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Holy Quran Arabic English 2.20
If you want to recite Arabic text of book Holy Quran, whichcomprises the entire first page with English transliteration inhigh quality and streaming MP3s of each chapter and verse. Read themost beautiful book Holy Quran with Arablc & English text issynchronized with each reciting verse anywhere any time on yourandroid phone or tablet. This full Quran is divided into 114Surahs. Islamic Radio (راديو الإسلامية) is a fantastic internetradio receiving application for android devices. There are someIslamic radio sites in the list (Islam Radio Player Live). Thestations which broadcast Islamic programs like ReligiousConversation. Just click on the station and enjoy listening to thechannel. It entails following significant features including: • Itincorporates all the 114 Surahs of Quran within order and propersettings. • The designed and easy to use Quran app helps you readand memorize Al-Quran. • Arabic & English text of the Quranmakes you able to read and recite the correct pronunciation ofQuran in no time. •Audio recitation of each chapter and verse tofacilitate the Muslims around the world. • All MP3 Audio can belistening for the usefulness and abundance of recitation at anytime and any where. • Easy go to option for access to any Surah ofQuran. • Font size for both Arabic script and translation can beadjusted. • The most popular Islam radio stations all together forfaster. Please give your comments and ratings, it encourages us tomake more good and free apps in future. Wishes you All a Very Happyand Blessed Ramadan.
La Sainte Bible - de louis segond 1.40
The translation of the Old Testament, commissioned by theVénérableCompagnie des Pasteurs de Genève, was published in twovolumes in1871 (Meusel has 1874 as the publication date), followedby the NewTestament, translated as a private venture, in 1880. Thetext wasthen reviewed by experts. The result is the 1910 revisionthat isnow freely available on Internet. La Bible ne peut êtrecomparée àaucun autre livre : elle est la Parole de Dieu. Par elle,Dieus’adresse à chacun de nous, et veut nous révéler son amour.LouisSegond French Bible - (October 3, 1810 – June 18, 1885), wasaSwiss theologian who translated the Bible into French fromtheoriginal texts in Hebrew and Greek. contenu: - Text Bible (Bibleenfrançais Louis Segond Ancien Testament et du Nouveau Testament)-Audio (Ancien Testament et Nouveau Testament) La SainteBiblecontient l'esprit de Dieu, l'état de l'homme, la voie dusalut, lechâtiment des pécheurs, et le bonheur des croyants. Sesdoctrinessont saints, ses préceptes sont contraignantes, seshistoires sontvraies, et ses décisions sont immuables.Lire pourêtre sage,croyez-le pour être sûr, et pratiquent d'être saint. Ilcontient lalumière pour vous diriger, de la nourriture pour voussoutenir, etde confort pour vous encourager. C'est la carte duvoyageur, lebâton du pèlerin, la boussole du pilote, l'épée dusoldat, et lacharte du chrétien. Voici Paradise est rétablie, leciel ouvert, etles portes de l'enfer décrit.
T.D. Jakes Sermons 3.20
Download this free app “T.D. Jakes Full Sermons” and enjoy it now!Bishop T. D. Jakes is a charismatic leader, visionary, provocativethinker, and entrepreneur who serves as senior pastor of ThePotter’s House, a global humanitarian organization and30,000-member church located in Dallas, Texas. One of PBS Religionand Ethics Newsweekly’s “Top 10 Religious Leaders” in 2000,preaching by TD Jake to imaginary congregations, Jakes holds aplace in the Black Americans of Achievement series, TheEncyclopedia of African-American Christian Heritage, as well as theWho’s Who Among African Americans. The four-step process ofpreparing by T. D. Jakes a sermon. I found his description to beboth helpful and encouraging. Jakes’ mission is carried out throughfour distinct channels: global humanitarian outreach, inspirationalconference series, media and entertainment ventures, and thoughtleadership forums. 👍👍👍NOTE: Internet or WiFi connection is requiredin order for the app to access the audio messages and sermons. Theapp is fresh monthly: New EEL radio. 👍👍👍DISCLAIMER: The developerof this app is not a representative, affiliate or subsidiary of theT.D. Jakes Ministries, but believes in what God is doing throughher ministry (which is transforming lives with the gospel of JesusChrist that is being preached and taught). Therefore any enquiry orrequest as regards the Bible teachings accessible through this appshould be sent to the T.D. Jakes Ministries. 👍👍👍 If you like ourapp, please take a moment to rate us in the Play Store. For bugreports or complaints, email theholybibleverse@gmail.com.
