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موسوعة الإسعافات الأولية 2.0
تطبيق موسوعة الإسعافات الأولية تطبيق تعليميحول الاسعافات الأولية عند الطوارئ، فكل حالة طوارئ تتطلب طرقا مختلفةمن الإسعاف واتخاذ اجراأت سريعة دون الاصابة بالذعر أو الارتباك ،لذلك يتوجب على كل فرد منا أن يكون على دراية بطرق الإسعافات الأوليةوالتدرب على مهارات القيام بالإسعاف من خلال استعمال الحد الأدنى منالمعدات.قد يمر بأي شخص منا موقف تكون فيه مضطرا لتقديم الاسعاف الاوليلشخص أخر، وربما تكون انت السبب في انقاذ حياته اذا كانت لديك المعرفةوالالمام بطرق الاسعافات الاولية. من هنا تكمن أهمية هذا البرنامج،فهو يقدم بالصور التوضيحية دليلا موثقاً لتقديم الإسعافات الأوليةالتي يمكن أن يتعرض له الانسان في حياته. فمن خلال الإسعافات الأوليةيتم تقديم العناية الطبية الضرورية والمؤقتة للمصاب بهدف انقاذ حياتهوالحد من المضاعفات والمساعدة على الشفاء إلى حين التمكن من نقلالمصاب إلى أقرب مستشفى أو مركز صحي او حتى وصول سيارة الاسعاف. ويشملهذا البرنامج على حالات مختلفة من الإصابات الشائعة (كالاختناقوالنزيف والحريق والكسور وغيرها الكثير) وطرق التعامل معها. إضافة إلىاشتماله على مجموعة من النصائح والإرشادات التي تساعد الشخص الذيسيقوم بعملية الإسعاف في كيفية التعامل مع المصاب لحظة وقوع الإصابةفتعطي التوجيه في تقديم العناية.سيمكنك تطبيق طب الطوارئ و الإسعافات الأولية "First Aid" من معرفةطرق تقيم لمساعدة و إسعاف المحتاج إليك "Emergency Treatment" فيحالات الاختناق وحالات النزيف و حالات الحروق و الغرق و حالات إصاباتالعظام و حالات التسمم و حالات اللدغات والعضات و الصدمة و التشنجات والإغماء و حالات الجروح و حالات الطوارئ و الإسعافات الأولية فى حالةالأجسام الغريبة و التنفس الاصطناعى و لسعة النحلة و كسر والعديد منالحالات الأخرى.Application Encyclopediafirst aid educational application about first aid when anemergency, every emergency situation requires different ways ofambulance and take quick Ajraot without panic or confusion, so musteach of us be familiar with first aid methods and training to carryout an ambulance skills through the use of a minimum of equipment.You may pass in any situation where anyone of us be forced toprovide first aid to someone else, and you may be the reason forsaving his life if you have the knowledge and knowledge of firstaid methods. Here lies the importance of this program, it offersillustrations documented evidence to provide first aid which can beexposed man in his life. Through the first aid is to provide thenecessary medical care to the injured and temporary in order tosave his life and the reduction of complications and help to healwhile being able to transport the injured to the nearest hospitalor health center or until the arrival of the ambulance. Thisprogram includes the different cases of the most common injuries(Kalachtnaq and bleeding and a lot of fire, fractures, etc.) andways to deal with it. In addition to the inclusion of a range ofadvice and guidance that will help the person who will aid in theprocess of how to deal with the injured and the moment of theinjury shall give guidance in the provision of care.You will apply the emergency medicine and first aid "First Aid"to know the ways of staying to help and aid the needy to you"Emergency Treatment" in cases of suffocation and cases of bleedingand burns and drowning and cases of bone injuries and poisoningcases and cases of bites and bites and shock and convulsions andfainting and cases of wounds and emergency and first aid in case offoreign objects and respirators and capacity Bee and breaking andmany other cases.
Caller & SMS Name Speaker 1.0
Wondering how to identify a caller whiledriving? Or want to know who has messaged you, even when yourmobile is in yet another room?caller & SMS name speaker app comes as the perfect solution..!!It can even read the Message's content for you. And the best Thingis, it is total FREE.caller & SMS name speaker announce the Incoming caller name andSMS sender name that helps to identify your caller even withouttaking a look at your mobile. And soon we will inculde Gmail,WhatsApp, LINE, imo, WeChat and telegraph app alerts too.Ever wondered if there is a way to know who is "Calling" whileyou are "Driving" and the Phone is in your Pocket...?Or who send you Message's while you are in another Place andreceived an Message's? it simple speaks Everything.....Caller & SMS Name Speaker app speaks out the Incoming callername and Message sender name so that you can identify who iscalling without looking into your phone....caller & SMS name speaker use the built-in Androidtext-to-speech engine to voice the caller or Message senderID...."caller & SMS name speaker":1- caller name if exist in contacts...2- caller Number if name not exist in contacts...3- Speak Message sender name & Contents....Features:* One Tap to In caller name announcer to Disable/Enable Call andSMS announcing feature.. .* caller name talker speaks out the caller name from Contact, itVoices the caller id over your existing ring tone.* speaks Number, if caller name not found in the contactlist.* announce SMS sender name while receiving an SMS.* Read Message's content.* Volume's Settings* Text's To speaks Settings* Ring tone's Setting* highly Customize your caller name announcer.* Enable/disable speaking caller name.* Enable/disable incoming SMS sender name only.* Enable/disable incoming SMS sender name and contents of theSMS.* Custom Volume Settings.* caller name announcer is completely free .caller & SMS name speaker is highly applicable in a situationlike if you are driving and the phone is in your pocket or some onesends you an SMS while your smart phone is in other room.caller & SMS name speaker will not work if your smart phonedoes not have text-to-speech library but this is not a problem youcan easily download it from Google play store.Download now this free app and enjoy !.
Match Puzzle Game 1.5
Match Puzzle Game is a reflexion puzzle game.that you have to move matches to fix the equation.In other wordsyou have to correct the equation with moving matchstick to theright place.**Best Free Matches Puzzle Game :Equations may have more than one solution.**You can play with your children.This game helps to improve mathematics skills. Your kids will lovethis game. Play puzzle with matches. You never see the matchesenjoyable like this game.**Features:1- Alot of levels and more.2- Drag & drop.3- Help system & coins.4- Ask your friends on facebook & twitter.5- Rate & share.6- Sound effects,Sound, Vibration and Music specially created forthe puzzles matches game7- Beautiful graphics8-Support for slower and low resolution phonesDownload now this free puzzle game and Enjoy playing as much aswe enjoyed collecting them !
مغير الصوت 1.0
تستطيع من خلال تطبيق مغير الصوت تغيير صوتك الىالعديد من الأصوت عن طريق المؤثرات الصوتية بطريقة مضحكة و مسلية.مغير الصوت هو تطبيق يعمل لى تغيير صوتك إلى صوت آخر حسب إختيارك.كل ما عليك فعله هو تسجيل صوتك و إختيار الصوت من القائمةالتاليةالرجل الألي صوت السنجاب فضائي ........ثم إضغط على زر لسماع صوتك والضحك مع أصدقآئكمن مزايا التطبيق:- سهولة الاستخدام فقط اضغط على صورة الميكرفون وابدأ تسجيلصوتك-اختيار من العديد من الؤثرات الصوتية-زر استماع-امكانية ضبط الصوت مباشرة كنغمة لجوالك-اختيار من العديد من الخلفيات الصوتية-حفظ الصوت مباشرة على التطبيق نفسه حيث يحفظ على بطاقة الذاكرة (فقطاضغط على صورة النجمة الصفراء في الصفحة الرئيسية للاستماعللمحفوظات)-حذف الاصوات المحفوظة فقط قم بالضغط بشكل مطول على الصوت الذي تريدحذفه-امكانية التسجيل بصوتك الطبيعي بدون مؤثراتاضغط على الصورة الخاصة بالميكرفون وابدأ التسجيل .لعبة مغير الصوت مجاني، من ألعاب المتعة و الضحك، من احدث الالعابمشهورة جدا، مسلية و ممتعة ، من بين العاب كبار، العاب أولاد.al3ab, al3ab banat.من العاب أطفال و براعم، لعبة صبايا، لعبة بنات.تحتوي اللعبة على خلفية جميلة و جذابة."صفع الوجه", "غاز الهيليوم ", "إكستريم هيليوم","باري وايت","إكستريم باري وايت","شرير", "رجل آلي", "فضائي", "وحش", "سايبورغ","سنجاب", "الصوت الأصلي"هذا التطبيق مجاني و يعمل بدون أنترنت ن أتمنى أن يلقى التطبيقإعجابكم و أن تشاركوه أصدقائكم.You may through theapplication of AV Voice Changer change your voice to many Alosot bysound effects funny and entertaining.AV Voice Changer is an application that works Lei change yourvoice to another voice according to your choice. All you have to dois record your voice and select the sound from the followinglistRobot voice Squirrel space ........Then click on the button to hear your voice and laugh with yourfriendsApplication of advantages:- Easy to use just click on the picture of the microphone andstart recording your voice-achtaar Of several audio Alatherat-zr Listen-amkanah Sound directly adjust the tone for your mobile phone-achtaar Of several audio backgrounds-hfez Sound directly to the application itself which saves on thememory card (just click on the image of the yellow star on the homepage to listen to the archives)-hzv Votes saved just press and hold the sound you want todelete-amkanah Date natural voice without effectsClick on the image for Balmicrvon and Start Date.Game Changer Free sound, fun games and laughter, of the latestgames are very famous, entertaining and enjoyable, among the topgames, boys.al3ab, al3ab banat.Of children and buds games, game Sabaya, Game Girls.The game features a beautiful and attractive background."Slapped face", "helium gas," "Extreme Helium," "Barry White","Extreme Barry White," "Wicked," "a robot", "space", "monster","cyborg", "squirrel" , "original sound"This application is free and works without the Internet I hopethat you like it and deliver the application to Charkohfriends.
Ninja Jump Training 1.0
Ninja Jup Traing .. In this ninja runninggame, your goal is to jump as high as you can while avoidingenemies and obtacles ,Avoid enemy ninjas! Effortlessly scale theblocks with ninja agility. Tap to jump from block to the other,slashing enemies in your way. Hit three matching enemies in a rowfor a bonus power-up boost. Grab shields for protection. Watch outfor obstacles.Stay alive!The best ninjajump game ever with alot of fun and action.Use your dexterity and skill to avoid obstacles and monsters on therun, in the air – even upside down as only a master Ninja can.GAME FEATURES● Amazing power-up boosts!● Various enemies & obstacles● Intuitive tap controls● Endless ninja fun● Free game● Best ninja jump 2016=> Install now ninja jump tarinning. It's FREE!
تطبيق الإسعافات الأولية 1.0
يتضمن هذا التطبيق أهم الاسعافات الأولية التييمكن لأي انسان القيام بها في معظم حالات الطوارئ مثل الاغماء, عضةالحيوانات, السكتة الدماغية, حلات رعاف الأنف و غيرهاfirst aidتطبيق الإسعافات الأولية تطبيق تعليمي حول الاسعافات الأولية عندالطوارئ، فكل حالة طوارئ تتطلب طرقا مختلفة من الإسعاف واتخاذ اجراأتسريعةدون الاصابة بالذعر أو الارتباك ، لذلك يتوجب على كل فرد منا أن يكونعلى دراية بطرق الإسعافات الأولية والتدرب على مهارات القيام بالإسعافمن خلال استعمال الحد الأدنى من المعدات.قد يمر بأي شخص منا موقف تكون فيه مضطرا لتقديم الاسعاف الاولي لشخصأخر، وربما تكون انت السبب في انقاذ حياته اذا كانت لديك المعرفةوالالمام بطرق الاسعافات الاولية. من هنا تكمن أهمية هذا البرنامج،فهو يقدم بالصور التوضيحية دليلا موثقاً لتقديم الإسعافات الأوليةالتي يمكن أن يتعرض له الانسان في حياته. فمن خلال الإسعافات الأوليةيتم تقديم العناية الطبية الضرورية والمؤقتة للمصاب بهدف انقاذ حياتهوالحد من المضاعفات والمساعدة على الشفاء إلى حين التمكن من نقلالمصاب إلى أقرب مستشفى أو مركز صحي او حتى وصول سيارة الاسعاف. ويشملهذا البرنامج على حالات مختلفة من الإصابات الشائعة (كالاختناقوالنزيف والحريق والكسور وغيرها الكثير) وطرق التعامل معها. إضافة إلىاشتماله على مجموعة من النصائح والإرشادات التي تساعد الشخص الذيسيقوم بعملية الإسعاف في كيفية التعامل مع المصاب لحظة وقوع الإصابةفتعطي التوجيه في تقديم العناية.سيمكنك تطبيق طب الطوارئ و الإسعافات الأولية "FirstAid"--Premiers Secours. من معرفة طرق تقيم لمساعدة و إسعاف المحتاجإليك "Emergency Treatment" في حالات الاختناق وحالات النزيف و حالاتالحروق و الغرق و حالات إصابات العظام و حالات التسمم و حالات اللدغاتوالعضات و الصدمة و التشنجات و الإغماء و حالات الجروح و حالاتالطوارئ و الإسعافات الأولية فى حالة الأجسام الغريبة و التنفسالاصطناعى و لسعة النحلة و كسر والعديد من الحالات الأخرى.This application includesthe most important first aid which any human being can do in mostemergencies such as fainting, animal bite, stroke, Hlat epistaxisnose and otherfirst aidThe application of first aid education about the application offirst aid when an emergency, every emergency situation requiresdifferent ways of ambulance and take quick AjraotWithout panic or confusion, so must each of us be familiar withfirst aid training and ways to do an ambulance skills through theuse of a minimum of equipment.You may pass in any situation where anyone of us be forced toprovide first aid to someone else, and you may be the reason forsaving his life if you have the knowledge and knowledge of firstaid methods. Here lies the importance of this program, it offersillustrations documented evidence to provide first aid which can beexposed man in his life. Through the first aid is to provide thenecessary medical care to the injured and temporary in order tosave his life and the reduction of complications and help to healwhile being able to transport the injured to the nearest hospitalor health center or until the arrival of the ambulance. Thisprogram includes the different cases of the most common injuries(Kalachtnaq and bleeding and a lot of fire, fractures, etc.) andways to deal with it. In addition to the inclusion of a range ofadvice and guidance that will help the person who will aid in theprocess of how to deal with the injured and the moment of theinjury shall give guidance in the provision of care.- Premiers Secours will enable you to apply the emergencymedicine and first aid "First Aid". Find out ways of staying tohelp and aid the needy to you "Emergency Treatment" in cases ofsuffocation and cases of bleeding and burns and drowning and casesof bone injuries and cases of poisoning and bites cases and Bitesand shock and convulsions and fainting and cases of wounds andemergency and first aid the case of UFOs and respirators andcapacity Bee and breaking and many other cases.
