hifiwong ئاپەکان

3D TicTacToe 1.1.1
This game (3D TicTacToe or Noughts andCrosses) is fun to play against the computer or play with a friendwhen you are looking for something to do.The "Red" player goes first. The player who succeeds in placingthree respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal rowwins the game.How to play:1. Touch "1 Player" or "2 Players" button to start.2. Drag the colored ball to the hole of the board for yourturn.Under 3D Dynamic:1. Drag left/right to rotate clockwise/anti-clockwise2. Drag upward/downward to rotate upward/downwardSelect 3D Fixed mode to play.Please check out "3D Mastermind", "3D Air Hockey" and "3DBowling" in the Android Market. It is an another game you may beinterested in.
3D Bowling (Full Scale) 1.1.8
This is the first realistic 3D Bowling (FullScale) game in the Android market in which you can view fromdifferent angle and play with at that angle.It is the bowling game that fully embraces the incredible 3Dphysics engine and effects.Game features:1. Stunning 3D graphics2. State-of-the-art 3D physics engine for real pin action3. Detail scoring panel4. Ball rolling and hit sound is added5. 12 ball colors can be chosen6. Full scale : ball=11cm, pin=12cm width x 38cm height, lane=99cmx 1800cm, ...,etc.Hint for getting a strike:Proper bowling technique is not in aiming for the first pinbut to go for what is known as the pocket.If you have right hand dominance, your proper bowling technique isto aim between the one and three pin.If you are left hand dominant, your proper bowling techniqueis to aim for the one and two pin.How to Play:1. Get your mind ready to bowl.2. Drag your ball to the desired left or right position the ballfor your throw.3. Eye your targets.4. Flick the ball with your finger to bowl.5. Let the ball swing back naturally.6. Throw the ball onto the lane.7. Release the ball.8. Evaluate your bowling performance.Press Menu key to toggle menu. You may change your favorite viewby selecting "3D Dynamic" and play with at that angle by selecting"3D Fixed".Please check out "3D Mastermind" and "3D Air Hockey" in theAndroid market which is an another game you may be interestedin.Keywords: Bowling, Ball game, Sports game
3D Fun Fun Balls (3D繽紛球) 1.2.6
This is the realistic 3D Fun Fun Balls game inthe Android market in which you can view from different angle andplay with at that angle.It is the Fun Fun Balls game that fully embraces the incredible 3Dphysics engine and effects.Game features:1. Stunning 3D graphics2. State-of-the-art 3D physics engine for ball and cue action3. Detail scoring panel4. Ball/cue hit sound is added5. 3/6/10/15 balls are selectableThe game is controlled entirely with the fingertip. You pull andslide around the playing area to get a better perspective of theentire game.How to Play:1. Get your mind ready to strike.2. Tap and hold the yellow ball (a cue will appear)3. Drag your cue to the desired position for your throw.4. Eye your target and direct the cue to the target ball. You'llnotice that you can align your shot with amazing precision.5. The force of your strike can be adjusted by pulling the cue backwith your finger.6. Make your strike by releasing the cue.7. Evaluate your striking performance.Scoring:1. Each ball marks with a count down value (count down from 99).The count down value is the score for this game if you put it intothe four corners or half-circle in the middle.2.The early you put the ball into the goal, the more score youget.3. The game is over if the ball with count down value equal tozero.4. A bonus score is added if you put all ball into the goal withintime limit. The bonus score is calculated as 4 times of the countdown value of the last ball that you hit it into the goal.5. A score penalty, -100 is exercised if the yellow ball goes intothe goal.Press Menu key to toggle menu. You may change your favorite view byselecting "3D Dynamic" and play with at that angle by selecting "3DFixed".Please check out "3D Bowling", "3D Mastermind" and "3D AirHockey" in the Android market which is an another game you may beinterested in.Keywords: Fun Fun Balls, Pool, Ball game, Snooker, Sportsgame
3D Air Hockey Demo 1.1.9
It is the first realistic 3D withgreatgraphics, realistic sounds, smooth gameplay, realistic physicsandplenty of AI opponent that will keep you playing for a longtime.It is fantastic that you and your friend control the paddleatthe same time provided that your device supportsmulti-touchfeature. It works like a real air hockey you everplay!!!It is a cool game indeed, which everyone could spend time onveryenjoyable.* Demo Only *Only computer vs computer mode is enabled.How to play:Air hockey is a game for competing players (you and thecomputer)trying to score points in the opposing player'sgoal.Press "Menu" button to toggle the configuration menu.Move the paddle to hit the puck.In 3D Dynamic mode:Drag the screen to the left : rotate the board to the leftDrag the screen to the right : rotate the board to the rightDrag the screen upward : rotate the board upwardDrag the screen downward : rotate the board downwardPlease check out "3D Mastermind" and "3D Bowling" in theAndroidmarket which is an another game you may be interestedin.Keywords: Hockey, Ball game, Sports game
