luzon.dzananovic ئاپەکان

Angry Bale 1.0.1
Angry Bale es un divertido juego dondeelprotagonista debe impedir que los objetos lanzados y lasentradassalvajes de los contrarios eviten su progresión con elbalón a unavelocidad endiablada.Por cada entrada salvada el protagonista recibirá puntos,tambiénaparecerán medallas de éxito que harán que el marcadorsubanotablemente.¡¡ A QUE ESPERAS PARA VER CUAL ES TU PUNTUACION MAXIMA !!Angry Bale is a fun game where the hero must preventthrownobjects and wild entries opposites prevent its progressionwith theball at breakneck speed.Each entry will receive points saved the protagonist, alsoappearmedals success that make up the score significantly. ¡¡ THAT IS WAITING TO SEE YOUR MAXIM SCORE !!Angry Bale is a fungamewhere the hero must prevent thrown objects and wildentriesopposites prevent its progression with the ball atbreakneckspeed.Each entry will receive points saved the protagonist, alsoappearmedals success that will make up the score significantly.THAT IS WAITING TO SEE YOUR PUNCTUATION MAXIMA!Angry Bale is a fun game where the hero must Preventthrownobjects and wild opposites Prevent its progression entriesWith theball at breakneck speed.Each entry will receive points saved the protagonist, successmedalsAlso Appear That Significantly make up the score.THAT IS WAITING TO SEE YOUR SCORE MAXIM!
Magic Buttons 1.0.6
It is a fun application where childrenlearnnumbers, colors, the alphabet and animals in both SpanishandEnglish, plus you can have a fun time drawing.