تمارين شد البطن 1.1
تمارين رياضية لحرق الدهون هو تطبيق عربي يذلكعلى طرق التخلص من الكرش بسرعة ويضم العديد من تمرين شد البطن وتنحيفالكرش واسرع طرق تخسيس البطن و حرق الدهون.الكرش هو أسوأ ما يمكن أن يزعجك في شكل قوامك، مما يجعلك نبحث جاهدعن أي طريقة للتخلص من الدهون المتراكمة حوله، ولهذا نقدم لكِ معتطبيق تمارين رياضية لحرق الدهون مجموعة من الحيل و التمارين الفعالةلكيفية إذابة الشحوم المزعجة والموجودة في تلك المنطقة بكل سهولة .لكن يجب أن تكون صبور لأن النتائج لا تظهر بين ليلة و ضحاها كما يجبأن تداوم على استعمال هذه التمارين حتى تحصل على نتائج جيدة جدا و فيفترة وجيزة.إن حلم كل امرأة عربية من اللواتي يعانين من البدانه وخصوصاً في منطقةالبطن هو الوصول إلى الحل المثالي لإزالة وتنحيف البطن.الكثير من التمارين ...حمل التطبيق مجانا لتكتشفها.Exercises to burn fat isthe Arabic application humble ways to get rid of the rumen quicklyand includes many of the tummy tuck exercise and slimming rumen andfaster ways to allocate the abdomen and fat burning.Rumen is the worst thing that could bother you in the form ofposture, which makes you look labored for any way to get rid of theaccumulated around fat, and that is provide you with theapplication of mathematical exercises to burn fat set of tricks andeffective exercises on how to dissolve the grease and disturbing inthat area with ease. But we must be patient because the results donot show the night and overnight as it should persist in the use ofthese exercises so you get very good results and in a shortperiod.The dream of every Arab woman who suffer from obesity, especiallyin the abdominal area is to reach the ideal solution for removingand slimming the abdomen. A lot of exercise ... download the application for free todiscover.
Freaking Math Challenge 1.0
This is a very simple math game which you pasta quiz true or false in plus & minus questions , and you shouldanswer in 2 seconds ,so you should be fast. BUT IT WILL BE THE MOSTCHALLENGING GAME TO YOUR BRAIN EVER!Can you do maths very fast?This is game with nice graphics and funny sound.How to play?- Answer the question in only 2 seconds.- Reach the highest score!- Beat your friends!Play against chrono !!Freaking Math Challenge helps improve your simple math skills andspeed! You can practice different types of math like addition,subtraction..Answer Faster as you can !!This is very freak and funny mathematical game and difficult andaddictive.I think this will let your brain sometime crazy....but it is goodfor your brain :)The updated free version of the game is comming soon.Can you do Math in a Faster Way?Here is an app for everyone especially for Kids to Learn Math in aPlayful MannerEnjoy playing Freaking Math Challenge and rate us five stars ifyou like it !! Download it Now its Free
ScientificCalculator Lite 1.0
ScientificCalculator Lite is a complex numberequations support.Would you like to have multiline equation editor with equationsyntax hightiting, actual bracket highlighting and trigonometricfunctions.This app includes: scientific calculator, Standard calculator,calc, Tip and percent calculator which can be accessed from themenu.Features:* Real equation view editor with brackets and operator prioritysupport* Component or polar complex entry/view mode* Equation and result history* Large universal/physical/mathematical/chemical constanttable* Degrees, radians and grads mode for trigonometric functions* Fixed, scientific and engineering view mode* Easy to use with real look* Advertisement free!* Multiline equation editor* Equation syntax highliting* Actual bracket highliting* Trigonometric functions with complex argument supportStay with us ! We are preparing new functionalities:Found bug? Please contact us to fix it.If you find ScientificCalculator Lite useful please upgrade toScientificCalculator Lite Pro to support further development. Thankyou!
Santa Christmas Adventure 2.0
Santa Christmas Adventure! Christmas iscoming, Help our santa to run or skate and collect all gifts.Hurry-up and collect as many gifts as possible from the snowy pathsof Santa’s village or wild as quickly as possible!How many presents can you collect?Itching to play the newest adventure Christmas game to hit thescene? Want a fun Christmas game that you can play anywhere? Howabout a Santa Christmas Adventure game your Santa loving child cantake with them? Santa Christmas Adventure Game is right up youralley. This free game is easy to play and easy to learn. Best ofall, it relieves stress and brings joy to all who play!Santa Christmas Adventure is a fun and addictive running andskating game with one-touch gameplay and suitable for players ofall ages, from kids to adults! challenging levels and awesomegraphics and control will make sure to keep you entertained forhours and enjoy this Christmas and New Year’s Eve holidays. It’sthe best adventure game for the family!Help our santa to jump all obstacles collect all gifts andrun/skate to finish in all levels, make this christmas and new yearholidays awesome with this christmas santa run!!!Try not to miss any of the presents that you find on your runthrough the snow.**How to play**1. Just tap the screen to let the santa jump.2. Collect a lot of gifts and chilis to gain coins3. Run to the end of the icy winter to pass the level.**Features**- Simple and fun game mechanics- Beautiful graphics- Different worlds- Multiple levels- Multiple heros- Multiple obstacles- Smooth touch controls- Tap the screen to make christmas santa jump.- Collect all the gifts for the christmas kids.- Run and finish all the levels.- Have the music and sound effects.- Lots of challenging levels- Relieve stress on the go! You can play whenever and wherever youwant to;- Entertain your children for hours. Just give them your phone ortablet and watch them go;- Encourage counting in younger players by playing this game.Studies also show that tablet game- Our app is free for you to download and useDownload free the game now and Make sure that all good kids receivetheir presents just in time for the Holiday.
SIM Contacts Manager Plus 1.2
SIM contacts manager plus is a tool that tomanage your SIM card contacts.It reads your sim card and give youmany helpful informations. And also help you to manage contacts inyou sim card, you can view all your contacts stored on sim card,create a new contacts (store to sim card), modify a contact ordelete contact(s).Press on selected parameter to copy it to clipboard. In the sameway you can copy, share, call and send message to selected numberon SIM card.To access more features, please use a long click on any listeditem.Features:- SIM cards informations- View sim card info: sim card Serial, Phone number, SIMcarrier.- View all contacts stored on sim card.- Searching for a contact.- Add a contact.- Delete a contact or delete multiple selected contacts.- Modify contact's info.- Import contacts from file.- Export contacts to file (for backup purpose) .**Simple application to display information about sim card inyour device :This free application enables you copy and export your phonecontact(s) to a GSM SIM card. Good for contacts backup. It doesn'tsupport dual sim card phones.These are elements of sim card:- SIM card state- SIM card serial number- SIM card country ISO- SIM card operator code- SIM card operator name- IMEI Number- Number phone- Serial number- Country- Operator Code- imsi- Voice Mail ID- Phone Type- Network Country ISO- Network Operator Code- Network Name- Network TypeSim contacts Manager plus is a very tiny ,Download it now itsFree.
Call Recorder Automatic 1.0
Call recorder Automatic is a free callrecorder application. It is one of the best call recorders in thePlay Store and offers tons of features .Have you ever had an important phone call and needed to take amemo?Call Recorder Automatic offers unique set of features which willallow you to record any call automatically. You can listen to therecorded call at any time in MP3 High Audio Quality or sync it withlinked Dropbox account automatically.With Call Recorder Automatic application has an abilityto:- Enable/Disable call recording- records all your phone calls- Play/Stop recorded audio by touch on the item- Delete recorded items- Lock recorded items to prevent from auto-cleaning- Search- grouping recordings by date- Auto delete old recordings- Marking recordings as important so they don't get autodeleted- Multi select, delete, send- Displaying contact name and numbers- Excluded numbers- Lots of recording formats- Ability start delayed recording- And many more...This application is very useful and good application to recordsincoming and outgoing calls. All recorded calls in MP3 and sharewith friends and family.Do not use Call Recorder Automatic in conjunction with othercall recorders and try different recording formats(ogg,3gp,mp4,wav) to find best one for your phone.
صورتك في بدلة رسمية 1.0
ركب صورتك وصور اصدقائك الان علي بدلة رسميةانيقة في اقل من دقيقة !اكثر من 30 بدلة رجالي متنوعة مثل التكوسيدو, الرسمية والعصرية."صورتك في بدلة رسمية " تطبيق جديد و حصري يمكنك من وضع صورتك فيبدل رسمية انيقة جدا.و ستبهر أصدقائك و صديقاتك حتما . حمل الأن التطبيق و إستمتع به و لاتنسي تقييم التطبيق و مشاركته مع أصقائك على الواتساب . فايسبوكوانستاكرامتطبيق صورتك في بدلة رسمية هو تطبيق جديد 2016 يحتوي على الكثير منالبدل الرسمية الإطارات الجميلة و التي تمكنك من تزيين صورك ووضعصورتك في بدلة رسمية للستعمالها في بيان السيرة cvجمل الاطارات المختارة بعناية و اكثرمن 20 إطار مختلف واكثر من 20خط يزين صورتكتستطيع اضافة البدل و الاطارات للصورةتستطيع اضافة الصور الرمزية لتزيين الصورةكلمات مفتاحية :بدلة رسميةتزيين الصورصور بناتأكتب إسمك في الصورةإسم حبيبك في صورة حلوةتركيب الصور للعشاقإطارات للصور بأشكال جديدةإسمك و إسم حبيبك في صورةصور و خلفيات بإسم حبيبكصورتك و صورة حبيبك في إطارحمل التطبيق و اكتشفه الآنلاتنسى تقييم التطبيقكيفية تشغيل التطبيق :قم بأخذ الصور عن طريق الكاميرا أو الغاليرياختر البدلة المناسبةإحفظ الصورة في ذاكرة الهاتفشارك الصورة مع اصقائك عبر الفايسبوك . انستاغرام.واتساب....أبهر أصدقائك و صديقاتك بوضع صورتك في بدلة رسميةحمل الأن التطبيق مجانا و إستمتع به و لا تنسي تقييمالتطبيق..إطارات جيدة ستضاف عبر التحديثInstall your picture andyour friends' photos is now on an official elegant suit in lessthan a minute!More than 30 Mens suit diverse as Altkowsado, official and trendy."Your picture in a formal suit," a new and exclusive applicationyou can put your picture on an official instead of a veryelegant. Stbehr and your friends and your friends inevitably. DownloadNow application and enjoy it and do not forget the application andshare it with Osqaik on Alwatsab evaluation. Facebook andAnstakramThe application of your picture in a formal suit is a newapplication in 2016 contains a lot of beautiful frames officialallowance and that enables you to decorate your photos and put yourpicture in a formal suit for Stamalha in a statement BiographycvTire sentences carefully selected and over 20 different and morethan 20 line decorate your picture frameYou can also add wildcard and tires of the imageYou can also add images to decorate's AvatarKeywords: Formal dressDecorate photosPhotos GirlsType your name in the pictureYour lover in the name of sweet imageInstallation of images of loversFrameworks for photo new formsYour name and your lover's name in the imageWallpapers the name of your loverYour picture and image in the context of your loverDownload the application and discovered nowDo not forget to assess the applicationHow to run the application:Take pictures by camera or galleryChoose the appropriate SuitSave the image in the phone's memoryParticipated with the image Asqaik through Facebook.Anstagram.oatsab ....Impress your friends and your friends put your picture in a formalsuitDownload Now application for free and enjoy it and do not forgeta good evaluation Alttbaiq..atarat will be added via update
Hack Wifi Prank 1.0
This is a prank app.Hack Wifi Prank is a JOKE app. It only pretends hacking intosecured wifi network."You are a hacker!".Make a fun with your friends and family and Look like a hacker.Thisapplication will show you all available wifi networks and willclick on it, a real like processing will start and at the end apassword will be shown.You can use it to trick your friends that you can hack into theirprivate wifi network.Just run this app in their house and select their wireless networkname.Fake password will be displayed, but they will think that you havejust broken into their network!Hack Wifi Prank makes it look like you can hack any WiFinetwork. WEP, WPA2 or AES encryption. It just present a fancyanimations nothing else.How to use?1/ Scan any wifi available around you.2/ Choose a wifi network available.3/ Run the app to generate passwords.Please remember that this app was made only for fun and it willNOT do a real hacking. It is only a simulation, so all passwordsare randomly generated and fake!Note: This is not a real application for hacking. This is onlyPrank and for fun.
Fat Boy Skating 4.0
Would you like to join the Fat Boy Skating tostart the exciting skating adventure ? GO.Fat Boy Skating is going on a new skating adventure and he needyour help!1.Just tap the screen to let the fat boy jump.2.Collect burgers as many as you can3.Run to the end to pass the level.Fat Boy Skating is a sport game. The fat boy would like tocollect more burgers. But there are many hindrances / obstacles;lock, toadstool, etc. Help the skater by skating, running andjumping.Tap screen to jump and avoid obstacles.There are a lot of levels and more comingEscape deadly buzz saws, keep you balance through gravity shiftsand speed boosts, grind your way to victory in this fast paced andinsanely addictive sport game!Skating :The second sport is skating , try to skate using your snowboard tothe end of the level ,avoid obstacls and collect the maximum ofburgers in your way.KEY FEATURES:- Multipl Sport : run , skate and bicycling- Differnt Worlds- Multipl Levels- HD graphics!- Fast paced gaming with perfectly balanced tilt controls!- Multiple insane levels + more levels added regularly to keep allyour extreme skating needs satisfied!- Easy to play .- Bullet firing capability- Amazing HD High quality graphicsEnjoy the fat boy skating game & do leave a feedback thatwill help us improve...!
