers and piecesof furnishingsfor making furniture. Beds for dolls can be madefrom small boxes.Old clothes can be used in the place ofmattresses. The cot can becolored with attractive crayons or watercolor.There are vast varieties of ideas for creating other furniturefordolls. You can make living room furniture for dolls like sofasets,side tables and lamps. Sofa sets can be made from oldunusedcushions and small pillows. Small tables can be made fromcardboard boxes and the legs can be fitted in. Matching chairs canalsobe made from these boxes. One can use small cans as lamp shadefordolls. Little bit of creativity is needed to build thesethings.One can refer to any designs of the real furniture and usethedesign for dolls furniture.Most of the people consider this work of designing dollhousefurniture as a favorite pass time. Before starting the taskoneneeds complete planning. Time should be scheduled for thistask.Necessary items like scissors, glues, needles, art paper andcolorsshould be gathered before the work. You should involveyourchildren in all these preparation activities. By doing so kidswillget an idea of organizing and scheduling tasks which isessentialfor any activity. You should ask your kids' opinionregarding thedesigns so that their creativity and talent can beexplored. Somekids will have an excellent observation skill whichwill besometimes more than yours. Appreciate their works on eachstage andthey will definitely enjoy this type of team work.The most important thing you should remember before startingtheconstruction of doll house furniture is that you have to findaperfect workspace for this task. This space should also bewellorganized and free of clutter. By providing a good work spaceyoucan bring out the best ideas and work from your children. Attheend after finishing the work kids will be very proud to seethefurniture which is the ultimate talent explored out ofthem.You dont have to spent a fortune when looking for a great giftidea.There are many ways to save money when your are lookingforaffordable gift ideas. If you have a sweet little girl to buyfor,it is simple to build a dollhouse, and it will not be expensiveanda lot fun too!
Toilet paper roll crafts 1.0
4 Adorable Toilet Paper Roll Crafts ThatWillMake You SmileEngage kids in some fun and entertaining crafts on lazyafternoons.Read the Buzzle article to find exciting toilet paperroll craftsthat won't take much time to learn, and can be done witha fewsimple ingredients.What do kids like to do on a Sunday afternoon? Well, forstarters,they like to wake up late in the morning, since there's noschool,delay as much time as they can for a bath, play some videogames oroutdoor games with their friends.But there's another thing you can suggest to make their timespentmore productively. How about making some crafts made out oftoiletpaper roll? They are easy to make, won't take that much time,andin the end, the kids would've learned something new.So without any further delay, let's get down to business, sotospeak, and have some constructive fun.Here are four different ideas that you can try out..Angel with WingsGet a large colored or white craft paper, scissors, sparklepens,crayons, pencil, sparkle glue, and ribbon.First, you will draw the angel's wings, face, hands, and feet ontheentire paper. The best way to do that is get a picture/cartoonof anangel, and copy it.Cut out the individual pieces. Also, for the angel's hair, youwillcut 8 small strands.Use the end of the pencil to help curl the hair strands.Punch 2 holes behind the roll, and insert a ribbon through it. Tieaknot.You can use the angel as a hanging Christmas ornament.Draw the face with sparkle pens and color the hair, hands, feet,andwings with crayons.Now one by one, glue the wings, face, hands, feet, and curledhairstrands on the angel.Christmas TreeTo make the tree, collect a dozen rolls, a cardboard, crayonsorwater colors, glue, and scissors.Take each rolls, and cut it in half. This way, you'll have 24piecesto work with.Use green crayon or water color to paint the outsides of all24pieces of rolls.If you've used water color, let it dry and then use glue tostickthem all on the cardboard.Since we are making a Christmas tree, the shape should be so.Use scissors to trim from outside the cardboard where the rollsarenot glued.You can color the insides of each circle withdifferentcolors.Once the paint is dry, place couple of candies inside andhelpyourself to one every day.Toilet Paper BatsAs a cool Halloween decoration, we're going to make scary batsforyou hang around in your house.First of all, collect the roll, a white chart paper, a pictureofbat, scissors, water color, and glue.You will draw the bat's face, wings, and hands on the chartpaper,separately.Cut each individual piece properly and use black water colortopaint them.Use white water color or sparkle pen to draw the face.Punch 2 holes behind the roll and insert a ribbon through it. Tieaknot.Now, one by one you will stick the bat's face, wings, and armsinplace.Once you're done, hang your scary bats around the house ortheporch.Animal Totem PoleFor our next craft, collect paper towel rolls, water colors, 1brownand 1 yellow chart paper, scissors, glue, and 2Popsiclesticks.If you're not familiar as to what a totem looks like, youcanprintout the designs from the net.Open up the chart paper and draw 5 equal sections. Draw 5differentfaces for the totem directly on the papers.Glue two rolls to make one long circular tube and usedifferentwater colors to paint the faces.Next you will glue the chart paper directly over the circulartube.Make sure the seam is properly glued.Take the yellow chart paper and draw 2 zigzag arms for all 5animalsand glue them as well.The last thing you do is glue the Popsicle sticks on the bottomofthe tube so that the totem pole with stand straight. And that'sit,you're done.