The Holy Bible Audio 3.60
The Holy Bible App Free Christian Books (English) The biblefreedownload - The Holy Bible a beautiful way to read theclassicversion in Bible app for android. Many features are still inactivedevelopment, including access to resources from therecentlyreleased Reformation Heritage Study Bible. The best Bibleapp withtext and audio of the Bible for free. Bible VersionsandTranslations: The bible offers a balance between aword-for-wordand thought-for-thought translation and is consideredby many as ahighly accurate and smooth-reading version of the Biblein modernEnglish. The app contains both "Old Testament" and "NewTestament".Search option is also provided for quick reference ofthe newinternational version. Ease of Reading the bible or FreeChristianBooks : The offline bible is simply designed to make itavailableOFFLINE complete. Very easy access to all Chapters of HolyBible.Ease of Listening the bible or net bible: The HolyBibleApplication has been designed to make both reading andlisteningeasy. If you android device is connected to internet youcan listenstreaming audio Bible free. "We are proud and happy torelease TheHoly Bible Application. The bible read by millions wasmore thanfive decades in the making. What started as one man’svision soonbecame a cross-denominational movement, unitingevangelicals aroundthe dream of a trustworthy, accessible Bibletranslation for thewhole English-speaking world. With the HolyBible Free you canread, listen and share the Bible with friends andfamily anywhere,anytime.We are looking forward to your feedback andany suggestionsfor improvement. Try to install now, it's FREE.(limited time todownload)"
Billy Graham – Sermons and Podcast 2.55
Download this free app “Billy Graham – Sermons and Podcast”dailydevotion and enjoy daily bliss! Billy Graham is aChristianevangelist who heads the Billy Graham EvangelisticAssociation.Graham preaches across the world on Christian values.He haspreached in person to more people around the world thananyone whohas ever lived. More than 2.5 million people had steppedforward athis crusades to accept Jesus Christ as their personalsavior. BillyGraham has been a spiritual adviser to multiple U.S.presidents andwas number seven on Gallup's list of admired peoplefor the 20thcentury. His one purpose in life is to help people finda personalrelationship with God, which comes only through knowingChrist asSavior and Lord. Features: - Set option to auto playepisodes oneafter the other, avoiding hassle to change episodes andhelps inseamless listening experience. - Share podcast with yourfriends -Easy to understand and simple - Automatic file management- Clearaudio and easy to use - Free Enhance each day with versesfrom theBible, reflections from Billy Graham, and prayer. You willfind thestrength, peace and comfort you need to strengthen yourwalk withChrist. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shallI fear?The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I beafraid?”—Psalm 27:1 “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will bewithyou; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear orbedismayed.” —Deuteronomy 31:8 “Even though I walk through thevalleyof the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are withme;your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” —Psalm 23:4 “He setsonhigh those who are lowly, and those who mourn are liftedtosafety.” —Job 5:11 WARNING: We recommend you use only whenWiFiconnection in order for the app to access the audio messagesandsermons. DISCLAIMER: The developer of this app is notarepresentative, affiliate or subsidiary of the BillyGrahamEvangelistic Association. Therefore any enquiry or requestasregards the Bible teachings accessible through this app
Dr. Myles Munroe 1.40
Download this free app “Dr. Myles Munroe – Sermons andPodcast”brings the wisdom of Dr. Myles Munroe to you in a form ofMobileApp, wake up every day and starting today. This app contain:1.Sermons 2. Daily Devotionals 3. Play the speech 4. PodcastsMylesMunroe, OBE (20 April 1954 – 9 November 2014) was aBahamianevangelist and ordained minister avid professor of theKingdom ofGod, author, speaker and leadership consultant whofounded and ledthe Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI)and Myles MunroeInternational (MMI). He was chief executive officerand chairman ofthe board of the International Third World LeadersAssociation andpresident of the International Leadership TrainingInstitute aswell as the author of numerous books. Additionally, hisanalysis ofprominent