صورتك في الزجاج 1.0
"صورتك في الزجاج" تطبيق جديد و حصري يمكنك منوضع صورك في إطارات رائعة جدا من الزجاج مثل : قنينة . فناجين قهوةرائعة.الة تصوير.تلفاز .جهاز كومبيوتر.هاتف .قطرة ماءو ستبهر أصدقائك و صديقاتك حتما . حمل الأن التطبيق و إستمتع به و لاتنسي تقييم التطبيق و مشاركته مع أصقائك.جمل الاطارات المختارة بعناية و اكثرمن 20 إطار مختلف واكثر من 20خط يزين صورتكتستطيع اضافة الاطارات للصورةتستطيع الكتابة على الصورة باجمل الخطوطتستطيع اضافة الصور الرمزية لتزيين الصورةكيفية تشغيل التطبيق :قم بأخذ الصور عن طريق الكاميرا أو الغاليرياختر الاطار المناسبأضف نص إذا أرتإحفظ الصورة في ذاكرة الهاتفشارك الصورة مع اصقائك عبر الفايسبوك . انستاغرام.واتساب....أبهر أصدقائك و صديقاتك بوضع صورتك في إطار من الزجاج.حمل الأن التطبيق مجانا و إستمتع به و لا تنسي تقييمالتطبيق..إطارات جيدة ستضاف عبر التحديث"Your picture in theglass" a new and exclusive application you can put your photos invery great frames of glass such as: bottle. Cups of coffeeRaiah.alh Tsoar.tlvaz Device. Kompiotr.hatv .qtrh water Stbehr and your friends and your friends inevitably. DownloadNow application and enjoy it and do not forget the application andshare it with Osqaik evaluation.Tire sentences carefully selected and over 20 different and morethan 20 line decorate your picture frameYou may well tire of the imageYou may write to the image warmest linesYou can also add images to decorate's AvatarHow to run the application:Take pictures by camera or galleryChoose the appropriate frameworkAdd text if ArtSave the image in the phone's memoryParticipated with the image Asqaik through Facebook.Anstagram.oatsab ....Impress your friends and your friends put your picture in the frameof the glass.Download Now application for free and enjoy it and do not forgeta good evaluation Alttbaiq..atarat will be added via update
صورتك و صورة حبيبك في اطار 1.0
"صورتك و صورة حبيبك في اطار " تطبيق جديد وحصري يمكنك من وضع صورتك و صورة حبيبك في إطارات رائعة جدا مثل :قلبعلى شكل قنينة . فناجين قهوة رائعة.الة تصوير.تلفاز .جهازكومبيوتر.هاتف .قطرة ماءو ستبهر أصدقائك و صديقاتك حتما . حمل الأن التطبيق و إستمتع به و لاتنسي تقييم التطبيق و مشاركته مع أصقائك على الواتساب . فايسبوكوانستاكرامتطبيق صورتك وصورة حبيبك في إطار هو تطبيق جدي 2016 يحتوي على الكثيرمن الإطارات الجميلة و التي تمكنك من تزيين صورك ووضع صورتك وصورةحبيبك في إطار جميل و رائع.جمل الاطارات المختارة بعناية و اكثرمن 20 إطار مختلف واكثر من 20خط يزين صورتكتستطيع اضافة الاطارات للصورةتستطيع الكتابة على الصورة باجمل الخطوطتستطيع اضافة الصور الرمزية لتزيين الصورةكلمات مفتاحية :تزيين الصورصور بناتأكتب إسمك في الصورةإسم حبيبك في صورة حلوةتركيب الصور للعشاقإطارات للصور بأشكال جديدةإسمك و إسم حبيبك في صورةصور و خلفيات بإسم حبيبكصورتك و صورة حبيبك في إطارحمل التطبيق و اكتشفه الآنلاتنسى تقييم التطبيقكيفية تشغيل التطبيق :قم بأخذ الصور عن طريق الكاميرا أو الغاليرياختر الاطار المناسبأضف نص إذا أرتإحفظ الصورة في ذاكرة الهاتفشارك الصورة مع اصقائك عبر الفايسبوك . انستاغرام.واتساب....أبهر أصدقائك و صديقاتك بوضع صورتك في إطار من الزجاج.حمل الأن التطبيق مجانا و إستمتع به و لا تنسي تقييمالتطبيق..إطارات جيدة ستضاف عبر التحديث"Your picture and yourlover image as part of a" new and exclusive application you can putyour picture and your lover image in a very wonderful frames suchas: the heart of the bottle shape. Cups of coffee Raiah.alhTsoar.tlvaz Device. Kompiotr.hatv .qtrh water Stbehr and your friends and your friends inevitably. DownloadNow application and enjoy it and do not forget the application andshare it with Osqaik on Alwatsab evaluation. Facebook and AnstakramThe application of your image and the image of your lover is underserious 2016 application contains a lot of beautiful frames andthat enables you to decorate your photos and put your picture andthe image of your lover in a beautiful and wonderful framework.Tire sentences carefully selected and over 20 different and morethan 20 line decorate your picture frameYou may well tire of the imageYou may write to the image warmest linesYou can also add images to decorate's AvatarKeywords:Decorate photosPhotos GirlsType your name in the pictureYour lover in the name of sweet imageInstallation of images of loversFrameworks for photo new formsYour name and your lover's name in the imageWallpapers the name of your loverYour picture and image in the context of your loverDownload the application and discovered nowDo not forget to assess the applicationHow to run the application:Take pictures by camera or galleryChoose the appropriate frameworkAdd text if ArtSave the image in the phone's memoryParticipated with the image Asqaik through Facebook.Anstagram.oatsab ....Impress your friends and your friends put your picture in the frameof the glass.Download Now application for free and enjoy it and do not forgeta good evaluation Alttbaiq..atarat will be added via update
Glass Frames Pip Camera 1.0
Glass Frames Pip Camera is a photo frameapplication used for set your photo with Special Glass photo frameof Glass .Most powerful Glass with stylish color photoframe. Stylishbackground images, frames, effects for photo,Insta effects on pictures of Glass & Bottle photo frames. Enjoywith beautiful glass effect PIP frame photo for you.With Glass Frames Pip Camera you can :allows you to make your photo in glass,Battles...the best free alternative for popular applications such as PIPCamera Effects and Funny Photo Effects.is very easy to use.create creative photos with blured background.Easily making your photo more stunning than other photo frames."Glass Frames Pip Camera" is the best photo Frame for selfies!Make your photos extra fun with creative frames and collagelayouts!With this app sets your photo in another photo frame with somecreative frames. Easily making your photo more stunning than otherphoto frames.It is more powerful and more fun with the addition ofthe new PIP frames mode.Some Features:* Import photos from gallery or take from camera. You can chooseexisting photos in gallery by using the default gallery, or justcapture in camera mode. You can also use the default camera, or anyof the camera apps .*You can get photo in photo frame with default photo in frame.Numbers photo in photo frames with different shape and style tomake your photos in glass, hand, camera, board…Just apply the themethat you like.* You can set the photo frame with movement in the photo ineffects.* In PIP background photo will be blur and front photo will befocused .The photo in photo blur automatically, and the filters forbackground and foreground in Classic mode both can be changed.* More than 10 collage frames. The background also blurautomatically. Collage your photos with awesome magazine layoutsand frames to be the popular guy on the magazine cover.* More than 10 photo filters for decorating your photos.* You can apply the theme which you like to set the effects onyour photo in photo frame.* Save your images to SD cards.* Our Frame, Collage Library will be constantly updated, comeback often to download!* No internet connection requires.*. Easily share the photo on Instagram, Twitter and Facebookwith your friends and share this wonderful photo editor app.Download now the app its Free.
التجسس على الشبكة Prank 1.0
الكل مهتم بما يدور من حوار و رسائل حب و كلامبين اصدقائك و اقربائك . فمعظم الناس فضوليين و ينتابنا شعور بمعرفةما يدور من دردشة بين البنات و الشباب .هل لديك صديق تود الإنتقام منه و تريد تعلم اختراق الهواتف عبر بلوتوتو التنصت على المكالمات أو التنصت على وتساب شخص ما ؟ اليك اليومبرنامج تجسس الهواتف الذكية على الهواتف التي حولها مجانا و حصريا علىالمتجر.برنامجنا لهذا اليوم هو عبارة عن برنامج تجسس على جميع الواتس ابمن هاتفك فقط. تجسس على جميع الهواتف و الاجهزة المتصلة معك في نفسالشبكة prankتطبيق تجسس على هاتف صديقك سيمكنك من خدعة اصدقائك و جعلهم يظنونانك تقوم بعملية اختراق الواتس او اختراق الفايس وتوهمهم انك تعرف كلما يدور بغرف الدردشة و ما يقومون به من شات و بعضهم سيثق بك و يجعلكخبير .التطبيق لا يقوم بعملية تجسس على الواتس اب او التجسس على الهواتفانما للتسلية بين الاصدقاء .مكنك من عمل خدع ناجحة لأصدقائك عن طريق توهيمه بأنك تستطيع إختراقهاتفهم بسهولة تامة و يدون أي مشاكل و كل هذا بهاتفك الذكي فقط و حتىبدون وجود أنترنيت.كيفية تشغيل التطبيق :كل ما عليك فعله عند الدخول للتطبيق هم أن تقوم بأختيار الشبكة والويفي wifi بعد ذلك إضغط على زر إختراق تم إنتظر تهيئة الرقم للبدأفي عملية الإختراق الفعلية و كشف كلمة السر و لن تتجاوز سوى بضعدقائق.لا تنسى مشاركة التطبيق مع أصدقائك و عائلتك و إن واجهت أي مشكلةفي طريقة تشغيله لا تنسى الإتصال بنا عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني اهرفي الأسفل و لا تنسى وضع تعليقك على التطبيق فتعليقك يهمنا كتيرا.التطبيق يكشف ايضا كلمة سر الويفي مجاناًهل انت بحاجة للواي فاي wifi ؟ هل هناك واي فاي صحيح wifi و ليس لديككلمة السر ؟ هل تريد برنامج اختراق كود الويفي حقيقي? هل تبحث عنبرنامج كشف كلمة سر الويفي ؟ هل تبحث عن برناج لكشف كلمة السر صحيحة ؟هل مللت من البحث عن برنامج لكشف الواي فاي حقيقي wifi ؟ هل تريد أنتبين لاصدقائك مدى براعتك في اختراك كلمات سرهم ؟شكرا لكم على إختياركم لنا.Its Just A Prank.All interested in what isgoing on dialogue and love letters and words between friends andrelated to you. Most people are curious and Intabna sense ofknowing what is going on from the chat between girls andyouth.Do you have a friend like to take revenge on him and want to learnto penetrate through Blotot phones and eavesdrop on calls oreavesdrop on someone and calculating? Here are today's smart phonesspy software on phones that around free and exclusively on the AppStore.Our program for today is a spy program on August Alwats all fromyour phone only. Spy on all phones and devices that are connectedwith you in the same network prankSpy application on your friend phone will allow you to trickyour friends and make them think you are in the process ofpenetrating or penetrating Alwats Tohmanm's Fan and you knoweverything that goes on chat rooms and what they are doing and someof the chat will trust you and makes you an expert.The application process does not spy on Alwats August or spying onthe phones but for fun between friends.Can you work duped successful friends by Tohamh that you can quiteeasily penetrate their phone and write down any problems and allthis only smart phone and even without access to the Internet.How to run the application:All you have to do when you enter the application they have tochoose the network and Aloeva wifi then click on the Done buttonpenetration Wait create the figure to start in the actual processof penetration and reveal the password and will not exceed a fewminutes.Do not forget the application with your friends and family andparticipate if you encounter any problem with the way it runs donot forget to contact us by e-mail Lahr at the bottom and do notforget to put your comment on the application Vtaliqk concerns usso much.The application also reveals password Aloeva freeAre you in need of WiFi wifi? Is there a true Wi-Fi wifi and do nothave a password? Do you want to penetrate the code Aloeva realprogram? Are you looking for a password Aloeva detection software?Are you looking for Bernaj to reveal the password is correct? Tiredof searching for a program to detect Wi-Fi real wifi? Do you wantto show to your friends over the brilliance in Achterak theirpasswords?Thank you for choosing us.  Its Just A Prank.
Rocord My Call 1.0
Call recorder Automatic is a free callrecorder application for automatic call recording from the phoneline. It is one of the best call recorders in the Play Store.Have you ever had an important phone call and needed to take amemo?Call Recorder Automatic offers unique set of features which willallow you to record any call automatically. You can listen to therecorded call at any time in MP3 High Audio Quality or sync it withlinked Dropbox account automatically.**How to Rcord :You want to record the conversation? Just click on the recordbutton when you want and the app will record it automatically..**Features :- Enable/Disable call recording- records all your phone calls- Play/Stop recorded audio by touch on the item- Delete recorded items- Lock recorded items to prevent from auto-cleaning- Search- grouping recordings by date- Auto delete old recordings- Marking recordings as important so they don't get autodeleted- Multi select, delete, send- Displaying contact name and numbers- Excluded numbers- Lots of recording formats- Ability start delayed recording-No root required- And many more...This application is very useful and good application to recordsincoming and outgoing calls. All recorded calls in MP3 and sharewith friends and family.Do not use Rocord My Call in conjunction with other callrecorders and try different recording formats (ogg,3gp,mp4,wav) tofind best one for your phone.Download now the app it's totally free and simple to use ..Enjoyand don't dorget to rate the app.
