iPadScience ئاپەکان

CircularMotion 1.0.3
The Circular Motion App developed byiPadScience.org is a virtual science inquiry education module forlearners to explore the force and motion concepts in the context ofuniform circular motion. Students can explore a virtual realitysetting using a joy stick (real or simulated) or the accelerationsensors in an tablet or smart phone to apply a force at differentdirections and magnitudes on an object. In this app, a ball is setto be moving initially at a constant speed on a frictionless plane.The task for the students is to apply a force in such a way so thatthe object moves in a uniform circle predefined on thescreen.This activity allows students to explore their own ideas aboutcircular motion through scientific inquiries. As students start toplay and test their hypothesis and predictions, they can quicklydiscover what works and what parts of their understanding need tobe revised. After a few try and feedback, most students can arriveat a correct understanding of the force motion relation in auniform circular motion.This app has an integrated pre-post evaluation to provide formativefeedback to learning and summative performance rating onachievement. It can be used by students for self-guided inquirylearning and or be used as part of an inquiry basedteaching-learning activities in schools. For more information ofmultiple platform implementations of this app and for questions andprocedures on integrating this module into a curriculum, pleasevisit www.iPadScience.org for more details.This app is optimized to run on tablet. It also runs on smartphones and other mobile devices at a zoomed interface. A dedicatedversion for smart phones will be released soon. Mac and PC userscan also access the web based version available atwww.iPadScience.org.
iTestMe 2.1.1
iTestMe is a collaborative Cyber-learningtoolthat help engage learners and instructors in constructivelearningexplorations and inquiries delivered in classroom, online,andinformal education settings. The tool provides a wide varietyofapplications including flexible assignments, formativeandsummative assessment, and real-time polling (clickerfunction),which are developed based on the current advancement inthelearning science to promote learner centered inquirybasededucation. Using iTestMe, students can conduct self-pacedlearningto target specific learning needs and to facilitate thecompletionof a formal course. Teachers can use iTestMe to create anengagingcourse by transforming the passive classroom into acollaborativesetting for peer-based inquiry learning and to delivereffectiveteaching by utilizing the just-in-time formativeassessment. Thedevelopment of the iTestMe system is overseen by agroup ofscientists and education researchers at the Ohio StateUniversity.For more information, please visit iTest.Me.