past leaders who made positive impacts onhumanity,despite having to overcome all odds, is revealing. Dr.Munroe waswidely known for his leadership training seminars thatbecame aname brand internationally. Many Fortune 500 companieshired him asa Business Consultant. Dr. Munroe was of the view thatwe were allborn as leaders and the difference between a leader anda followeris attitude – and that people do not change until theirbeliefsystem changes. “Your job is your skill that they can fireyou fromat any time. But your work is your gift. No one can takethat fromyou. – Myles Munroe “The greatest tragedy in life is notdeath, buta life without a purpose.” – Myles Munroe “When purposeis notknown, abuse is inevitable.” – Myles Munroe “Seeds of faitharealways within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourishandencourage their growth.” – Myles Munroe “Healthyrelationshipsshould always begin at the spiritual and intellectuallevels: thelevels of purpose, motivation, interests, dreams,andpersonality.”– Myles Munroe “Your purpose can be fulfilled onlyduring the timeyou are given on earth to accomplish it.” – MylesMunroe “Solidcharacter will reflect itself in consistent behavior,while poorcharacter will seek to hide behind deceptive words andactions.” –Myles Munroe “You must decide if you are going to robthe world orbless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untappedresources lockedaway within you.” – Myles Munroe “Being open tocorrection meansmaking ourselves vulnerable, and many people arenot willing to dothat.” – Myles Munroe “Friendship is not a gift,but is the resultof hard work.” – Myles Munroe NOTE: Internet orWiFi connection isrequired in order for the app to access the audiomessages,sermons, audio and podcasts. This app is fresh every day:New dailydevotional, new messages and new sermons. DISCLAIMER: Thedeveloperof this app (MTSOFT) is not a representative, affiliateorsubsidiary of the Dr. Myles Munroe, but believes in what Godisdoing through his ministry. Therefore any enquiry or requestasregards the Bible teachings accessible through this app shouldbesent to the Dr. Myles Munroe.
Joel Osteen - Sermons and Podcast 3.30
Download this free app “Joel Osteen – Sermons and Podcast”bringsthe wisdom of Joel to you in a form of Mobile App, wake upeveryday and starting today. Osteen is a preacher and televangelistwholeads Lakewood Church, the largest Protestant church in theUnitedStates. Joel Osteen is a native Texan and the Pastor ofLakewoodChurch, which according to Church Growth Today is America'slargestand fastest growing church. Each week Joel delivers God'smessageof hope and encouragement to more than 38,000 attendees.This appcontain: 1. Sermons 2. Daily Devotionals 3. Play the speech4.Podcasts NOTE: Internet or WiFi connection is required in orderforthe app to access the audio messages, sermons, audio andpodcasts.This app is fresh every day: New daily devotional, newmessages andnew sermons. “You weren’t created to be average. Youwere createdto excel. You have a destiny to fulfil, an assignmenttoaccomplish.” Joel Osteen “People of excellence go the extra miletodo what’s right.” Joel Osteen “Choosing to be positive and havingagrateful attitude is going to determine how you’re going toliveyour life.” Joel Osteen “Life’s too short to spend it tryingtokeep others happy. You can’t please everyone, to fulfilyourdestiny stay true to your heart.” Joel Osteen “Get your mindgoingin the right direction and you’ll get your life going in therightdirection.” Joel Osteen “Don’t let the fear of what otherpeopleare going to think keep you from your miracle.” Joel Osteen“We mayget knocked down on the outside, but the key to living invictoryis to learn how to get up on the inside.” Joel Osteen “Inlife youwill realise that there is a purpose for everyone you meet.Somewill test you, some will use you, and some will teach you. Butmostimportant are the ones that bring out the best in you. Thosearethe ones worth keeping around.” Joel Osteen “No one can offendyouwithout your permission. They can say whatever they want, butyouhave the right to ignore it.” Joel Osteen “The real battleistaking place in your mind. If you’re defeated in yourthoughts,then you’ve already lost.” Joel Osteen DISCLAIMER: Thedeveloper ofthis app (MTSOFT) is not a representative, affiliate orsubsidiaryof the Joel Osteen Ministries, but believes in what Godis doingthrough his ministry. Therefore any enquiry or request asregardsthe Bible teachings accessible through this app should besent tothe Joel Osteen Ministries.