تحكم في أي تلفاز عن بعد(Prank) 1.3
هل تعبت من البحث عن برنامج جهاز التحكم عن بعدفي اي تلفاز ؟هل بحث كثيرا عن برنامج تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد عبر الهاتف بدونانترنت و لم تجد أي نتيجة ؟تطبيق التحكم في التلفاز عن بعد ، ابدء في التحكم في تلفازك عن طريقتوجيه هاتفك مباشرة للتلفاز واضغط على الزر ليتم التحكم فيه مباشرة .الآن مع تطبيق التحكم عن بعد في اي جهاز تلفاز الإصدار جديد 2016،يمكنك استخدام الهاتف الذكي أو الجهاز اللوحي للتحكم في تلفازكوللحصول على تجربة المشاهدة المثلى وتسهيل تجربة العرض. يعمل هذاالتطبيق بالتحكم في أجهزة التلفاز الذكية عن طريق الهاتف الذكي ,ويتميز جهاز بأنه يتعامل مع كافة أنواع التليفزيونات الذكية , ممايجعل أيضا الإزعاج والفوضى الناتجة عن تعدد أجهزة التحكم عن بعد هوأمر من الماضي. ميز أيضا بأنه سهل التحكم والاستخدام وتعدد اختيارالوظائف الاساسية للريموت كما أنه يدعم جميع أنواع التلفزيون بالإضافةإلي انه مجاني ,الإعداد البسيط يتيح لك سهولة الاتصال.العديد من الأشخاص يبحثون عن تطبيق يقوم بـ التحكم في اي التلفاز عنبعد لكن كل ما يجدونه هو أكاذيب فقط prank،تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد عبر الهاتف الان و أبهر أصدقائك.قد سبق لك و أن جلست في مقهى و تريد أن ترفع صوت التلفاز أو إطفائه عنبعد لكن لا تجد التطبيق المناسب لكي تقوم بإطفائه.لكن اليوم قمنا بإحضار التطبيق الأنسب لك لكي تقوم بكل ما يحلو لك فيأي جهاز كيفما كان نوعه.**كيفية تشغيل التطبيق لكي يعمل بشكل أسرع :عن الذخول للتطبيق قم بالضغط على زر الحكم في الجهاز بعدها قمبإختيار نوع تلفازك المراد التحكم فيه، بعد إختياره إضغط على نعم وسيظهر لك جهز تحكم به كل الأرار التي ستحتاجها للتحكم متل أرقامالقنوات أو تضخيم الصوت أو تغيير القناة أو إطفائه و تشغيله.الأفضل من كل ذلك، أنك لا تحتاج إلى شهادة في علوم الكمبيوتر لتبدأالاستخدام. فإليك الخطوات الأساسية التي تحتاجها كي تُعد الريموتوتتحكم بالشاشة التلفاز من خلال تطبيق:✔ حيث يضع المستخدم اسم التلفاز وسيعمل التطبيق بالتعرف عليهوالتعامل معه بكل سهولة.✔ ابدء في التحكم في تلفازك عن طريق توجيه هاتفك مباشرة للتلفاز واضغطعلى الزر ليتم التحكم فيه مباشرة.✔ والآن يمكنك التحكم في جميع إعدادات تلفازك، مثل وظيفة التشغيل /الإيقاف والتنقل بين القنوات والتحكم في مستوى الصوتهذا كل ما في الأمر. والآن، أنت على استعداد للجلوس والاسترخاءوالاستمتاع بالعرض.**مميزات التحكم في التلفاز عن بعد :* التطبيق سريع في العمل* التحكم في جميع التلفاز* تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد* التطبيق لا يؤثر على جهازك* تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد عبر الهاتف* التحكم في اي التلفاز عن بعد* عن بعد تحكم في اي تلفزيون** تطبيق التحكم في التلفاز مجرد مزحة* نتمنى أن يعجبكملا يأثر على الهاتف عكس التطبيقات الأخرى.* سهل الإستخدام و لا يحتاج الى إنترنيت لتشغيله.* من أحدث التطبيقات المشهورة و الأكثر إستعمالا في سنة 2016.* الإعداد البسيط يتيح لك سهولة التحكم في التلفاز .* التطبيق يدعم جميع أنواع الهواتف الذكية. و جميع اصداراتالأندرويد.* يمكنك تشغيل التطبيق بدون أنترنيت و في أي وقت.* تتطبيق التحكم في التلفاز عن بعد .* مساحة التطبيق صغيرة.* التحكم في جميع أنواع التلفاز .* تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد .إن واجهت أي مشكل في طريقة تشغيله لا تتردد في مراسلتنا مسبقا.شكرا لكم.التطبيق عبارة عن خدعة فقط.Its Just Prank-- و لا تنسوا تقييم التطبيق و كتابة ملاحظاتكم, شكرا لكم.Are you tired ofsearching for your remote control software in any TV?Do you search a lot about control any TV remotely over the phonewithout the Internet and did not find any result of theprogram?Application Control TV remote, Begin to control your TV bydirecting your phone directly to the TV and press the button to becontrolled directly.Now with the introduction of remote control of any new versionof a television set in 2016, you can use your smartphone or tabletto control your TV For optimum viewing experience and facilitatethe viewing experience. This application works to control the smartTVs via smartphone, features a device that deals with all types ofsmart TVs, which also makes the inconvenience and confusion causedby multiple remotes is something of the past. The Miz also as easyto use and multiplicity of choice of the basic functions of theremote control as it supports all kinds of TV Plus it's free,simple setup lets you easily connect.Many people are looking for an application that to control any TVremote but all you find is lies just prank,Control any TV remotely via phone now and wowed friends.Have you ever been to and I sat in a cafe and you want to raise thevoice of the TV or switch it off remotely but do not find theappropriate application to the Deactivate loudspeaker.But today we have to bring the application best suited for you todo whatever you wish on any device whatever kind.** How to run the application in order to work faster:For Alzjul application press the government button on the devicethen your choice of your TV type to be controlled, after he wasnamed Click on Yes, and you will see the equipped control everyAlorar you will need to control metal channel numbers or amplifythe sound, or change the channel or switch it off and turn iton.Best of all, you do not need a degree in computer science tobegin use. Here are the basic steps that you need to prepare yourremote control and the TV screen through the application:✔ where the user puts the TV name and the application willrecognize it and deal with it with ease.✔ Begin to control your TV by directing your phone directly to theTV and press the button to be controlled directly.✔ Now you can control all your TV settings, such as the function ofON / OFF switching between the channels and volume controlThats all about it. Now, are you willing to sit and relax and enjoythe show.** Features control the TV remote:* Fast application in action* Control all television* Control of any TV remote* Application does not affect your device* Control of any TV remotely via phone* Control any TV remote* Remote control of any TV** Application Control on television just a joke* We hope you likeIt does not affect the phone unlike other applications.* Easy to use and does not require a Wi-off.* From the latest well-known and most widely used applications in2016.* Simple setup allows you to easily control the TV.* The application supports all types of smart phones. And allversions of Android.* You can run the application without access to the Internet and atany time.* Taattbaiq control the TV remote.* A small application space.* Control all types of television.* Control of any TV remote.The encounter any problem in the way it runs do not hesitate tocontact us in advance.thank you.The application is just a hoax.Its Just Prank- And do not forget the application and write your remarksevaluate, thank you.
Love Frames Pip Camera 1.1
Love Frames Pip Camera is a photo frameapplication used for set your photo with Special Love photo frame .Love Frames Pip Camera bring to you, colorful, high quality andmore sensitivity on romantic photo frame.Love Frames Pip Camera create beautiful and funny pictures for yourloved one with multiple frames, hearts, wedding rings and lovephrases.Most powerful Glass with stylish color photoframe. Stylishbackground images, frames, effects for photo,Insta effects on pictures of Glass & Bottle photo frames. Enjoywith beautiful glass Love effect PIP frame photo for you.With Love Frames Pip Camera you can :allows you to make your photo in glass,Battles...the best free alternative for popular applications such as PIPCamera Effects and Funny Photo Effects.is very easy to use.create creative photos with blured background.Easily making your photo more stunning than other photo frames."Love Frames Pip Camera" is the best photo Frame for selfies!Make your photos extra fun with creative frames and collagelayouts!With this app sets your photo in another photo frame with somecreative frames. Easily making your photo more stunning than otherphoto frames.It is more powerful and more fun with the addition ofthe new PIP frames mode.Some Features:* Import photos from gallery or take from camera. You can chooseexisting photos in gallery by using the default gallery, or justcapture in camera mode. You can also use the default camera, or anyof the camera apps .*You can get photo in photo frame with default photo in frame.Numbers photo in photo frames with different shape and style tomake your photos in glass, hand, camera, board…Just apply the themethat you like.* You can set the photo frame with movement in the photo ineffects.* In PIP background photo will be blur and front photo will befocused .The photo in photo blur automatically, and the filters forbackground and foreground in Classic mode both can be changed.* More than 10 collage frames. The background also blurautomatically. Collage your photos with awesome magazine layoutsand frames to be the popular guy on the magazine cover.* More than 10 photo filters for decorating your photos.* You can apply the theme which you like to set the effects onyour photo in photo frame.* Save your images to SD cards.* Our Frame, Collage Library will be constantly updated, comeback often to download!* No internet connection requires.*. Easily share the photo on Instagram, Twitter and Facebookwith your friends and share this wonderful photo editor app.* love photo frames does not require internet connection.* love photo frames is completely free download.Download now the app its Free.
تسجيل المكالمات الفوري 1.0
تسجيل المكالمات الفوري هو تطبيق يعمل على تسجيلالمكالمات الصادرة والواردة الى هاتفك المحمول بشكل تلقائي ، ويقومالبرنامج بتسجيل كافة المكالمات على شكل ملفات صوتية وتخزينها بشكلمخفي على شريحة الهاتف، وملفات تسجيل المكالمات المخزنة على المحموللاتظهر ، ويمكنك سحبها من خلال التطبيق فقط وتحميلها ويتم حذفها منالتطبيق كذلك.يمكنك تعطيل او تفعيل التسجيل في اي وقت تريد.يمنك ارسال المكالمة المسجلة عبر و سائل التواصل مثل الواتس اب وفيسبوك و تويتر و البلوتوث و غيرها.يمكن مسح التسجيل.سوف تظهر لك في التنبيهات ما يدل على انك تقوم بالتسجيل.ينتهي التسجيل بنتهاء المكالمة.خصائص التطبيق:- تسجيل المكالمات الصادرة والواردة تلقائياً- إمكانية مشاهدة كافة التفاصيل للمكالمات- إمكانية إيقاف و تشغيل خاصية التسجيل التلقائي للمكالمات- إمكانية إيقاف وتشغيل التنبيهات التي تظهر عند بدء المكالمات- إمكانية إدارة المكالمات المسجلة سابقا- إمكانية تحديد عدد أقصى للمكالمات المسجلة- إمكانية وضع مجموعة أسماء لا يقوم التطبيق بتسجيل المكالماتلهم- واجهات التطبيق حديثة و مميزة وسلسلة- مجانيحمل التطبيق الان و قيمه اذا اعجبك...Messaging Call recordingis an application that works on recording incoming and outgoing toyour mobile phone automatically calls, program and logs all callsin the form of audio files and stored unobtrusively on the phonechip, and log files stored calls to mobile not appear, and you candrag through the application just downloaded and deleted of theapplication as well. You can disable or activated recording at any time youwant.Amenk send recorded the call and communicate through such means asAlwats August and Facebook and Twitter and Bluetooth andothers.Registration can be cleared.We'll show you alerts in proof that you register.Registration ends Bnthae call.Application Characteristics:- Registration of incoming and outgoing calls automatically- Possibility to see all the details of your calls- The possibility to stop and turn on automatic registration ofproperty calls- Possibility to stop the run and alerts that appear when you startcalls- The possibility of previously recorded calls management- The possibility of determining the maximum number of callsrecorded- The possibility of establishing a contact group application doesnot record calls them- A recent application interfaces and distinctive series- ComplimentaryDownload Now application and value if you liked ...
fat Boy Training 1.0
Would you like to join the Fat Boy Skating tostart the exciting skating adventure ? GO.Fat Boy training is going on a new skating adventure and he needyour help!1.Just tap the screen to let the fat boy jump.2.Collect burgers as many as you can3.Run to the end to pass the level.Fat Boy Skating is a sport game. The fat boy would like tocollect more burgers. But there are many hindrances / obstacles;lock, toadstool, etc. Help the skater by skating, running andjumping.Tap screen to jump and avoid obstacles.There are a lot of levels and more comingEscape deadly buzz saws, keep you balance through gravity shiftsand speed boosts, grind your way to victory in this fast paced andinsanely addictive sport game!Running :The first sport is running , try to run to the end of the level,avoid obstacls and collect the maximum of burgers in your way.Skating :The second sport is skating , try to skate using your snowboard tothe end of the level ,avoid obstacls and collect the maximum ofburgers in your way.bicycling :The first sport is bicycling , try to bicyc using your bike to theend of the level ,avoid obstacls and collect the maximum of burgersin your way.KEY FEATURES:- Multipl Sport : run , skate and bicycling- Differnt Worlds- Multipl Levels- HD graphics!- Fast paced gaming with perfectly balanced tilt controls!- Multiple insane levels + more levels added regularly to keep allyour extreme skating needs satisfied!- Easy to play .- Bullet firing capability- Amazing HD High quality graphicsEnjoy the fat boy skating game & do leave a feedback thatwill help us improve...!