3D Mastermind 1.3.2
3D Mastermind: It is the first realistic 3D Code-Breaker in AndroidMarket. This is a classic code-breaking game as the MasterMindbrain game. Your goal is to guess what are the sequence of fourcolored balls, hidden from below the cover. There are 8 colors andyou have 9 moves or less to find out the answer. The program isdesigned to run in all Android phone or Android tablet withdifferent screen resolution. Making guesses: For touch screen user,Select and move the colored ball to the hole on the board. You haveto fill up the first row before moving the selected ball to thehole of the next row. Drag the screen to the left : rotate theboard to the left Drag the screen to the right : rotate the boardto the right Drag the screen upward : rotate the board upward Dragthe screen downward : rotate the board downward For non-touchscreen user, "Left" Key or "J" Key : rotate the board to the left"Right" Key or "K" Key : rotate the board to the right "Up" Key or"I" Key : rotate the board upward "Down" Key or "M" Key : rotatethe board downward "Centre" key or "Z" key : zoom-in/zoom-out "H"key : toggle help pop-up screen "N" key : start a new game "U" key: toggle cover "Menu" key : invoke the virtual keyboard "Back" key: hide the virtual keyboard if it shows up "1" key : move the REDcolored ball to the hole on the board "2" key : move the GREENcolored ball to the hole on the board "3" key : move the BLUEcolored ball to the hole on the board "4" key : move the CYANcolored ball to the hole on the board "5" key : move the VIOLETcolored ball to the hole on the board "6" key : move the YELLOWcolored ball to the hole on the board "7" key : move the BROWNcolored ball to the hole on the board "8" key : move the PURPLEcolored ball to the hole on the board Be honest, don't turn to theback or press "U" key to discover the secret balls until you lostthe game. Using the clues: Black pegs represent the number of pegsthat are of the right color and in the correct position. White pegsrepresent the number of pegs that are of the correct color but notin the correct position. Brain Train Up: Code-Breaker is a greatgame for those who like to use their deductive reasoning. Using theprocess of elimination is the key to winning! It’s a great game totake along when traveling or visiting. Game is suitable for playersof all ages.
3D Air Hockey 1.2.2
It is the first realistic 3D with great graphics, realistic sounds,smooth gameplay, realistic physics and plenty of AI opponent thatwill keep you playing for a long time. It is fantastic that you andyour friend control the paddle at the same time provided that yourdevice supports multi-touch feature. It works like a real airhockey you ever play!!! It is a cool game indeed, which everyonecould spend time on very enjoyable. How to play: 1. Air hockey is agame for competing players (you and the computer) trying to scorepoints in the opposing player's goal. 2. Who reaches a score 10first win the game. 3. Press "Menu" button to toggle theconfiguration menu. 4. Move the paddle to hit the puck. In 3DDynamic mode: Drag the screen to the left : rotate the board to theleft Drag the screen to the right : rotate the board to the rightDrag the screen upward : rotate the board upward Drag the screendownward : rotate the board downward You must change to "3D Fixedmode" to play the game. Keywords: Hockey, Ball game, Sports game
3D Bowling 1.1.7
This is the first realistic 3D Bowling game in the Android marketin which you can view from different angle and play with at thatangle. It is the bowling game that fully embraces the incredible 3Dphysics engine and effects. Game features: 1. Stunning 3D graphics2. State-of-the-art 3D physics engine for real pin action 3. Detailscoring panel 4. Ball rolling and hit sound is added 5. Reflectioneffect is added (Glossy/Matt floor option) 6. 12 ball colors areadded Hint for getting a strike: Proper bowling technique is not inaiming for the first pin but to go for what is known as the pocket.If you have right hand dominance, your proper bowling technique isto aim between the one and three pin. If you are left handdominant, your proper bowling technique is to aim for the one andtwo pin. How to Play: 1. Get your mind ready to bowl. 2. Drag yourball to the desired left or right position the ball for your throw.3. Eye your targets. 4. Flick the ball with your finger to bowl. 5.Let the ball swing back naturally. 6. Throw the ball onto the lane.7. Release the ball. 8. Evaluate your bowling performance. PressMenu key to toggle menu. You may change your favorite view byselecting "3D Dynamic" and play with at that angle by selecting "3DFixed". Keywords: Bowling, Ball game, Sports game