Dr. Zakir Naik - Lectures 1.20
Download this application and start watching "Dr. Zakir Naik-lectures" daily devotion and enjoy daily bliss! Zakir AbdulKarimNaik (نائیک ذاکرڈاکٹر) was born (18 October 1965) inMumbai,Maharastra, India. He is an Indian Islamic televangelistandIslamic preacher. He's also known as the founder and founder ofthe“comparative religion “ Peace TV channel which have over100million viewers. Application includes the following: 1.Includeover 100 lectures and debates 2. Easy simple withyourfriend/family via Facebook, twitter, Google +, email or message3.Tap down to refresh and see most latest podcast. Disclaimer:Thecontent provided in this application is available on publicdomain,and is the copy right of their perspective owners. We don’town orclaim the content in this app. We are just providing anorganizedway to stream it. Download this free app for the topIslamiclectures Now!
Dr. Charles Stanley Devotions 2.10
Download this free app “Dr. Charles Stanley – Sermons andPodcast”and enjoy daily bliss! Dr. Charles Stanley is senior pastorofFirst Baptist Church Atlanta, founder of In Touch Ministries, andaNew York Times best-selling author. He demonstrates akeenawareness of people’s needs and provides Christ-centeredbiblicallybased principles for everyday life. Features include: •AudioMessages • Daily Radio Program • In Touch TV BroadcastFeaturingNOTE: Internet or WiFi connection is required in order forthe appto access the audio messages and sermons. The app is fresheveryday: Enjoy Dr.Charles Stanley Teachings app for free!!!Disclaimer;This App Brings You Daily Devotional, MotivationalMessages - Videoand audio, Podcast, Teachings and lots more FromDr. CharlesStanley Remember this app is fan made and is not theofficial appnor affiliated with the Ministry, if there is anycomplaint.
Afaan Oromo Quran Translation 1.35
This app is actual audio translation of Quran in Oromo inhighquality and streaming MP3s.This full Quran is divided into114Surahs. It also is longer play into chapter and eachchaperconsists of individual Ayaat or verses. Surah al Baqarah(Ch.2) isthe longest Chapter comprising 287 verses while Surah alKauthar(Ch. 108) is the shortest with only four verses. The Quranwithtranslating its meanings into Oromo Language (or Oromigna) tohelpsin better understanding the concepts history of mankind, asourceof immense inspiration, guidance and wisdom for millions ofMuslimsall over the world. It is the pivotal point of imaan, faith,andintegral to the foundations of an Islamic society being thebasisof its shariah, Islamic legal injunctions and law. This appforAndroid is a free, you can listen to beautiful words of Allahnomatter what time of the day or how busy you are. There aremanyfeatures under development. Features: ❆ Backgroud playerfunction :listening while screen off. ❆ Al-Quran all surah withOromotranslation. ❆ Al-Quran all surah with Audio/Mp3 listening.❆Highly accurate translation ❆ Easy to understand and simple ❆Clearaudio and easy to use ❆ Free I hope all Muslim brothers andsisterswill be happy to use this app and of course, it will bebeneficialfor you.
Al Quran - English Translation 1.50
Download this free app “ 🌐 Quran in English & 📻 Free Radio App”to you in a form of Mobile App, wake up every day andstartingtoday. This app is actual audio translation of Quran inEnglish inhigh quality and streaming MP3s.This full Quran isdivided into 114Surahs. If you want to recite English text ofQuran, whichcomprises the entire first page with transliterationand audiorecitation of each chapter and verse. English text issynchronizedwith each reciting verse. Islamic Radio (راديوالإسلامية) is afantastic internet radio receiving application forandroid devices.There are some Islamic radio sites in the list(Islam Radio PlayerLive). The stations which broadcast Islamicprograms like ReligiousConversation. Just click on the station andenjoy listening to thechannel. Don't wait any longer, this is thewonderful Islam radioapplication for you. Download and Compare. Itentails followingsignificant features including: 🔍 It incorporatesall the 114Surahs of Quran within order and proper settings. 🌐English text ofthe Quran makes you able to read and recite thecorrectpronunciation of Quran in no time. 🎧 Audio recitation ofeachchapter and verse to facilitate the Muslims around the world.✈️All MP3 Audio can be listening for the usefulness and abundanceofrecitation at any time and any where. ❤️Easy go to optionforaccess to any Surah both read and listening. 📻 The mostpopularIslam radio stations all together for faster. Please giveyourcomments and ratings, it encourages us to make more good andfreeapps in future. Wishes you All a Very Happy and BlessedRamadan.