Bedtime Stories For Kids 2.2
"Bedtime stories for kids" is a great resourcefor parents, babysitters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, or anyonewho cares for a child to help them to sleep.Free bedtime stories for everyone and exactly for kids. If you aregrown up but miss the the bedtime stories of your childhood or youare a kid and want to read these stories.Read out to your child from these popular fairy tales while you puther to sleep.The app contains some of the best classical bedtime stories forkids, which they can read or parents can read the stories to thembefore bed. Our goal is to help you develop a strong bond with yourkid and telling bedtime stories is one of the oldest and mosteffective way.There are many stories in this free app like :-The Forest Princess-Always Listen-The Lonely Dinosaur-The Five Little Stars-John Goes to the City-Bubbles Cup Boats-The Angel-A Bedtime Story-The Purple Frog-The Ugly Prince-The Carnival-A Christmas Story-A Clever Rabbit and a Witch-The Unicorn Named Wild One-Micheal-The PromiseAnd More and more are comming in the update .Bedtime stories for everyone. These short stories will help youor your kids go to bed. A great resource for parents, babysitters,aunts, uncles, grandparents, or anyone who is the fan of classicalbedtime stories. These stories is a fun way to pass time and learnmoral values which will make you a better person. Many new storieswill be added soon.Either you are traveling, getting bored in the office or notable to sleep in the night, these short stories will definitelyhelp you pass the time. Read the best short stories with a greatUser Interface NOW.Download Now this free app ,and enjoy reading bedtimestorieswith your childrens to help them to sleep ,And try to not sleep inyour turn.
Top Motivational Stories 1.0
Collection of several Motivational andinspirational stories. Start your day with great stories to upliftyour moral.To help stay motivated to achieve your dreams, cheeckout our top inspirational stories.Whether you are training or working of a better career,motivation to work towards your goals is something that evades usall from time to time. However, pushing through those low points isintegral to ensuring success.Collection of quotes together to help you stay motivated andfocused.All we have to do is stay motivated and keep acting on ourgoals.Read on to find the words of wisdom that will inspire yourheart, motivate your mind in building your business, leading yourlife, creating success, achieving your goals, and overcoming yourfears.Take a moment to browse around, grab your favorite beverage andbask in the warmth of these beautiful stories. Take away a lesson,some inspiration and let yourself believe that you have the fullright to go after your heart’s desires and dreams!This is also perfect you want to develop reading habit (therecannot be a better start than with inspirational short stories),but at the same time it's for everyone from intense to casualreaders.**features:# Collection of top motivation stories of all time# Share your favorite short story with your friends/family, Sharegreat stories with family and friends. Share on Whatsapp, Facebookor Gmail.# Keeps track of read and unread stories, and sortaccordingly.# Notification of the storie of the day# Widget option# Submit a short story and it will be published in the nextrelease.# Contact developer directly from internal menu, for suggestions,feature requests, complaints,# Layout - Reading Modes# Font Sizes# Bookmarks (Create, Edit and Open)# Swipe Left, Right to turn pages# NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED.# FREE of Cost.This app will bring you very good experience while reading thisMotivational Stories.Thank you for trying out this beautiful short stories app. This appis free, and always will be. You won't see any ads either.
Christmas Pip Camera Frames 1.0
Christmas Pip Camera Frames is simple and easyto use application, with which you can create amazing Photo inPhoto effects by combining photo blur and other photo effects tothe christmas special photo frames.Celebrate this family holiday in the special way by addingbeautiful photo frames and pip camera to your awesome christmaspictures.How to use Xmas PIP Camera?1. Select Photo from Gallery or Camera.2. Select one of the many frames to apply.3. You can replace either background or front photo.4. You can apply different photo effects to either background orfront.5. You can zoom/move/resize the front photographs.6. You can save and share it with the world .withe christmas pip camera frames you can :✪ Try a brand new photo editor for Android for FREE!✪ Take selfie with your camera and apply christmas photo frames toit!✪ Rotate, scale, zoom in, zoom out or drag images with the bestselfie foto editing app!✪ Choose from various picture frames for baby pictures, photoframes christmas frames, kids frames, cartoon frames for kids andmany more!✪ You can also select a funky pic from your cool photo gallery,share it instantly,✪ Social share button – share your pics with your best friendsinstantly via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.Beautify your pics with the most amazing christmas photo effects.Make unique Christmas photo with your pics decorated with the mostbeautiful “merry christmas Photo Frames”. This free photo editingapplication is something you really need if you want to feel themagic of this wonderful holiday. So start the photo makeover andhave a wonderful time!Some Features:* Import photos from gallery or take from camera. You can chooseexisting photos in gallery by using the default gallery, or justcapture in camera mode. You can also use the default camera, or anyof the camera apps .*You can get photo in photo frame with default photo in frame.Numbers photo in photo frames with different shape and style tomake your photos in glass, hand, camera, board…Just apply the themethat you like.* You can set the photo frame with movement in the photo ineffects.* In PIP background photo will be blur and front photo will befocused .The photo in photo blur automatically, and the filters forbackground and foreground in Classic mode both can be changed.* More than 10 collage frames. The background also blurautomatically. Collage your photos with awesome magazine layoutsand frames to be the popular guy on the magazine cover.* More than 10 photo filters for decorating your photos.* You can apply the theme which you like to set the effects onyour photo in photo frame.* Save your images to SD cards.* Our Frame, Collage Library will be constantly updated, comeback often to download!*. Easily share the photo on Instagram, Twitter and Facebookwith your friends and share this wonderful photo editor app.Christmas Pip Camera Frames converts any photo intounforgettable memory with our amzing frames for Christmas and NewYear! Snowman, ornaments, gifts, Christmas trees, candy canes,Santa Clause and many more! Create your own Christmas mood andbring holiday joy to your pictures!
Valentines Love Frames 1.0
Free Valentines and love photo frames fordownload. Easy to use . Different beautiful love frames availablefor you to choose from and celebrate the valentine's day. Justselect any of the love collection of picture frames and shootlovely pictures with your loved one."Valentines Love Frames" bring to you, colorful, high qualityand more sensitivity on romantic photo frame.Valentines Love Frames create beautiful and funny pictures for yourloved one with multiple frames, hearts, wedding rings and lovephrases.Valentines Love Frames is the best gift to your boyfriend,girlfreind, wife, husbund, mom, dad ...to celebrate valentinesday.Photos with frames can be saved and shared through your socialmedia sites.Use the app to create beautiful romantic love pictures for yourromantic photo albums.---Features:---- New design 2016 with better looking graphics, very easy to usefor your valentine's day- HD Frames , quick to load and save data- Select Photo from gallery and editor or take a picture with yourcamera.- Add Free Text to the photo with many cute fonts, beautiful andcolorful styles- Awesome filter to create unforgettable images.- Beautiful background, smart margin and orientation.- Free app- Import photos from gallery or take from camera. You can chooseexisting photos in gallery by using the default gallery, or justcapture in camera mode. You can also use the default camera, or anyof the camera apps .- You can get photo in photo frame with default photo in frame.Numbers photo in photo frames with different shape and style tomake your photos in glass, hand, camera, board…Just apply the themethat you like.- You can set the photo frame with movement in the photo ineffects.- In PIP background photo will be blur and front photo will befocused .The photo in photo blur automatically, and the filters forbackground and foreground in Classic mode both can bechanged.- More than 10 collage frames. The background also blurautomatically. Collage your photos with awesome magazine layoutsand frames to be the popular guy on the magazine cover.- More than 20 beatiful photo filters for decorating yourphotos.- You can apply the theme which you like to set the effects on yourphoto in photo frame.- Save your images to SD cards.- Our Frame, Collage Library will be constantly updated, come backoften to download!- No internet connection requires.- Easily share the photo on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook withyour friends and share this wonderful photo editor app.- love photo frames does not require internet connection.- love photo frames is completely free download.--How to use--- Import photos from gallery or take from camera. You can chooseexisting photos in gallery by using the default gallery, or justcapture in camera mode. You can also use the default camera, or anyof the camera apps .- You can get photo in photo frame with default photo in frame.Numbers photo in photo frames with different shape and style tomake your photos in glass, hand, camera, board…Just apply the themethat you like.- You can set the photo frame with movement in the photo ineffects.- Add text to your photo .- Save it in the sd card or share it in facebook,instagram...Download now the app its Free , and express your love towardssomeone special with a beautiful frame. With crisp HD add eleganceto adds chic crystal tunable beautiful rainbow to frame yourvalentine ready for the special day of love. We offer to you Can bedownloaded for free and can be used easily.
Jumping Circle 3D 1.2
Jumping Circle 3D is one of the bestarcadegames as its game play is very addictive. In Jumping Circle3D youcan move the circle or ring by tapping over the screen, themoreaccurately you tap the better you score.The Lines are not always straight in this game, there are somezigzag and multiple lines path also which makes this aperfectgame.Try to cross zig zag path by tapping over the screen accuratelyatperfect time so that circle can pass through those line. Therearemany other rings too, which you can unlock by collectingmaximumnumber of diamonds.Make this Flappy circle jump !The rules of this game is very simple Tap on the screen to makethecircle jump and avoid contact with the line. There are manycirclesto be unlocked so keep playing and avoid touching theline.***How to play***-Just tap the screen to make circle jump on the line,andavoidhitting the line!-Collect diamonds***Game Features***• circle and ring game• Zig zag path• Google play game services leader board to contest with friendsandfamily• A perfect entertainer• This game is faster and FREE.• Beat your highscore.• Best jump game-Download free now ,Enjoy and have fun.Be careful, this game is very addicted.
Automatic Call Recorder Pro 1.1
Have you ever had an important phone callandneeded to take a memo?Call Recorder Automatic offers unique set of features whichwillallow you to record any call automatically. You can listen totherecorded call at any time in MP3 High Audio Quality or sync itwithlinked Dropbox account automatically.Automatic Call recorder is a free call recorder application.Itis one of the best call recorders in the Play Store and offerstonsof features .With Call Recorder Automatic application has an abilityto:- Enable/Disable call recording- records all your phone calls- Play/Stop recorded audio by touch on the item- Delete recorded items- Lock recorded items to prevent from auto-cleaning- Search- grouping recordings by date- Auto delete old recordings- Marking recordings as important so they don't getautodeleted- Multi select, delete, send- Displaying contact name and numbers- Excluded numbers- Lots of recording formats- Ability start delayed recording- And many more...- Configure automatic cleaning – Can also set the Auto Cleaningtimefor recording.- Confirmation dialog: Would you like to keep recorded call thatisshown just after the call End.- Useful for Secret Call Recording- Completely free no hidden charges.- App does not transfer any content outside your mobile.Automatic Call Recorder ProCall Recorder is the easiest way to record any phone call onyourandroid phone.- Record phone calls from your phone- Save your recordings on your SD card- Record both incoming and outgoing callsHere are some of the cases you might want to use AutomaticCallRecorder Pro for:- Record important calls and save them for future reference- Record a conference call with your co-workers and can furtherusethis voice note as a reference document- Interviewing someone over the phone? Call Recorder helpsincapturing all the details and store the same as voice notefor your future reference- Use it on the road to capture important calls and save its.This application is very useful and good application torecordsincoming and outgoing calls. All recorded calls in MP3 andsharewith friends and family.Do not use Call Recorder Automatic in conjunction with othercallrecorders and try different recording formats(ogg,3gp,mp4,wav) tofind best one for your phone.
10 Exos Quotidien Entraînement 1.0
10 Exos Quotidien Entraînement fait partiedesapplications Exercices Quotidien qui propose 10 exercicesrapideset efficaces chaque jours pour les hommes et les femmes pourlamaison. Ces exercices ont été réalisés avec desentraineurscertifiés, pour cibler la majorité des muscles.Si vous voulez perdre du poids, avoir un ventre plat, obtenirlecorps de rêve. se il vous plaît essayer de notre 10 ExosQuotidienEntraînement, il vous aidera à renforcer les abdominaux,et lesautres muscles aussi avec des vidéos et images sur lafaçond'effectuer chaque exercice.Passer quelques minutes par jour peut augmenter votre forceettonifier votre corps avec des entraînements les plus adaptésauxgens ordinaires comme vous et moi, vous pouvez les fairepartout,cela ne prend que quelques minutes.La simple interface de l’entrainement est accompagnéed’uneminuterie, de vidéos et images pour vous permettre decomprendre etsuivre facilement chaque exercice. Sélectionnezsimplement votreentrainement et suivez-le !Cela ne prend que quelques minutes, avec 10 exercices de 30 a60secondes et des pauses de 30secondes entre chaque. Vousn’avezbesoin que d’une chaise et d’un mur, faites le circuit 2-3foisselon le temps que vous avez.Caractéristiques :• Plus d’entrainement• Fonctionnalité aléatoire et personnalisé pour lesentrainementsjournaliers• Ajuste la durée du circuit selon votre situation ;• Cibler la majorité des muscles.• Ajuste le temps de pause ;• L’écran reste allumé pendant l’entraînement ;• Beaux caractères et design de l’IU ;• Possibilité de faire une pause, ou passer à l’exercice suivantouprécédent ; Alerte pour l’entraînement quotidien ;• GratuiCet entrainement et conçu pour perdre du ventre ou de lagraisse,muscler vos abdos et avoir un ventre plat et les autresmusclesaussi .Cette application gratuite est financée par la publicitécontenuededans et comporte quelques limitations. Essayez-là etayez deparfaits Muscles .Exos 10 Daily Drive isoneof the applications Daily Exercises that offers 10 quickandeffective exercises each day for men and women for the home.Theseexercises were carried out with certified trainers to targetthemajority of muscles.If you want to lose weight, have a flat stomach, get thedreambody. please try our Exos 10 Daily Drive, it will helpstrengthenthe abdominal and other muscles as with videos andpictures on howto perform each exercise.Spending a few minutes a day can increase your strength andtoneyour body with the most appropriate training to ordinarypeoplelike you and me, you can do them anywhere, it only takes afewminutes.The simple training interface is accompanied by a timer,videoand images to help you understand and easily follow eachexercise.Simply select your drive and follow it!It only takes a few minutes, with 10 years of 30 to 60secondsand 30 seconds of pause between each. You need is a chairand awall, made the circuit 2-3 times depending on the timeyouhave.Characteristics :• More training• Random and custom functionality for daily workouts• Adjust the length of the circuit according toyoursituation;• Targeting the majority of muscles.• Adjusts the pause time;• The screen stays on while training;• Fine character and design of the UI;• Ability to pause, or skip to the next or previous year; Alertforeveryday training;• complimentaryThis training designed to lose belly fat or fat, beef up yourabsand a flat stomach and other muscles as well.This free app is ad-supported and contained in it hassomelimitations. Try it and have perfect muscles.
