hiwazero ئاپەکان

Analog Photo Clock Widget Pro 1.0
This is simple clock widgets that can be setfavorite photos .You can combine the 5 dials and 11 frames .And photos (max 9) will be update every 30 minutes on the display.This app can be used as a round photo frame with clock .■■ How to use ■■First , set the photo by tapping the home icon .Tap a favorite clock , it will open a gallery , and choose yourfavorite photo .Select the desired range by pinch or drag in blue marked area.Tap the check mark at the top of the screen to finish.Clock only you would have been completed .Create the clock widget on home screen .(by long-tap a blank on home screan)Select the Custom ( gear mark ) , if you want to set more detail.( clock frames , photo transparency and add more photos )■■ Note ■■This application is an enhanced version of the free version of "analog photo clock widget -Free " .The difference between the free version is as follows .Additional clock typeAdditional frame typesAdditional photo pages can be setRemove adsFor basic functions that are inherited the free version , first, please try the free version .Thank you.
Lens Replacement Notifier 1.1
Simple and casually , the app will inform thecontacts replacement date in the notification bar .Setting is simple .1,Type of your contact lenses.2,The start date.3,The notification of ON or OFF.Of course , you do not need to continue launching the app.After setting , it will inform you in the notification bar tocontact lenses replacement date even have closed the app .-----------------------------------------Thank you for reading my poor English.Correction of this statement is welcome.If you have opinions, suggestions, and any questions, pleaseemail.
Slim Camera - make you slender 1.5
Instead of processing the image aftershooting, you can shoot a slim picture while checking the camerapreview.There is a button to choose the slim level at the top of thescreen.While checking the image in the camera preview, please decideit.By touching the screen, the picture will be taken after theAF.
Wallpaper Changer via Silent P 1.7
Does your feelings change when you changeringer mode?Normal mode ... Private fun timeVibration mode ... Business work timeSilent mode ... Alone time  ........etcThis app can change the ringer mode & wallpaper to match thefeeling at once.You can register the wallpaper for each mode (Normal, Vibration andSilent).Register the kawaii wallpaper and cool wallpaper, and let's dressup in the ringer mode.You can change the ringer mode via[ringermode selection] icon in the applicationWidget iconVolume buttons or mute buttons of your device[Note]We have published the free trial version.Please use the function confirmation.Please close the settings app before making the widgetshortcut.The widget might not work well.
合コン計算機-合コン会計7段階一発表示 1.0
Invisible Memo-Free notes 1.0
Do you have resistance to open confidentialmemo in public places?This app has a function to adjust the transparency of thecharacter to prevent peeping.Since the adjustment of transparency is always at the bottom of thehome screen, you can easily change even in case of emergency.The contents of a memo to be displayed is the full text, you cancheck the contents of all the notes in the home screen.
Wallpaper Changer via Silent 1.7
Does your feelings change when youchangeringer mode?Normal mode ... Private fun timeVibration mode ... Business work timeSilent mode ... Alone time  ........etcThis app can change the ringer mode & wallpaper to matchthefeeling at once.You can register the wallpaper for each mode (Normal, VibrationandSilent).Register the kawaii wallpaper and cool wallpaper, and let's dressupin the ringer mode.You can change the ringer mode via[ringermode selection] icon in the applicationWidget icon -Limted 10 times TrialVolume buttons or mute buttons of your device (Ver.1.2 ※) -Limted10times TrialThis trial version app, you can try 10 times by Widget ordevicebuttons.If you liked this app, please try unlimited normal version.---------------------------------------Thank you for reading my poor English.Correction of this statement is welcome.If you have opinions, suggestions, and any questions,pleaseemail.
Flash Memo on Lock Screen 1.0
If you launch app, flash memo service willbestarted and an icon will be shown to notification bar.Please input text to white form and click a green icon tosaveinput text .Settings are all over .If turn off and turn on device screen , flash memo will beappearedon lock screen .When you would like to stop flash memo service, you can stopbyclicking a red icon .
Swim Cal - calorie calculator 1.1
This is an app to record and calculate the calories by swimming.
Analog Photo Clock Widget Free 2.3
Clock widgets can be set favorite photos & pictures will beupdate every 30mins
Bi-weekly (2 week) Contact Len 4.0.0
Notify for bi-weekly contact lenses replacement day.