Saad Al Ghamdi (الشيخ سعد الغامدى) 2.11
Welcome to reading or listening for online by Saad Al-Ghamdi(الشيخسعد الغامدى) - Served as imam of notable mosques, includingas imamof Masjid-i-Nabawi, Madinah in Ramadan 1430H (2009). QuraninArabic – This app is the Holy book of Muslims that peoplerecitewith great dignity and dedication. As technology has evolvedandpeople also read or listen any surah you want! It is even easythatthrough listening you can learn Quran by heart. Listen toQuranrecitation while you read the meaning with translations.Features:☆ Background player function : listening while screen off☆ Read orlisten any surah with Audio/MP3 listening ☆ Easy tounderstand byHighly accurate translation ☆ Clear text and audio ☆Share from App☆ Choose listening only ☆ Simple and easy to use ☆Easy navigation☆ Free Saad El GhamidiI am very much touched by hisbeautifultajweed may Allah give him abode in janet Elfardous forhis noblework. Every time your listen to his koran recitation youfeel myheart is filled up with joy and happiness and this makes mecomemuch closer with your thoughtto Allah the most high themostgenerous.
A Bíblia Sagrada - Narração Brasileira 1.07
Já pensou em ouvir toda a Bíblia? Muitas pessoas relatam quetemdificuldades de ler as Escrituras Sagradas da mesma maneiraquecostumamos ler livros comuns. Ouvir a Biblia, é umabíbliaevangélica fácil de entender. Na Bíblia online de estudovaiencontrar mensagens e versículos perfeitos para cada ocasião,mastem a possibilidade de fazer algo do seu cotidiano ouvindo aBíbliaao mesmo tempo, claro que dando a mesma atenção devida dada aumlivro. Exemplo clássico são aquelas pessoas que passam horasnotrânsito ouvindo a Bíblia no som do carro ou ligado por um fonedeouvido ao ir trabalhar de ônibus diariamente. BíbliaSagradaCompleta em áudio narrada em Português Brasil (Ouvir aBiblia) OuçaAntigo e Novo Testamento Completo (Bíblia em Áudio)Bíblia Sagradaem áudio para ouvir e meditar na palavra de Deus, AsSagradasescrituras nos ajudam a conhecer mais esse DeusMaravilhoso!
La Biblia en Espanol 1.04
La Biblia en Espanol El texto más utilizado por laiglesiaevangélica hispanoamericana durante generaciones. SantaBibliacontiene el texto del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamentos de laversiónReina Valera 1909, junto con un plan de lectura de 365 díasy unaexplicación breve del plan de salvación. Su lenguaje formapartedel habla de los cristianos evengélicos, quienes hanmemorizadofrases, versículos y pasajes enteros, en los que siempreencuentranconsuelo e inspiración divina. Leer la Biblia a diario nosolo loayuda a crecer en su fe y caminar con Jesucristo, sino queserá unafuente asombrosa de aliento a lo largo del día. Lea laBiblia deprincipio a fin, desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis. Con laSantaBiblia Gratis puede leer, escuchar y compartir la Biblia conamigosy familiares en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento.Esperamossus comentarios y sugerencias para mejorar. Intentainstalar ahora,es GRATIS Descubrimos que esta es una excelentemanera de generarconfianza en mi comprensión de lectura. Junto congrabaciones deaudio dramatizadas de la Biblia en suajili, estapuede ser unaherramienta de aprendizaje muy poderosa.
Sheikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy - مشاري العفاسي 1.60
Welcome to reading or listening for online by Mishary RashidAlafasy(مشاري بن راشد العفاسي) - Imam of Masjid Al-Kabir (GreatMosque) inKuwait City. Quran in Arabic – This app is the Holy bookof Muslimsthat people recite with great dignity and dedication. Astechnologyhas evolved and people also read or listen any surah youwant! It iseven easy that through listening you can learn Quran byheart.Listen to Quran recitation while you read the meaningwithtranslations. Features: ☆ Background player function :listeningwhile screen off ☆ Read or listen any surah withAudio/MP3listening ☆ Easy to understand by Highly accuratetranslation ☆Clear text and audio ☆ Share from App ☆ Chooselistening only ☆Simple and easy to use ☆ Easy navigation ☆ FreeAlhamdulillah, forchoosing you as one the best Qaaries of the era.We all are blessedand pleased to hear your recitation which is veryvery spirituallyuplifting. We also wish to state that the humblevoice and rythm ofyour recitation makes it very easy to memorizeand also understandthe meaning of the noble Qur'an even to anon-arab who is learningarabic language. May Allah (Swt) shower hisblessings, Rahmah andNi'mah on you and your parents and family andon all of us who arefollowing your heartfelt recitation.