3 Color Switch Jump 1.0
3 Color Switch Jump is a one-touch arcadewhereyou have to Tap a Ball to Jump up.And The ball can only crosseachobstacle with the same color. Collect all of the stars tocollectscore. Don't cross the ball with the wrong color or youwill lose.How to play :- Press the ball carefully through every obstacle and your ballwillswitch colors when you hit a color circle.- You should follow the pattern of colors on every obstacletocross!- Be careful to not pass the wrong color, or you would have tostartagain.-Every times you collect a power-ups the ball switch color, youjusthave to follow the pattern to cross the circle or thetriangle.There's only 3 color on the game every time you switchthecolor.The objective of 3 Color Switch Jump is quite simple; you needtoget the ball from one end of the action to the other. However,itcan’t be that easy, and it isn’t. In between the start andendpoints, there are many different types of obstacles that theballneeds to pass through like cercles, lines, triangles anddifferentgeometry stuffs .These obstacles are colour coded, which means that the ball canonlypass through the part of the obstacle where the color of theballmatches the Color of the obstacle.If you try to pass throughat anyother Color point you will explode, and you’ll have to startoveragain. You need to successfully pass the finish line in ordertofinish the level.Color Switch is a fun and challenging colour puzzle game. Itisone of those games where you get frustrated if you get stuck,yetyou will continue to play for hours until you beat the hightscore.Then the cycle starts all over again on the next level.Resistanceis futile!This is the best color switcher game you will ever play.Fun and addictive this coloring game will make start playingthegame over and over.Download it now it is free.
خدعة تحطيم شاشة الهاتف 1.0
استمتع بخداع اصدقائك ومفاجئتهم مع تطبيقBrokenScreen - Crack Screen العربي مقلب و خدعة كسر الشاشة الذييوهمهم انالشاشة قد كسرت حقا.يمكنك هذا التطبيق من تنفيذ خدعة كسر الشاشة المعروف فقط قمبتشغيلالتطبيق تم إضعط على شاشة الجهاز وستظهر شاشتك وكأنها مكسورةتنويه: هذا التطبيق هو مزحة ممتعة , للاستمتاع به مع اهلكواصدقائك,لن يقوم التطبيق بكسر شاشتك بالحقيقة.اخدع اصدقائك وفاجئهم مع تطبيق خدعة الشاشة المكسورة الذي يوهمهمانالشاشة قد كسرت حقا.فقط قم بهز او رج هاتفك الجوال حتى توهمهم بكسر الشاشة نعم سوفتظهرصور واصوات كسر تبدو حقيقية وواقعية ثم قم برج هاتفك مرة اخرىلاصلاحالشاشة واستمر بالمزاح مع اصدقائك.كيفية الاستحدام:1- اضغط على زر " اختيار " في الشاشة الرئيسية2- هز او رج جوالك3- الان الخدعة حصلت سيبدو جوالك مكسورا4- الان هز جوالك مرة اخرى ليرجع الى حالته الطبيعية ويصلحخصائص تطبيق الشاشة المكسورة :-اختيار بين صورة او اكثر من انواع الكسر المختلفة-امكانية تعديل حساسية الهز (خفيف, متوسط, قوي) سواء للكسراوللاصلاح-التحكم بمستوى الصوت وتشغيل وايقاف الاهتزاز- بإمكانك استخدام الهاتف لاستقبال المكالمات ولعب الألعاب وشاشتكمازالت مكسورة- بإمكانك التحكم بعدد الهزات اللازمة ليتم الكسر وكذلك عددالهزاتللإصلاح- بإمكانك توقيت تنفيذ خدعة الكسر بعد فترة زمنية معينة للمزيدمنالمتعة-اختيار بين صورة او اكثر من انواع الكسر المختلفة-امكانية تعديل حساسية الهز سواء للكسر او للاصلاحكسر الشاشة - تصدع مزحة هو التطبيق سخيف نكتة الذي يحاكيشاشةالهاتف المحمول مكسورة.مرحبا بكم في كسر الشاشة - تصدع مزحة. أفضل تأثير الشاشة الكراكلكسرشاشة الهاتف المحمول وصدمة الأصدقاء. زجاج الشاشة أو LCD معالكراكالمكسور شفاف على قمة اللعبة، وورق الجدران أو قفل الشاشةالخاصة بكمع هذه الشاشة كسر مزحة التطبيق.الهاتف كاندي الشرق الشاشة الكامل الخاص بك. ميشيل تدفعهشاشاتالشقوق.كما يمكنك اختيار صحيح ما الكثير من المرح مع ✰✰ هل هذاالتطبيق.هذا التطبيق يوفر لك أكبر الصور واقعية تبحث من تصدع، شاشاتالمكسورةويعرض.هذا التطبيق هو عبارة عن مزحة joke ممتعة للاستمتاع به معاهلكواصدقائك لن يقوم هذا التطبيق بكسر شاشتك بالفعل.استمتع بوقتك واخدع اصدقائك مع هذا التطبيق الممتع. .Enjoy your friendsanddeceiving Mphajithm with the application of Broken Screen -CrackScreen Arab Mold trick and broke the screen that Iwamanm thatthescreen has really broken.You can implement this application of the trick to break thescreen,known only run the application has been Adatt on the screenof thedevice and the screen will appear as if it is brokenDisclaimer: This application is a joke fun, to enjoy it withyourfamily and friends, the application will not break the screenthetruth.Deceiving your friends and Vajihm with the application of thebrokenscreen trick which Iwamanm that the screen has reallybroken.Just shake or shake your mobile phone even Tohmanm brokenscreenYES will show images and voices breaking look real andrealistic,and then your phone tower again to fix the screen andcontinued tojest with your friends.How Alasthaddam:1. Click on the "Select" button on the main screen2. shaking or shaking your mobile phone3. Now the trick will look like your mobile phone got broken4. now shaking your mobile phone again to return to normalandfitBroken screen application characteristics:-achtaar Between one or more images of different typesoffractureThe possibility of modifying the sensitivity of shaking(mild,medium, strong), whether or break for reform-Controlling Level of sound and vibration and to stop the run- You can use the phone to receive calls and play games andthescreen is still broken- You can control the number of shocks needed to be broken, aswellas the number of tremors reform- You can trick the timing of implementation of breakage afteracertain period of time for more fun-achtaar Between one or more images of different typesoffractureThe possibility of modifying the sensitivity of shaking eitherforor break reformBreaking the screen - cracked a joke is a joke sillyapplicationthat simulates a broken mobile phone screen.Hello to break the screen - cracked a joke. Best Screen influenceofcrack to break the mobile phone screen and shock friends. ScreenLCDwith glass or transparent broken crack on top of the game,wallpaperor your lock screen with this screen break prankapplication.Phone Candy Middle your full screen. Michel paycracksscreens.You can also choose what is true a lot of fun with ✰✰ Isthisapplication.This application provides you more realistic looking imagesofcracked, broken screens and displays.This application is a joke joke fun to enjoy it with yourfamilyand your friends will not this application already brokenyourscreen.Enjoy your time and deceive your friends with this fun app. .
شهيوات رمضان 2016 1.4
تطبيق يحتوي على العديد من الوصفات رمضانيةالمغربية, حملي التطبيق وزيني مائدتك و ابهري عائلتك بأشهى المأكولات. يعمل بون انترنت.الأن يمكنك توفير الكثير من الوقت والجهد في البحث عن وصفات رمضانسهلة ومميزة، ولن تعد بحاجة إلى شراء كتب الطبخ، كل ماتحتاجه هو هذاالتطبيق المجاني!شهيوات مغربية معاصرة تضم أشهى وأشهر الأطباق المغربية الأصيلةوالعصرية الجديدة.هذا التطبيق موسوعة للطبخ المغربي والعربي حيث يحتوي على ازيد من 100وصفة مغربية بالصور وتعمل بدون انترنت و مجربة وسهلة التحضير في البيتوتحتوي على : مقبلات , عصائر , شوربات , صلصات , سلطات , حلوياتمغربية , طرطات وصفات نباتية , وصفات رئيسيةكما يمكنكم من معرفة طريقة تحضير اكلات و حلويات مغربية للفطور والسحور من بسطيلة و حريرة و بريوات و مسمن و شباكية و معجنات و مملحاتو بيتزا مغربية و عصائرو الكريب والشاورمة تعجب الكبار و الاطفال دونالولوج للانترنيت هده الوصفات مجربة و ناجحة مستوحات من عدة مصادركشهيوات شميشة و ريحانة كمال و رشيدة امهاوش و الشيف نادية.نقدم لكي سيدتي وصفات رمضانية (wassafat ramadan) رائعة ومغذية وسهلةالتحضير وفي متناول الجميع ، مناسبة جدا لشهر رمضان المعظم، يمكنتناولها في الفطور والسحور.(chhiwat ramadan)المميزات:✓ يمكنك البحث عن وصفة معينة✓ يمكن أن يعمل بدون انترنت✓ سهل الإستخدام لجميع أفراد الأسرة- وضوح االكتابه- تصميم عصري و جميل- وصفات بالصور- chhiwat lala moulati 2016 امكانية البحث عن وصفة من وصفات شهيواتللا مولاتي المجربة في قاعدة البيانات- يمكن أن تعمل بدون انترنتالأن يمكنك توفير الكثير من الوقت والجهد في البحث عن وصفات رمضانسهلة ومميزة، ولن تعد بحاجة إلى شراء كتب الطبخ، كل ماتحتاجه هو هذاالتطبيق المجاني!ارجو تقييم التطبيق من أجل دعمنا وإستمرارنااكلات رمضانية حلوياتحلويات رمضاناكلات بالصور حلوياتاكلات حلويات بالصورمطبخ منال حلوياتاكلات و حلوياتحلوىات رمضانطبخات رمضاناكلات جديدة 2016طرق اكلات جديدةالاكلات الرمضانيةوصفات طبخ منال العالموصفات طبخ مصريةعالم الطبخ بالصورمنال العالم مطبخموقع مطبخ منال العالماكلات رمضان 2014اكلات متنوعة بالصورمعجنات رمضانيةطبخ منالمعجنات رمضان بالصورطبخات حلوياتاكلات رمضانية مصريةوصفات مطبخ منال العالمطبخات رمضانوصفات رمضان بالصورحلويات رمضان بالصوراكلات رمضانية بالصوروصفات رمضانية بالصورأطباق رمضانحلويات رمضاناكلات منال العالم بالصوروصفات منال العالم بالصوراكلات سريعة وسهلة بالصورطبخات سريعة بالصوروصفات طبخ سريعةاكلات لرمضانمطبخ رمضان 2015اكلات جديدة للعشاءمطبخ منال عالممنا ل العا لمطبخ رمضان 2014طبخات رمضانية بالصوراكلات رمضانية جديدة بالصورأطباق رمضانيةمنال العالم في رمضان 2015اكلات خفيفة بالصورحلويات رمضانية سهلة بالصوراكلات جديدة وسريعةاكلات منال العالم الجديدهطبخات جديدة وسهلةمنال العالم طبخحلويات رمضانية بالصورأكلات رمضان 2016حلويات رمضانيه سهله وسريعهوصفات رمضانية 2016اكلات سهلة وسريعة بالصوراكلات بسيطة وسهلةمنتديات طبخطبخ رمضانوصفات رمضانية سهلةاكلات سريعة وخفيفةاسهل الاكلاتسفرة رمضان بالصورحلويات رمضانيهاكلات سهلة بالصوراكلات رمضانية جديدة 2014طبخات جديدة بالصوراكلات سورية بالصوراكلات رمضانية عراقيةاطباق سريعةوصفات رمضان 2015اكلات خفيفة وسهلةاكلات عراقية رمضانيةاكلات شهيهأطباق رمضانية بالصورأطباق رمضانوصفات رمضانوصفات طبخ بالصور 2015اكلات جديدة بالصورمنال العالم رمضان 2015- مملحات 2016 حلويات مغربية سهلة- وصفات مملحات مغربية- معجنات وفطائر2016- بيتزا سهلة بدون انترنت- طريقة تحضير بيتزا رمضان- حرشة مغربية- طريقة تحضير وصفة للحلويات السهلة- وصفات المثلجات- وصفات الطبخ المغربي بالصور في رمضان- بسطيلة مغربية- بسطيلة الحوت- بسطيلة بالدجاج- اكلات سريعة التحضير- وصفات السمك- مسمن معمر- بريوات مغربية رمضان- بريوات معمرين- حريرة مغربية رمضان- شوربات مغربية رمضانية- شربات رمضان2016- شربات مغربية- عصائر مغربية رمضان- عصائر مغربية سهلة بدون انترنت- معجنات سهلة بدون انترنت- شباكية مغربية رمضان- حلوة شباكية وصفات- سلو مغربي- سلو رمضان- مقادير سلو- بريوش- عجينة البيتزا- عجينة اللاطفال- ملاوي مغربية- wasafate ramadane 2016- wasafat tabkh maghribia maroc- wasafat rachida amhawch- wasafat ramadan sans internet gratuit 2015- chhiwat rayhana kamal- chhiwat marocaine ramadania- chhiwat maghribiya sahla ramadan- chhiwat ramadan choumicha- recette de cuisine marocaine gratuitApplication contains manyrecipes Ramadan Moroccan, a local application and Zinni aortic yourtable and your family's meals. Bonn Internet works.Now you can save a lot of time and effort in the search forrecipes Ramadan easy and distinctive, and will not longer need tobuy cookbooks, each Matanajh is this free app! Shahyoat Moroccan contemporary includes delicious andauthentic Moroccan dishes months new and trendy.This application Encyclopedia for cooking Moroccan and Arab,containing more than 100 prescription Moroccan pictures and workswithout the Internet and tried-and-easy to prepare at homecontains: appetizers, juices, soups, sauces, salads, Moroccansweets, Tirtat recipes vegetarian, master recipesAs you know how to prepare cuisine and Moroccan sweets forbreakfast and Suhoor from pastilla and calories and briouat andfattened and chebakia and pastries and Mmlhat and Moroccan Pizzaand Asairo crape and Shawerma exclamation adults and childrenwithout access to the Internet this topic recipes proven andsuccessful Mistohat from several sources Kshahyoat Hmich and RehanaKamal and rational Amhaoh and chef Nadia. Offer to Madam recipes Ramadan (wassafat ramadan) wonderful,nutritious and easy to prepare and accessible to all, is verysuitable for the holy month of Ramadan, can be eaten in thebreakfast and Suhoor. 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وصفات تكبير و شد الصدر 2.2