Glamorous room design ideas 1.0
Interior Decorating Styles That WillSimplyBlow Your MindDo you shy away from throwing parties? Does the thought of havingaguest over make you cringe, thanks to the relativelynon-existentstyle that your house seems to reflect? Then it'sprobably hightime that you take a crash course in interiordecoration and thevarious styles that you can use.You switch on the television and tune into your favoritehomemakeover show. On a balmy winter afternoon, a family givestheirhouse keys away to a complete stranger. 5 days and severalhours ofdrilling, building, and more importantly shifting andpaintinglater, the family reenters the house. This time there arewhoops ofjoy. The family has just been gifted their dream house ina stylethat reflects them. The show comes to an end. You switch offthe TVand sigh in hope that someday maybe you will have similarluck andsomeone will decorate your house. But why depend onunrecognized,unrequited dreams? All you need to do is educateyourself on thevarious styles at your disposal and designaway.Interior decorating involves anything that has to do withtheinteriors of a house and its furnishings. If you plan to revampthedecor of your house, you need to keep in mind severalattributesthat contributes to the design, like the layout,furniturearrangement, color and the theme.Interior Decoration Styles"It's a good thing that when God created the rainbow hedidn'tconsult a decorator or he would still be pickingcolors."While a professional interior decorator will manage to giveyourhouse the much-needed pizazz, he will also manage to burn anotvery needed hole in your wallet. Different styles ofinteriordecoration can be understood by just anyone. All you needto do isuse that locked up imagination and infuse your personalflavor.There are several interior designing ideas that you coulduse.Interior decoration can be studied and learned but if you haveaslight knack for the creatives then it is a talent that canbenurtured to create a space in your house that you truly love.Thefollowing interior decoration styles would probably give youthemuch-needed push to dive headlong into the colorful worldofinterior decoration.Interior Decoration StylesInterior Decorating TipsWhile everyone fancies themselves to be an interior decoratoratsome point or the other in their life, it is importanttounderstand the basics of the gameInterior decorating is a subjective art. Pay attention to yourlikesand dislikes so that you can express your unique style.While money can buy most things, taste is not for sale. Donotsplurge on a piece of furniture that you are going to enduprelegating to the garage.Try and stick to a particular theme. Mixing eras or styles is notagreat idea unless you are aiming for shabby chic.Interior decoration is not always about style. It alsorequiresfunctionality.If you have the space, use it. If you are lucky enough to haveagood view from your house, then you could probably opt forFrenchwindows to draw attention to it.If you own an opulent showpiece or an ornate piece offurniture,make sure that it becomes the central point of attractionin theroom.Interior decoration is a craft, that you need to have a feel for.Itcan be learned, but try and understand the nuances that formacrucial part of the art. Experiment with various styles, butkeepan eye out for reactions from your guests. After all youwouldn'twant to be known as the owner of the house that looks likeamismanaged Ikea warehouse.