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Dirham British Pound Sterling Converter - AED GBP 1.0
This simple app will convert both Dirham ( AED / UAE Dirham)toBritish Pound Sterling ( GBP ) and British Pound Sterling toDirhamwith Real time rates from Google Finance. This App is lightweight,has a minimal and simple interface, can switch between AEDGBP witha single touch.
Dirham Indian Rupees Converter - AED to INR 1.0
This simple app will convert both Dirham ( AED / UAE Dirham) toIndian Rupees ( INR ) and Indian Rupees to Dirham with Real timerates from Google Finance. This App is light weight, has a minimaland simple interface, can switch between AED INR with a singletouch.
Currency Strength Meter 2.4.1
This is a simple app which you can check currency pair strengthfordifferent timeframes using TradingView Currency StrengthMeterwidget. All the major currency pairs are included. All youhave todo is select the currency pair, select the time frame andhit Go !**Having Ads even after donation ? If you made a donationyet adsappear, this is probably because you haven't givenmedia/storagepermission. Note that storage permission is requiredto store thekey inside your app. If you have not givenmedia/storagepermission, Go to settings > Application Manager> CurrencyStrength Meter and clear data. Then open the app andgivemedia/storage permission. After that follow these steps. 1.ClickMake a donation button again 2. Then click Apply/Restorebutton, itwill automatically apply the key 3. Restart the app
Forex Currency Heatmap 1.0
This app is based on Forex Heat Map Widget provided by TradingViewplatform which gives a quick overview of action in thecurrencymarkets. It lets you spot strong and weak currencies inreal-time& how strong they are in relation to one another. Thistradingtool can help choose trading strategies, find opportunitiesandtrade with confidence.
Chartist - Forex Charts & More Tools 1.5
Chartist is a simple light weight app which has optimizedfewessential desktop widgets released by Trading View, FxBlueandMyFxbook to work with mobile devices. The app currentlycontains*.Real Time Currency Charts with many tools andforecasts*.Currency Strength Meter - A Must have tool *.CurrencyHeat Map*.Price Action News Forecasts *.Visual Market Open CloseTime TableWhy Storage File Read/Write Permissions are required ?This appwill save your settings as a database file in your localstorage.Each time you open the app it will open the database fileand eachtime you change settings, it will modify/write databasefile. Forthis, above permission is requested.