البحث عن الجمال ، هو الهدف العديد من النساء .وترغب النساء في معرفة كيف يتم تكبير حجم الثدي طبيعياً.و بطيبعة الحال أصبحوا يبحثن عن العديد من السبل و الطرق السهلةللقيامبها و هذه الطرق لم تعد صعبة كما كانت تبدو.مشكلة كل فتاة هو مظهرها و جمالها وتخوفها من أراء الأخرين فيشكلهاولذلك إرتأينا عزيزتي أن نقدم لك مجموعة من الوصفات تبرز جمالك،و أهمعضو يبرز أنوثة الفتيات و النساء هو الثدي و الصدر، فحجم الثديو شكلهيلعب دورا أساسيا في جمال المرأة.ففي هذا التطبيق (وصفات لتكبير الثدي) تجدين جميع الوصفاتالمجربةللزيادة في حجم الصدر وتحسين شكله.cette application est publié pour les filles et les femmes;etpour vous donnez des recettes et wasafat takbir tadi et sadretaussi wasafat aljamal.وفهناك العديد من الطرق التي تساعد في زيادة حجم الثدي دون اللجوءإليعمليات جراحية حتي الجراحة نفسها أصبحت أقل خطورة مما كانت عليه،لذلك قد لا تحتاج إلي إستبعادها.و هناك العديد من التمارين و الأعشاب و المنتجات التي تساعدفيزيادة حجم الثدي.وصفات تكبير الثدي طبيعيا ، كل ما تريدين معرفته لتكبير وشدالصدراكتشفي طرق تكبير حجم ثديك !- ممارسة التمارين الرياضية و تناول الطعام- تناول طعام يحتوي علي المزيد من هرمون الأستروجين- الهورمونات المسؤلة عن حجم الثدي أثناء فترة البلوغل إمرأة او فتاة حلمها ان يكون لها جسم جذاب و منها نقول انهيجبالاهتمام بالجسم لانه من اساسيات جمال المرأة فالجسم من أكثر مايبرزجمالك لذا الجميع سيدتي إدا كنت تريد ان يصبح جسمك جميل يجبعليكتطبيق وصفات سهلة و سريعة لتكبير الصدر و المؤخرة و الارداف هنافيهذا التطبيقمميزات التطبيق:أطعمة لتكبير الأرداف و المؤخرة.وصفة الدكتور سعيد لتكبير الصدر.من أقوى خلطات شد الثدي.وصفة ممتازة وسهلة لتكبير الصدر المؤخرة و الأرداف.الوصفة المغربية لتكبير الصدر و الأرداف.الوصفة المغربية لتكبير المؤخرة.الوصفة المغربية لتكبير الصدر.تكبير الصدر بزيت الصبار.وصفة البصل السحرية لتكبير الثديين.وصفة جنين القمح لتكبير الثدي.وصفة تكبير الثديين بمكونات طبيعية.وصفة ممتازة وسهلة لتكبير الثديين.وصفة قوية لتكبير الصدر في أقصر مدة.خلطة السمك لتكبير الثديين.خلطة جنين القمح لتكبير الصدر.الوصفة السحرية لتكبير الثدي.الخلطة المغربية لتكبير الصدر.وصفة منزلية سهلة لتكبير المؤخرة.وصفة العتيبيات لتكبير الأرداف.الوصفة الصحراوية القوية لتكبير المؤخرة.زيت الحبة السوداء لتكبير المؤخرة و الصدر.أسهل وصفة لتكبير الصدر.وصفة هائلة لتكبير الثدي.مشروب ممتاز لتكبير الثديين.الوصفة السورية لتكبير الثديين.وصفة غريبة لتكبير الصدر.الخلطة المغربية الهائلة لتكبير الصدر.كريم البوريريا المدهش في تكبير الصدر.تكبير الثدي بالبطاطس الحلوة البرية.وصفة قشر الرمان لشد الصدر.خلطة من سوريا لتكبير الصدر.قويلبات صحراوية لتكبير المؤخرة.شد الثدي المترهل في أقصر مدة.وصفة حليب الصويا لتكبير الصدر و المؤخرة.وصفة شعبية ممتازة لتكبير المؤخرة.الزنجبيل و الخل لشد الثدي المترهل.شد الثديين بهلام الصبار.شد الصدر المترهل في أسبوعين.الخلطة السحرية لتكبير المؤخرةأكثر جمال- أكثر جادبية- أكثر اتارة_ برنامج زيادة الوزن بسرعة- وصفات طبيعية بسيطة لزيادة الوزن- طرق وصفات طبيعية لتكبير حجم الثدي بدون نت- طرق وتمارين تكبير الثدي الصدر والمؤخرة- برنامج تكبير وخلطات تسمين الوجه بسرعة- وصفات لتسمين الوجه الجسم- اسهل طريقة لزيادة الوزن- برنامج وطرق علاج النحافه- تمارين قياس وزيادة الطول- التداوي بالاعشاب- وصفات صحراوية لزيادة الوزن بسرعة بدون انترنيت- طريقة كيفية تكبير المؤخرة- وصفات تسمين الموخرة والساقين- العلاج بالماء بالفاكهة- الطب البديل- علاج النحافه وجبات دسمة وزياده الوزن- برنامج رياضة وتمارين تكبير الارداف الثدي- وصفات صحراوية طبيعية لتكبير الصدر المؤخرة الارداف✓ يمكنك البحث عن وصفة معين و بسهولة✓ يعمل بدون إنترنت✓ سهل الإستخدام لجميع أفراد الأسرة✓ التداوي بالاعشاب- وصفات صحراوية لزيادة الوزن-- وصفات زيادة الوزن مجربة- وصفات صحراوية لزيادة الوزن- وصفات طبيعية لزيادة الوزن- وصفات طبيعية لزيادة الوزن 2016- اكلات لزيادة الوزن- اكلات لزيادة الوزن بسرعة- وصفات لزيادة الوزن- اغذية لزيادة الوزن- علاج النحافة السريع_wasafat li ziyadat lwazn bisor3a- wasafat ziyadat sadr- takbir sadr, lmoakhira- takbir tady, al ardafالأن يمكنك توفير الكثير من الوقت في البحث عن وصفة معين و بسهولةولنتعد بحاجة إلى شراء اي من مصتحضرات كل ماتحتاجه هو هذاالتطبيقالمجاني!Find beauty, is thegoalof many women. And women would like to learn how to enlargebreastsize naturally.And Btaibah case are looking for many ways and easy ways to dothem,and these methods are no longer as difficult as it looked.Every girl problem is the appearance and beauty and fear oftheopinions of others in the form so we decided dear to provideyouwith a set of recipes highlight the beauty, and the mostimportantmember of the highlights femininity girls and women isbreast andchest size of breasts and the shape of playing a key rolein awoman's beauty.In this application (Recipes for breast enlargement)All-testedrecipes you find for an increase in the size of the chestandimproving its shape.cette application est publié pour les filles et les femmes;etpour vous donnez des recettes et wasafat takbir tadi et sadretaussi wasafat aljamal.And there are many ways to help increase breast sizewithoutresorting to surgery until the surgery itself has becomelessserious than it was, so you may not need to be excluded.There are many exercises and herbs and products that helptoincrease breast size.Recipes breast enlargement naturally, all I want to know inorderto enlarge and breast liftDiscover ways to enlarge the size of your breasts!- Exercise and eat- Eating food that contains more estrogen- The hormone responsible for a breast size during pubertyFor a woman or girl, her dream to have an attractive body andwhichsay that he should pay attention to the body because ofthefundamentals of a woman's beauty. The body of whatbeautyhighlights so everyone Madam If you do want to become abeautifulbody, you must apply the easy recipes and quick breastaugmentationand rear and more buttocks here in thisapplicationApplication features:Delicate buttock augmentation and rear.Dr. Saeed recipe for breast augmentation.Mixtures of the strongest breast lift.Excellent, easy recipe to enlarge the rear chest andbuttocks.Moroccan recipe to enlarge the chest and buttocks.Moroccan recipe to enlarge the rear.Moroccan recipe for breast augmentation.Breast augmentation oil cactus.Onions magical recipe for breast augmentation.Recipe wheat germ for breast enlargement.Recipe breast augmentation natural ingredients.Excellent and easy recipe for breast augmentation.Powerful prescription for breast augmentation in the shortestperiodof time.Mix the fish to enlarge breasts.Mix wheat germ for breast augmentation.Magic recipe for breast enlargement.Moroccan mixture of breast augmentation.Home recipe easy to enlarge the rear.Alotaibiat recipe for buttock augmentation.Strong prescription desert to enlarge the rear.Black seed oil to enlarge the rear and chest.The easiest recipe for breast augmentation.Recipe massive breast enlargement.Excellent drink for breast augmentation.Syrian recipe for breast augmentation.Strange recipe for breast augmentation.Moroccan mixture is enormous for breast augmentation.Karim Alboraraa amazing in breast augmentation.Breast augmentation wild sweet potatoes.Recipe pomegranate peel to flatten the chest.Mixture of Syria for breast augmentation.Qoalebatt desert to enlarge the rear.Breast lift sagging in the shortest period of time.Recipe soy milk for breast augmentation and rear.Popular recipe is excellent to enlarge the rear.Ginger and vinegar sagging breasts to flatten.Aloe vera gel tighten breasts.Breast lift sagging in two weeks.Magical mixture to enlarge the assMore beauty- More Jadbeh- More Atarh_ Increase the weight quickly program- Recipes simple natural to gain weight- Methods of natural recipes to enlarge breast size withouttheNet- Methods and breast enlargement exercises chest and backside- Enlarge the program and mixtures fatten quickly flip- Recipes for fattening Body Face- The easiest way to gain weight- Program and methods of treatment of thinness- Measuring the height increase exercises- Herbal- Recipes desert to gain weight quickly without Internet- Method of how to enlarge the ass- Recipes fattening Almukrh and legs- Treatment of water in fruits- Alternative Medicine- Treatment of thinness large meals and weight gain- Sport program and exercises buttock augmentation breast- Recipes desert natural breast augmentation rear buttocks✓ You can search for a particular recipe and easily✓ works without Internet✓ Easy to use for the whole family✓ Herbal- Recipes desert to gain weight-- Recipes overweight proven- Recipes desert to gain weight- Recipes for normal weight gain- Recipes for normal weight gain in 2016- European to gain weight- European to gain weight quickly- Recipes for weight gain- Food for weight gain- Treatment of rapid thinness_wasafat li ziyadat lwazn bisor3a- Wasafat ziyadat sadr- Takbir sadr, lmoakhira- Takbir tady, al ardafNow you can save a lot of time searching for a specific recipeandeasily and will not longer need to buy any of theMsthoudratMatanajh is all this free app!
Duck Fly 1.0
The game is endless running genre. It's afunnyDuck that run jump and fly over cliff to cliff and collectcoins tomaximize the score. Stones and banana peel will be theobstacles.Do you love The Birds ?! but This is not Brids this is forDucksand is not arcade or Action Game . so this game is whatyou'relooking for of course .it's Awesome "Ducks Fly " is a big fun adventure Game perfect forus.I'm a Blue DUCK- Avoid touching the obstacles, And falling as well.- Survive as long as possible by eating the biggest numberofStarsSo you could get to the highest score.- help the little duck to stay aliveyou've got nothing to do? you needsome game for fun? here you are! The yellow Duckis what you need for that mission.- the blue DUCK is an exciting game for playingit takes you to another level of entertainment whichisDefinitelyWhat everybody's looking for.Run and run and Tap Screen to jump over obstaclesandbananas.When the energy is full tap to fly your duck in the skyandovoid angry eagles in your way.Collect coins in your way and try to beat the hight score.::| FEATURES |::|- Free Game- Play for all ages- Easy to play- No Have Map- The Game is for Boys & Girls .- HD Graphics- High-quality graphics- Run, jump and fly in one game- Lightweight Game & High Speed character- The game is available to participate in FacebookBut is not available to participate in Twitter Or Vk .- The game works in tablettes & mobile smart phone .Play Now best duck games, in our game to find a nice placeduck,jump and fly and collect the coins and eat it Flying duck orDuckfly is nice game that you will have a funny time with ourDuckGameYou should avoid Blocks and bananas you find in your way soasnot to lose the life of the duck and lose You have to duck toreachhightest score . A fantastic game of games controls atthebeginning of her fame Be the first DownloaderDuck Life you must save it !=>Now Download Free this Duck Fly in your android phoneforshare it with your friends and family and get them addicted too.and this is completely a new adaption of Super Ducks Game thatkids& boys will love to play.