Joyce Meyer - audio and podcast 2.5
Download this free app “Joyce Meyer – Sermons and Podcast” andenjoy daily bliss! Meyer is a Christian speaker and author. She’salso the head of Joyce Meyer Ministries, which offerstel-evangelical broadcasts for Christian believers. Featuresinclude: Joyce Meyer Application. • Enjoying Everyday Lifebroadcast • Enjoying Everyday Life radio • Conference dates anddetails DISCLAIMER: The developer of this app is not arepresentative, affiliate or subsidiary of the Joyce MeyerMinistries, but believes in what God is doing through her ministry(which is transforming lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ thatis being preached and taught). Therefore any enquiry or request asregards the Bible teachings accessible through this app should besent to the Joyce Meyer Ministries.
Buddhist Meditation Music 1.50
Download the Buddhist Music app today to experience Nice andsimpleBuddhism over the mobile app If you are looking the mostfamousmusic for Meditation Music is the app that will aid youduring yourmindfulness training and your moments of deeprelaxation, you do noneed to download mp3, just install the app andlisten! and manymore.. Buddhist ceremonial music and popular musicwith Buddhistsubjects or adapted from Buddhist ceremonial music. Itentailsfollowing significant features including: ☆ Buddhist musicwithAudio/Mp3 listening. ☆ Internet connection is required thatyoudon't save your device storage. ☆ Clear audio ☆ Share from App☆Simple and easy to use ☆ Free Please support us by tellingyourfriends about "Buddha and Buddhism meditation" and leaving usagood review!
บทสวดมนต์ 2.20
บทสวดมนต์: ใช้งานง่ายสะดวกทุกที่ทันสมัยเหมาะกับยุคปัจจุบันแอปสวดมนต์เล่มนี้ผู้พัฒนาเริ่มรวบรวมบทสวดมนต์มาจากแผ่นพับสวดมนต์-ที่สวดอยู่เป็นประจำทุกวันซึ่งประโยชน์ของการสวดมนต์นั้นมีมากมายดังนั้นผู้พัฒนาจึงได้จัดทำขึ้นเพื่อที่จะเผยแพร่บทสวดมนต์ต่างๆให้แก่ผู้สนใจทั้งหลายโดยไม่มีการคิดค่าใช้จ่ายใดๆทั้งสิ้นให้แก่ผู้สนใจทั้งหลายให้ได้บุญได้อนิสงค์ร่วมกันไปผู้พัฒนาได้จัดทำขึ้นโดยไม่มีการคิดค่าใช้จ่ายใดๆทั้งสิ้นทั้งนี้เพื่อให้เกิดอนิสงค์สูงสุดผู้จัดทำมีเจตนารมณ์จะเผยแพร่หลักคำสอนต่างๆให้แก่ผู้สนใจทั้งหลายให้ได้บุญ ได้อนิสงค์ร่วมกันไปความง่ายในการอ่านบทสวดมนต์แอพฯบทสวดมนต์ไม่ต้องเชื่อมต่อกับอินเทอร์เน็ทความง่ายในการฟังเสียงบทสวดมนต์โหมดออนไลน์จำเป็นต้องเชื่อมต่ออินเทอร์เน็ทเพื่อให้แอ็พพลิเคชันมีขนาดไม่ใหญ่สำหรับฟังเสียงบทสวดมนต์"คุณสามารถอ่านฟังและแบ่งปันพระคัมภีร์กับเพื่อนและครอบครัวได้ทุกที่ทุกเวลา"ติดตั้งเดี๋ยวนี้ฟรี"โดยไม่มีการคิดค่าใช้จ่ายใดๆทั้งสิ้นอนึ่งผู้พัฒนาจะเพิ่มบทสวดมนต์เพิ่มขึ้นและหวังจะได้รับข้อเสนอในการปรับปรุงในเวอร์ชั่นต่อไป* ซึ่งหากผิดพลาดประการใดขออภัย ณ ที่นี้ด้วย สาธุ *
Al Quran Pashto Audio Translation 1.20