Bi-weekly (2 week) Contact Len 4.0.0
Notify for bi-weekly contact lenses replacement day.
Meet New Friends - CoCoChat 2.1.0
The app lets you talk with strangers all over the world with asingle tap. You can make friends from foreign countries and caneven date them. Your identity on the app remains anonymous andno-login or sign-up is required. Just start with a nickname. [Thiscan be used] ○ Kill time! Someone in the world should be free. Posta tweet and find new friends. Tweets are deleted 10 days afterposting. ○ Want to find a friend or chat friend! Don't be shybecause you are anonymous! Age, gender and region can be setnon-setting, so those who are worried about privacy are also safe!All data will be deleted just by uninstalling unsubscribe. ○ Wantto talk about trouble! In SNS, the connection in the real world isthe main, so I think it's difficult to tell the truth. Cocochat canmake connections between SNS beginners, so you can easily find aperson to consult! ○ Connect as a hobby! Your profile has free-formcomments. By writing down your hobbies in your profile, you may beable to liven up with friends who have common hobbies. [feature] ○Tweet of all Post tweets that are published to everyone in the app,and recruit friends and chat partners. Tweets are automaticallydeleted after 24 hours, so tweet with confidence. Tap the tweet youcare about, check your profile, and start a private 1to1 chat. ○ 1to 1 chat If you find a tweet that interests you, or find yourprofile, try one-on-one chat with the [Start Chat] button. Chat isunlimited, of course. Let's have a private chat with just theperson you care about. ○ Edit profile Enter your nickname, age andcomment and share it with everyone. Age and region can be secret.Enter details such as your hobbies and the people you want to talkwith so that everyone knows you well.
ひま友達募集チャット CoCoChat 2.1.1
無料の匿名チャットで暇つぶしトーク 【こんな使い方ができます】○暇つぶし!日本全国、誰かはきっと暇なはず。つぶやきを投稿してひま人を募集しましょう。つぶやきは、投稿から1日たつと削除されます。○メル友やチャット友達を探したい!匿名制ですので恥ずかしがらずに話しかけましょう!年齢・性別・地域も非設定にできますのでプライバシーが気になる方も安心です!退会もアンインストールするだけで、すべてのデータが削除されます。○ご近所さんとお話ししたい!地域を公開しているメンバーをプロフィールから確認できます。やはり近場のほうが共通の話題も多いと思いますのでお気軽にどんどん話しかけてみてください。○悩み相談をしたい!SNSではリアル社会でのつながりがメインになっていますので、正直なところ本音を打ち明けるのは難しかったりすると思います。ココチャットはSNS初心者同士のつながりを作れるのでお気軽に相談相手を見つけられます!○趣味で繋がる!プロフィールには自由記入のコメントを設けています。自分の趣味等をプロフィールにしっかり書いておくことによって共通の趣味を持った仲間と盛り上がることもできるかも?【機能】○みんなのつぶやきアプリのみんなに公開されるつぶやきを投稿して、友達、チャット相手を募集しよう。つぶやきは24時間たつと自動削除されるので、なんでも安心してつぶやいてね。気になるつぶやきをタップしてプロフィールを確認、プライベートな1to1チャットを開始しよう。○1to1チャット気になるつぶやきや、プロフィールを見つけたら[チャットを開始]ボタンから1対1のチャットをしてみよう。チャットはもちろん無制限。気になった人と二人だけのプライベートチャットをしよう。○プロフィール編集ニックネーム、年代、地域、コメントを入力してみんなに公開しよう。年代と地域は秘密にもできるよ。自分のことをみんなによく知ってもらうために、趣味や話したい人など詳細に入力しよう。
Feel free to recruit free friends. It is a chat application thatallows you to chat anonymously and for free. Since there is noemail address registration, you can easily enjoy chatting withanyone anonymously.
ロック画面を解除するたび、 メールのようにロック解除後に現れて、励ましてくれるアプリです。顔画像と励ます内容を入力すれば、ランダムで現れあなたを励まします。
匿名チャットで暇つぶし - みんチャ 1.4.3
Feel free to recruit free friends. It is a chat applicationthatallows you to chat anonymously and for free. Since there isnoe-mail address registration, you can easily enjoy chattingwithanyone anonymously.