iMobiusMike ئاپەکان

OTG Status
Copyright © 2017 iMobiusMike. All rightsreserved.New low-cost One-Time License follows your Play Store account onall your Android devices.Free version: basic functions.Alternative version: purchase a One-Time License valid on ALL yourphones and tablets to unlock all features.This app is available EXCLUSIVELY from Play Store to protect Usersfrom malicious app tampering.This app REQUIRES a USB OTG Adapter cable and that you do take someactions to get 3 answers about the USB OTG support provided by yourphone/tablet.Basic USB OTG support requires phone/tablet to contain USB Hosthardware and companion software module (answer #1). Full USB OTGsupport requires phone/tablet to contain a USB Host permission file(answer #2) and a USB mass-storage software module (answer#3).This app tells you if your phone/tablet provides basic, limited, orfull USB OTG support.It also:• allows testing of USB OTG Adapters;• detects connected UVC compliant USB cameras.
Mobius USB Tools
Copyright © 2017 iMobiusMike. All rightsreserved.New low-cost One-Time License follows your Play Store account onall your Android devices.Free version: basic functions.Alternative version: purchase a One-Time License valid on ALL yourphones and tablets to unlock full-feature alternativeversion.Note: Several people confirmed that Mobius USB Tools does work fineon Android 7 Nougat.Providing super smooth User interface for configuration and HDLiveView, Mobius USB Tools automatically matches camera modewithout any User intervention.This app is available EXCLUSIVELY from Play Store to protect Usersfrom malicious app tampering.Features:• App Settings:◦ Screen Orientation: lock / unlock.◦ Text Display: light text on dark background and dark text onlight background.◦ Text Size: User selectable font size, with presets, independentfrom the OS, from very small to very large.• Configuration:◦ Supports Mobius-Mini ActionCam, all firmware versions everreleased since v0.80.◦ Supports Mobius-2 ActionCam, all firmware versions everreleased.◦ Supports Mobius ActionCam, all firmware versions everreleased.◦ Supports #16 camera, all firmware versions ever released sincev0.41.◦ Contextual Action Bar with Action Menu (Hand) and Save (DownArrow).◦ Colorful parameter modification indicators.◦ User configurable ToolTips and feedback indicators.◦ Load/Save camera configuration using direct communication withcamera firmware via USB.◦ Load default configuration (available for each firmwareversion).◦ Reload current camera configuration.◦ Up to 99 User Managed configurations (sometimes called profiles),independent from firmware versions.◦ In-Camera SD Card formatting.• HD LiveView (Mobius and #16 only):◦ Supports both the H.264 and MJPEG WebCam Codecs.◦ Play Video Settings:▹ Full screen/windowed video display.▹ Feedback On/Off.▹ Frame Rate: select frame rate from 5fps to 30fps.▹ Frame Size: select one of 9 possible frame sizes (H.264 WebcamCodec).▹ Low Battery Level: set battery alarm threshold.▹ Low Storage Level: set storage low space threshold.▹ Photo Mode: Snap One, Burst 5, and SuperBurst (number of images =fps).▹ Photo recording: jpg format.▹ Video recording: avi format.▹ Playback recorded videos.▹ Storage Location: select internal or removable storage for videorecordings and photo captures.▹ View Mode: select front or rear view display.◦ Screen Gestures: (available any time video isdisplayed)▹ Single-Tap: cycles through Display Modes;▹ Double-Tap, Front-View.▹ Double-Tap, Rear-View: Show/Hide GuideLines.▹ Long-Press, Front-View: center image;▹ Long-Press, Rear-View: enter/leave GuideLines calibration.▹ Touch & Move: pan image in real-time, in alldirections;▹ Two-Finger Zooming: zoom-in/zoom-out image in real-time using twofingers.◦ LiveView Settings:▹ 3D Time Sync▹ PIP size▹ Run a simulation/Set LiveView Mode— Two-Cams— Two-Cams 3D Anaglyph— Two-Cams 3D Parallel/Cross-Eye— Two-Cams 3D-HDTV Side-by-Side— Two-Cams 3D-HDTV Top-and-Bottom— Two-Cams Car— Three-Cams— Four-Cams• General:◦ On-line Support Requests where all information necessary toquickly identify problem is entered automatically.◦ Extensive on-screen feedback and built-in documentation: FAQ,Help, Quick Guide, Troubleshooting Guide, and much more.◦ Contextual Action Bars and floating Menus throughout the app:only selectable items are enabled/displayed based on context.◦ Screen rotation available at all times, in all camera modes,except during video recording.
USBcam - WebCam
Copyright © 2017 iMobiusMike. All rightsreserved.New low-cost One-Time License follows your Play Store account onall your Android devices.Free version: basic functions.Alternative version: purchase a One-Time License valid on ALL yourphones and tablets to unlock the full-feature Alternativeversion.App supports most UVC (USB Video Class) compliant USB cameras usingthe MJPEG video format; other video formats are notsupported.This app is available EXCLUSIVELY from Play Store to protect Usersfrom malicious app tampering.App requirements:Phone/tablet with Host USB OTG support;USB OTG adapter;USB Hub with external 5V power supply (for most cameras);UVC compliant USB Camera.Note: USB cameras that are not UVC compliant cannot bedetected.App features:Extensive feedback.Selection and display all resolutions supported by USB cameras: upto 1080p.Built-in extensive documentation: FAQ, Help, Quick Guide,Troubleshooting Guide, and more.Contextual floating menus throughout the app: only selectable itemsare displayed based on context.App Settings: Text Display, Text Size, and Screen OrientationLock/Unlock.Camera Settings: Frame Size, Frame Rate, Video Controls (comingsoon), and Camera Controls (coming soon); last settings areremembered for each Camera ID.Photo Mode: Snap One, Burst 5, and SuperBurst.Photo recording: jpg format.New feature: SlideShow with manual next/previous, 1-10 seconds autoadvance with pause/resume, and file delete. Combined Frame Sizeand Rate into a single panel. Bug fixes and renamed VideoShowto Show.Recording Storage: selectable storage location: internal orremovable SD card (when available).Screen Gestures:-Single-Tap: cycles through Display Modes: Best Fill, Best Fit,Fill Horizontal, Fill Vertical, and Unscaled;-Double-Tap: cycles through all patterns: none, Frame Size and fps,grid, horizontal lines, and vertical lines.-Long-Press: moves image back to center of display area;-Touch & Move: pan image (in all directions) to explore hiddenareas;-Two-Finger Zooming: Pinch/zoom image (zoom-in/zoom-out) using twofingers.Video recording: avi format.VideoShow Settings: Camera Positioning Grid (2x2 to 10x10), LowStorage Level warning, and View: normal, rotation, mirror,upside-down, or any combination.