Download this app now and get Al Quran with PashtoTranslation.Recitation by Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy Translation byProfessorShafeeq ur Rahman The Quran with translating its meaningsintoPashto Language (Recitation by: Mishary Rashid Al-AfasyandTranslation by: Professor Shafeeq ur Rahman) to helps inbetterunderstanding the concepts history of mankind, a source ofimmenseinspiration, guidance and wisdom for millions of Muslims alloverthe world. Pashto (/ˈpʌʃtoʊ/, rarely /ˈpæʃtoʊ/, Pashto:پښتو‎Pax̌tō [ˈpəʂt̪oː]), sometimes spelled Pushtu or Pushto, istheSouth-Central Asian language of the Pashtuns. It is knowninPersian literature as Afghāni (افغانی) and in Urdu andHindiliterature as Paṭhānī. It is official language in Afghanistan.Thisapp for Android is a free, you can listen to beautiful wordsofAllah no matter what time of the day or how busy you are. Therearemany features under development. Features: ❆ Al-Quran allsurahwith Pashto Translation and very low size app. ❆ Backgroudplayerfunction : listening while screen off. ❆ Al-Quran all surahwithAudio/Mp3 listening. ❆ Highly accurate translation ❆ Easytounderstand and simple ❆ Clear audio and easy to use ❆ Free Thisappis actual audio translation of Quran in Oromo in high qualityandstreaming MP3s.This full Quran is divided into 114 Surahs. Italsois longer play into chapter and each chaper consists ofindividualAyaat or verses. Thank you and enjoy!
Maher Al muaiqly - full quran 1.60
Welcome to recited or listening for Quran audio by SheikhMaherAl-Muaiqely ( الشيخ ماهر المعيقلي ) , one of the most learnedmanin the Islamic world. Quran recite in Arabic (القرآن الكريم) –Thisapp is the Holy book of Muslims that people recite withgreatdignity and dedication. As technology has evolved and peoplealsoread or listen any surah you want! It is even easy thatthroughlistening you can learn Quran by heart. Listen to Quranrecitationwhile you read the meaning with translations. Features:☆Background player function : listening while screen off ☆ Readorlisten any surah with Audio/MP3 listening ☆ Easy to understandbyHighly accurate translation ☆ Clear text and audio ☆ Share fromApp☆ Choose listening only ☆ Simple and easy to use ☆ Easynavigation☆ Free For choosing you as one the best Qaaries of theera. We allare blessed and pleased to hear your recitation which isvery veryspiritually uplifting. We also wish to state that thehumble voiceand rythm of your recitation makes it very easy tomemorize andalso understand the meaning of the noble Qur'an even toa non-arabwho is learning arabic language.
መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ 1.10
መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ እስከዛሬ በዓለም ካሉት መጻሕፍት ይልቅ እጅግ ታላቅ መጽሐፍ ነው፡፡ ይህም ረጅምዘመናትበመቆየት በዓለም ላይ ተወዳጅ ከመሆኑም በላይ ብዙ አንባቢዎችን በማግኘት ተወዳዳሪ የሌለው መጽሐፍነው፡፡መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ በሰዎች ቋንቋ የተጻፈ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል ነው፡፡ የተጻፈውም በመንፈስ ቅዱስ ምሪትነው፡፡ጸሓፊዎቹ ደግሞ የቤተ ክርስቲያን አባቶች ናቸው፡፡ በቅድስናቸው ለእግዚአብሔር ቅሩባን ስለሆኑየእግዚአብሔርቃል ለሚላክላቸው አብያተ ክርስቲያናት በሚገባቸው ቋንቋ ጽፈዋል፡፡ መጻፋቸውም የእነርሱን ክብርለመግለጽናመጽሐፍ ቅዱስን ኢንተርኔት ላይ እንዳለህ ማንበብ ወይም ማውረድ ትችላለህ። የቅዱሳን መጻሕፍትአዲስ ዓለምትርጉም ትክክለኛና በቀላሉ የሚገባ የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ትርጉም ነው።