Smart TV Remote Control prank 1.3
Enjoy watching TV programs on your smart TVbutalways lose your Remote control? Always wasting money buying anewtv remote control? Not anymore! Why not using yourbelovedsmartphone that you always bring with you all the times tocontrolyour TV and other high-end media players in your house? Nowyourelax and control any smart televisions from your phone withthemost easy to use and fastest remote control for universal TVforAndroid.With Smart TV Remote Control prank :Easily switch between d-pad and touchpad modes to navigatecontentand play games on your Android TV device. Tap the mic tostart avoice search, or use the keyboard to input text onAndroidTV.To get started, connect your Android phone or tablet to thesamenetwork as your Android TV device or find your Android TVviabluetooth.Works with all Android TV devices.This Smart TV Remote Control prank for Android will help youtocontrol almost all kinds of TVs with ease by integratingAdvancedIR Blaster technology available on your phone to ensurethat theconnection to your TV are reliable and usable in anysituation. Inaddition, you can also connect using Wifi basedconnection in yourlocal network.You can also set the IP address of your TV by yourself tohelpyour smart TV to recognize your smartphone. IR Port is alsoaviablefor your phone to make connection to the television. Byusing allof these methods you will also be able to control yourhigh-end DVDplayers right from your phone using this professionaltv remotecontrol app. Please ensure that your smart TV and yourphone areconnected to the same network to work properly. If youyour TV isnot working with this app, please be patient and send usyour TVmodel so that we could make the app to support your model inthefuture update.Thanks for downloading this free app, now you can controlyourSmart TV with this Universal Remote Control TV, this is a verycoolAndroid application that allows you control your Televisionwithyour smartphone or tablet.With Remote Control for TV, you can control almost allTVs.westinghouse tv remote controlSupports Samsung, Panasonic, LG, Hitachi, Cable, DishNetwork,Vizio, Fujitsu, Sharp, Mitsubishi, Philips, Sony, 3M , JVC,DishNetwork, and many more TV modelsYour remote control for all channels, works as aUniversalRemote.How to use:1. Open the app and go to SettingsS2. Set your TV model and other options3. Go back to the remote controlThe operation is the same as the real TV remote.If your TV does not work, please email use your model and wewilltry to make sure it works in an update! Please be patient aswe tryto make this app compatible with as many apps aspossible.Free to download and use!You don't need to worry about fidning for your losttelevisionremote control anymore! This app will allow you tocontrol manykinds of popular smart TVs such as Samsung Smart TV,vizio SmartTV, and LG smart TV. Besides these, you will also beable tocontrol Panasonic Smart TV with ease. Enjoy controllinganytelevision from your Android phone.This is a prank app ..
New Call Recorder 1.0
Record any incoming and outgoing phone callyouwant and choose which calls you want to save. You can setwhichcalls are recorded and which are ignored. Listen to therecording.Save your recordings on your SD cardRecord both incoming and outgoing callsYour recorded calls can be:- Played on the phone.- Sent via email.- Transferred to your phone (.wav format).- Deleted.You can also set a title for each recording.With New call recorder 2016 you can :⦁ Records both incoming and outgoing calls.⦁ Unlimited Call Recording⦁ Record all your phone calls whether it is incomingoroutgoing.⦁ User can Enable/Disable call recording⦁ Play or Stop the recorded calls by single touch.⦁ Delete recorded call audios.⦁ Configure automatic cleaning – Can also set the Auto Cleaningtimefor recording.⦁ Confirmation dialog: Would you like to keep recorded call thatisshown just after the call End.⦁ Useful for Secret Call Recording.⦁ Completely free no hidden charges.⦁ App does not transfer any content outside your mobile.⦁ Automatic Call Recorder 2016⦁ Call Recorder is the easiest and fastest way to record phonecallson your android phone.Here are some of the cases you might want to use Call RecorderFreefor:✔ Record important calls and save them for future reference✔ Record a conference call with your co-workers and can furtherusethis voice note as a reference document✔ Interviewing someone over the phone? Call Recorder helpsincapturing all the details and store the same as voice notefor your future reference✔ Use it on the road to capture important callsApp Feature:✔ Just use Automatic Call Recorder FreeRecords both incoming and outgoing calls.✔ Unlimited Call Recording✔ Record all your phone calls whether it is incomingoroutgoing.✔ User can Enable/Disable call recording✔ Play or Stop the recorded calls by single touch.✔ Delete recorded call audios.✔ Configure automatic cleaning – Can also set the Auto Cleaningtimefor recording.✔ Confirmation dialog: Would you like to keep recorded call thatisshown just after the call End.✔ Useful for Secret Call Recording✔ Completely free no hidden charges.✔ App does not transfer any content outside your mobile.Your recorded calls can be:- Played on the phone.- Sent via email.- Transferred to your phone (.wav format).- Deleted.You can also set a title for each recording.Download Free New Call Recorder and enjoy recording yourcalls..
Smart Call Recorder 1.1
Smart Call Recorder is one of goodcallrecording application available in the market, itsautomaticallyrecords all incoming and outgoing calls.From now on, automatically record your phone calls.Do you still press the record button when you want to recordacall?Now, you can do smart recording automatically.What to do when you cannot remember what the other personsaidduring a call?Now, you can do smart recording automatically.Does someone not keep their promises made on the phone? Now,youcan do smart recording automatically.Use it when you cannot remember what was said on a call; whenyouwant to know exactly what was said; or when you want to hearthevoice of a loved one ,or to record a busniss phoneYour life will get smarter.Key Features :- Automatic Recording of All Incoming & OutgoingCalls.- Date wise Managed File List- Automatic E-Mail after each conversion.- No Limits of Number Calls.- Use as Spy Call Recorder- Share Via Bluetooth, Whatsapp, Email etc.- Search By Phone Number, Name, Date, Only Incoming, OnlyOutgoing,Only Mailed, Only Not MailedA very cool option alongwith this is that the user can;1. Play individual recordings at a later date2. Delete individual recordings after they have been used3. The user can send, individual recordings to othersthroughemail4. You can share the recordings with your friends orassociatesthrough Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox etc.
PIP Caméra Photo Editor Effect 1.0
PIP Camera Photo Editor Effect is a photoframeapplication used for set your photo in another photo framewith someamazing effective frames.With PIP Camera Photo editor Effect you can :allows you to make your photo in glass, hand, camera, boardandmore.the best free alternative for popular applications such asPIPCamera Effects and Funny Photo Effects.is very easy to use.create creative photos with blured background.Easily making your photo more stunning than other photo frames."PIP Camera Photo Editor Effect" is the best photo Frameforselfies! Make your photos extra fun with creative framesandcollage layouts!With this app sets your photo in another photo frame withsomecreative frames. Easily making your photo more stunning thanotherphoto frames.It is more powerful and more fun with theaddition ofthe new PIP frames mode.Some Features:* Import photos from gallery or take from camera. You canchooseexisting photos in gallery by using the default gallery, orjustcapture in camera mode. You can also use the default camera, oranyof the camera apps .*You can get photo in photo frame with default photo inframe.Numbers photo in photo frames with different shape and styletomake your photos in glass, hand, camera, board…Just apply thethemethat you like.* You can set the photo frame with movement in the photoineffects.* In PIP background photo will be blur and front photo willbefocused .The photo in photo blur automatically, and the filtersforbackground and foreground in Classic mode both can bechanged.* More than 10 collage frames. The background alsoblurautomatically. Collage your photos with awesome magazinelayoutsand frames to be the popular guy on the magazine cover.* More than 10 photo filters for decorating your photos.* You can apply the theme which you like to set the effectsonyour photo in photo frame.* Save your images to SD cards.* Our Frame, Collage Library will be constantly updated,comeback often to download!7. Easily share the photo on Instagram, Twitter and Facebookwithyour friends and share this wonderful photo editor app.
Real Horror & Scary Stories 1.0
"Real Horror & Scary Stories"applicationabout real horror stories and scary tales for kids andadults toread online. Some of the scariest stories you will everread,featuring urban legends and classic horror tales of creepyghosts,crazy murderers and other deadly things.Don’t read these alone, these are the most creepiest andspookyghost stories from all parts of the world .Stories are selected very carefully to make sure the readergetsshivers down the spine. Great resource for late nightstorytelling.Stories Of : Ghosts , Fantomes , Blood , witches , Black Cats,Ouija and a lot of other awful stories .Murders ...Be careful where you look, because something doesn't wantyouhere. Experience a true horror experience made for mobile.Our app has the scariest horror stories in the internet,thegreatest collection of real creepy tales and scarystories!• "If you found a bridge to the other side, would you crossit?Would you enter the realm of the dead, where tormented soulslivein eternal darkness?" - well, take your chance and downloadourapp.• You can find stories about the scary harvester reaping thelostsouls and his thirst for blood.• You can also find horror stories from the united states,Australiaand Germany.• Short horror stories and scary tales for kids and adults toread.Some of the scariest stories you will ever read, featuringurbanlegends and classic scary horror tales of creepy ghosts,crazymurderers and other deadly things.• Stories that you may never forget about.• Stories that can make stay awake at night• You'll be dreaming about the bloody harvesterFeatures:* Many scary stories!* Offline Reading; No Internet access required* Easy-to-use interface* It's completely FREE* Extensive library of Horror Stories* Beautifully designed and Easy-to-use interface* Regular updates and additions of new stories* Real horror storiesDownload this app for free and enjoy! For the full effect,readalone in the dark!And please, don't be shy to rate this app and give us yourfeedback:)
Power Bouncing Ball 1.0
Bounce the ball and avoid touching thespikes.Collect floating power ups to change the game's colors.Keep rolling and do as many jumps as you can!Just tap the screen and make up to jump and bounce beforetouchingthe ground again. Try not to hit the obstacles!How far can you go?jump,jump and jump with the most addictive ball game inthestore,power bouncing ball is a game inspired of the nokia bouncegame(likethe old day). role as bounce the ball. Try your best,it's notimpossible!Battle friends for the high score in this never-ending gameofgrabbing power-ups, taking down enemies and jumping as far asyoucan.The best addictive brain gamesvarious obstacle/trap will be the best control games to testyourcontrol.Note: power bouncing ball is best killing time game. You willnotstop the moment you begin. ※[Game Play Service]You can compete in social play with people all over the worldbyusing the Google plus ID.Do you have confidence to be the No.1 in the world?Simply touch the screen to jump your ball and avoid theobstacleto increase your score.**Control:Touch on the display and the ball jump.bouncy ball is a most simple game.You can feel the addictive nature of the best user simplicity,wedid a lot of effort**Features:- Insanely simple and addictive- Endless gameplay that never gets old- Exciting Physics Elements- Beat high scores with gamecenter support- Groovy Soundtrack- 100% free brain games- 100% free brain games- So many various item.
Mp3 Ringtones Maker 1.0
MP3 ringtone Maker Edit your music and cutthebest part of your audio song and save it asyourringtone/Alarm/Music File/Notification Tone.Make unlimited free ringtones with your playlist music onyourAndroid device, or record new ones easy.Make your own MP3 ringtones fast and easy with this all in onenewapp.**How to use :1.Select mp3/music from your mobile or from Recordings.2.Select area to be chopped from your audio.3.Save as ringtone/Music/Alarm/Notification.After you create the ringtone, there is a choice to assign ittoyour contact. If you choose this option, the ringtone maker needtoread your contact data and show them in the list, then youcanassign the new ringtone to somebody.Mp3 Ringtones Maker is the best free app createsringtone,alarms, and notifications from MP3, WAV,AAC(M4A)/MP4,3GPP/AMRfiles. You can set the start and ending notes by slidingarrowsalong the timeline, by pressing Start and End to record thepoint,or by typing in time stamps.And after that save it in yourcard SDor sets it as music, ringtone, alarm, or notification.**Features:♪ Supports MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR and most other music formats.♪ Record button at top left of app to record an audio/musicforediting.♪ An Inverted Red Triangle to Select and Edit Mp3/Music fromyourMobile/SD.♪ Option to delete (with confirmation alert) the createdTone.♪ Free to manage your ringtone files. Delete, Edit, setasringtone/Alarm/Notification Tone.♪ Ringtones may also be used for alarm clocks & contacts♪ View a scrollable waveform representation of the audio file at4zoom levels.♪ Set start & end for the audio clip, using an optionaltouchinterface.♪ Tap anywhere on the wave & the built♪in Music playerstartsplaying at that position.♪ Manually set the Start & End time(in seconds) by typingthevalues in text boxes at bottom of app.♪ Option to Name the new cut clip while saving it.♪ Set the new clip as default ringtone or assign to contacts,usingthis editor.♪ Share your audio files on facebook, whatsapp, gmail ...If music not show:Android system is very slow to update its music database. Youcanuse "Scan" menu of "ringtone maker" to force update, thenyou'llsee these music.Google Play Music can't be display, as Google Play Music hiddenitsmusic in special way. Other app can't access it.Download "Mp3 Ringtones Maker" app now and use this audiocutterfree of cost and make the best ringtone ever from youroldsongs.
Easy Call Blocker (And SMS) 2.0.2
With "Easy Call Blocker (And SMS)" nomoreunwanted calls and messages! blocker is the mosteffectivecall-blocking appBlock unwanted calls, MMS messages and text messages in a snap,withblocker.No more annoying and unwanted phone calls and texts! blocker isthemost effective call-blocking app for Android, blockingunwantedcalls, and letting you control your privacy and security.Phoneblocker is constantly working in the background, to blockunwantedcalls and text messages."Easy Call Blocker (And SMS)" is Easy and lightweight, itdoesnot consume any of your device's battery power. If you arelookingfor a call blocker or SMS spam filter, this application iswhat youneed.You can either block any caller or SMS from your contactslist,calls, and messages logs, or add unwanted numbermanually.Numbers from the blacklist are blocked quietly and without anysignsof a call.calls blacklist saves all blocked calls and SMS in a journal.Don'tworry, you will never lose any important call or message.Fully-featured Call blocker, blacklist app and Whitelistapp.Easily block anyone from calling, sending MMS or textingyou.Features:- Numbers blacklist (blocking of incoming calls and SMS).- Schedule.- whitelist (never blocked numbers).- Blocked caller and SMS journal.- Free app.- Blocking of anonymous (private) numbers.- Blocking countries numbers.- Blocking of unknown numbers.- Blocking numbers by prefix ("Begins with" option).- Blocking of all callers.- Blocking of all incoming SMS.- Notification of blocked calls and SMS (can be disabled inthesettings).- Enable and disable blocking by one click.- Loading blacklist from file.